Duel Giant and a Nightmare Duel

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It was late at night as the slifer trio was sleeping peacefully... well two of them at least

Dakota's Dreamscape

Dakota: Ugh great where the hell am I now

Dakota continued walking around until he saw something he never wanted to see... His friends hurt

Dakota: What the hell guys are you okay? What happened

None of them answered and Dakota saw something that caused his heart to drop

Dakota: JUDY!!!

Dakota ran towards Judy as she was still barely alive

Dakota: *worried* Judy come on say something

Judy: *weakly* Something

Dakota: Out of all the times you joke now

Judy: *weakly* Sorry I just thought you wanted to hear something funny from me one last time

After that was said Dakota practically had tears forming in his eyes

Dakota: No don't say that you promised you'd never leave, so don't leave dammit

Judy didn't speak as Dakota screamed in the air while he woke up gasping for air and having a cold sweat

Dakota: *breathing heavily* That's the same nightmare for 3 weeks in a row

Just then the gods appeared in their spirit form making sure Dakota was okay

Obelisk: Another nightmare

Dakota: No

Ra: The same nightmare

Dakota: Yeah

Slifer: You know you should really tell someone about these nightmares

Dakota: No way if tell anyone then they'll act like I need a night light or something

Ra: Probably, but staying the rest of the night while getting 6 hours of sleep 3 weeks in a row isn't healthy

Obelisk: Ra is right Dakota you should get some rest

Dakota: Ah I don't need it besides this allows me to get a head start on the day and sort my deck

It then shows Judy who was also awake as she heard the whole thing

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The slifer trio where walking out in the hallway

Judy: So Dakota did you get enough sleep last night

Dakota: Heh yep got a whole 8 hours and I'm fired up

Judy: Well your fire looks like a spark

Dakota lied about how much sleep he got, but Judy already knew he was lying, but she didn't bring it up yet. They were still walking in the hallway and overheard the obelisk blue's talking about something as Judy asked

Judy: Hey what's up

The obelisk's then looked at us and walked off

Judy: Is my breath that bad

Dakota: If it was would I do this

Dakota then quickly kissed Judy causing her to blush a little

Syrus: Lousy obelisk's talking behind our backs

Dakota: I think they were talking about the Duel Giant

Judy: Duel Giant?

Dakota: Yeah apparently he only duels at night and makes his opponents play with an ante rule where you put your strongest or rarest card

Syrus: Wait isn't that illegal?

Dakota: After Kiaba's battle city tournament it was that's why he only duels at night and he wears all the blue duel blazers of the obelisk's he's beaten

Meanwhile Crowler was walking down the same hallway on the opposite side also thinking about the Duel Giant

Crowler: *thoughts* What an absolute nightmare some rogue duelist making a mockery of my obelisk's... making a mockery of me *out loud to himself* and what's worse is this Duel Giant's breaking campus law with that ante rule if chancellor shepherd finds out about this I'll get fired *growls*

Crowler then notices the three slifer red rejects and came up with an idea

Crowler: Judy... wait that's it she could be the problem to my predicament

Crowler then happily walked over to the slifer's causing them to get defensive

Crowler: Oh Judy my girl

Syrus: He's being nice something's wrong

Crowler: How would you three like to have no homework for rest of the year

Dakota: No homework for the rest of the whole year... wait a minute what's the catch

Crowler: All you got to do is help me

Judy: Alright

Syrus: Wait help him with what

Crowler: Nothing really just going on a little field trip

Judy: I love field trips

Dakota: And I love grilled cheese, but it depends on who's serving them

Judy: So teach where's this field trip taking us

Crowler: Oh all around campus I need you to duel and ID the fellow holding these illegal duels you know the one they call him the Duel Giant I believe

Judy: Sure the one that's been kicking your dorms butt

Crowler: I... I don't keep track of such things good luck Judy

Crowler then walked off snickering to himself knowing what he did

Crowler: *thoughts* This is perfect Judy reports back to me with whoever this Duel Giant is I'll have them both expelled for illegal dueling I can't lose

It then shows the slifer trio again as Judy is pumped up

Judy: Alright let's find this dino-sized duelist

Syrus: Uh listen Judy is it to late to this is a bad idea

Judy: Hmm?

Dakota: Doesn't Crowler really not like us specifically you two more than me

Judy: He sure doesn't, but how could you pass up a free duel and no homework for a year besides only reason he doesn't hate you is because you're practically related to Seto Kiaba

Dakota: Well okay true plus I hate homework anyways so who could pass that up right Sy

Syrus: By simply saying no, so how are we going to find him

Judy: I don't know

Dakota: Beats me

Syrus: Wait so we don't even have a plan this is getting worse by the minute

Judy: Then let's get searching


The trio decided to take a break watching a duel for two reasons A. Judy thought it was interesting and B. She wanted Dakota to get some sleep considering how he barely got any

Syrus: Judy if keep taking brakes like this we're never going to find the Duel Giant

Judy: Oh come on Sy this is a really good duel *thought* and besides Dakota needs sleep I'm just wondering what his nightmare was that caused him to jump like that

During the duel Dakota was sleeping peacefully until he woke up in his dreamscape again

Dakota: Come on can get some sleep today

Just then Kidmodo dragon appeared in front of him

Dakota: Kidmodo dragon what are you doing here?

Kidmodo: *small roar*

Dakota: Man it's times like these where I wish I could speak dragon

???: Then allow us to translate

Dakota then turned around and blue-eyes and red-eyes standing behind him

Dakota: What's going on now guys

Blue-eyes: This isn't about something it's about you

Dakota: Me? What about me?!

Red-eyes: It's the repetitive nightmare that you've been having

Dakota: I don't want to talk about it

Blue: That's the problem you should talk about it

Dakota: Why so people can baby me

Red: Dakota this isn't just a normal nightmare and you know it you're just scared of it comes true

Blue: For once the red-eyed crack head is right

Red: Yeah... Hey!

Dakota: Ha me scared yeah right I ain't scared of nothing anymore

Red: You waking up in a cold sweat while gasping for air says otherwise

Blue: Dakota we know you don't want to admit, but down you know you're scared

Dakota then was woken up by Judy and pointed out that a Ra yellow leaving the duel stadium and showing hatred getting both Judy and Dakota's attention

Judy: Felt that too right

Dakota: Yeah

Bastion: So what's the crew up to these days

Dakota stood up and making a sword slaying pose

Dakota: We're giant hunting

Bastion: Giant hunting? Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that head of yours Dakota

Syrus: Well more specifically the Duel Giant you know the one that's been beating up the obelisk's

Bastion: Yes I heard of this Titan

Dakota: Speaking of Titans look

Dakota then pointed out the Ra yellow duelist walking to a enormous size Ra yellow

Judy: Seriously I mean look at the size of that guy

Bastion: Who Beauregard please he's no Duel Giant

Syrus: What are you talking about he's gigantic

Bastion: *laughs* But he's no duelist Sy he's at the academy to design games not play them I know him he can hardly duel

Syrus: Design games huh oh well

Dakota and Judy then ran down out the stadium as Syrus followed

Syrus: Hey wait up guys

They caught up to the two Ra's getting their attention too

Judy: Hey!

Dakota: Hold on!

Judy: Sorry it's just we couldn't wait till midnight to duel you

This surprised the two Ra's as the small one said there wasn't no Duel Giant causing them to go on a stake out with Dakota barely able to keep an eye open

Syrus: Judy are you really think the Giant is going to show up tonight

Judy: Shh! Not if we keep blabbing he won't

Dakota: *whispers* Look Judy you there's only 4 things I do with my mouth talk, eat, kiss you, or snore so if you got food or want a kiss then...

Before Dakota could speak they heard screaming as they ran they noticed it was one of the obelisk's from the stadium and went the way he pointed where the Giant was

Judy: Hold it caught ya big guy not so fast on your feet huh

Syrus: Uh Judy you know I don't think he has to be

Dakota: Well looks like it's time for to get fired up

Judy: Dakota no offense, but your in no condition to duel

Dakota: But...

Judy: Relax I'll duel him

Dakota: *sighs* Fine, but I think you're going to have to put a card up for grabs

Judy: Fine then put up Winged Kuriboh

Giant: So be it duelist

Giant: 4000 LP
Judy: 4000 LP

Judy: Get your game on

Giant: If you insist I summon Giant orc in attack mode

Judy: First move, first mistake see when Giant orc attacks he switches to defense mode that wouldn't be a problem except he has zero defense points

Giant: Make your move duelist

Judy: Alright I summon winged kuriboh in defense mode your move big guy

Giant: If you insist first I'll attack with Giant orc bone basher

Judy: Hope it was worth it cause now he switches to defense not that he has any

Giant: Not that he needs any I summon second goblin

Syrus: Wait he summoned him as a spell

Giant That's because once per turn I can treat him as a spell card a spell that allows my orc to switch from defense to offense

Syrus: To offense?!

Dakota: What's offensive is his face

Judy: Yeah couldn't you wrap a couple blazers around him, but hey if you won't do something about it well then I guess I'll have to with polymerization and I'll use it to fuse Elemental Hero Clayman and Burstinatrix to summon Rampart Blaster and I'll place her in defense mode, but that doesn't mean I don't get to play her special ability that deals you damage that's half of ramparts attack points

Giant: 3000 LP

As the smoke cleared the blazers blew off the giant revealing it to be Beauregard

Judy: Yep

Syrus: It's Beauregard

Dakota: I knew it, but where's the other half of this duel Giant

As Dakota mentioned this the little Ra came out from behind a rock

Ra: How'd you know it was me

Dakota: Please hiding as much frustration as you had during that duel isn't easy

Ra: But I lost that duel why would you think I would be the Duel Giant

Judy: Because we heard you were a great duelist only problem was you have stage fright

Dakota: So naturally when we saw this big guy was your friend it made sense that the Duel Giant only dueled at night

Judy: Not to mention an ear piece

Brier then wanted to continue the duel, but Judy wanted to as well as long as he dueled out in the open

Brier: I summon goblin king in attack mode

Judy: Zero attack points?

Brier: Not for long cause when I send a warrior monster I can summon a half goblin now goblin king gets a thousand attack and defense points for each fiend monster other then himself

Brier: Goblin King attack Rampart Blaster and Giant orc attack Judy directly

Judy: 1800 LP

As the duel continued Judy won the duel and let them go, but then remembered on how much homework we have to do tomorrow Syrus left to the dorm and Dakota was about to leave until Judy grabbed his arm getting his attention

Dakota: What's up Judy

Judy: I know you're lying about your sleep

Dakota: *surprised* What why would I lie about that

Judy: Because you don't want anyone to worry about you and I over heard you last night

Dakota just fell silent and turned around until Judy asked a question

Judy: What are you so afraid of that you want sleep

Dakota: *little irritated* I'm not afraid of anything just because I have a nightmare and don't want to sleep doesn't mean I'm afraid

Judy: Dakota you know deep down your afraid you just don't want to admit it, so please tell me why

Dakota finally decided to tell mostly so she can stop asking

Dakota: Fine, but you can't tell anyone

Judy: Okay fine

Dakota: I'm afraid of losing

Judy: You mean losing a duel

Dakota: NO I'm afraid of losing you back at the abandoned dorm when you were in that coffin I thought I wouldn't see you again

Judy: Is that why you didn't want me to duel

Dakota: Yeah

Judy laughed a little making Dakota confused until she hugged him

Judy: You dumb dragon you know you'll never lose me and even if my soul does get taken you'll get it back

Dakota: *sighs* Yeah you're right

They both left to the dorms and Dakota decided to sleep with Judy that night considering it's the only way he can sleep. The next day after the slifer trio finished all their homework Dakota had an idea and grabbed Syrus and Judy to shepherds office

Dakota: Uncle Kiaba I need to know if you still have those virtual pods

Kiaba: Yes, but why

Judy: Cause he wants to get rid of his...

Before Judy could finish Dakota covered her mouth as he finished her sentence

Dakota: Stress. Yeah with all that homework I had to do I need some game to relieve some stress

Kiaba then got out the pods and left as he did Dakota texted Alexis, Zane, and Bastion to arrive where they were and they did

Alexis: So what's up

Judy: Hey guys

Syrus: Zane what are you doing here

Zane: Dakota texted me plus I had nothing better to do

Dakota: Okay everyone with a few modifications I made these pods will send our consciousness into my mind

Bastion: Why did you do that

Judy couldn't take any more and said why

Judy: Dakota's been having this repeating nightmares for wants to end it phew

Dakota: Well I was going to lie about it, but yeah that's it

Bastion: Wait why are there 3 pods and 6 of us

Dakota: I'm glad you asked Bastion of course I'm going to be in one, but two of you are coming with me while the other 3 activate the pods

Alexis: So who's going with you

Dakota: Simple me, Judy, and you syrus

Syrus: Wait why not bastion

Dakota: Because he's the smart one and can probably control this thing without a manual, so let's get going my fellow mind invaders

Judy: Well let's get going

The three slifer's got in the pods and Dakota said one more thing before he told bastion to turn it on

Dakota: The blue button is to see what we see on that monitor now turn it on Bastion

Bastion: Alright then

Bastion then turned on the machine causing the three to be transported in Dakota's mind

Syrus: Woah where are we

Dakota: In my mind, but more specifically I'd say Metal valley

Syrus: Why call it...

Before Syrus finished a blast of heavy metal music went off

Judy: I knew you listened to Three Days Grace

The three then continued walking through Dakota's mind until they saw what was next

Dakota: God dammit

Judy: You really think that much of me?

Dakota: Yes

What was in front of them was a room filled with Judy with different personalities

Syrus: I don't know if I should be scared or nervous

Dakota: Just be careful around the purple Judy she's the lustful one

After running in and out of the room Dakota was pulling his pants up while Syrus was trying to get the lip stick off his face

Dakota: Man purple Judy really wanted to go all out

Syrus: So you're not upset she was kissing me

Dakota: Purple Judy has a lot of kinks and fetishes Syrus

Judy: Let's just continue

They all kept walking until they got to a door that was pretty worn down

Dakota: Well this is it the place where all my nightmares are

Judy: Are you sure you want to do this

Dakota: If I don't I probably won't ever sleep again

Syrus: Well let's just get this over with

They all walked in the room seeing everyone of Dakota's nightmares, but Dakota didn't seem bothered by them

Syrus: Say Dakota you said this was your nightmare room, but why don't you look scared

Dakota: Because these are past fears Syrus there's only one I'm taking care of

The other three are watching the monitor seeing the room until it landed on a specific part of the room getting everyone's attention

Syrus: Please tell me that isn't us

Dakota: This is what I've been dealing with for 3 weeks Syrus

The nightmare then faded, but shaped into a figure Dakota and Judy knew to well it was his younger self

Y Dakota: So you decided to end this nightmare

Dakota: Yeah and I'll stop you as well

Out of no where duel disks appeared on their arms as well as their decks

Y Dakota: This will be easy after all we have the same deck

Dakota: Not completely


Young Dakota: 4000 LP
Dakota: 4000 LP

Y Dakota: I'll start by summoning Ruby dragon in attack mode and I'll place one card face down your move

Dakota: Thanks

Dakota looked at his hand and saw Alexandrite dragon, curse of dragon, dragon treasure, mountain, shadow spell, and drew hinotama

Dakota: Alright how's this for a move I activate the field spell mountain giving both our dragons 200 extra attack and defense points and now I summon Alexandrite dragon, now attack his ruby dragon

Y Dakota: 3600 LP

Dakota: Next I'll place three cards face down

Y Dakota: Grr fine I summon luster dragon in attack mode now I'll activate my face down hinotama dealing you 500 points of damage and I place one card face down and end my turn

Dakota: 3500 LP

Dakota: Alright my move and I summon curse of dragon in attack mode and now I activate card of sanctity letting us draw until we have 6 cards, now curse of dragon attack luster dragon

Y Dakota: 3400 LP

Dakota: Now Alexandrite dragon attack him directly

Y Dakota: 1200 LP

Dakota: And for the hell of it I activate my hinotama card

Y Dakota: 700 LP

Dakota: I'll end my turn here

Y Dakota: Grrrr I won't lose that easy I activate dian keto the cure master and poison of the old man give me 1200 life points

Y Dakota: 2900 LP

Y Dakota: Now I activate polymerization fusing my two blue eyes to summon Blue-eyes Twin Burst Dragon and I hope you know his special ability, now destroy curse of dragon

Dakota: 2500 LP

Y Dakota: Now attack his Alexandrite dragon

Dakota: 1500 LP

Dakota: Heh nice try, but I'm still standing and this is it. My move I play one card face down and activate Card destruction meaning we both discard are hand and draw the number of cards we had

Dakota: Now I activate my face down Graveyard Fusion

This got everyone's attention seeing this for the first time

Syrus: What does that do

Judy: Probably what it says

Dakota: I told you are decks aren't fully the same and instead of me banishing my monsters that fuse with this card they go back to my deck

Y Dakota: WHAT?!

Dakota: Prepare to witness a true nightmare I fuse all my dragons in my graveyard to summon the scariest dragon of all

Dakota: With eyes that hold murderous intent and claws and fangs as sharp as daggers and skin as dark as the void I fusion summon the NIGHTMARE DRAGON

Just then a dragon appeared on Dakota's side of the field towering over blue-eyes

Y Dakota: Ha big deal that thing has no attack or defense

Dakota: That's where your wrong cause now his ability kicks in he gains the total attack points for every dragon I used to fuse him with. That's 2 red-eyes, 2 blue-eyes, red-eyes darkness metal dragon, Alexandrite dragon, and curse of dragon

Y Dakota: That's 17,600 attack

Dakota: Plus the 200 bonus from mountain making it 17,800 and he has another ability when he's on the field and I have the same amount of monsters as my opponent he can attack your life points directly

Y Dakota: NANI?!

Dakota: Now nightmare dragon attack with nightmare slash

Y Dakota: 0 LP (overkill)

Dakota: It's over

The duel ended with Dakota winning and his younger self passing out and Dakota picked him up

Syrus: Um Dakota what are you doing

Dakota: He might of caused this nightmare, but can't let myself live here

Judy: Where are you taking him

Dakota: To my dreams Judy

The three then left the nightmare part of Dakota's mind and went to his dreams where he put his younger self there

Dakota: Alright bastion bring us back

Bastion then hit the red button bringing them back

Alexis: Looks like you got rid of your nightmare

Dakota: Well only one way to find and considering how I didn't sleep for three whole weeks night

Just like that Dakota fell forward on the ground and passed out causing everyone to look at him and let out a sigh

Next time on Dragon Emperor the slifer trio along with Alexis are on a stakeout to see who's been stealing from the cafeteria when they find out who it is Dakota needs to embrace his wild side to duel him and to see what's stronger the nature of the draw or the heart of the cards find out in Dragon Emperor: Nature vs Heart

Yes another chapter over 3000 words also hope you enjoy this chapter until then Guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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