Grave Risk

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It was late night and Syrus was waking up to go to the bathroom

Syrus: That's the last time I listen to Dakota about combining chili sauce and ice cream

Syrus was walking to the bathroom until he accidentally opened the door to banner's room

Syrus: Whoops this isn't the bathroom. Huh?

As Syrus was about to leave he overheard banner talking and decided to eavesdrop

???: You are not here to ask why. You are here to obey

Banner: But, Dakota and Judy are two of our best students they could be buried alive

Syrus: Buried?

???: If the tomb shall be the end of Judy Yuki and Dakota Wheeler then so be it, but they're true potential must be tested

After hearing that Syrus slowly closed the door and backed up thinking

Syrus: *thoughts* Tested? In a tomb? Where they can be buried alive?! Something tells me this test isn't midterms

Meanwhile Dakota's family they were also going over this "test"

Mai: There's no way in hell I'm letting my baby take part in this

Joey: I'm with Mai on dis one especially since he finally met his real mom

Mokuba: Yeah, but even so he'll probably find a way even if he doesn't try it

Kaiba: True, but let's ask the pharaoh about this wouldn't you agree Yugi

Yugi: Yeah

Yugi's millennium puzzle glowed and the pharaoh was revealed

Yami: I overheard everything and I do agree with Joey and Mai however this will bring out his true dueling potential

Kaiba: So we let this happen then

Yami: Yes

Despite them hating it they all agreed to it

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

During class the Slifer trio were in banner's class while Judy was sleeping Syrus was paying attention while Dakota was half asleep

Banner: So as you can see class we can learn a great deal of dueling from alchemy. For just as you combine two monsters to create another, you can combine two compounds to create something equally impressive

As banner combined the two liquids there was a small, but loud explosion that caused Dakota to not only wake up fully, but fall out of his seat

Dakota: Aah

Dakota got back up to his seat along with grunting

Dakota: *grunts* Or something equally devastating

The bell rang signifying that class has ended along with waking up Judy

Judy: *stretches* Morning guys, so learn anything new

Both: Yeah to duck

Dakota: Also stay away from banner when he's doing alchemy

Banner then got up from the ground and spoke

Banner: Before you all go I'm... uh planning a little field trip

Judy: Great to where circus, carnival

Dakota: The beach

Banner: Even better we're taking a 10 mile hike all the way to the excavated ruins where we'll be taking geologic core samples! Saturday at 7 am don't be late

As Dakota was leaving class he got a text from his uncle saying "good luck on your trial" Dakota was confused at first, but ignored it


It then shows Banner along with the Slifer trio and Alexis

Banner: Only four where is everyone else

Syrus: They're probably sleeping Professor you know in there nice, warm beds with they're nice comfy pillows

Dakota: Yeah like me if Banner didn't threaten us with detention it's 7 in the morning I need my sleep I don't just wake up like this you know

Judy: I'll tell you what the secret is to getting up early is staying up all night long

Alexis: To tell you the truth I could hardly sleep either these ruins we're heading to use to host the shadow games

This got Dakota's attention

Dakota: Wait hold on are you telling me that we're heading to an ancient shadow game field

Alexis: Pretty much

Judy: That's great maybe you'll find some clues then you know about your brother

Alexis: Yeah that's kind of what I'm hoping for

Dakota: Oh yeah I almost forgot about that

Banner: Now we must be careful as we approach the ruins. Inside is an ancient tomb

After Syrus heard that he remembered what he heard last night and grabbed Judy and Dakota's attention

Syrus: Judy, Dakota can I talk to you guys for a second

Both: Okay

The three separated from the group to talk

Syrus: I think Banner wants to bury the both of you he was talking about that tomb and you two in it

Judy: Just because we were sleeping in class

Dakota: Does the school board know about this?

Syrus: Guys I heard him say it last night

Dakota: Sy please tell me you actually didn't have chili sauce mixed with ice cream and besides if that's true he'll have to duel us for that to happen. Right Judy

Judy: Yeah!

Banner: Okay everyone let's go

They both walked back to the group

Syrus: Don't say I didn't warn you guys

As they started hiking Dakota took this as an opportunity to free his wildness

Dakota: Woohoo! Hey guys look no hands haha

Everyone looked to see Dakota swinging vine to vine while also following the others

Alexis: Sometimes I wonder if you're more animal than human Dakota

Dakota: Well mom always did call me a wild child guess I just decided to embrace it

Slifers: Dakota look out!

Dakota: Huh?

Dakota then crashed into a tree while also falling in the middle of the group

Dakota: Ow! Then again she also always called me her danger child too

Syrus: Well that explains a lot

Banner then got they're attention

Banner: Oh look we're finally here

All: Woah

Banner: Isn't it just amazing

Judy: They look all ruined

Dakota: That's cause there ruins babe

Banner: It's beautiful you can still make out the faded remains of the oculus. Oh and the fastigium. No doubt inspired by amenemhet of saqqarah.

Syrus: He sure seems excited about some rocks

Dakota: Tell me about it, but I'm just glad we can sit down

Judy: Yeah and while we're at it how about we chow down

Banner: I don't see why not and then we'll hit a few cenotaphs, some caryatids, some sarcophaguses or is it sarcophagi

All: *grunts*

Banner: Hmm. No matter time to eat I just love pizza

Dakota: Huh? You get pizza while we're stuck with... whatever it is I'm holding

Banner: I'm your teacher I need a big meal to uh teach you all. Now let's see hmm that's funny I don't remember a fur topping on my pizza

Banner then pulled the fur topping which was revealed to be his cat pharaoh

Banner: You were supposed to stay at home not hitch a ride and eat my lunch. Maybe you could share your lunch with me

Dakota: Sorry we're your students we need these to learn

All: Hmph

Judy: Yeah like how you weren't going to share

Banner: But of course I was going to share

Alexis: Share what pepperoni breath

Banner: I have mints would anyone like a mint see I'm sharing

During the conversation pharaoh was scratching at something until it glowed green grabbing the others attention

Dakota: That's one powerful mint

They then look up to see three suns

Banner: Is anyone else seeing triplicate

Dakota: Oh good I thought I was on drugs or something

Judy: This is the most sweetest field trip ever

Syrus: Oh wow that's neato

During this winged Kuriboh and Kidmodo Dragon appeared on Judy and Dakota's shoulder

Kuriboh: *squeaking*

Kidmodo: *roaring*

Judy: *thought* What's that we should run

Dakota: *thought* Yeah I feel the danger too

Just then lighting struck down

Banner: Quick everyone head for cover

They all started to run

Banner: We'll find safety over in that sepulcher!

All: The what?!

Banner: The thing with the hole in it

All: Ohhhhhh

As the others ran in Judy stopped

Syrus: Come on

Banner: You must hurry

Alexis/Dakota: Judy

Judy: You guys stay in there I'll lead the storm away

Alexis: Judy!

Banner: What's she doing?!

Syrus: She's going nuts!

Dakota: Grr JUDY YUKI get back here now!

Dakota then ran after Judy then out of nowhere a flash of white appeared then showed Judy and Dakota at the ruins, but different

Dakota: Woah think we took a wrong turn

Kidmodo/Kuriboh: *roaring*/*squeaking*

Judy: You're right Kuriboh we're definitely not in Kansas anymore. Hey what's that

Dakota: It looks like the ruins only there not so ruined

Judy: We're in some wicked crazy dream Dakota

Dakota: Yeah too bad Kuriboh and Kidmodo can't pinch or bite us awake haha-yow

Kuriboh then pinched Judy's cheek and Kidmodo bit Dakota's leg

Judy: Ow what you sharpen those ever heard of a manicure 

Dakota: Ever heard of flossing before

Dakota: Wait a minute Kidmodo since when can I...

Judy: Feel you wow this is awesome

Female: This is sacred ground you must leave here immediately you are in grave danger

Judy: Wow. What dorm are those clothes from I want to join

Dakota: I don't think there from a dorm babe

The girl then grabbed Judy's and Dakota's arm and pinned them against a wall

Judy: Hey

Dakota: Wow why can't you be this dominant Judy

Female: Quiet or do you wish to share the other's fate

Both: What others?!

Female: Shh

Just then an army of people walked by them, but didn't notice them

Judy: They dress weirder than Dr.Crowler what's going on here

Dakota: Ha that's an understatement and I wish I had an answer

Female: I speak of the strangers who share your dresses they have been taken by the Gravekeeper Chief and will be punished for entering his most sacred tomb

Both: Punished?!

Dakota: Noway lady not on my watch they won't take us to them right now!

The girl looked at them until she saw two auras one that was a mix of black and purple and the second one resembling that of a raging fire

Female: So be it. You both been warned

They both followed the female and she asked a question

Female: So tell me strangers how did you arrive here

Judy: I'm Judy Yuki

Dakota: Names Dakota Wheeler and we don't even know where here is

Judy: But I bet it's somewhere you can get a great tan

The two Slifer's followed her to a room

Female: You both will stay here

Judy: No we won't we want to see our friends

Female: I will find them believe me if you're both found walking about you'll be of no use to them. I'll be back

She left and as time went on they both grew impatient

Judy: What's taking her so long is she ever going to come back

Dakota: Wait a sec what if she's working with this gravekeeper then we're all in trouble

Alexis: Someone help us!

They both heard some and knew who it was

Both: Alexis?!

They both pulled themselves up to look outside and saw Alexis with the others until something poked them

???: Get down

Dakota: You mean move towards thaw sharp object poking my ass

???: Now!

Judy: Alright, alright

Dakota: Geez ever heard of a hand shake

They both got down and multiple spears were pointed at them

Judy: Guess not. Ah where are our manners introductions first I'm Judy Yuki and this is Dakota Wheeler and your name would be

Chief: I am the Gravekeeper Chief and you have traversed upon the sacred tomb that I protect

Dakota: Hey sounds good to us pal, so why don't you let us get our friends downstairs and then we'll go back to the dimension we came from

Chief: That is not possible

Judy: But why not

Chief: Because fool tread upon my domain and you will be punished along with your friends

Dakota: Come on can't we just pay a fine or something

Chief: You cannot

Judy: Oh yeah then you can't point your spears at us

Just then they pointed they're spears at them only for Dakota to grab one and break it in half while talking in a serious tone

Dakota: Let. Us. Go. Now!

This shocked the others spear wielders while the chief chuckled

Chief: You show great spirit girl while you boy show a great fire that seems practically impossible to put out

Dakota: So what?!

Chief: So I'll pardon your trespasses given if you can survive my challenge what is your answer

Dakota: Depends

Judy: What's the challenge

The Chief then smirked and pulled out a duel deck

Both: A duel?!

Dakota: Now your speaking our language

Judy: You're on, but only if you pardon us and our friends too

Chief: So be it, if you win

Dakota: With our friends on the line there's no if about it WE'LL win

Chief: But if you don't then you'll be buried alive along with your friends

Both: What?!

The two Slifer's and the Chief activated their duel disks

Banner: Good luck you two we're all rooting for you very, very much so

Syrus: Judy!

Alexis: Come on Dakota save us

Dakota: Don't worry you'll all be fine as long as we beat this guy

Both: Alright get your game on/fired up!

Chief: Get my game on? Get fired up? What do you speak of

Judy: It's a figure of speech

Dakota: You know like slang

Chief: It's like slang?! How dare you speak to me with your rotten tongues of filthy serpents

All: Let's duel!

Chief: 4000 LP

Dakota/Judy: 8000 LP

Chief: My move I play a card face down thus ending my turn

Judy: And starting mine

Just then Winged Kuriboh appeared next to Judy

Judy: Hey Winged Kuriboh great to see you again pal now watch this. I summon elemental hero Bubbleman and he's got some pop cause when there's nothing else out I can draw two more cards

Judy drew and got Burstinatrix and Avian

Judy: Sweetness

Kuriboh: *Squeaking*

Judy: *thought* I hear ya with these two waiting in the wings it's only a matter of time before the wingman shows up *out loud* Alright next I'll throw down a face down and end my turn

Dakota: My move I draw! I summon Exploder Dragon in attack mode and place three cards face down and end my turn

Chief: I draw! I summon Gravekeepers Spear Solider in attack mode. I hope your bubbleman provided you with two good cards because already he's outmatched in battle and soon to be out numbered. I now flip in attack mode Gravekeepers Guard and his effect let's me return a monster that's out to its owners hand and the monster I choose is bubbleman

Judy: He's back

Chief: And now that you are unguarded, Judy I attack you directly. Gravekeepers Guard Blazing Blade Strike!

Judy/Dakota: 7000 LP

Dakota: You okay Judy

Judy: Yeah, but I felt that this is real

Just then the tops to the sarcophagus started closing

Banner: Hello no joke it's real

Chief: Now Gravekeepers Spear Solider wage your attack. Lunging Spear Assult!

Judy/Dakota: 5500 LP

Judy: Okay I think I get it now this isn't just about life points it's about our lives

Chief: Yes and theirs

Judy: It's my turn and I play the spell card Polymerization. Avian and Burstinatrix combine to create the Flame Wingman! So did bubbleman give me two very good cards well see for yourself because with both of them came him and this next attack

Chief: 3400 LP

Judy: Don't even think you're out of the fire just yet because for every attack point Spear Solider had is dealt to you as damage

Chief: 1900 LP

Judy: Next I summon Wroughtwiler in defense mode and end my turn

Dakota: Great cause now it's mine. I play Fusion Substitute this allows me to fuse my Curse of Dragon and my Luster Dragon to summon the First of Dragons

Syrus: Way to play guys

Alexis: If we're going to get out of this Sy it's the only way they can play because if Judy makes a couple more mistakes we're through

Dakota: I end my turn so go ahead and make your move

Chief: I switch Gravekeepers Guard to defense mode and I set a monster face down in defense mode and end my turn

Judy: Guess you don't know rule number one in duel monsters. A good defense is a sweet offense and who better to teach you that the Flame Wingman here it goes! Attack with Infernal Rage!

Chief: 900 LP

Chief: My move I play pot of greed which lets me draw two cards from my deck

Chief: I summon Gravekeepers Assailant in attack mode and she will be joined by the Gravekeepers Curse. Now I use Gravekeepers Curse's special ability dealing you both 500 points of damage

Judy/Dakota: 5000 LP

Dakota: You'll have to do better than that

Chief: Than maybe this will suffice. I cast Necrovalley. Now my Gravekeepers gain 500 extra attack points. Now Assailant attack the Flame Wingman

Judy: What you got sad in your eyes or something Wingman still has more attack points unless you have some sort of...

Chief: Special ability yes the Assailant does actually which can switch any monster from attack to defense. Now Gravekeepers curse will destroy that cur

Judy was about to use Wroughtweilers effect, but was canceled because of Necrovalley effect

Judy: Well it looks like it's up to you Dakota

Dakota: Thanks babe! I activate my face down Pot of Greed which allows me to draw two cards

As Dakota drew his two cards he couldn't help but smile

Dakota: Oh yeah here we go! I play the field spell card Mountain this gets rid of your Necrovalley and causes your monsters to lose those extra 500 attack points, but it gives my dragons an extra 200

Chief: Huh?!

Dakota: Now time for my second face down I activate De-Fusion which separates First of Dragons into the two that created him

Judy: Wait Dakota are you

Dakota: You know it babe, but first! I activate Call of the Sky Dragon from my hand! You see by sacrificing 4000 of our life points I can special summon the Egyptian God Slifer the Sky Dragon!

Dark clouds started to form around the field as a giant red serpent with small wings descended down the field

Dakota: Not only that, but now he automatically has 5000 attack points! Now Slifer attack Gravekeepers Curse with Thunder Force Attack!

Chief: 0 LP

With that the duel ended and Dakota and Judy each earned half of a necklace and they went back to their own dimension

Judy: Hey Dakota you think that was a hallucination

Dakota: I doubt it look at what's around your neck and mine

Judy: Well at least we're back to one sun right?

Dakota: Yeah that's true. *thought* But I have a gut feeling that the shadow games are just starting to make their return

Next time on The Dragon Emperor! A mysterious person appears on academy island along with the revealing of three mighty monsters ones that rival the Egyptian Gods. Not to mention Judy has been keeping a secret from Dakota Will her being involved in a high stakes shadow game reveal it and what could this secret be? Find out next time. The Dragon Emperor: The Shadows Return

Hi everyone yes I know it's been awhile I was sadly procrastinating myself by thinking of other stories to make, but now the true challenges are coming since the shadow rider arc is mostly two parts and camula with three parts is going to be hell, so please bare with me here. Also would you guys like to have a eighth shadow rider or not? Until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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