King vs Emperor

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Dakota and Judy are walking down the hall to the card shack as they see a crowd and bastion

Dakota: Yo bastion what's happening here

Judy: Is it doughnut day

Bastion: No just a little lunch time tussle

Dakota: A duel

Judy: Well who are they

Bastion: Well on the left you have dimitri

Judy: Never heard of him

Dakota: I have he's like some kind of copycat duelist right? Where he completely mimics someone else's deck and their voice as well

Bastion: Exactly

Judy: Well who else is dueling

Dakota: Syrus?!

Dakota and Judy both walk up to Syrus to see what was happening

Dakota: So what's causing this high stakes duel Sy

Syrus: Check it out yugi's deck is going on tour and it's first stop is duel academy

Dakota: Oh I totally forgot about that especially with the amount of homework Crowler keeps giving us

Judy: Yeah that's for sure

Judy then gets stuck in a trance as she's going to see Dakota's uncle deck

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Judy: Yugi's deck I can't believe it's like a piece of history all it's been through

Syrus: Yeah just think about it it's the deck he used to duelist kingdom where he defeated Pegasus the guy who invented duel monsters

Dakota: Not to mention battle city where he defeated kiaba and marki too

Judy: Yeah the way he used those Egyptian god cards Aw man, so amazing

Dakota: Well that's my uncle for you

Syrus: Of course the deck won't be going on tour with the Egyptian gods, but it will have all the other classics

Dakota: Well duh Syrus of course the gods won't be there remember they're in my deck now

Syrus: I still can't wait it's going to be the neatest thing ever we have to go we gotta go

Judy: I'm with ya Sy, so why are you dueling let's get our tickets

Dorthy: Judy that's why Syrus is dueling because there's only one ticket left could you think of a better prize

Judy: Yeah one with 3 tickets

Syrus: Why's that Judy you wanted bring someone else

Judy: Well what about Dakota

Dakota: Judy he's my uncle that practically gives me VIP you know

Syrus: That does make sense also I already got mine

Judy: So you're dueling for me

Syrus: Of course and I'm going to win alright let's finish this

Judy: You're a pal Sy

Dakota: Good luck Syrus

The duel continues with Dimitri talking in Crowler's voice

Dimitri: My turn and I play heavy storm and that young scholar will destroy all spells and trap cards on the field

Judy: That sounds familiar

Bastion: It should Crowler used the same move on you

Judy: Oh yeah what a coincidence

Dimitri: *crowler voice* Now I sacrifice the two wicked tokens to summon the legendary ancient gear golem

Dakota: Wow talk about total deja vu aye Judy

Judy: Yeah no kidding

Dimitri: Now golem attack mechanized melee

Syrus: Not so fast when jetroids attacked his special ability allows me to play a trap and I play magic cylinder it takes mechanized melee and puts it in reverse

Dimitri: Time out

After that Dimitri lost the duel

Judy: Alright you sent that golem to the junkyard

Dakota: Wow Sy I never knew you could pull it off

Syrus: It was easy when I saw how both of you beat Crowler and since Dimitri copied his deck I knew exactly what to do *laughs* oh almost forgot here's your ticket Judy

Judy: Aw Sy your the best

Dakota: I thought I was the best

Judy: You are best boyfriend that is

Dorthy: Alright everyone that's head back to class

As everyone was leaving they were all mocking Dimitri for losing to a slifer while Dakota was also making his leave

Dakota: Well that could've gone worse anyways I gotta go cya later bastion

Dakota then left to go talk to Kiaba, but really kiaba wanted to talk to him

Dakota: Sup family

Kiaba: Dakota I need you to do something for me

Dakota: Sure what is it

Kiaba: I need you to watch Yugi's deck tonight just in case someone tries to steal it

Dakota: Understood


Later that night Dakota was walking to the display case where Yugi's deck was until someone ran into him

Dakota: Ow watch it buddy... wait a minute

Dakota then looked through his deck realizing his blue-eyes dragons along with blu-eyes fusion and graveyard fusion were gone then Judy, Syrus, and Bastion ran up to him

Judy: Dakota you okay

Syrus: What happened

Bastion: Did you see anyone

Dakota: Someone is going to die tonight

This got the three to step back as Dakota stood up

Dakota: Someone stole my blue-eyes

Judy: Well come with us cause someone stole Yugi's deck

Dakota: Fine let's go Syrus check the docks, bastion check the dorms and classrooms, Judy and I will check the shoreline

Everyone: Okay

Just like that they slip up as Judy and Dakota are walking

Judy: You know this wouldn't be my idea of a date

Dakota: Date?! Oh heh yeah a date

Judy: Dakota I think I'm actually scared of these shadow games

Dakota: What makes you say that

Judy: What if you lose and i can't save you or what if you can't save me

Judy started to tear up until Dakota wrapped her in a hug and drying her tears

Dakota: HEY! Don't even think that I can't or won't save you because even if I'm one foot in the grave or close to death I'll do what ever it takes to save you. I love you my hazardous hero

Judy then hugged him tightly not wanting to let go while talking

Judy: I love you too my dangerous dragon

Dakota: Well no one seems to be hear let's meet up with Syrus and Bastion

Judy: Yeah

They then meet where they agreed as bastion appeared

Bastion: Dorms are clear and same with the classrooms

Just then they heard Syrus scream and ran near the docks

Judy: Syrus what happened

Syrus: He has it Yugi's dueling deck along with your blue-eyes Dakota

Dakota: Grrr alright you thief... you had your fun, but now it's over

Dakota then jumped on one of the boulders across from Dimitri

Dakota: Hand over the deck Dimitri

Dimitri began to speak in yami's voice

Dimitri: Ha Dimitri?

Dakota: Yeah

Dimitri: You'd be mistaken Dimitri is just some child who would study people's decks, but with these cards I'm not just copying the king of games I am the king of games and if you want this deck you're going to have to prove I'm not

Dakota: Fine then you better hope that deck comes through for ya because if not you'll get burned

Dimitri: Then let's do this

Judy: Dakota!

Judy then tossed Dakota his personalized duel disk

Dakota: Ha thanks babe now get FIRED UP Dimitri

Dimitri: It's time to duel

Dakota: 4000 LP
Dimitri: 4000 LP

Dakota looked at his hand and saw Kidmodo dragon, red-eyes black dragon, red-eyes b chick, Alexandrite dragon, pitch black dragon

Dakota: Alright here I come first off I summon Kidmodo dragon in defense mode and that'll do

Dimitri: Will it? I fuse Gazelle the King of Mythical Beast and Berfomet to summon Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast

Dakota: Uh-oh this isn't going to be pretty

Dimitri: Now attack Pulverizing Pounce

Dakota: Ha now you activate my dragons ability when he's sent to the graveyard I can summon any dragon from my hand and I summon Alexandrite dragon

Dimitri: Very well I end my turn

Judy: Syrus you you dueled this guy any advice on how to beat him

Syrus: None I tried everything, but nothing worked

Judy: So what your saying is that Dakota doesn't have a chance

Syrus: Against Yugi's deck it's a possibility

Bastion: It's more than that

Both: Huh

Bastion: You see Dimitri is a copycat duelist to defeat him you have to point out the decks flaws just like how you beat him with Crowler's Syrus, but the problem is he's copying Yugi a duelist who's flaws are not so well known if he has any at all

Dakota: Alright my move and if you like fusing monsters then you'll love this and you three are in for a sneak peek on a new dragon I fuse my red-eyes black dragon and pitch black dragon to summon a dragon like no other.

As the two monsters fused Dakota was saying a chant, but his voice was distorted

Dakota: Two beautiful flowers with an insect alluring fragrance, now become one and from the hell beneath your petals give birth to a new terror I FUSION SUMMON. Come forth! Poisonous dragon with hungry fangs. Behold STARVING VENOM FUSION DRAGON!

As Dakota finished his eyes were a dark purple as his voice was normal, but held a vicious tone

Dakota: What makes him so venomous you may ask it's his ability he also gains attack equal to berfomet and since he already has 3000 so now he has 4400 attack

Dakota: Okay my draw now I activate mountain giving my dragons 200 extra points now I summon red-eyes b chick and activate his ability to summon red-eyes black dragon

Dakota: Now Alexandrite dragon attack attack his chimera

Dimitri: 3900

Dimitri: Very good, but now I can get berfomet from my graveyard and summon him in defense mode

Dakota: He won't be there for long Fusion Dragon attack berfomet

Dimitri: I play two cards face down and activate monster reincarnation by discarding one card I can bring back Gazelle the King of Mythical Beast and now I play swords of revealing light

Dakota: Great now my monsters can't attack for 3 turns *thought* unless I draw the card I need

Dakota: Alright my turn I draw I play card of sanctity allowing both of us to draw until we have six cards

Dakota: Alright now I put one card face down and summon luster dragon in attack mode and end my turn

Dimitri: Good because my trap card activates dark renewal it allows me to sacrifice one of mine and one of your monsters to summon a spell caster

Dakota: Let me guess you sent one to the graveyard when you used monster reincarnation

Dimitri: Indeed so I sacrifice gazelle and your Alexandrite dragon to summon the one the only dark magician and end my turn

Dakota: Ha great now I can attack

Syrus: Um is Dakota feeling good

Bastion: No Sy i think he's just in awe seeing dark magician

Judy: You guys are both wrong

Dakota: I activate my trap dust tornado and use it to get rid of swords of revealing light and now I can set a spell. Now I activate ancient rules summoning Red-Eyes Archfiend of Lightning, now attack that magician

Dimitri: That's what you think I activate negate attack ending your battle phase

Dakota: Grr fine I end my turn by placing one card face down

Dimitri: Now I play fusion recovery getting back polymerization and fuse dark magician and Blue-Eyes White Dragon to summon Blue-eyes Dragon Magician

Dakota: Oh boy this won't be good

Dimitri: Now dragon destroy his luster dragon

Dakota: 2600 LP

Dakota: That hurt

Dimitri: Give up

Dakota: Never cause I think it's time I take flight I activate graceful charity allowing me to draw three cards as long as I discard two

Dakota then drew pot of greed dread dragon and Darkblaze dragon and pot of greed

Dakota: Now I discard two and I activate pot of greed giving me two cards

Dakota then drew two solar flare dragons

Dakota: Now I activate my face down magical stone excavation by discarding two cards I can get a spell from my graveyard, now I activate card of sanctity

Bastion: Well, well there might not be no strategy for beating Yugi's deck, but Dakota is trying and if he's planning what I think he is it just might work

Dakota: Now I play monster reborn bringing back the Blue-Eyes in your graveyard and now I play fusion substitute fusing my blue-eyes on the field and red-eyes in my hand to summon the Shining Darkness dragon

Dimitri: Hmph even if you did attack you'll only deal 300 damage

Dakota: Ha not when his special ability activates he gets 200 attack points for every dragon in our graveyard and field

Dimitri: Wait and there's 11 dragons in your graveyard meaning

Dakota: That's right Darkness dragon gets 2200 attack points

Darkness Dragon: 3800-6000 attack

Syrus: A monster with 6000 attack unbelievable

Bastion: It almost seems that Dakota's deck was completely built to rival Yugi's deck

Dakota: That's because it was and now I activate my monster reincarnation sending another dragon monster to my graveyard giving him another 200 attack, but now I bring back STARVING VENOM FUSION DRAGON

Dakota's eyes went purple again but there wasn't that much venom in his tone

Syrus: Can some tell me what's going on

Bastion: It seems that dragon's power is controlling Dakota however he seems to be regaining himself from the less vicious tone in his voice

Dakota: I'll also summon curse of dragon and end my turn there

Dimitri: Fine, but now Blue-eyes attack his red-eyes archfiend and I'll activate defusion bringing back blue-eyes and Dark Magician, now I play dedication through light and darkness which turns dark magician into something more powerful the legendary Magician of Black Chaos

Syrus: Black chaos

Judy: That doesn't sound good

Bastion: Well not for Dakota at least it's one of the mightiest monsters you'll ever see

Dakota: 1600 LP

Dimitri: Now attack his curse of dragon

Dakota: 1000 LP

Dakota: *thoughts* Man this tougher than I thought and Fire is being put out quick, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve so it's time I add fuel to my fire

Syrus: Aw man Dakota's in deep trouble

Bastion: Unfortunately Syrus that's the understatement of the year look at what he's up against the Magician of Black Chaos, practically full life points, and the king of games deck the trouble isn't deep it's subterranean

Dakota: Grr got to get fired up, not only does this guy have my uncle's deck, but he even thinks he's Yugi and if I'm going to set him straight I got to beat him. On the plus I've always wanted to know how i'd do against my uncle's deck. My turn Huh *thoughts* oh right the perfect combo

Dakota: Here goes nothing I use fusion dragon's ability to give him blue-eyes attack now fusion dragon attack blue-eyes with Ferocious Venom

Dimitri: 900 LP

Dakota: Now I activate dian keto the cure master giving me 1000 life points

Dakota: 2000 LP

Dakota: Next I activate Poison of the Old Man giving me 1200 life points

Dakota: 3200 LP

Syrus: Wow now that's a move

Judy: Dakota has been practicing for this moment

Bastion: Sure seems like Dakota's deck was to do more than just rival Yugi's deck possibly even defeat it

Dakota: I'll end my turn by putting one card face down

Dimitri: Fine now Magician attack his fusion dragon

Dakota: I don't think so I activate Scrubbed Raid see I'm allowed to discard a card except this one and end the battle phase and that's not all it's also a continuous trap meaning it stays on the field, and darkness dragon gains another two hundred and blue-eyes and mountain also give him 200 each

Dimitri: So that's 600 extra attack?!

Dakota: That's right so now he has 6600 attack points

Bastion: Incredible Dakota actually might win this duel

Syrus: How can you tell bastion

Bastion: Dakota can only use his fusion dragon's ability during his turn only, so Dimitri decided to sacrifice his monster to get rid of fusion dragon

Judy: Until Dakota used that trap card

Bastion: Right and if Dakota discards only dragon monsters he can increase his darkness dragon's attack because of his ability and he's the strongest monster on the field since Dakota has the Egyptian gods

Dakota: My turn now and I activate my other pot of greed letting me get two cards, and there both hot ones hope you love playing with Fire cause I use monster reborn to bring back Darkblaze Dragon and his ability doubles his attack when he's special summoned from the graveyard, but I'm adding fuel to his fire by equipping him with Dragon Treasure giving him 300 extra attack points, now burn that kuriboh

Dimitri: Which one I activate the spell card multiply by sacrificing kuriboh I'm allowed to summon kuriboh tokens to any open field your attack is still in play though, but it loses it's heat, now I activate MY card of sanctity

Dakota then drew 5 cards with them being brain control, ancient dragon, spell reproduction, dragon's rebirth and magician of faith, but as Dimitri drew it was bad for Dakota

Dimitri: Excellent I drew the monster watapon you see if I draw watapon from spell, trap, or monster effect I can summon him to the field, but he won't be there for long I sacrifice him to summon Dark Magician Girl

Dakota: Wow she's even cuter in person


Dakota: Gah!! Well she might be cute, but you're beautiful babe *thought* That's the last thing I need

Dimitri: She has beauty and brawn you see she gains 300 attack for every dark magician in the graveyard

DMG: 2000-2300

Dakota: Perfect now I summon magician of faith in attack mode and I use her ability to get a spell card back from my graveyard and now I attack, Darkblaze take out magician of black chaos

Dimitri: 800 LP

Dakota: That's not all Fusion dragon attack one of the kuriboh's and darkness dragon you do the same, now magician of faith destroy that final kuriboh

Dakota: Now your down to just your little lady, but I'll end my turn by putting down three face downs

Judy: Alright Dakota you know if you win this I'll give you some fun tonight~

Bastion: *thoughts* Outstanding Dimitri is dueling just like the king of games would, yet Dakota is staying competitive winning even sure he was overwhelmed by Yugi's deck at first, but now he's really turning things around. Who knows maybe some his deck will go on tour right beside Yugi's  assuming he can win it back that is

Dimitri: Fine now Dark Magician Girl attack his magician of faith and I activate my dian keto the cure master

Dimitri: 1800 LP

Dakota: 1200 LP

Dakota: Alright my move now I activate the spells Hinotama and Spark dealing you 500 and 200 points of damage

Dimitri: 1100 LP

Dakota: Now Darkblaze Dragon attack dark magician Girl

Dimitri: 500 LP

Bastion: My! Dakota's impressing more and more every turn what skillful play now he can attack directly with his fusion or darkness dragon and win the duel

Dakota: Just wait Bastion because you're going to me get more skillful after this turn, so I end

Dimitri: I now remove one dark and one light monster from my graveyard

Dakota: Hold on pause and rewind why would you do that... Wait you're not doing what I think your doing

Syrus: Wait do what is it a summon

Judy: No way I haven't seen one like this

Bastion: *gasps* Your wrong there is a way there are only two cards that can be summoned like this two rare cards of such power duelist have scourged the world over to add them to their collection, the first is Chaos Dragon Envoy of the End a card so very powerful it has been outlawed in official duel monsters tournaments. The second has power comparable to the Chaos Emperor Dragon, but has never been forbidden on the count of it's scarcity in fact some say not a single one still exists

Dimitri: Oh? Well they're wrong because I have one right here, Black Luster Solider Envoy of the Beginning

Dakota: So my uncle really did have that card and here I thought and hoped it was just a rumor

Dimitri: I'm afraid not this card has been part of my deck for a long time, but I only take him out on special occasions, luster blade attack

Syrus: Aw man if he hits Dakota than

Bastion: His fusion dragon is finished and Dimitri's soldier can attack

Judy: Guys wait you forgot his trap card

Both: Huh?

Dakota: Ha looks like you forgot about Scrubbed Raid as long as I discard a card your battle phase ends like right now, and now darkness dragon gets another two hundred attack points

Dimitri: Fine I end my turn, but next turn your finished

Dakota: *thought* Grr he might be right after all I'm not just low on life points I'm low in cards too for once I don't think I can win

Kidmodo dragon (spirit): *Rawr*

Dakota: *thought* Huh Kidmodo sorry, but he actually has the heart of the cards

Kidmodo dragon starts to gnaw on Dakota's leg

Dakota: *thoughts* Hey that hurts you know and what do you he doesn't that's literally my uncle's deck. *realization and thoughts* Wait that's it that's my uncle's deck which means Dimitri can't have the heart of the cards because the heart of the cards come from believing in your own deck and believe in my deck unlike anyone. *out loud* Sorry Dimitri, but this duel is ending with me as the winner

Bastion: Sounds like Dakota has a plan

Dakota: I activate Monster Reborn

Dimitri: But that was in the graveyard

Dakota: You're right it WAS in the graveyard, but did you forget what I did with magician of faith's ability


Dakota: I use Magician of faith's ability giving me a spell card from my graveyard

Flashback End

Dakota: Now I'm using it to bring the poster girl of my deck I revive Red-Eyes Magician Girl and like Dark Magician Girl she gains 300 attack for every red eyes monster in the graveyard

Dimitri: Wait last I checked you had 4 red-eyes monsters meaning...

Dakota: Meaning she gains an extra 1200 attack points

R-E MG: 1900-3100

Dimitri: 3100 attack points?!

Dakota: Yeah now red-eyes magician Girl attack luster Solider

Dimitri: 400 LP


Dimitri: 0 LP (overkill)

Dimitri lost the duel and fell on his knees question on why he couldn't win until someone walked up to him

Zane: The answer to that is obvious

Behind a rock Zane and Alexis showed up explaining why they were there and explained to Dimitri why he didn't win and how their duel attracted a crowd and Dimitri put the deck back

Next day

During the day everyone is looking at the deck with Judy and Dakota looking at them

Judy: Look at that everything is back to normal

Dakota: Well as normal things get at this crazy academy what's that by the way

Judy: Oh this just a poster signed by the king of games himself

Dakota: First I overheard Dimitri talking in the yugi voice when he was putting the deck away and got a pen and into the merchandise. 2. You could've ask if you wanted an autograph


Dakota: What's up Sy

Syrus: It's Dimitri he's at it again


Dimitri: I've been waiting for you

Dimitri then turns around completely looking like Dakota

Dakota: Wah Dimitri what the hell are you doing

Dimitri: Who's this Dimitri I'm Dakota and I'm a slifer red. Now listen we're dueling so get burned up

Dakota: Gah! It's get Fired up

Dimitri: Whatever we're still dueling so let's take light

Dakota: I'm going to murder him

Syrus: Maybe not

Dimitri: Come on my dragons are ready to turn you up

Dakota: That's it get over here Dimitri

Dakota began chasing Dimitri as Judy and Syrus followed him trying to stop him from killing Dimitri

Next time on Dragon Emperor Dakota is being pretty distant lately and starts worrying Judy, and when someone decides to sneak in duel academy Judy wants to find out two reasons for this, but will she or not

Hi everyone I just hope you enjoy this chapter especially since it was kind of difficult to have Dakota go back and forth on life points also the other summoning dragons won't be shown until the school duel or as a side chapter since I'll be making a chapter on what's happening on duel academy island while chazz is in north academy, but would you want a four way duel in the duel off episode or just Dakota vs bastion let me know in the comments

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