Similar In More Ways Then One

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In a dark blue house a man is getting dressed

Man: I'm finally going to bring you back

The man then picked up a picture of a younger Dakota and looked at it for a while

Man: You have been hiding from me for long enough my son, so be ready to meet your old man

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dakota was in the duel stadium and was bringing out his monsters

Dakota: Come on out Blue-Eyes White Dragon and now... Red-Eyes and while we're at it Alexandrite Dragon and Luster Dragon you guys come out, too!

All the dragons Dakota shouted appeared on the field causing Dakota to smile

Dakota: Oh yeah I have the baddest monsters ever baby with you guys by my side we'll whoop whosever ass north academy throws at us

Syrus and Judy then ran in looking for him

Syrus: Hey Dakota

Dakota: Huh?

Judy: There you are what are you doing

Syrus: Yeah everyone's waiting for you

Dakota: For me why?

Judy: For the meet and greet north academy just showed your opponent is here

Dakota: Then what are you waiting around here for let's go

Judy and Syrus chased Dakota down to the docks where shepherd was talking to foster and Dakota chimed in

Dakota: Yeah yeah spirited, but enough with the how you doings I want to meet who I'm dueling

Shepherd: Yes Dakota we were getting to that

Dakota: That's great I'll be patient

Foster: Dakota? So you're duel academy's phenom

Dakota: Yep that's me, so come on when do I meet my opponent

???: Right now slacker

Dakota: Wait tell me I didn't just hear what I thought I heard

Chazz: That's right it's me

Dakota: Hold on a second am I high or is that chazz

Chazz: That's right

Dakota: So? Why are you here

Chazz: For the duel

Dakota: Pretty sure it's sold out

Chazz: I'm in the duel

Dakota: As a ref?

Chazz: I'm dueling you

Dakota: Wait you're north academy's duel rep and you transferred when exactly

Chazz: Since I stopped getting the respect I deserve here

NA: That's right

Russian boy: It's payback time you won't give respect so he'll take it

NAS: He'll chazz you up

Chazz: Big time

(NA stands for north academy and nas stands for north academy student)

Both Dakota and chazz glared at each other before three helicopters showed

Judy: Now what?

Dakota and Chazz both saw the people in the helicopters and they both weren't happy

???: Hey Chazz

???: What's going on little brother mind if we drop in

Mike: Hi there... son

Chazz: Slade, Jagger why are you doing here

Jagger: Why else to celebrate your big dueling victory

Slade: You are going to win right Chazz?

Dakota: Aww look at that the drunken bastard is back

Just then camera men started appearing

Cam man 1: That's it beautiful just act natural

Cam man 2: Alright a little more to the right okay, we're all set here with camera two

Foster: Uh what's going on here

Before anyone could answer Dakota spoke up

Dakota: Simple this school duel is going to be broadcasted around the entire world and the best part is everyone is going to see it

After that Dakota went to shepherd's office and saw one of the men that was in the helicopter it was his father

Mike: Hello son

Out of nowhere Dakota immediately slapped the man across the face and his friends and family walked in

Dakota: Don't you dare call me that I am not your son anymore and you sure as hell ain't my father

Mike: How dare you where's the respect

Hearing that finally made Dakota snap and said everything he held back on him

Dakota: Respect? Respect?!

Yumie: You might want to brace yourselves

Dakota: Where was the respect you gave me and mom huh?! All you did was drink and get drunk off your SORRY LOW LIFE BASTARDIZED ASS! Mom left because of you I ran away because of YOU! SO TAKE YOUR FUCKING BEER AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR UGLY MOTHFUCKING BITCH ASSHOLE!

After that Dakota was breathing heavily and his friends and family were shocked along with his father at what he said

Dakota then smirked making everyone confused

Dakota: You know what fuck it, it's time you all see the scars that never healed

Dakota took off his shirt to reveal multiple scars all over his body shocking everyone including Zane

Judy: Dakota...

Dakota: I'm fine Judy and sorry I didn't show you guys earlier

Mike: Who did that?

Dakota: Of course the drunken bastard would forget the countless beatings he gave me

Dakota put his shirt back on and headed to the stadium until he overheard Chazz speaking

Chazz: Man up, Chazz

Dakota: Hmm?

Chazz: Man up! Come on show them that Chazz Princeton is no slacker that you're worthy of the Princeton name that you... you can win and you can keep winning over and over you got to do your best. You've got to do your part Chazz, you've got to show them your supreme. It's your job, it's the plan

Dakota left silently, but before anything else he was grabbed by his to moms

Dakota: What are you doing

Mai: No son of ours is going to be dueling on TV like this so here

Mai shoved a bunch of clothes with Dakota into a changing room

After a while Dakota finally found a perfect outfit

Dakota: Yeah this is what I call style

Dakota then ran out the room to the stadium while everyone was cheering

Cam man 1: That's it everyone lots of energy remember everyone is watching this thing live. Now let's cheer these duelists on

NA: Go Chazz! Chazz it up, chazz it up, chazz it up!

Foster: Same bet as usual right shepherd you do remember right

Shepherd: Absolutely after all old friend it's what makes this all worthwhile.

As both chancellor's laughed Syrus and Judy were talking to Dakota

Judy: Alright babe here we go your match against your dueling rival! How do you feel?

Dakota: Okay I guess

Judy: Okay?!

Syrus: Don't you mean fired up or something

Dakota: No I feel good it's just that. Well.. I overheard Chazz and... It's just to bad one of us has to lose you know. I now fully understand where he's coming from and it's not an easy place trust me on that one.

Shepherd: Attention students welcome to the school duel

Foster: And now

Both: Let this year's competition finally begin

Shepherd: Mr.Kiaba the speech please

Kiaba: Of course

Kiaba was in the middle of the stadium and spoke into the microphone

Kiaba: I hope your all listening cause I won't be repeating myself. This duel is not for the faint of heart this is a ruthless battle between north and central duel academy. While north teaches the strength and brawn of monsters central teaches these students strategies and brain. It's a brain vs brawn duel and seeing these two they will show no mercy between each other. Now Crowler introduce the duelists

Crowler: Of course Mr.Kiaba after all I know these two duelists personally and personally I just adore them. Now from duel academy

The duel academy students were cheering and Crowler had to settle them down

Crowler: Alright settle down, settle down introducing Dakota Wheeler

Everyone cheered and not to mention some of the girls started to slightly blush seeing Dakota's outfit

Jasmine: Wow Dakota sure does look stunning

Mindy: Are you kidding he's straight up handsome

Alexis: He is dashing I'll give him that

Crowler: And his opponent

Chazz: Get off the stage

Crowler: Oh?

Chazz: I'll introduce my self you scrub

Crowler: I beg your pardon scrubs don't have PHD's in dueling. Although knot tying would of been a better major... or rather untying

Crowler was tied up by the cord of the microphone and fell off the stadium

Dakota: Maybe you ought to go cordless next time

Chazz: Maybe you just ought to be quiet it's Chazz Princeton's turn now, but then I don't really need an introduction after all everyone here knows who I am or do you. You see Chazz Princeton has changed, sure I used to be a classmate of yours, but when I left duel academy I left my old self as well. Now you're looking at the new and improved Chazz the north academy Chazz. And I'm here to...

NA: Chazz it up

Chazz: That's right say it again

All of north academy started chanting and Syrus and the others were surprised

Syrus: Wow it's almost like they really like Chazz

NA: No mercy Chazz

Chazz: Got that right

NA: Yeah

Chazz: Alright go time show me what you got Dakota

Dakota: With pleasure

Chazz: No the pleasures all mine because you're going down

Both: DUEL

Chazz: 4000 LP
Dakota: 4000 LP

NA: Chazz it up take him down Chazz

Chazz: Ask and you shall receive for my first move I'll summon a monster with some bite. Rise Masked Dragon

This caught Dakota off guard

Dakota: Whoa

Chazz: What's wrong Dakota scared that you're own dragons will defeat you

Dakota: You kidding you're forgetting I hold the power of the GODS in my deck Princeton

Chazz remembered that he summoned Slifer the one time, but wasn't worried

Chazz: First your going to have to draw him and I won't let that happen

Dakota: Go ahead and try

Chazz: Well that'll do for now

Dakota: Not once you see what I got

Dakota looked at his hand and saw monster reborn, Shadow Spell, graceful charity, Darkblaze Dragon, White stoned of legends, and a new card

Dakota: Alright first I play graceful charity letting me draw three cards and discard two

Dakota then drew three cards and discarded Darkblaze and White stone

Dakota: Now because I discarded White stone of legend I get a blue-eyes from my deck to my hand

Chazz: You done yet

Dakota: You can't rush a good strategy you know. Now I play monster reborn bringing back Darkblaze dragon

Chazz: A monster with 1200 attack points now I know why you're a Slifer

Dakota: Don't be so sure because when Darkblaze is special summoned from the graveyard his attack and Defense points double making him have 2400 attack points and I'll place one card face down. Now Darkblaze attack his Masked dragon

Syrus: Awesome Dakota has just taken the lead

Chazz: Nuh-uh. He's taken the bait

Dakota: Oh boy

Chazz: I activate my masked dragon's special ability you see, when this card is sent to the graveyard due to a battle I can summon a monster with 1500 or fewer attack points from my deck and I have just the one. See for yourself come on out Armed Dragon LV 3

Syrus: Uh level

Alexis: Yeah and three's the lowest if Chazz plays this right the dragon will get a lot bigger

Zane: Not to mention stronger too

Bastion: Indeed I just want to know where Chazz got such a powerful card

On the other side of the stadium shepherd was shocked

Shepherd: Why isn't that one of your schools top cards no Foster you didn't

Foster: I did what I had to do. I told you shepherd I want that prize and I am going to get it

Shepherd: Oh yeah well not if I have anything to say about it you won't my old friend come on Dakota come on

Shepherd then started chanting which caused Dakota to sweat drop

Dakota: Sure? Anyway's that's a cool card chazz I thought I was the only one with LV monsters

Chazz: Huh?! What do you mean only one

Dakota: Sorry I'll have to show you next turn cause I'm ending it here

Chazz: Great now I can start ending you cause you see Dakota during my standby phase Armed dragons effect activates so by discarding one card to the graveyard and sacrificing his level 3 form I can summon Armed dragon LV 5 to the field

Dakota: Wait what

Judy: This isn't good

Chazz: Now then let's get started shall we. Armed Dragon LV 5 rise!

Bastion: Be careful Dakota by sacrificing a monster Armed dragon's power has substantially increased and he was plenty powerful before

Syrus: Aw man

Dakota: Wow Chazz that thing is pretty cool, but that means both of our dragons are at a stalemate

Chazz: That's what you think because I'm using armed dragon LV 5's ability when I sacrifice a monster with equal or less attack points then your monster it's destroyed

Dakota: What?!

Chazz: So if I send Kaiser Glider to the graveyard

Judy: Then Dakota's dragon is going to get slayed

Alexis: Because it has les attack points

Dakota: Sorry Darkblaze

Chazz: Go, Armed Dragon LV 5 Shrapnel Blast

The dragon then destroyed Darkblaze, but Dakota had a smile on his face

Mindy: Hey guys why is Dakota smiling

Jasmine: She's right

It took a minute, but Zane realized it

Zane: He wanted Chazz to attack because of his face down

Chazz: I'll wipe the smile off your face because now my armed dragon can attack you directly. Go Inferno Roar

Dakota: 1600 LP

Chazz: Heh heh so that's duel academy's best?

Shepherd: Come on get up please

Crowler: I'm fine thank you for your concern though

Dakota got up easily

Dakota: Nice shot however can we get me a stuntman for the next TV broadcast though haha

Chazz: Whatever I'm putting one card face down and end my turn

Dakota: Fine by me my draw

Dakota drew and got the card he needed

Dakota: Alright I play the spell card Card of Sanctity this allows both of us to draw up to six cards

They both drew five cards since one was already in their hand and Dakota had a big smile

Dakota: Alright Chazz it's payback time because I summon Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV 4 in attack mode

Chazz: What? My dragon is way stronger than yours

Dakota: Not for long because I activate my face down Shadow Spell

Chazz: Huh?

Judy: Shadow Spell

Dakota: Now your armed dragon is in permanent attack mode and he loses 700 points too meaning your dragon has 1700

Chazz: Can you count slacker my dragon is still 100 points stronger than yours

Dakota: Not when I equip him with Dragon treasure and it gives him three hundred attack points. Now Horus attack with Dark Flare

Chazz: 3800 LP

Chazz: Thanks for that it let's me play my trap

Dakota: Oh boy

Syrus: Mot that one

Chazz: Do you believe in ghost Dakota well your about to because this card allows me to summon back any monster I want from my grave and I'm sure you can guess which one I'm going to pick Armed Dragon LV 5 rise

NA: Chazz it up, chazz it up show no mercy

Dakota: Well that's fine with me because when Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV 4 successfully destroys a monster I can send him to the grave to bring out Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV 6 I'll also place one card face down and end my turn

Chazz: *thought* Go ahead because what I have even your best won't be enough

Chazz: Get ready for me to mop this low-rent floor with you Dakota cause now... I summon Lancer Lindwurm and now Armed dragon will attack Horus with Inferno Roar

Dakota: That's what you think Princeton because now I activate the trap card Draining Shield and if you forgot what it does I'll be happy to explain. It takes your attacking monster's attack points and adds them to my life points and it automatically ends your battle phase.

Dakota: 4000 LP

Alexis: That was a close one

Syrus: Tell me about it

Chazz: I'll end my turn, but next turn I'll crush you

Dakota: Whatever my draw

Dakota drew a card and smiled

Dakota: Now Horus attack Lancer Lindwurm

Chazz: 3300 LP

Dakota: And now because Horus successfully destroyed your Lindwurm he levels up again to Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV 8

Dakota: Next I summon Exploder Dragon and play two cards face down and end my turn

Chazz: Fine by me because for once I agree we should take this duel to the next level in fact it's the highest level, so won't you join me Dakota in welcoming the all powerful Armed Dragon LV 7

North academy started to cheer on chazz

Chazz: What's wrong Dakota not so talkative anymore you don't have anything to say

Dakota: Of course I do this has been the best duel I ever had

Chazz: What?! You should terrified not happy

Dakota: How can I not be happy especially since you've been using my own deck type against me it's so cool now I know how everyone else feels when I duel them haha thank's chazz

Chazz: Thanks? You're so pitiful Dakota getting excited like a fool not taking anything seriously that's why you'll never be a champion, you see it takes discipline to win, you need to have a sense of duty, you need to have some kind of plan. I have a plan and a sense of duty that's why I'm going to beat you Dakota that's why I'll beat anyone in my way. I can conquer anyone I'll conquer the world you got that.

Dakota: Is that you or your brothers talking

Chazz: What?!

Dakota: Their the ones breathing down your neck right

Chazz: Just shut up and take your turn

Dakota: If you say so

Dakota then looked at the bleachers and saw his brothers and gave a low growl

Dakota: I play the spell card pot of greed allowing me to draw two more cards and I'll place one of them face down end my turn

Chazz: Well now I activate my dragon's special ability by sacrificing Armed dragon LV 3 all monsters with 1200 or lower attack points are destroyed

Alexis: That means Dakota's exploder dragons effect won't activate

Judy: Not to mention it will leave with just Horus again

Zane: That is one strong special ability

Chazz: Now I use the equip spell dragon treasure to Armed dragon giving him 3100 attack points. Now attack Horus with Dragon Talon Terror

Dakota: *Gasp*

Everyone: Dakota!

Dakota: I activate my face down Magical Stone Excavation by sending one card to the graveyard I can bring back another spell to my hand and now I'll play it Dragon treasure now Horus has 3300 and you take 200 points of damage

Chazz: 3100

Chazz: I still have a way to get rid of that dragon

Dakota: Well while you plan that it's my move

Dakota drew and got the card he needed

Dakota: Hey there Kidmodo maybe you can help me. I'll summon Kidmodo dragon in defense mode

Chazz: Why'd you bring him out Dakota starting a hatchery or something

Kidmodo just roared cutely and angrily at him

Chazz: Aw what's wrong did I hurt his widdle feelings

Just then a duel spirit appeared next to chazz

Ojama Y: It's okay if you did boss I mean those lizards give me the creeps all those fangs I mean where do these monsters come from weird

Chazz: Get lost! If I want your opinion I'll give it to you, you got that

Ojama Y: I got it boss sorry

Kidmodo then start to roar a little getting Dakota's attention

Dakota: Huh what are you roaring about? Huh chazz has a duel spirit hey I see him. So Chazz who's your little friend

Chazz then tried to catch Ojama yellow and was able to catch him

Chazz: Now it's my turn and your dragons turn to get blasted Armed Dragon LV 7 attack with Dragon Talon Terror

Syrus: Wait why didn't Chazz use his dragon's special ability

Judy: Because Kidmodo's effect would still activate

Bastion: Indeed when Kidmodo dragon is sent to the graveyard by battle Dakota can summon any dragon monster of any level from his hand to the field like right now

Dakota: Thanks Chazz because now I can bring any level dragon monster from my hand to the field and he's been waiting very patiently to see you again say hello to RED-EYES DARKNESS METAL DRAGON

Chazz: Grr fine I end my turn

Dakota: That's great because it's time your armed dragon becomes disarmed

Chazz: What?!

Dakota: Horus attack Armed Dragon LV 7 with Dark Blaze

Chazz: 2900 LP

Dakota: That's not all Chazz because now I sacrifice Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV 8 to summon his strongest and max level Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV 10

Everyone was shocked seeing the highest level of Horus

Bastion: Incredible I heard of this level of Horus, but I never seen it

Alexis: That makes two of us

Zane: Actually three and now Dakota really has the tables turned here

Judy: What makes you say that

Zane: I've been studying this level of Horus and he can negate and destroy any spell card and when it attacks it also destroys all spell and trap cards

Judy: Alright Dakota now take it to his life points

Dakota: You got it babe. Now Red-eyes attack Chazz directly

Chazz: 100 LP

Chazz then slowly got up

Chazz: It's my turn I activate the spell card Graveyard of the fourth dimension it allows me to get two cards from my graveyard and shuffle them into my deck sure they have to be a special kind of monster, but they're just the ones I need my armed dragons. Oh and I also have one right in my hand I summon Armed dragon LV 3

NA: Chazz it up!

Chazz: Yeah and now Dakota's about to be washed up

Chazz was then thinking about what his brothers said and Dakota quickly caught on

Dakota: *thought* Of course that's why Chazz has been acting like he's the best because of his brothers now I truly know where he's coming from. Well if there's one person who can change someone's point of view it's me

Dakota: It's about time that I really get fired up and now Horus attack armed dragon. Now comes the fun part because when Horus declares an attack all traps and spells are also destroyed

Chazz: Huh?!

Just then Chaz's trap card was destroyed

Chazz: Fine then I play monster reborn bringing back Armed Dragon LV 5 and now I play level up

Shepherd: What's level up do

Chazz: Wow I guess it's true what they say those who can't duel teach it allows me to level up a monster and I choose armed dragon now LV 7 I've been meaning to say this Dakota I'm fired up and I'm about to put yours out. Now I activate the spell card armed changer

Dakota: Not so fast Chazz cause I'm activating Horus's special ability see when my opponent activates a spell card Horus here can negate it and then destroy it

Chazz: Grr fine

Dakota: Come on Chazz you were having so much fun winning why can't you if you're losing cause I still have a blast if I'm losing. So don't let your brothers get to you

Chazz: What do you know about my brothers

Dakota: I know they're the ones putting this much pressure on you. Come on remember when you dueled just for the fun of it

Chazz: I only duel to win

Dakota: Well let's see where that gets ya in fact you already lost

Chazz: Why's that

Dakota: Because you only have 100 life points and the difference between your dragon and my Horus is 700 points

Chazz: No!

Dakota: Yep! Now Horus attack Chaz's dragon with Black Inferno

Chazz: 0 LP

Dakota: 4000 LP

After that Dakota won the duel, but needed to finish something

Chazz's brothers were scolding him and Dakota finally had enough

Dakota: Oi leave him alone

Jagger: Huh

Dakota: Sure he lost the duel, but how could he not with you two dipshits breathing down his neck

Slade: What did you say we ought...

Dakota finally had it and snapped again

Dakota: How bout you shut the fuck up you lying little abortion


Jagger: Do have any idea who we are kid we could...

Dakota: I heard you the first time titless no one cares

Both brothers were shocked

Dakota: Wicked duel Chazz and I know it's cheesy, but I think we both won here

Chazz: Your just saying that I mean no one else believes that

Just then the whole crowd was cheering on Chazz after that his brothers left

Dakota: Well Chazz guess we'll see you next year just don't forget to write hahaha

Chazz: Dakota I'm not going back

After that everyone was surrounding the stadium to see miss. Duel academy only to realize it was miss.Dorthy

After that Chazz returned to duel academy, but had to start as a Slifer

Judy: Guys let's give the Slifer cheer

They all started cheering the Slifer name which got chazz having second thoughts

Chazz: Can't we just have it at Chazz it up

Everyone: You mean Slifer it up

Chazz: This stinks my new family is already dysfunctional

Dakota: Welcome to my world

After all of that Dakota decided to head to the dorm roof and saw Chazz

Dakota: So this spot taken

Chazz: Huh?

Dakota: Sup Chazz

Chazz: Why are you here

Dakota: Just getting some fresh air you know and between you and me I think we're similar in more ways than one

Chazz was just silent and Dakota remembered something

Dakota: Oh hey Chazz you still have that Armed dragon deck

Chazz: Yeah what about it

Dakota: Here just to show no hard feelings

Dakota handed Chazz a Armed dragon card only it was Armed Dragon LV 10

Dakota: Well I'll leave you alone for now Cya then. Oh and between you and me black is definitely your color

After Dakota left Chazz smiled knowing Dakota treats him like a friend

Next time on Dragon Emperor. The Slifer trio Alexis and banner all go on a field trip. Only this trip turns into one out of their world where Dakota will have to get out by dueling? Will they escape or be trapped forever. Find out on The Dragon Emperor: A Grave Risk

Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter and next will be another two partner and then it's the Shadow Rider Arc until then guys, gals, and non-binary pals bye

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