Unnatural dream

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            Red's POV
I blacked out.I see something come into my sight it's another Night Fury.She has a purple eye and a blue eye with a purple colored flower at the end of her tail."Who are you?""I'm  Eclipse and you are?""I'm Red.""Are you able to change into a human too?""I can."We change back together. Eclipse has lavender hair with with one blue eye and one purple eye,she wearing a simple blue and purple dress with black boots."Are we in a dream?"I ask curiously. "No we are merely having a chat in our minds.I guess it kinda is like a dream." Eclipse Laugh's."So how long do these "mind chat's"last?" "It lasts at least a day.""I was talking to my friends before this happened my friends must be worried that I just blacked out!" "I'm so sorry I didn't know that you had friends with you at the time!If I knew I wouldn't have called you here." "It's ok you don't have to apologize you just didn't know.""I feel so bad,i know I can get you out of this place and you can go back to your friends but it will have to cost you." "Cost what like money?" "No it is one year off your lifespan."Eclipse looks sad and sighs."It's ok its not like twenty years off my life.""Your right ok see you soon,meet me in the Forest under the big tree near Berk,good by Red."I wake up a little dazed but then I see that I'm not outside anymore, I'm in Hiccup's room.I look around there's no one here.I see the door open and see Eclipse at my door."Hi Red." I'm surprised to see Eclipse here I wonder what she wants?"Hi ,Eclipse so what are you doing here?""I actually don't know what I'm doing here? It seems like I must have transported here after we had that "mind chat"."" Do you think that it might have been my powers?"" If it was your powers you must have an insane amount of power!"" But I barely learned how to make my powers a month ago." "Then I don't know were it came form it takes a skilled person just to have a "mind chat".""So what your saying is my powers are stronger then ever?""Yes that is what I'm saying.""Do you think it has to do with me and you meeting?""It might be that...."All of a sudden Hiccup comes into the room."Who are you and where did you come from?"

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