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Luna sat, staring at the water as she dragged her feet back and forth. Beside her a boy was quietly snoring, a hat pulled down over his eyes, the fishing rod in his lap all but forgotten. As soon as she was sure he was asleep she reached into her bag, pulling out a small box.

"Ok Oki, you can come out now," She smiled. A head emerged from the water, two black eyes staring up at her. At first it looked like a drowning horse, but as it rested its head onto the bridge beside her it was revealed to perfectly fine. Its back was covered in long spines, and its tail was long and fish like. She patted its slick fur and opened the box, handing it a chunk of fish. It chomped down on the meat, whinnying as she scratched the fur behind its ear. Oki was a Hippocamp, but was not yet fully grown. She'd seen fully grown Hippocampi before, heading downstream to their breeding grounds to the south. One day, Oki would go there, but that wouldn't be for at least another couple of years. Oki snorted, swimming back slightly and string at her with big black eyes.

"You know the townsfolk feel uncomfortable around beasts."

Luna turned to see the boy watching her, black hair visible beneath the floppy straw hat. She shrugged and went back to stroking Oki.

"So? I don't feel uncomfortable Nyx," She replied, puffing out her chest a little. "I'm gonna be-"

"-A member of the Hunter's society," He finished, a smile playing on his lips. "You've been saying that since you were six...actually, how long have you been saying that?"

"Over ten years," she replied, watching Oki shake its head before disappearing back into the murky river. "And in a couple of weeks I'll be seventeen and I'll be able to sign up."

"You could just do what everyone else is doing," He sighed, casting his line. "Everyone else is finding a job in the fields."

"Not everyone."

He rolled his eyes. "You're referring to Gemma, right?"

Luna nodded. "She's heading to Grey-Castle to study."

She thought about Grey-Castle and what it might be like in comparison to the sleepy town they'd grown up in.

"I don't understand why you're so eager to leave," Nyx watched the line sway in the current. "What does Grey-Castle have that Penen doesn't?"

"Let's see..." She shoved him playfully as the wind rustled through the falling red leaves, directing them into the water. She watched them float downstream. "Jobs other than farmer or shop keeper."

"Yeah, risking your life in order to catalogue beasts is much better than making bread," Not to be outdone he shoved her back, slightly harder. "I just don't want you to get hurt, that's all."

They sat in silence for a while, the sun filtering through the tree branches casting speckled light across the water.

"So what are you going to do?" She finally asked. He shrugged as something tugged on his line. Nyx started to reel it in.

"Honestly, I don't know. Can't afford further education like Gemma, I don't want to risk my life but I also don't particularly want to work on my family's farm either."

He pulled the line from the water, a fish hanging onto the end flapping its tail around wildly. It went limp as he placed it in the basket on the other side of him before casting it out again.

"Can't head south, don't have the money or transportation, can't go north, don't know the language," He sighed, staring down into the river. "Can't really do anything."

She patted him on the arm, standing up and scooping up her bag. "You'll think of something."

"I'm sure I will," He muttered. "I'll see you tomorrow."

"yep, count on it."

She went to walk away before she remembered something. Luna turned to face him.

"Can I have my hat back?"

"Damn," he took it off, tossing it over to her. She picked it up with one hand and placed it atop her messy blond hair. "I thought you'd forget again."

"Nope!" She grinned happily, waving before darting off down the path back towards Penen town.


Sometimes Nyx worried about Luna. He hauled himself to his feet, glancing up at the sky. He had maybe a couple of hours until nightfall, and about an hour until the market closed for the night. He looked in his basket, six fish nestled within a white cloth. Nyx bit his lip, trying to decide whether to try and swap them or just take his catch home. He shook his head and grabbed his basket, walking down the path back towards town. He listened to the sound of crickets chirping, taking up their twilight song as the sun continued to sink towards the horizon. He picked up his pace, bracing himself against the stiff breeze.

After a few minutes he reached the town gate, walking beneath the marble arches and uphill, past houses and closing shops on his way to the market place. He forced his way through the shrinking crowd, the stone path giving way to cobble stone. His boots thudded noisily against the ground as he ran towards one of the stalls. The woman behind the stall was busy packing up her ware but glanced up as he approached.

"Bit late today, aren't we Nyx?" she asked, wiping her hands on her apron before going back to her packing.

"Sorry ma'am," He reached into his basket, retrieving the cloth. "But if it's not too late..."

"Never too late Honey," She smiled. "What you got?"

He placed three fish on the table. "Fresh, caught them only a little while ago."

She unwrapped the fish, picking up the grey meat and turning it over in her hands. "I can give you some venison, some milk and a loaf for all three."

Nyx smiled and nodded. "deal."


Luna pulled herself up onto the wall, walking along the chipped brickwork before climbing up onto a flat roof. A couple of teens turned to face her but most continued with what they were doing. She kept her head down, heading over to the front of the building where she'd stashed her belongings. As she approached a head rose up from the blankets.


"Yep," She replied, sitting down beside the blankets as the creature emerged. It head was long and pointed, like an alligator's, but covered in rough black scales. It walked on four legs, claws clicking against the tiled roof as it stretched its wings, and was about the size of a medium dog.

"We going to the pit tonight?" The dragon yawned, showing off two rows of sharp white teeth.

"Yes Minx, we need the money," Luna sighed, rummaging through the blankets to see two brown eggs. "You don't have to participate if you don't want to, we've got two to sell."

Minx flopped beside her, resting her head on Luna's lap. "I don't know yet..."

Luna pushed the dragon off, grabbing the two eggs wrapping them in the blankets. "Where's my rucksack?"

"Underneath," Minx closed her green eyes, puffing black smoke from her nostrils. Luna lifted the eggs up to see a leather bag. She unbuttoned it and placed the eggs inside, swinging it over her shoulder.


She turned to see a beefy dude wearing shorts and a ragged shirt. He grinned, scratching his stubble covered chin.

"You going to the Pit tonight?" He asked. She just nodded and a wide grin spread across his face. "Don't expect to win! I've got a little surprise, gonna break your streak!"

Luna glanced at Minx, who had her back arched. Her wings twitched as she returned her gaze.



"I'm participating."

Luna patted Minx's head. "That's my girl."

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