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Luna sat at the table beside Nyx, listening to the rain pound against the window. A storm had arrived out of nowhere, blocking out the sky with thick grey clouds. Luna flipped the page of her journal, pointing to the picture of a dragon.

"This one?" He chuckled. "Ridgeback."

She grinned and looked over his shoulder at his journal. Most of it was text about how he accomplished certain tasks, a few bits scribbled out and rewritten. Quin brushed up against her shoulder, looking at Nyx's notes.

"Can you actually do any of that?" He asked sceptically. Nyx smirked, flicking his finger. A screwdriver beside James shook and flew over to their table. It just hovered in thin air. Quin's eyes widened as he poked it before jumping back, as if expecting it to fall back down.

It didn't.

James rolled his eyes. "Can I have that back now?"
The screwdriver perked up, arching back over to James' table and bouncing across the surface. He sighed, picked it up and went back to work. "Thanks."

Minx rapped her knuckles against the glass, watching the street outside. "He's there."

"Varistor?" Luna asked, looking at Nyx's diagrams. She'd never know he was that good at art.


"Let him get wet?"


Minx hopped down from the window sill, joining them at the table. She yawned as Axel stumbled into the room.

"Meden Axel," Rai whistled, helping James hold his work down whilst he drilled holes into the metal.

Like the rest of them, by now Axel was usually either dressed in normal clothes or in the society uniform. He was still wearing his pyjamas; beige knee length shorts, a baggy cotton shirt and no shoes. His padded into the room and Luna could see his eyes were bloodshot, rimmed with red. He wiped his hands on his shirt, leaving fine brown hairs in their wake. He smiled weakly.

"Sorry, couldn't get any Wolfsbane," he croaked, grabbing a jug and glass. "Spent all night up."

James shrugged and went back to his work. "Tried speaking to Mendax?"

Axel shook his head, chugging the water and pouring himself even more. "Already asked. He can't help. If no one's selling then no one's selling...I'm gonna try again today."

Luna held her tongue, she didn't want to tell him to cut back, but by the looks of him the withdrawal symptoms weren't worth whatever kick he got out of it.

Axel quickly disappeared, his footsteps receding up the staircase. Nyx flicked the page of his journal and pointed to a passage.

"I still can't do this one right. The first bit, the bit I copied, briefly explains it but everything me and Charlie have done to re-create it doesn't work like it's supposed to."

She looked at where is finger was pointing and frowned.

"Mind barriers? Didn't you do that to Varistor yesterday?"

He shook his head. "No. I held him in place using his clothes. From what I've experienced I can't do living material but stuff like clothes and knives I can...most of the time."

"When did this even start?" Minx asked, flapping her wings and yawning.

"A little while after you left," he replied. Luna decided then she could let her mind wander, Nyx had already told her what had happened.

Later on, after the rain stopped, her, Nyx, Minx, Jags, Quin and Gemma would be heading to one of the many local taverns dotted around town. She smiled wistfully at that thought. The only problem was that Varistor would probably show up like he had each time she and Gemma tried to catch up.

"Looks like the rain's clearing up," Quin stated, snapping her back to reality.

Luna looked out the window and smirked. "No it's not. You just want to go out."

He put his hands on his hips and scowled. Jeez, he was adorable. Nyx let out a stifled laugh and that was when Luna remembered he could read minds. He shot her a knowing look.

"I like the rain!" Quin whined.

Minx snorted. "Aren't you a Pyron, master of all things hot and flammable?"

"Yes. And I like the rain. Shoot me."

Rai pulled her bow out from beneath the table. Luna blinked, when had she brought that down with her? Nyx was struggling to hold back his laughter again. Rai pretended to notch an arrow in the bow.

"It would be my pleasure!"


After a while Quin managed to persuade Minx, Nyx and Luna to go for a horse ride with him through the woods before they met up with the others. Quin enjoyed horse riding. On their way out of town they passed Mendax who was, as usual, on guard duty. He smiled as they approached.

"Morning!" He tipped his cap. "Enjoying your free time?"

"Yeah, thanks!" Quin laughed, tugging gently in the reins. His horse, a young brown mare named Eri, whinnied, pawing the ground with her hoof.

Mendax chuckled back, patting him on the shoulder. "Well, enjoy the fine weather!"

"Don't worry, we will," Luna assured him, her voice dripping with sarcasm. Nyx was seated behind her, bracing himself against the stiff wind that sent raindrops sprawling towards them like arrows.

He waved them past and Quin spurred Eri forwards. He headed the group, leading them down a worn dirt path into the forest. Birds chirped, darting between the tree branches, fluttering in and out of the shadows. As they trotted deeper into the woods the rain died down, spitting instead of pouring.

"So where we going?" Minx asked, landing on the saddle behind him. He shrugged.

"Don't know. Just wanted to go out."

"We're just going for a morning ride," Luna agreed, stretching and almost hitting Nyx in the face. If he minded he didn't show it.

"This place has a rich history," Nyx smiled. Quin turn to see his eyes were clouded over and white.

"Really?" Luna inquired. "What kinda stuff happened here?"

He shrugged. "Stuff I've seen before. Dragons painted blue and red fighting mostly," he paused. "We're here too."

Eri suddenly stopped, as did Luna's horse. Quin tried to urge her forwards but his horse refused to move.

Nyx gasped. He'd gone completely white, like all the blood had drained from his face. "We need to go."


Nyx held up one finger for silence before repeating himself. "We need to move right now."

Luna rolled her eyes. "Why?"

Suddenly the world shimmered and Quin could see them, mounted on horseback a few paces of from where they now stood. A dragon was running towards them, eyes filled with hatred and fear.

"A- A red horn?" Luna stuttered. The scene faded and Nyx gasped, falling forwards and breathing heavily.

Eri took a step back, bouncing from hoof to hoof. The trees ahead shook. Nyx mumbled something, trying to sit up but immediately collapsing again. Minx's ears perked up and her wings twitched.

"It's him."

"Who's him?" Luna whispered, slowly urging her horse forwards. Quin felt his stomach drop as he realised they were in the exact position as they had been in whatever vision they had just seen.

The vegetation around them exploded, embers raining down as the huge head came into view. Luna pulled her horse around, shouting for Quin to do the same. Quin, shocked, turned and galloped after her. The dragon roared, the ground shook and Eri stumbled but kept her balance. He risked a glance behind him and instantly wished he hadn't.

It was clawing it's way towards them, eating up the ground between them. It somewhat looked like a lizard crossed with a bat, no front legs, just wings with clawed fingers. Its brown tail whipped around, tipped with wicked spines. A crown of horns surrounded the back of its head, more like a studded collar the a part of its body.

"Faster!" Luna screamed, her voice barely audible over the thundering of hooves and the screaming of the dragon. The gate came into view and that's when realised their mistake; they'd led it straight to the city. Luna waved one arm over her head. "Close that gate, close the ruddy gate Mendax!"

The thundered past, Mendax already pulling the gate closed. Quin knew it wouldn't work, the dragon was so much bigger than the ten foot wall, and even if it wasn't it had wings.

Luna threw herself off of her horse having already handed the reigns to Nyx. She rolled once then was already back in her feet, pounding back down the dampened street towards the gate. Minx leapt off of the back if his saddle, shooting after her.

"Quin! Go back to the Society! Get the others!"

Quin nodded and chased after Nyx, his heart pounding in his chest and his mind racing.


Luna was beside Mendax, knife drawn. The gate was closed and both stood on the wrong side, facing the dragon charging towards them.

"What species?" Mendax asked, sword in hand. Minx landed beside him, muscles tensed.

"I thought it was a red horn, but the markings on its back suggest it's actually a regal horn," Luna gulped. "They aren't even native to this country."

Mendax nodded. The regal horn slowed, prowling forwards.

"Where is Seafoam?" It boomed, its voice deep and rasping. Luna got a clear shot down its throat, green fire sacks wobbling just past its red inflamed tonsils.

"Who?" Luna asked Mendax.

"One if the ruling sea dragons. We sent three squads to go and look for her but lost contact yesterday. That's what James was working on," he explained calmly. The Dragon's nostrils flared.

"The Hunter's society have turned on us," it snapped, slamming its tail against the ground. A tree cracked and fell to the ground with a ear-splitting crunch, sending a flick of startled starlings exploding out into the darkened sky.

"No. We haven't," Mendax took a step forwards, sword raised. "But if you move out of your territory we have no choice but to eliminate you, for our own safety."

The Dragon's pupils dilated, focusing on Minx. "You would fight your own kind?"

"Yep," She snapped bluntly. The dragon reared onto its hind legs, growling softly.

"Last chance. Turn and leave now. Reinforcements are already on their way here," Mendax warned. Sure enough Luna could hear footsteps racing towards them. She turned to look behind her and cursed. The rest of the Society was fighting to get through a gathering crowd. She could see Charlie, Gemma and Jags among them. Luna turned back to the dragon.

"Hand over the Mystic and I shall leave," it snarled, more of a warning than a request.

"We shall do no such thing," Mendax replied, still calm despite the growing tension. "If the Mystic is in our city we have a duty of care to protect him or her."

Him or her. Luna bit her lip; Mendax still didn't know about Nyx.

"Don't you mortals understand? Seven is an odd number you fools. I thought that the leader of the Hunter's society would understand the consequences of throwing off the balance," the dragon warned. "Hand the Mystic over!"

Rai thudded to the ground behind them, having scaled the wall.

"That knife won't do anything," She sighed, handing Luna a sword. Luna just nodded, waiting to follow Mendax's example.

"Back away," Mendax moved forwards, raising his own sword. "There are innocent people here. We can talk this out as long as we do it someplace else."

The dragon growled, arching it's back. Luna knew what was coming. "Get down!"

She grabbed Rai, dragging her down to the floor as the wall of fire engulfed the spot where they'd just been standing. Luna's head snapped up to see that Mendax had also thrown himself to the ground but Quin was still standing before the gates.

He was standing square on to the wall, hands out as he redirected the fire away from the screaming crowd. Luna ducked back down, scrambling towards the dragon. Overhead thunder boomed out, the heavens opened.

"Luna! What the hell are you doing?" Rai hissed. Luna didn't reply. She pressed herself as close to the dirt path as she could. She could feel the heat against her back as she gripped her sword, going over the half formed plan in her head.

Mendax glanced over at her. "You've got the most experience with dragons kid, I hope you know what you're doing!"

"I hope so too!"

Regal thorns had three hearts in order to pump blood around the body. The largest would be located behind the left lung, but to even get there she'd either have to stab through the thick armour of the belly or through the back. She was out of the path of the fire now, circling around the back of the dragon. Minx landed beside her.

"Back or belly?" Minx asked in a hushed voice.

"Back...you're ok with this?" Luna dodged backwards to avoid the spiked tail.

Minx rolled her eyes. "He's not even from here. He tried to communicate in dragon tongue and called me a 'brother'."

"Any other info?"

"His name's Jashalock. Ruling dragon of the islands East of ours," Minx stated. "He said something about being a guardian..."

Jashalock turned his head to face them, emerald eyes glittering. Luna and Minx scattered, each going a different way as his mouth opened. Luna pressed her back against a tree trunk, listening as the fire raged. She caught Minx's gaze and nodded, holding up one hand and counting down her fingers.

Luna lunged forwards, straight at the dragon's face. She was going crazy, she just knew it, but something had a grip on her. Jashalock also seemed stunned, because he barely moved as she gripped his face, clambering up onto his neck.

"Mendax! Rai!" She howled as the dragon began to thrash, trying to throw her off. "Belly!"

Her hand scrambled around as she tried to gain a purchase. She clasped one of his horns, holding on for dear life.

He screamed and lurched to one side. Luna saw Mendax skid out from beneath the monster, sword in hand dripping with purple. At that moment Rai darted in, striking Jashalock again. Luna gritted her teeth, letting go and sliding slowly down the wet creatures neck.

"Just one stab," she mumbled to herself. "Right in, just one strike."

Above her a wall of fire rose up, twirling around into the shape of a monstrous bear. Embers flew from its mouth, long orange claws slashing down into the dragon's head. He rocked backwards, Luna almost losing her grip. Instinctively she lashed out, driving her sword into flesh and holding on with all her strength.

Jashalock roared, and to Luna's horror started to rise up, wings beating the air as the world span around.

She grasped the hilt of her sword tighter, gripping onto a nearby horn to steady herself as she shook back and forth. Below her she saw Rai notch and arrow before sending it whizzing towards them. It struck the dragon in the neck, another scream erupting from deep within its throat.

Suddenly she stopped rising, Jashalock straining against some unseen force. She looked back down and saw Nyx making his way through the crowd. He had one hand on his hat and the other up, as though holding something. James and Quin were close behind him. Luna turned her attention back to her current predicament.

She reached up, grabbing onto one of the slick horns and heaving herself up so she was siting on his back. Jashalock was breathing heavily, his movements lazy and disjointed as he tried to break free. She pulled herself back onto his neck and yanked out her blade.

"Luna?" He asked. Luna gapsed.


The dragon nodded slowly. "We don't have much time. He's fighting me for control."

"What?" She held on tight to the Dragons neck, breathing heavily.

"Between the shoulder blades. Not too deep, just injure him. He's afraid Luna, he doesn't know what's happening. Fear makes all of us act without thinking."

Luna gasped, clutching her now dripping sword, magenta blood diluted by the rain water as she shuffled backwards.

"What happens when he falls?" She asks, gasping the situation. Slowly she knelt, pointing the tip of the sword straight between the two twitching wing muscles.

"I...haven't really got that far yet. I'll try to catch you," he admitted.

"Wow, wonderful plan."

"You wanna try and fight him without me?"

"Fair point," She sighed. "See you in hell."

Closing her eyes Luna brought the sword down.

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