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Luna followed Vienna and Axel up a flight of pure white stairs. Torches exploded to life as the continued onwards, vanishing as soon as their light was no longer needed. She clenched her free hand in an effort to stop it from shaking and flicked her hat back, squeezing Quin's hand reassuringly. At the back of the group Nyx groaned, his head occasionally thumping against Mendax's shoulder loud enough for Luna to hear the impact. Each time, she winced. Whatever had happened to him, he hadn't fared well; his face was covered in soot and there was so much ash his hair had changed from pitch black to a dusty grey. Quin tugged her arm, distracting her from Nyx as they turned left into a much narrower corridor at the top of the landing. Vienna was barely visible in the low light, only the rhythmic clicking of her necklace giving Luna some idea of where the shadow walker was.

"This place, it's...it's very impressive," Minx piped up. Luna glanced back, almost smiling as she saw Jags still clinging to Minx's back as though she were his mother. Almost.

"Yes, the shadow walkers are far more developed than the rest of Pasirima and Meden's creations. Though we are still beasts, and thus we have worked hard with the hunter's society to make sure each and every one of us is catalogued. And if I am right in my assumptions, our relationship is in jeopardy," She sighed, padding ahead into a huge decorated hall.

The walls were covered in mosaics, colours faded in placed but bright and fresh in others. Other shadow walkers had gathered in balconies and stands around the room, pacing back and forth, dozing or simply observing. Luna caught sight of the shadow walker who had brought them here, Alistar, waiting beside a large, glossy oak throne, another shadow walker guarding the opposite side. Vienna nodded once and Axel held out a hand, signalling for them to stop. Mendax continued forwards, placing Nyx at the base of the throne as Vienna took her place atop it. Luna felt a chill run down her spine and mumbling broke out amongst the watching crowd. After a moment, Alistar stepped forwards and the crowd silenced, only the sound of his paws against the marble floor audible above Luna's own laboured breathing.

"The court of shadows is now in session. All will observe, all will decide, all will vote on the fate of the ones brought before us today. A decision will be made as to which one will die to save each and everyone of us," He announced and Luna's stomach dropped. Quin whimpered, burying his face in her damp jacket. "We will now hear testimony from each of the guilty, and a decision will be made." He prowled over to Nyx, bringing his snout close to his face. "Awaken."

Nyx gasped, his back arching at an impossible angle as he struggled to breath. Luna stepped forwards to help but a heavy hand landed on her shoulder. She whirled around to see Mendax. He shook his head sadly at her before pulling her back to stand beside him.

"We mustn't interfere," he hissed, "If we want to save both of them then we need to play by the rules of the court."

"What rules?" She asked, keeping her voice down as Axel helped Nyx to stand. He glanced back and caught her gaze before turning back to face Vienna.

"Mystic," Vienna purred, staring down and inspecting Nyx with bright, intelligent eyes. "I am Vienna, ruler of our kind. You stand in the judgement hall of the shadow walkers. You are expected to answer each and every question honestly without hesitation, in the presence of our god Meden. You will take the trial of the shadow walkers to determine your fate. Do you except?"

Luna's eyes trailed upwards, settling on the ceiling. A huge, three headed dragon stared back at her. She shuddered.

"I accept," Nyx replied quickly, shuffling around nervously. He glanced back at them and Luna winced. His skin was deathly white in the places not obscured by soot, his eyes sunken but wild. He gulped and turned back to Vienna.

She nodded confidently, standing and leaping down from her perch stop the throne. Vienna swiftly padded forwards, circling him. "Then let the trial begin."


Everything went dark and Nyx's breathing hitched. He couldn't do this. He couldn't understand how he'd got here or why he was here. Cold air rushed past his face, tearing away the ash from his skin, and his ears popped. Suddenly, he wasn't in the hall anymore.

The trees loomed overhead, blocking out the sky with grey branches and muddy green leaves. Nyx stumbled backwards, his boots squishing in the wet grass and he frantically looked around. Vienna stood before him, the silver light glinting off of her necklaces as she circled around him. In the shadows between the tree trunks, shapes fluttered in and out of existence, eyes swimming into of view before fading once again.

"How much control do you have over your powers?" Vienna purred. Nyx gulped, unsure what to say. She sighed before repeating herself. "How much control?"

"I-I don't know," he stuttered. "Some."

"Show me."

He barely had time to react as she leapt upwards, grasping an overhanging branch and ripping it away. He caught it seconds before it hit his chest, extending his hand and adjusting his footing in the process. He launched the branch back as Vienna landed, her paws falling silently amongst the grass. She ducked just in time and the branch vanished into the darkness.

"Interesting. You have enough to protect yourself. Is that all?"

Nyx struggled to catch his breath. "I told you! I don't know!"

She was on him in a heartbeat, pinning his arms down as he struggled to free himself. "Really? How about now?"

Nyx felt a burning sensation run up his arm and he screamed. Everything went red, and the next thing he knew Vienna was across the clearing, muscles tensed and fur steaming. Shaking fingers brushed agains his lips and came away bloody. Vienna laughed.

"I new there was more! Interesting, very interesting. You're the only mystic in existence, correct?"

Nyx nodded, trying to wipe away the blood dribbling across his chin.

"Immense power, all inside one vessel. No wonder the strain on your body is enough to cause harm."

"Why am I here?" he demanded. The mark on his hand thronged, dark light leaking through his skin. Vienna shook her head, proceeding to circle him once again.

"I will ask the questions here. Would you die for the child?"


"The Pyron," she explained calmly. "Would you die to save his life?"

"Of course!" he immediately replied. "He's just a kid."

She sat down, bekoning him over with one paw. Nyx stood rooted to the spot. They both just stared at each over for a good five minutes before Vienna sighed.

"Mystic. Please. I am trying to be reasonable here. The balance has been tipped. In reviving the Mystics, Pasirima has brought forth an odd number of creations. The balance is gone, and with no balance Pasirima has begun to awaken. There is only one solution. For the balance to remain stable, either you or the Pyron must die. We are not heartless, we do not wish to kill anyone. However, we would prefer not to kill a child."

Nyx stared into Vienna's eyes before giving in, coapsing beside her and hugging his knees.

"I didn't ask for any of this."

"Neither did we."

"What do I need to do to prove to you I'm more of an asset than a liability?" he questioned, staring straight ahead. He couldn't bring himself to look at her. Around him whispered arose, eyes flashing. Now he understood what this was. Vienna was the judge, the shadows were the jury...he didn't want to think about what came next.

"Show us you're safe, that your powers will not cause us harm. Prove to us that you will not fight when you can talk."

With that, Nyx's stomach dropped. He realised he'd already failed, if involuntarily, by retaliating to Vienna's attack. He didn't have any more control over his actions than when he'd started. He felt his eyes sting and angrily blinked back the tears. He buried his face between his knees as the whispering stopped and his ears popped. The grass had vanished, replaced once more by the cold marble of the judgement hall. He felt hands on his shoulders and within seconds warmth seeped through his shirt. He knew Luna was there to comfort him, but it didn't matter anymore. He pushed her away, clambering to his feet. Vienna was back on her thone, looking down sadly at him. He felt dead inside, his limbs moving of his own accord as he stepped towards her. They'd made their minds up from the very beginning. They just needed proof he was capable of harming them.

"Prove to us Nyx, and we will let you go," Vienna said, almost begging.

As he stood up as straight as he could, the scarf around his neck felt like a noise, sealing his fate. He held up his hands in defeat. "I can't."

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