Chapter 13: Painful Interrogation

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Her consciousness was hazy when she woke. Her vision was blurry. She tried to blink it away, but to no avail. But her vision is clearing. She closed her eyes for one more time and then reopened them. Her vision returned. She looked around to get her bearing. She was in a round circular room with white walls. Glass covered the wall to the left of her.

She felt something hard and cold around her hands and feet. She looked down and her heart sank. Metal cuffs connected to steel chains were locked onto her hands and feet, she knew she couldn't break them. She better to not try.

Why did this happen to me? Where am I? What did I do to deserve this? Fear gripped her. She looked down her body and she realized that she is only wearing what she went to bed in. She wore her black tank top. She didn't wear pants. All she had on was her underwear and knee high socks.

"The guys who kidnapped me could at least put some pants on me. Agh!" She howled in frustration.

The chains kept her from getting up or running away, but it at least allowed her to sit up. She sat up and pulled her legs up and put her hands around them so she can rest her head on knees.

Someone's bound to come and meet her. She didn't know how long she had to wait. Heck, she didn't even know how long she's been unconscious. What's worse, she needed to do something, else she'll lose her mind.

"If only the left me with something to do." She muttered.

She turned and saw that they left a couple of books and a pen and notepad.

"Nevermind." She said as she grabbed one of the books. Ironically enough, it was her own.

"The White Raven. My very own book." She said as she opened the book. She may have wrote it but she never really read it herself. She closed the book and looked at the cover. Big letters saying the name: The White Raven. She looked under the title and saw her name, Sora White. She looked at her book. It was about a girl who saved a rare raven who's both wings were broken. The raven could fly away or go anywhere. This girl who saved the raven was lost and suffering and didn't know what to do. When the raven was healthy enough and it's wings were healed, the girl released the raven. The bird flew and stopped in front of the girl. Then it flew off. An hour passed and then the bird came back. It surprised her. It made the girl smile. And she had a purpose. She had a reason to live she chose to take care of the bird. As she saved the bird, the bird gave her a reason to live.

Sora feels like the raven when it had broken wings. She was trapped. She wondered what will happen to her. She placed her book right next to her. Then she reached over and grabbed another. It was actually a puzzle book. She decided to work on. The puzzles were easy to do. Plus, it took her mind off her predicament.

She was half way finished with puzzle book when she heard footprints from outside approaching the large metal safe-like door. She ignored the footsteps and continued to work on it puzzle book. She pull her attention from the puzzle book when she heard the latch to the door turned. Moments later the door opened. She saw a man in a black and white suit, 2 men in military suits and a tall man who looked as though he just turned 18 entered the room. The man in the suit found a chair to the table in the corner and pulled it in front of her and sat in it. She studied him.

He looked to be in his late 30s if not early 40s. He was lean and fit. He had brown hair and beige eyes. His skin tone had a little tan.

He smiled at her, which made her nervous. He must have noticed that she was studying him. Then he spoken in a polite but deep tone.

"Well met, young lady. My name is Michael Bensworth. I must apologize for the circumstances of you getting here. I gave orders to bring you here peacefully. Instead they kidnapped you from your home brought you with barely any clothing on. For this I'm sorry."

He leaned in closer.

"May I ask you your name?" He asked with a gentle and friendly voice.

Instead of speaking, she took the book that was close to her and handed it to him.

"Look at the name on the bottom. That's who I am."

He looked at the name.

"Wait, you're the Sora White that wrote The White Raven, a New York Times Bestseller? I thought Sora was an teenager."

She just shrugged.

"That's me. I wrote that book when I was a sophomore. It was just a class assignment until the teacher took it to a publisher. The publisher came to me and asked if he wanted me publish it. I agreed. I didn't expect it to be popular. Then I found out that it sold over 2 million copies and it became a New York Times Bestseller. I like to write. I also like to read."

He smiled. "Well, I actually love this book. This is actually my personal copy."

Then they heard a grunt. It was the tall man. Michael looked at and saw that he nodded towards her. His smile faded. He turned back towards her, facial expression now serious.

"Right." He said.

He clears his throat.

"Now to business."

'Now I'll find out why I'm here. I'll also find out what they plan to do with me' she thought.

"You may not know this, but you're in a top secret government facility. Would you like to know why?"

She nodded.

"You're here right now because of what you saw last night. You saw something that you wasn't suppose to see."

"You mean that flying blue creature? The one which looks humanoid but is covered in scales?"

His eyes widened.

"So you have seen him." He said as he puts his head in hand. "I was hoping you didn't."

"Why? What's the big deal?"

The tall man who stood behind him stepped forward and grabbed her throat. He pulled her up to his face as the manacles pulled back her arms and legs, causing her to yelp in pain.

"You wasn't supposed to see that, you foolish girl! We may have to do something horrible to you!" He barked at her. He then threw her back on the ground.

She cried out in pain. Michael rushed to check up on her. Then he glared back the tall man.

"John!!" He barked at him."you're not suppose to hurt her."

He looked back at her.

"Are you alright?"

She nodded shakily, tears running down her face.

He turned to the man named John.

"Get out of here right now!!! You caused enough damage." He growled at him.

John pushed him out of the way. He grabbed her by the throat and pulled her up again, causing more pain for her.

"Maybe I'll just kill you and get this over with." He glared at her.

She was crying a lot now. 'Is this how I die? In this room? Strangled by this man?' She thought. She felt him tight his grip on her neck. She heard Michael yell at him, telling him to put her down, but John just glared at her.

He squeezed tighter.

She can't breath. 'So this is how I die. I'll be joining mom and dad soon. So much pain.' She closed her eyes, waiting her end. Then she heard a new voice.

"Put her down, Theron. Now!"

He turned his head surprised.

She felt his grip on her neck loosen at he let go of her and she hit the floor, gasping for air. She tried to lift her head to see the person who spoke. Her eyes widened as she saw it. The flying blue creature.

The creature looked at John.

"You should be ashamed of yourself, Theron. To harm a girl."

It approached him and stood in his face. John or Theron, whatever his name is looked frightened, as if he did something wrong. Theron or John backed up and took a knee.

"I'm sorry David. She knows about you now. I'm sorry. I was only trying to protect you."

The creature just growled at him.

"That doesn't give the right to harm her. She's no threat to me. Remember what we talked about? I dislike violence towards women strongly."

John bowed. "I'm sorry my friend."

The creature just sighed. "I know you mean well. But this isn't the way. Just go and cool yourself off, please?"

John/Theron stands up. "Alright my friend. I'll do what you ask."

He stepped away and left the room. A couple of seconds later after John left, a girl looking 17 almost 18 rushes in.

The girl sees Sora on ground. "What has he done to you?" She asked as she rushes to her. The creature took a knee right beside her.

"I'm sorry for what my friend has done to you. He was just protecting me. He won't be doing it again."

Sora looks at him. "T-t-thank y-ou sir."

He just smiled. "Just call me David. And the girl here is Lucy. You should know that now that you know of my existence, you'll never be allowed to leave. I'm sorry for that."

She just stared weakly at him. He was so mystical. Beautiful.

Lucy grumbled. "What Theron did was too cruel. He should have never done that. Even if it was to protect David."

Michael knelt by her as well. " I agree. That was unforgivable." He turned towards one of the men behind him.

"Hand me the keys. We need to get these manacles of her." he said.

"Yes sir." One of the men said as he walked over and handed him the keys. Michael undid the manacles and they fell to the ground. Then he grabbed her arm and gently raised it, calling out to Lucy.

"Lucy, grab her other arm. We'll take her to another room and and allow her to rest."

Lucy grabs her arm and through it over her shoulder. "I'll watch over her as she rest." She said.

David stands up and faces Sora. "I'll come by to check on you. We'll talk later."

He gets ready to step out of the room when he heard her say something. "Thank you David. Thanks for helping me."

He smiled. "Glad I could help. Take care."

Then he steps out.

Michael speaks up. "Alright. Let's get you to a bed so you can rest."

She nodded. "Alright."

She passes out as they left the room.

Dang. You didn't have to be so rough Theron. Anyways. Don't forget to comment and vote.

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