Chapter 15: Sadness and Regret

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It's been weeks since the day she left the Megadome. She had to explain to everyone that Lucy was a transfer student. But it worked out fine. Everyone liked her. Well, everyone but Christi. When she told Christi that Lucy is her new friend she would get mad and whine.

'I'm your only friend. Lucy is trying to take you away from me.' Is what she always say to Sora. Christi was jealous of Lucy.

But she learned firsthand that Lucy was shy. When she introduced her everyone, they cheered, happy that Sora had another friend. They surround her, smiling and happy. But she saw that Lucy was frightened. She shooed them away and reassured her that everything will be alright. Lucy would always just smile and say she was alright, when you know she's not.

At school, she always saw Jason spying on her. The day that Lucy transferred to Cevalon high, Jason got a job there as the janitor. She knew that it was a cover to keep an eye on her. What's more though, is that he looked as if he fitted the job rightly.

During the week, Sora spend her nights outside on the balcony either writing or reading, especially if it's a night when there's a full moon. When she came back home, she felt truly relieved to be home. But she didn't come home alone. Lucy was surprised by how big her house was. Sora giggled when she walked inside and her head went everywhere. Lucy looked like a kid in a candy shop. When Lucy came inside, Sora handed her a visa credit card and a debit card. She asked her why she have her the cards. She told her to have fun but not too much fun with them, especially when she told her how much was in her bank account.

Sora was practically a millionaire. Because of her book selling over 2 million copies, not to forget to mention that she had the $125,000 dollars that her parents left her, she had over $36 million dollars in her bank account. All of this was before her 18th birthday.

Her weeks was great, but it all changes when the weekend comes. During the weekend, she had to stay at the MegaDome. At first, it wasn't bad. The first weekend she return to the Megadome, John/Theron came up and apologized to her. She was scared at first, but when she realized that he came to apologize, she forgave him.
Later on, she met Risa. She was like David, but she was white while he was blue. Risa looked beautiful, even with the scales and claws. The tail was slim like her. She liked Risa. The feeling however, was not mutual. Risa was cold to her and the first time she met her, Risa threatened her that if she does anything to David, she would kill her. She assured her that she would never hurt David.

What made things interesting though, was that over half of the men in the Megadome have fallen for her. She owed no interest in them though. Lucy laughed at the men who stare at Sora like an animal. Sora told Lucy that everywhere she goes, this always happens. This caused Lucy to laugh.

Sora and Lucy ended up becoming close friends. Lucy gave some ideas about a book to Sora and she told her that they're great ideas. With the Visa card that Sora gave her, she bought her a whole new outfit for herself. Sora even help her decide what to buy. Their close friendship never failed to make Christi mad.

After 3 months of coming to the MegaDome, she was getting used to it and she was friendly to most of the people there. She's even friendly to Theron and made Risa not hate her as much. But there's one who never associated with her ever since she's been there. The last time she ever spoke to this person, he had apologized for his friends actions. And such, she never heard or spoken to David ever since.

She tried to talk to him, even if it's just small talk. But whenever he sees her, he flies off. As he flies off, she calls after him. 2 more months have passed from when she first came to the Megadome. She went to see Lucy about homework they had to do for History, when she ran into David. And she literally ran into him. She felled down and dropped all of her stuff. She apologized to the person she ran into. As she was picking up books, she saw the man pick up one of her books. She looked up and realized that she ran into David.

"David." She spoke.

"Sora." He said with no emotion.

He lifted the book and looked at it. Then he gave it back her.

"Thank you."


He said nothing. She watched as he stood and walk passed her and continued. She stood and turned around. Then she called out to him, making him stop.



"David. I wanted to speak with you."


"Why have you avoided me? What did I ever do to make you avoid me? When I want to speak to you just to speak with you, you fly away. Why?"

He turned around and faced her.

" didn't do anything, Sora. I just don't want to speak with you. Now leave me be. And don't ever talk to me ever again."

He turned around and walked away. She was stunned. Why? He didn't want to speak with me. Tears formed in her eyes. She slid slowly to the ground and began weeping.


Ever since he said those words, he regretted it. 6 months after his mother left, he was slowly beginning to get darker. His attitude was going from good to bad. And it was because of what he is. Ever since that battle in the Megadome, the men began to dislike him. One of the men attacked him because of the men who died that day because of his mother. The man was arrested, but his words caused him to retract himself from others. Behind his back, he heard some of the soldiers called him a freak. The attack and the words awoken caused him to develop a cold demeanor. And it been this way for 6 months.

Then Sora was brought to the Megadome. He figured that he was being watched but he didn't care. But what he didn't like was women and girls attacked or hurt. So when he was walking around he heard a scream and went to find out the cause, because he knew it was a girl's scream. He approached where the scream was coming from and he heard Theron yell he went to the door and saw Theron hold a girl by her throat up in the air as her arms and legs were held by manacles. Such horror. He couldn't let it continue. So he stopped him from killing her. Then Lucy rushed in and went to her. He crouched beside her to see if she was alright. She was so beautiful. He hasn't realized it at the time, but began to develop feelings for her. He left and went to confront Theron. He was ferious. He told him not to harm a girl or a woman, but he did it for him. He gave him a beating. Theron never fought back. After he finished he went to see Sora. He looked at her on that bed. He felt sorry for the pain she had to go through because of him. He knew he felt something for her. He didn't know what it was. That's why he constantly avoided her. He didn't want to admit his feelings. He hadn't realized that he has fallen for her. When he met her in the hallway. He said something he didn't want too. But he had too. And he hates himself for it. What's worse, he can hear the sobbing he caused.

"I'm sorry Sora. I really am sorry."
He whispered as he flys away. 

Poor Sora. Will everything be alright for her? This was not an easy chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.

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