Chapter 9: The Dragon Awakens; David's Tranformation

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The entire base shook. It felt like the base was hit by a very powerful gust of wind. People fell to the ground. Some structures shook and others fell. Michael fell against the wall of his office.

"What the hell was that?" He asked.

Then his phone ring.

"Michael." The voice called. It was Risa.

"What is it Risa? We just go hit by an enormous wave of energy." He said.

"I know. Send men to David's room immediately."

"What? Why?" He asked.

"It has begun, Michael. It has begun." Was the last thing she said before she hung up. His eyes grew wide. "So it is beginning." He thought. He rushed over to the microphone and clicked the button.

"All security members, code Zero. I repeat. All security members, code Zero. Get to David's room immediately!"


Theron was on one knee while having one gauntlet hand on the wall as Lucy was leaning with her back on the wall.

"What was that?" Lucy asked.

He shook his head. "I don't know what it is, but I have a feeling we're about find out."

As on cue, the alarms went off and security member rushed passed the room. Michael's voice appears from speakers.

"All security members, code Zero. I repeat. All security members, code Zero. Get to David's room immediately!"

His eyes grew wide when he heard code zero.

"What's code Zero? What's going on?" She asked with a worried voice.

He rushes over to her and picks her up and puts her on her feet. He grabs her hand and they jet out the room. "And where are we going?" She also asked.

"It has begun. The Transformation. David is changing." He said with a hasty voice.


"Yes. We must hurry. We need to get there now!"

And so they ran up the stairs and down the hallway where a large group of security personnel are huddled around a door on the right at the ended of the hallway. The door was destroyed. Part of the walls with it. Theron and Lucy went through the crowd of security personnel and entered the room. They both look around. The room was pretty much destroyed.

"What the hell happened in here?"

His eyes fall on Risa.

"Risa, what happened in here? "

She looked at him and then back at where she was looking.

"Just look over there?"

Theron and Lucy turned their heads. Then their eyes widened and they both gasped. At the room was a very large orb made entirely of flames.

Lucy gasped again.

"What is that?"

Risa replied. "That is David."


"Yes" Theron said. "That is David. The process has begun. He, as of this moment, has begun changing."

Risa points at the ball of flames.

"That ball of fire is called the Cocoon of the Dragon Flames. Within it, his body is changing. The Dragonid body he was born with is beginning to merge with the human part. When the process is over, the human aspect that his body as a baby began absorbing the moment he breath the air will be completed by bonding with the Dragonid within, leading to a final merge with the 2. His true form will be born from the flames."

Moments later, Michael shows up and joins the 3.

"So that's the Cocoon of the Dragon Flames. You can feel the energy coming from the cocoon."

"You're right." Lucy said as she closed her eyes. "You can feel the heat and energy. It's so gentle. And so soothing."

Theron noticed Risa's eyes closed.

"What is it? What wrong?" His voice filled with concern.

"If only his mother was here to see this. If only the queen was here to see this. She would be very happy."

He smiled. "She would indeed."

Then the flames changed. Everyone's eyes widen. The flames changed color. It turned pure Saphire blue. Risa let out a huge gasp. Everyone turned to her.

"What is it? What just happened?" Theron asked with great concern.

Then they see tears from her eyes. But they weren't tears of sorrow, for she was smiling. Those were tears of joy.

"He has found acceptance. He has accepted everything that's happened to him. The flames have changed it's color to match how he feels within his soul. He's at peace."

Lucy started tearing up. Theron was smiling.

"Good luck my friend."


He's in a dark place when he opened his eyes.

"Where am I?"

A voice replied.

"You're deep inside of your own subconscious."

He scratched his head. "Why am I here?"

"You're here because your body has begun the process of your human aspect, that you have obtained the moment you arrived on earth, merging with with your original Dragonid body. When the process is complete, you'll no longer will either human or a Dragonid, but both. A Dragonoid human. You will become a Draman, a Dragonid with aspects of a human. Also, you're here to find acceptance. Acceptance for why your mother left you. Acceptance for the fact that your real father is dead. Acceptance with learning that your best friend was actually your protector and guardian. But most of all. Acceptance for yourself."

He closed his eyes. And a smile appeared on his face.

"I understand why my mother left her here. She wanted me to be safe. I wish I could be with her, but I made peace with it. I love her for what she did. It shows that she loves me."

"Phase one complete."

"As for my father, my real father. I never knew about him. And to find out that Jason isn't my real father and my real father died  before I was born. It hurts to hear it. But Jason took care of me and raised me. He's the closest thing to a father I ever had. As for my real father, I'm sure he's watching over me from where ever he is. I'm okay with that."

"Phase two complete."

"As for Theron or John. He may have lied to me about who or what he is, but he did so for me. He may be my protector and guardian, but he'll always be a friend. Him and Lucy. They'll always be my friends."

"Phase three complete"

"As for myself. I knew I was different. I have known it my whole life. I always felt I didn't belong. But I have friends, those who care about me. Mother, father, Risa, Theron and Lucy. My life had a bunch of ups and downs. But I would never change who I am. I am who I am. I am David. I am Orion. But most of all. I am me."

"Phase four complete."

"David, I feel your soul. You're a good person. You have accepted everything. You are very special. As a gift for you accepting who you are and the sincerity of your soul, I will give you some information."

"I am the Spirit of Draconos. I've been keeping an eye on you ever since you have been born. I feel you're almost worthy. But Now's not the time. For it's not ready. You'll begin to return to you're body. Now, go and prove to me that you're worthy. May your soul out shine the universe. Goodbye for now."

David's body began to glow very bright. A bright blue. The entire blackness began to turn bright. Then he open his eyes as the light grew and grew. Then the light was release. And all he can think of was 2 words. 2 words.

"I'm alive."


The flames grew. Turning brighter blue. The blue flames become brighter and brighter. To the point of it being white. Then she felt. The calm before the storm. She knows what's about to happened.

"EVERYONE TAKE COVER!!!!!" She yelled. Everyone took cover behind the large shield. Most left the room for the safety if the hallway. Then she took cover. And not just in time. In a few seconds later, the flames exploded' releasing all the energy within. They were pushed back against the walks. Holding on for dear life.

Moments later, the blast dissapated. Only blue flames existed there. The walls were ruined, close to crumbling. They removed the sheiks and stood. The room was dark.

"What happened?" Lucy asked

Theron answered. "I'm not sure. This is new to us."

"Where's David?" Lucy asked.

"I'm here, Lucy." A voice answered.

Then they see a bright light in the center of the room. The light in the form of a person. Light began to return to the ceiling. The light of the figure began to disappear. As light fully returned and and the glow fully faded away. Everyone gasped aloud.

David no longer looked human. His eyes, once red, now blue. He is now covered in sapphire blue scales, smooth all over his body. His shoulders were curved up into points. His face was blue. It looked human. On both sides of his head were covered in thorny edges. His hair is black. He has six pack abs. Like Risa, his hands were covered in bronze like claws. But they look different. His hands look like regular hands, but can turn then into the bronze hands just by thinking about it. He also has a tail now. Long and had thin smooth spikes at the end. He feels as though he can summon them later. Just then Lucy looked away, her face was beet red. He was literally naked. He realized this. Then, just like it was when Risa changed into an her armor form, he started growing large scale and a suit of blue armor appeared and he looked like Theron, excepted the armor was navy blue.

"So you can summon armor as well. And you're blue." Rise said as she stepped forward.

Theron asked some of the men. "Go get him some clothes. We have a lady here."

One of them ran off. A few minutes later, returned with a white shirt and pants plus shoes and sock and underwear. David phased out of his armor and turned back to his former form. He then put on the shirt. It was bigger to accommodate his shoulders. He torn a hole in the back to put his tail in and put the rest of the cloths on. Just then though, he felt a pull. He yanked off his shirt to be sure not to tear it. Coming from his back was small getting bigger and bigger. They stop just a few inches over his shoulders. Then they got high and unfolded out turning into large bat like dragon like wings. Everyone gasped in amaze me. He closed his eyes and focused. Then the wings fold back up and returned within hid back. He opened his eyes.

"I guess I can retract them." He said as he put his shirt back on.

Risa stepped forward.

"You finally transformed."

"Yes. Indeed I have." He replied back.

Risa smiled. She looked back at Theron. He stepped forward. Then he and Risa got down on their knees and bowed.

"We will do what ever you ask of us, my prince. We lived to serve the Rowna Family." Risa said.

Everyone is shocked at what happened next. David started laughing.

"Rise Risa, Theron. I know you will, but I want you serve me as friends."

He walked up to them and hugged both of them. He motion Lucy to join them, which she did.

"For that's what we are. Friends.

Dang. This was tough chapter. Well, there you have it. David's transformation. Don't forget to comment or vote.

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