Chapter 3: Awaken

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Here is the next chapter, please enjoy it.
Warning mature content ahead!

As us girls walked; us following who I know is Soo-yun, he guided each girl to their own far apart rooms, and my room wasn't far from His Majesty Wei-song's room, in which Soo-yun says to me.
"Rest for tonight.
In two days you have a big day ahead."

I walk into my extravagant room, with a  bed with beautiful blue and pink embroidery on the light blue covers, and there was a little table to sit at when eating in the room.
I walk over to my bed, and I take my slip on shoes off, and set them by the head of the bed onto the floor, and yes I was tired, so I crawl into the lavender smelling covers, and lay on my back, and I fell asleep.


Wei-song finished paperwork that night and fell asleep at his desk; but though he was asleep, his body stood up, and out of his seat of his desk, though his eyes were closed his body knew where to go, as he walked down the halls, him walking far enough into the Qin Pavilion, that he stood in front of Patricia's room, and he opened the sliding door, him quietly walking into her room, after he shuts her door to her room, and as he stood by her bed, he started taking his bedtime dark robes off, that is until he was naked, and in his unconscious state slyly he curled his lips into a smirk.

His dick was hard, and large, and in charge as he then crawled onto the bed, him slowly diving under the covers, and he undoes the chubby girl's robes, leaving her naked before him, and his mouth descended to her core, and slowly he slides his tongue that was pink, and long as well was forked like a serpent, into her core, and he started licking, and devouring her insides, which made her start moaning in her sleep.
Her insides started loosening more, in which he added two fingers inside her, him thrusting in her good spots, and she arched her hips, her hips bucking against his mouth, until she reaches down, grabbing one of his pink horns, and gripped it harshly, and arching her hips higher as she squirted into his mouth, in which he gulped down, he pulls away, and tugged her thighs to his pelvis, and he guides his dick slowly inside her with one hand, and she made a whiny painful noise, but he soon filled her fully to the hilt, and he pulled out then thrusts in, him pulling out once again, then thrusts in slowly, and he repeated the process, until her insides got used to his size.

I was having some sexy dream, me feeling like I was being eaten out, and I came from it, but then I felt a pain go through my core, which made me wake up to His Majesty Wei-song thrusting his dick inside me, and it hurt a little, that is until my body, and core started aching, and tingling.
His hands had ahold of my chubby hips, keeping my core against his pelvis, my hips lifted off the bed, that is until he wrapped my thighs around his waist, and then leans his chest against my chest, and his face was in front of my face, making me realize his eyes were closed, and he's breathing deeply, yet in a way he's aroused, meaning he's asleep, his sexsomnia activated, and thrust upon me.

My body moved back and forth, my chubby curves jiggling, including my big breasts, and I was covering my mouth to quiet my moans, because I know if he hears me moan, he'll wake up like in the novel, and feel great guilt take over him.
He then puts his mouth by my ear, and he started breathing heavy, as if he was going to orgasm any second, and he started thrusting harder and faster as if he would orgasm, making him finally wrap my arms around his shoulders, his long silver hair splayed upon my body, and over his shoulders, and he then kisses, and sucked my neck, leaving I know a bruise behind, and I reel my head back, me feeling my second ever orgasm hit me, and I bite my lip, so that I don't cry out, and I heard him groan loudly as I felt his hot baby gravy fill my insides, and he rubs his cheek against my neck, as if he was a dog giving me lovins.

My heart pounded in my chest that I lost my virginity to His Majesty Wei-song!
He slowly pulls out of me, and I watched him grab his clothing, his eyes still closed, and he started dressing himself in his clothing, then he left out of my room, him shutting the door behind himself, his silver long hair swishing and sparkling like diamonds as he left from the moon.

This morning I quickly started cleaning up the sheets, me scrubbing them myself, me not wanting anyone seeing blood on the sheets, and I had put a rag on my underwear that came with me in this world, because I was still bleeding a little.
Luckily none of the trials or tests were going on today; but as I was washing my sheets in my room, Soo-yun walked into my room and up to me, and cleared his throat.
"Excuse me; His Majesty would like a word with you."
My heart raced in anxiety, making me wonder if he remembers last night, and he wanted to talk to me about it.

I stop washing my sheets in a bucket, and I stand up, wiping my wet hands onto my clothing, and I follow Soo-yun to a bedroom, a more extravagant room than mine, the bedframe was made of gold, the sheets were golden and red, there was a desk across to the right of the bed, and there was a little table to the left, which I could tell had food upon it on a tray, two servings for two people.
At the desk sat His Majesty Wei-song; and when I walked into the room, his glowing blue eyes looked to me, and it looked like the dark rings under his eyes were gone today, meaning as I suspected he fell asleep last night, and his sexsomnia acted up, resulting him visiting my room, and having sex with me.

"Sit at the dining table."
His Majesty Wei-song motioned to the tiny table with food trays upon it.

I sit on one side of the table, and Soo-yun handed me the second serving of food, setting it down in front of me with chopsticks.
After all I visited you last night."
His Majesty Wei-song says coldly to me.

"E...excuse don't think you were yourself last night.
Your eyes were closed.
You seemed to be asleep when you visited me."
I say to His Majesty Wei-song, and he sighs, him looking at me with a look he knew what I meant.

"I have a curse where I make love to someone when I'm asleep, but usually I kill them during it, but you I didn't, so you have passed the main trail needed to become my concubine, the other two, you must learn history of this kingdom, as well as etiquette."
He says to me, and I get flustered as I had taken rice into my mouth with chopsticks.

"So in terms milady you passed with flying colors if my master has not killed you while he's possessed in his sleep."
Soo-yun says to me.
"But you must keep his condition a secret, lest his people turn their backs upon him."

"His condition is not possession; but it's neurological...I mean in his brain.
It's a disorder, not demons possessing him.
His brain is just different."
I tell Soo-yun and His Majesty Wei-song.

"Every male in my family has had this curse."
His Majesty Wei-song says to me.

"That's because the condition can be genetic.
It's called sexsomnia, which you cannot control it, unless given proper treatment."
I tell him.

He seemed intrigued by what I said.
"I'll keep it secret.
I know superstitious people may harm you if I don't."
I smile at him with a closed mouthed smile.
"So don't feel guilty about what happened, even though I was a virgin, I don't hate you for it."

He frowned deeply.
"You were a virgin?!"
Soo-yun asked me, then looked to His Majesty Wei-song.
"Your majesty you must take responsibility!"

"Soo-yun I will no doubt take responsibility for my actions.
Have the best gifts given to her you can find."
His Majesty Wei-song says to Soo-yun.

Soo-yun nods.
"Yes; I shall do that your majesty!"
Soo-yun left the room.

I continued to eat as His Majesty Wei-song says to me.
"This is a serious matter, so I will treat you much differently than the other candidates after I took your virginity.
I am a monster after all."

"You're not a monster; it's just as I said your brain is different.
I don't blame you."
I tell him after I finished my breakfast.

He looked at me like I'm an idiot.
"You should blame me."

"But I don't.
It's not your fault you have your condition."
I tell him as I stand up.
"I need to finish washing my sheets, see you later your majesty."
I then left his room, and went back to my room, and finished washing my sheets, then hung them to dry outside, where my sliding door to my room led to a garden.


To be continued....

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