Chapter 10: Finding the Dragon Sanctuary

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The sunsets always held a magical trait to the people of the Wulfing village on the Eastern continent. Vikings— adults, elders and children alike— would always occupy themselves outside with friends and family to watch the sun set over the horizon. The darkening sky would usually aid in the natural beauty, bringing about a dark bluish tint zoning in on the fading orange. The clouds were painted over with a colour on the border between white and grey. Coupled with the setting sun and the darkening sky.

And it was due to this natural beauty, that none of the villagers saw the black shadow that flew in the safety of the approaching night sky, towards the mountain ranges. The only shadow they saw was the approaching outline of a vessel not too far from shore.

Having a ship arrive at this time was uncommon for the Viking community. Most of the ships that brought them supplies usually arrived from the early hours of dawn up until midday. Some of the adults decided it was a good time for the children to retire to the safety of home, just in case the mystery ship brought trouble for them. Since the village was on its own with the next closest about one hundred miles east, they had learned to fend for themselves in times of attacks - whether it be dragons or other Vikings.

A few men at the docks, who had just finished hauling their catch of fish up to their homes and were preparing their boats for tomorrow, paused in their tasks to get the docking ropes ready to tie the ship once it arrived.

"Someone call the Chief over here!" One of the men at the docks called. One of the men at the beginning of the dock nodded, turning for the Chief's house. They tried to get a good look at the sails, to see if there was any indication of which tribe or army it belonged to. However, the blue sails and the white patterns adorning them didn't jog the minds of any of them.

By the time the sun had set, the ship was already at the pier, mooring lines being thrown overboard to secure it for the night. Chief Birger was already present and he gestured for one of his men to place the gangplank to welcome their guests.

"Greetings weary travelers. My name's Chief Birger and welcome to the Wulfing tribe."

The first soul off the ship was a young man, of about mid-twenties and a striped tattoo on his chin. Judging from his stature and bulging muscles, he was no slouch.

"Eret. Son of Eret." He greeted, extending his hand for a shake. Chief Birger grasped his with both of his hands and led him to the village.

"So, Eret Son of Eret, what brings you all the way out here at such an hour?"

"Believe it or not, I'm looking for a dragon rider. I know it might seem a little far-fetched but—"

"Oh, are you referring to the one who lives in a mountain made of ice?" Birger interrupted him.

"Woman in her mid forties?"

"Yes. Are you a friend of hers?" Birger asked as they reached the nearest inn, Chief Birger letting his guest go first. He looked behind to see the rest of the ship's crew gathering their important belongings and also making their way to the inn. Luckily they had enough rooms available for them. However, he didn't miss the surprised tone in Eret's voice. Clearly he was expecting him to mention someone else. "Sadly no, this dragon rider has been causing trouble for my employer, freeing dragons left and right." Eret said, answering Birger's question.

"Perhaps she feels pity for the beasts." Birger suggested as they pulled out two stools at the ale counter, the Viking chief continued speaking. "This rider of yours is possibly a vigilante; devoting her life to protect dragons from harm." Two tankards of ale were delivered to them.

"Are you expecting me to believe me that? I mean, I'm no dragon rider, but I am human. And all humans crave some contact with others not just spend time with overgrown reptiles." Eret spoke after taking a few gulps. The rest of his men arrived and had seated themselves on the other side of the inn, where the food was laid out for the night.

"Well, seven months ago, she came here to purchase supplies."


"Aye. She said she needed plenty of fish for dragons, and clothing to make for her... granddaughter."

"That's... weird." Eret muttered. While Chief Birger turned his attention away, Eret turned towards his crew, making eye contact with his first mate. He gave a small nod of his head, which was returned by the first mate before he went back to eating.

"Anyway—" Birger turned back to Eret. "What profession do you follow, Son of Eret?"

"Dragon Trapping. In fact, you're looking at the best dragon trapper of the seven seas."

"Dragon Trapping, eh? That's some line of work." He took another swing of his tankard. "Is that why you're here? To catch dragons?"

"My employer wants me to find a Stormcutter. I was hoping there are a few over the mountains."

"I thought you were looking for a dragon rider?"

"The dragon rider is the key to the dragon. Last time I spotted them was but only yesterday and they were heading in this direction." Eret noticed the cautious gleam in the Chief's eyes. He had to show them that he and his crew meant the village no harm. "Chief Birger, my crew and I don't intend to cause any ruckus here. We're just after the dragon. Any information on it will be extremely useful, but if you have none, we won't push any further."

The Wulfing Chief studied his eyes, searching for any sign of lies Eret might have spoken of in his words, or if he was hiding something. "How long do you plan to stay here?"

"If we can't capture any dragons we'll be out of your hair as soon as possible."

"Well, you best be leaving first thing in the morning." Chief Birger finished the rest of his mead before rising from the stool.

"And why is that?"

"The only way over the dragon riders mountain is by dragon."

"Is there no other way?" Eret asked in a tone that disguised his desperation, he can't stop here. Not now. Drago would not stand for another failure.

The punishment could very well be death.

"If you want to try and find a way, by my guest, but you won't be the first. Nearly all the men and women in this village tried to find a way through the mountain, or if there was another path North or South of here, but nay. The only way over, that we know of, is by dragon." Birger firmly stated.

With that final but of information, he bid Eret goodnight.


Eret and his crew were exiting the inn and were on their way back to their ship to make their way to the dragon riders mountain.

"Son of Eret."

Eret looked behind him and saw a man with a crimson veil covering his face, except his eyes, along a crimson cape on his back, he wore armor plates over his back and chest, a black tunic under his armor and black arm braces, with brown leggings, sandals and a steel helmet with a fin on the scalp with a crimson brush down the fin strapped to his belt.

"Who are you?" Eret asked with caution as this figure approached with a Rumblehorn behind him, the figure lowered his veil and revealed a man with brown hair and blue eyes. A dozen more men approached all on dragons and wore the same clothing the man before Eret was wearing.

"I am Legates Cato, commander of what's left of the Felix Legion, Krogan sent me to update him on you and your crews status on finding this dragon rider and her Stormcutter." The Roman informed, Eret nodded in understanding, the 'hooded man' had been pressing him for days, when Eret received message from two Berserkers saying they needed help finding a Screaming Death, the trapper was very tempted to aid them.

But Krogan reminded him of true loyalty to their Dragon-God. He made it painfully clear, by branding him with a large sword right down the middle of a dragon's skull, the pain was agonizing and it was a reminder that he'd want to obey Drago or the punishment would be unimaginable.

"Well then Cato, we're on our way to this dragon riders mountain; it's where we'll find the other alpha and add it to Drago's arsenal." Eret said, Cato nodded and approached his companion. "Good. If you don't mind, my men and I will accompany you, in case you need back up and to reassure Krogan that you won't fuck up." He said in a firm tone, Eret glared at Cato but nodded.

"Set sail!! We leave now!!" Eret barked orders to his first mate; the rest of Eret's crew manned their stations and set sail toward their destination.

(Hours later)

The ship sailed smoothly, slicing through the cold waters as most of Eret's crew were asleep, along with Cato's men too.

Cato himself wrapped his crimson cape around his body as he leaned back on his Rumblehorn, the dragon was a powerful beast with a clubbed tail, jackhammer-like maw, and armored neck. Cato named his dragon Brutus, not only for his impressive size but his strength in combat as well.

Cato for now would serve Drago until he'd conquer his foes and he'd return as the most powerful man in all of the Republic, he'd be granted with unfathomable rewards, all he needed to do was serve Drago, until his campaign was over.

Cato petted Brutus' head and the dragon closed his eyes in submission to his rider. "How did we get here huh boy?" Cato scratched his dragons head, the Rumblehorn closed his eyes and leaned into Cato's touch.

When Krogan and his Flyers sunk what was left of Cato's ships, the Legates wasn't entirely sure as to why Drago even wanted someone like him and his men to join his ranks. Though perhaps he wanted Cato to ensure the Emperor that he'll leave Rome out of this war.

For Drago's sake, he'd better not dishonor the deal that was agreed upon.

Cato looked up to see Eret steering the ship, his eyes were heavy with drowsiness, so the Roman Legates went toward the trapper and nudged him. "Do you need sleep Son of Eret?" Eret rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "I'll sleep when we finish our task in finding this dragon rider." The young trapper said, however, Cato gripped Eret's huge bicep and spoke. "You're dosing off every minute, I'll steer the ship, you rest." Although disagreeing, Eret nodded and entered his quarters to sleep.

(Early morning)

Hours went by and the early morning air kept Cato awake; the cold seemed to sink into his bones, the sea breeze caressing his cheeks, he wrapped his veil around his face and cape around his body. Suddenly out in the distance, the Legates spotted a massive icy object, the ice was a mixture of green and blue. He began chuckling lightly, there it is.


Within minutes the trapper appeared with nothing but his long pants on. "Sheesh Cato, I was having a good dream." The Legates rolled his eyes and pointed toward the horizon, Eret chuckled in disbelief and shouted. "MEN! TO YOUR STATIONS NOW!!" Within minutes, Eret's crew poured out of their quarters and manned their stations.

Cato's soldiers rode their dragons and ordered Eret's crew to tie ropes down so that the legionaries can tug the ship toward their destination.

Within twenty minutes, they touched down to the shores of the dragon riders mountain. Cato climbed on Brutus and hauled Eret on as well, the Legates turned toward his men. "Guard the ship, we may need a fast exit." His men nodded and returned to the ship with Eret's crew.

(Inside the Dragon Sanctuary)

As Brutus flew through the massive tunnels, both Cato and Eret were shocked that inside this mountain contained the example of nature's architecture and the mighty Bewilderbeast's ingenuity. The Mountain is comprised solely of hexagon and polygon basaltic formations, These formations are the ancient refinements of a pyroclastic eruption where a basin of lava was able to cool down slowly, forming the iconic rock pillars. Because the mountain sits in a volcanic region, the area is still geologically active, resulting to a great amount of hot springs. The thermal activity paired with the ice roof create an unusually warm climate compared to the surrounding area.

Inside the ice-roofed caldera exists many plant species, from the green lichen that cling to the basaltic rock, to the ferns that have established a foothold in the relatively flat plateaus, steps, and cliffs. These plant species are fed by the mineral rich water from the hot springs, and thrive because of the warm, moist climate within the mountain. Other features of the mountain include, cliffs, caves, waterfalls and a large pool of seawater in the center that the Bewilderbeast lives in. In one of the caverns, Valka has created a home for herself before she reunited with her husband and son.

As Brutus lands on a ridge that keeps them hidden for the time being, Eret slides off the Rumblehorn and looks down in awe at the Bewilderbeast sleeping below them. Cato joins Eret as well and shakes his head in disbelief before whispering. "I encountered this giant years ago while still searching for a Night Fury for my Emperor." Eret chuckles softly and gives an amused face at the Legates.

"Night Furies are all dead my friend." The young trapper said, Cato shook his head and replied back. "They're not all dead, have you heard of the Dragon Master?" Eret recalled Krogan and his lieutenant Enyo speaking about this person months ago. "Yes I've heard of this person. What do Night Furies have to do with this?"

Cato looked down and saw their target, he handed Eret a telescope and pointed down near a massive stone pillar. "There you are." Eret whispered, Cato heard the groaning of the Bewilderbeast and the sounds of the water below shifting and crashing against rock as this apex dragon moved toward the dragon rider and her Stormcutter.

"Hello old friend, I'm afraid with the attack on my sons clan, there can only be one explanation... Drago is planning something." The female rider said as she placed a hand on the alphas chin. The Bewilderbeast purred quietly, yet its mighty vocals echoed throughout the chamber they were in. "Yes, I agree, we can only assume that Drago wants to capture you and force you and every dragon here to serve his mad ambitions." The dragon growled in great displeasure, then began sniffing.

Not good.

Cato grabbed Eret and urged Brutus to enter the tunnels, the Rumblehorn moved into the tunnels and the two men joined the dragon just in time as the Bewilderbeast investigating their former whereabouts.

(Outside the Dragon Sanctuary)

The trio exited the Sanctuary and landed back on Eret's ship, everyone gathered around. "Sir, orders?" Eret's first mate asked, said man slid off Brutus and exhaled then looked at his crew and Roman companions.

"We go back to Drago and inform him that we've found this dragon riders nest and that the Bewilderbeast won't go done without a fight."

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