Chapter 15: Dragon Master vs. Dragon-God

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Drago couldn't believe his eyes as he stared down this... boy. This was his challenger? The great threat that stood in his way of claiming the world? Enyo did tell him that his enemy didn't match him in muscle and size.

But still...

The warlord began chuckling darkly and shook his head in complete disbelief. "This is the great Dragon Master? The son of the Stoick the Vast?" He began chuckling again and slowly walked toward him. "My greatest challenger is nothing more than a boy? Mmm, you're not worthy to face me boy." He taunted; an attempt to goad Hiccup into a reckless action. But Hiccup didn't even flinch, he glared at Drago in disgust.

"All of this loss. Just so you can rule the world? Tell me, has your conquests and your thirst for power been satisfying?" Hiccup tried to psychoanalyze his enemy, but Drago merely rolled his eyes and looked as his army was still engaging the enemy.

"Dragons. T-they're kind; amazing creatures that can bring people together. They can't be used as simply slaves and war machines." Hiccup spoke out boldly, his fists clenching as he witnessed how cruel Drago is to dragons. The warlord snickered at Hiccup; amused that the Dragon Master has such a soft heart. Drago stabbed his bull-hook in the snow and removed his prosthetic arm. "Dragons are nothing more than bloodthirsty animals. That tear men apart." The warlord said cooly as he remembered losing his limb as if it were yesterday, the sight of the warlords missing arm caused Hiccup to cringe at the stump and then stared back at his opponent.

"You see, I know what it is to live in fear..." Drago whispered as he reattached his prosthetic arm, and walked around Hiccup. " a boy, I was destined to lead my people to greatness and beyond. But fate had other plans. An enemy tribe planted a dead Night Fury hatchling at my fathers door and the rest of the pack came and slaughtered everyone..." Hiccups gaze softened, he knew first hand when dragons are hostile: either they fight to defend themselves or they fight to protect their own, but Hiccup turned his attention back to Drago as the warlord continued speaking.

" mother and father among the dead. One of those Night Furies took my arm and I was the last of my kind, that night, I vowed to rise above the fear of dragons." Drago exhaled and saw the softened gaze of the Dragon Master. "But the tragedy I suffered? It opened up my eyes to what I must do in this life; to liberate the people of this world from the tyranny of dragons." Drago said as he gazed at his Bewilderbeast fighting Valka's. Hiccup shook his head and gestured to the battle still waging.

"So, you need dragons as your weapons to strike fear in those you control; to make your followers obey you. And maybe you need dragons to dispose of those you've decided have outlived their usefulness." Hiccup said with disgust, Toothless snarled at the warlord, he smelled of death and the deaths of thousands of dragons by his hand, his own kind included.

Drago turned back to Hiccup and chuckled darkly and bared his teeth at Hiccup before speaking. "I know my purpose; what I am fighting for. Do you, oh great Dragon Master?" Hiccup looked at Toothless and at the battle still raging, then back at Drago. "I do. I'm fighting for dragons and my people. You're goal in this life is to enslave and devour. You're a monster Drago." The warlords face twisted into anger and he growled.

"Perhaps. But I will not stop until I have fulfilled my destiny. And if that destiny is to be fulfilled, you must be eradicated." Drago said before charging and bringing down his bull-hook on Hiccup. He dodged the warlords attack and drew Inferno out and twirled it in his hand. "This ends now!" Hiccup snarled out as he charged with a battle cry, he leaped in the air and brought Inferno down in Drago's bull-hook, the warlord hummed in a impressed tone; the Dragon Master was an excellent warrior, but not enough to stop him.

Drago head butted Hiccup, sending the young man back, his head pounding and throbbing in pain, the warlord hit Hiccup across his face with his bull-hook, sending the young man hitting a block of ice, Hiccup groaned in pain as he slowly got back up. "You're skilled boy, but I was trained to be a warrior from birth. You can't win this." Drago said before he charged and attempted to stab Hiccup, but the young man parried the attack and rolled away from another attack.

The two warriors circled each other and Hiccup released Zippleback gas and ignited it, the explosion sent Drago back, but he stabbed the ground with his bull-hook, catching him from flying. The warlord looked up to see Hiccup's knee and once it made contact, the madman's jaw cracked and he fell face first into the ground. Hiccup twirled his sword as Drago quickly sprawled back to his feet, the two quickly engaged back in combat; sword and bull-hook colliding with each other, Drago used his bull-hook to yank Hiccups sword out of his hand and then punched him in the face sending the young man back on the ground.

Drago unleashed a barrage of kicks into Hiccups ribs and then punched him again and again and again, until Hiccup sliced Drago in the arm with his still super heated sword; the heat from the blade caused Drago to yell in pain and Hiccup slashed the madman's chest, leaving a shallow wound. Hiccup slowly got back up and looked at Toothless; the dragon wanted nothing more then to end the man who hurt his best friend, but Hiccup held his hand out, keeping his dragon at bay.

But before Hiccup could attack again, multiple fire shots cut off the young man from Drago, Hiccup looked up to see the dragon rider he saw five years ago, he rode a Titan Wing Singetail and had a black cloak around his body. The rider urged his dragon to land next to Drago, and once the duo were close enough, Drago climbed on the Singetail and they flew off. Hiccup snarled in anger and climbed on Toothless and the two went after their foe.

They soon entered the sea stacks around Valka's mountain, however Krogan was proving that he was a very capable Flyer. There were finding it very hard to keep up with the zigzagged rider through the sea stacks and when they went under an arch he fired a fireball at its base from his dragon's tail. Hiccup and Toothless had to swerve to avoid the explosion causing him to lose some ground. "He's good." Hiccup murmured, he then urged Toothless to fire a plasma wave; which was when Toothless charged it long enough and once the blast was released, the bolt would implode and send a wave of plasma.

Once the wave stunned Krogan's dragon, Hiccup threw a dagger at Drago and the blade pierced his shoulder, the man hissed in pain and he pulled the knife out of his broad shoulder. The Singetail fired multiple shots that made Hiccup and Toothless retreat. Krogan then pulled on the chains and he began to gain a bit about to. At the same time the Singetail fired fireballs from its tail directly at them causing them to do some evasive manoeuvres to avoid getting hit as they continued through the sea stacks.

When they got through the sea stacks, Krogan urged his dragon to fire another fireball just as they turn round a corner. Hiccup and Toothless evaded the enemy attack and were hot on their tails, Krogan made his dragon go around and head back to the mountain, the Singetail lifted its rear and fire erupted from it; this added a sudden burst of speed as they moved back toward the battlefield.

Before Hiccup and Toothless could do anything, an arrow pierced Toothless' tail and the Night Fury spiraled our of control. "TOOTHLESS!!" Hiccup roared out as he pulled up on the saddle, but it was too late, the duo crash landed onto the battle field, Hiccup and Toothless groaned in pain, the young Viking looked behind him to see a hunter ship that was made out of a strange metal, with hunters in the deck, that's how they got shot down.

Hiccup looked up to see Drago's Bewilderbeast subdue Valka's, after a long and heated battle, Drago needed this alpha too, though Valka's Bewilderbeast wouldn't do Drago's biding by choice. It would be forced and tortured into doing the madman's desires.

"LOAD UP THE DRAGON RIDERS ALPHA!! AND FALL BACK!!" Drago roared to his soldiers on top of that dragon riders Singetail.


This can't be happening, Astrid and the others couldn't do anything, because Drago's soldiers threatened to kill the second alpha if they tried anything.

All they could do was watch as our enemy landed a crippling blow to our side.

They lost this battle.

And they lost this nests alpha.

A/N: Shorty, I know, but trust me, more is on the way, don't worry. So stay tuned and share this story and as always, I'll catch you in the next chapter.

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