Chapter 17: Coup

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Upon returning to their fortress; Drago and his army offloaded Valka's Bewilderbeast into a massive dome sized cage built into the ground. Drago landed Toothless and slid off the Night Fury, and watched as the white Bewilderbeast did nothing but accept his fate for now. The warlord couldn't wipe the grin off his face, now the second phase of his plans were in motion.


Said mans grin dropped and was replaced with annoyance to see Dagur and Cutthroat on top of the Skrill he provided for them and they slid off the dragon before advancing toward their master. "I hope this victory of yours was worth it! We lost half of our best warriors thanks to Mala and her forces!" Dagur spat out, he then advanced and jabbed his finger into Drago's chest. "The Berserkers will be vulnerable if our warriors are all dead and our armada is blown to splinters! Is this how you reward your 'partnerships' with every one who decides to work for you? You extend your hand out to them: they serve you and once they've outlived their usefulness, you leave them with nothing left?!!" Dagur shouted; gripped with fury.

Cutthroat held in his breath. No one has ever openly challenged Drago like this. And lived to see another dawn.

But before Drago could respond and things got very ugly, Viggo and Ryker showed up and spoke out. "Unfortunately, the Berserkers aren't the only ones who sustained major casualties Lord Bludvist. Berk and it's forces sunk a large portion of our ships; those ships containing much of our dragon proof cages and equipment. A costly victory indeed." Everyone stopped doing what they were doing to look at how Drago would respond.

The man huffed in annoyance and stabbed his bull-hook into the ground before drawing his sword and pressing it against Dagur's neck, Cutthroat drew his own sword. Everyone held their breath at the scene before them. These Berserkers had balls to openly challenge Drago. And this was something Drago couldn't tolerate.

Not ever.

"Do you honestly think I give a shit about you and your losses Dagur? You and your equally psychotic cousin came to me, not the other way. You're more than happy to leave, I only required you and Viggo's forces for the extra muscle and support, I have the worlds greatest warriors in my army, the finest Hunters and Trappers and now have four alphas to control every dragon I desire!!" Drago spat out while pressing his sword into the Berserker chiefs neck, Dagur winced as he felt blood trickle down his neck and Drago snarling into his face before continuing to speak. "You're just pawns, and it still amazes me how you of all people became the chief of your tribe; you're reckless, sloppy, and a complete maniac in general, but most importantly? You're stupid." Cutthroat looked around to see Drago's soldiers with bows in hand and they were aimed right at him and Dagur, this was getting ugly really fast.

Drago looked at Cutthroat and smirked. "If you try anything, I kill your cousin and then I'll take my time with you, there are some torture methods that I've learned that'll make you obey me." A cold bead of sweat ran down Cutthroat's neck, the tension was rising fast and both Berserker cousins were outmanned and overpowered. "Obey or perish." Drago seethed out, Cutthroat had no choice, He sheathed his sword and bowed down.

Drago sheathed his sword too, he then landed a heavy strike into Dagur's gut, causing the deranged chief to fall and clutch his stomach; trying to ease the pain. "Openly defy me again and I'll kill you both myself and massacre the entire Berserker tribe! Your people will be wiped off the face of the earth, as if you never even existed." Drago growled before pulling his bull-hook out of the ground and walking away, everyone soon got back to work; loading dragons in their fortress, manning watchtowers, and so on.

Dagur coughed and breathed heavily and spat on the ground where Drago stood. Cutthroat made his way over to his cousin and placed a hand on his shoulder and asked. "You alright?" Dagur scoffed and removed himself from his cousin and shook his head before growling out. "That man clearly doesn't give a shit about us! And I don't know about you, but I'd rather die than serve that fucking cock." Cutthroat urged Dagur to follow him back to their ships so they could speak more freely and away from prying ears.

"The only reason I joined is because Drago promised me a Skrill, which don't get me wrong, it's always a thrill killing people from the sky; like Thor himself hurling lightning bolts. But my point is, are you— my dear cousin, willing to truly sacrifice your freedom to a foreigner?" Dagur asked as he glared Cutthroat down, waiting for his cousin to answer his question.

Cutthroat joined Drago and his campaign years ago, but he only served as a mercenary; a skilled sword to either capture or dispose those on the madman's list and get paid for it, and wealth he gained was unimaginable. But now? Cutthroat was having second thoughts, not only had he been used, but to be disposed of as if your life didn't even matter?


But what Dagur was suggesting was suicide. If they broke off from Drago and his army, they'd be hunted down and their people would be slaughtered. He didn't want be the cause of the Berserker tribe being massacred for disobeying Drago.

"Strike those thoughts from your mind you mad fuck!" Cutthroat seethed out as he punched Dagur in the chest, causing the Berserker Chief to grunt and give his cousin an angry look before speaking again. "I hold no love for Drago either, but do you really want to be the cause of our people being wiped off the face of the earth?" Dagur's glare softened, the Berserkers were one of the most feared and ferocious tribes in the Barbaric Archipelago, it would be a tragedy if the Berserkers were lost.


Both Dagur and Cutthroat turned to see Vorg at the entrance of the their chambers. "Viggo and Ryker Grimborn request meeting." The cousins looked at each other than nodded at Vorg, the man ordered the Grimborn brothers can enter.

"Dagur. Cutthroat. Thank you for your time." Viggo bowed his head in appreciation, while Ryker crosses his arms and gave them both a stern look. "You wanted to meet. There you stand. Break words before I cast you and your brother out." Dagur growled. Viggo nodded and looked at his brother before facing the Berserker cousins and spoke. "I know you hold no love for Drago, and truthfully? Neither do I." The cousins glanced at each other before returning their attention back to Viggo.

"Our only purpose for aiding Drago was hunting the rarest and most exotic dragons on earth. Though the rarer they are? The harder it is to find them. That is why we need the Dragon Eye in order to find these dragons." Viggo finished with a stern tone, Cutthroat scoffed and asked. "What's your point?" Viggo smirked and replied. "I'm purposing an alliance between us and the Berserkers. We have a Shellfire, you have a Skrill. Plus, if you steal the Red Death back, you'd set back Drago's plans. And if we can recover the Dragon Eye back from Hiccup, then we can discover new dragon species and keep them for ourselves. How does that sound boys?" Viggo's offer was very compelling, but there was just one thing they needed to take into consideration.

"Your offer is tempting. But how do we know you won't stab us in the back? How do you profit from this? Mr. Businessman?" Cutthroat asked in a mocking tone, Ryker drew his sword out and snarled at the disrespect being throw at his younger brother, but Viggo shook his head at Ryker; giving him a 'its alright' look. "We profit from this because our gold is running low and it goes into Drago's campaign, without gold, we cannot purchase weapons, equipment and ships. But if we brake off, and recover the Dragon Eye? We could pose a threat to Hiccup and Drago." Dagur's eyebrow raised; his mind at war, taking this offer into deep consideration.

"C'mon now, I've seen the way you look at Drago Dagur, you want to kill him, and I don't blame you. The man is poised to become our worlds first "Dragon-God" yet he'll be disappointed when he's proven mortal. This is a one time offer, because my brother and I are through being nothing more than tools to Drago." Ryker said sternly, Viggo nodded and spoke again. "If you aid us, we'll ensure the Berserkers will be given means to defend themselves against Drago's dragons. We'll equip you and your men with dragon root arrows, dragon proof cages, grapple cables, you name it. Your people have sacrificed much for Drago, and what does he do? He orders what's left of your forces to continue dying for him. Don't you want to rule without being tethered to Drago's command?" Dagur nodded and walked toward Viggo and extended his hand.

The two chieftains shook hands.

"Know that if you betray us Viggo, I'll flay every ounce of skin off you bones." Dagur said in a intimidating tone, Viggo nodded and replied back. "A gruesome way to go, but you've made your point clear Dagur." The Berserker Chieftain nodded and looked at Cutthroat. "Gather the men. At nightfall, we snake the Red Death from Drago and we sever his leash that has choked us for too long."


The moon was at its highest peak, and Drago's men patrolled the fortress and their fleet was anchored in the harbor. The alphas were kept in massive dragon proof domes; impenetrable to brake out of, so the alphas didn't even bother wasting their energy on trying to break out.

Handfuls of guards were patrolling the Red Death until they were hit with blow darts; which knocked them out instantly. Berserker soldiers rushed in and unlocked the Red Death dome and from the harbor, Dagur's command ship held the metal bases used to control her in years past. Dagur's men grabbed their hammers and struck the metal base, calling the Red Death.

The Red Deaths eyes turned into slits; remembering the sounds being made. The massive dragon rose from her cage and entered the water, making its way toward the Berserker ships. They then fired a dragon proof collar around the Red Deaths neck, so it could serve as their engine and so it would stray from their command again, the loud splashes, and the  churning of water being made caught the attention of several of Drago's guards and they sounded the alarm.

"Let's get out of here!!" Dagur barked at Vorg, the captain nodded and the Berserkers struck their hammers and pointed toward the horizon, the Red Death roared and dove into the water, dragging Dagur's command ship and the rest of the Berserker fleet.

Before the Berserkers could breath a sigh of relief, Krogan landed like a cat on deck and drew out his axe and twirled it around and pointed it at the Berserker cousins. "I should've predicted you'd betray Drago. Now, I'm going to enjoy killing you and bringing your heads back to him." The Berserker soldiers drew bows and crossbows out on Krogan, but Dagur ordered them to stand down. "I'm not going to sacrifice my men to be nothing more than canon fodder for Drago's war. I'm done." Dagur said, Krogan nodded and shrugged. "You not only stole one of the alphas but have devised this coup. You damned yourself and your people to the afterlife." Krogan than pounced toward Dagur; who quickly drew out his own axe and blocked the first strike.

Dagur unleashed a flurry of strikes as he drew out a second battle axe and pressed the attack, however Krogan swatted every attack, as if it were child's play, he then kneed Dagur in the gut, causing the Berserker Chief to fall to his head hard; going into unconsciousness, and before Krogan can deliver a killing bow, Cutthroat blocked the strike with his sword and kicked Krogan's chest; causing the man to somersault backwards and get back into his battle stance. "I thought you were the smarter one Cutthroat. I expected more from you." Krogan said with a disappointed tone.

Cutthroat merely snarled and drew his second sword; twirled them in his hands and replied. "You shouldn't have." He then charged toward Krogan and the two exchanged heavy blows, Cutthroat attempted vertical and horizontal slashes, yet Krogan evaded them all, he knocked away one of Cutthroat's swords and landed a heavy shot to the Berserkers gut and sliced his left arm with blade of his axe. Cutthroat backed off and twirled around the sword he still had in his hand and returned to his fighting stance.

Krogan launches heavy attacks that staggered Cutthroat and he couldn't keep up the defense any longer.

Cutthroat and Krogan both began to quickly sidestep around each other, looking for a good opening to get an attack on the other. Krogan knew that Cutthroat's impressive defense would be a problem, but it wouldn't be a challenge to break him at all. He sprinted towards the Berserker mercenary, but Cutthroat unexpectedly threw a bola that wrapped around Krogan's legs, causing him to fall on the deck of the ship. Cutthroat tried to capitalize on his surprise attack by attacking with his sword, but Krogan defended himself with his axe in time, catching the  blade.

He flung Cutthroat backwards off of him, and shook off the bolas from his legs. Krogan started to swing his axe at Cutthroat's head, and the mercanary was barely dodging the attacks. Krogan continued to chase Cutthroat around the ship, not giving the Berserker another chance to attack at all.

Krogan was beginning to close in on Cutthroat and corner him. Cutthroat retrieved his second sword, and Krogan charged into him, effectively knocking the sword out of Cutthroat's hand and causing it to launch out of the ship. Cutthroat growled as he wielded his blade as best he could, trying to use all his strength he could to stager his foe. Cutthroat managed to keep up with Krogan's movement, and their weapons collided far more than in his first fight with Krogan many years ago. Krogan managed to tackle Cutthroat, knocking him to the ground and holding him down. The Berserkers blade had fallen a little bit nearby, but Krogan's knees were pinning Cutthroat's arms to the ground. Krogan made a shallow cut on the Berserkers throat with his axe, and Cutthroat yelled in pain, even though the cut was shallow, it still stung.

"You never should have followed through with this mad plan. I could kill you right now. But you swore to me eight years ago you'd serve me. And serve me you shall." Krogan then gave a smirk. "I'm going to kill your psychotic cousin and me and my Flyers will bombard the Berserker tribe until it is reduced to nothing more than ash and death." Krogan chuckled darkly.

"AAAHHHH!" After hearing this, Cutthroat found energy he never would have guessed he had. He used all the strength he had to throw Krogan off of him, knocking his opponent to the ground. Cutthroat quickly retrieved his sword, and dipped the steel in oil, then he swung it at a lantern; causing the sword to ignite, he then lashed out at Krogan's hood, tearing the hood and causing it to catch on fire. Krogan shouted in pain as flames burned at his face and shoulders, and he desperately tried to remove the hood from his body. Cutthroat ran to the lower deck to receive some breathing room.

Krogan had just removed his cloak and was charging at Cutthroat with his axe, enraged. Cutthroat then did something he had never done before. He loaded his sword into a crossbow and shot it like an arrow at Krogan's chest. As it was flying, Cutthroat suddenly realized that in his quickness to evade death, he had loaded the sword in backwards, with the handle facing Krogan. Fortunately, the handle struck Krogan with so much force that it blew him toward the ships ledge, Krogan then fell backwards off the ledge.

Cutthroat groaned in pain and ordered his men to see if he survived, the moment they looked over the edge, a massive explosion sent the soldiers back; the sheer force of the explosion kills the men. Krogan is alive and on top of his Singetail. "You will be hunted down Cutthroat! You, Dagur and the traitorous Grimborn hunter tribe. You will all burn!" Krogan then retreated as he was being shot at by Berserker soldiers.

The Berserker mercenary exhaled in exhaustion and ordered his men to set sail to Berserker island, and to give Dagur medical attention. They had work to do once they'd arrive back home.

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