Chapter 21: Changing alliegances

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Eret and his crew had just dropped anchor in the harbor of Drago's fortress, the place was massive; large enough to hold both human and armored dragon armies, including the alphas Drago has under lock and key. Eret still couldn't believe that this man was granted eternal life, the arrogant trapper wasn't blind how Drago treated those who fail, betray or steal from him, those who do are dealt with two ways: either tortured or killed on the spot.

Honestly Eret had considered going to the Dragon Master, his crew pleaded with him to switch alligences, since Drago gained immortality, he's treated him and his men as insects, acting as if he could crush them with ease. Eret had no doubt in his mind that warlord could.

Eret's men helped Drago's soldiers offload the last of the dragons they captured for their Dragon-God, Eret looked into the eyes of a Snafflefang, it's eyes pleading to the trapper; begging him to free him before he's forced into bondage. Before Eret could do anything he felt a hand grab his bicep, he turned to see Legates Cato giving him a face that asked 'are you insane?' Eret yanked his arm out of the Romans grasp and watched as Drago's men placed armor on the dragon and led it toward their masters muddy Bewilderbeast to become its slave.

"Whatever your thoughts Son of Eret, cast them out. Drago would kill you on the spot if you even set one of those dragons free." Cato hissed in the trappers ear, Eret shook his head at Cato and replied. "You're not blind Cato, now that Drago has immortality, what's to stop him from taking over Rome? Hmm?" The Romans nostrils flared up and shook his head slightly. "No, we had an accord, he would be a fool to challenge the might of Mother Rome." Eret merely shrugged and turned around before muttering. "I'm done serving that monster, if I were you? I'd get out too, while you're still alive." The overconfident trapper rounded up his crew as they made their way back to their ship.

As Eret and his crew set sail, Eret looked back at Drago's fortress and couldn't help but feel guilty for trapping dragons and delivering them just to be used as nothing more than war beasts for that madman.

"Eret? Are we really doing this?" His first mate asked, everyone on deck looked up to their captain to confirm that this was indeed what he wanted to do, Eret nodded and spoke. "Yes, Dragon Trapping is a very profitable trade, but think about it, Drago doesn't care about us! Only if we deliver what he wants: and that's dragons!" His crew nodded and continued listening. "I'm done working for that madman! To live in fear, knowing that if I fail him, he'll kill me." His crew looked at each other then back at their leader.

"What do suggest we do now?" Eret smiled and pointed toward the horizon. "We go to the Isle of Night, find the Dragon Master and attempt to join him and his ranks." Eret's men looked at him in doubt and they spoke out. "We're Dragon Trappers Eret, the Dragon Master despises any who'd harm dragons." Eret nodded in understanding but replied back. "True. But I'd rather we take our chances with the Dragon Master and do good, rather than continuing to harm innocent dragons for Drago's selfish desires. Those who disagree with me, speak now."

No one spoke a word, obviously they didn't want to choose to become Dragon Trappers, it passed down to them by their fathers before them, the work was hard yes, though the coin they earned after months of labor made them set. But Eret did have a point. Drago could snuff them out, and for what? Just for not getting enough dragons for his army? Their former employer is indeed selfish, bloodthirsty and insane.

The crew smiled and crossed their arms, one spoke out. "We're with you Eret! We're with you all the way." Eret smiled and nodded he barked out. "Set sail!! We go to the Isle of Night immediately!" The crew ran to their stations and got to work, Eret looked toward the horizon and murmured to himself.

"And here we go."

(Isle of Night)

"Hiccup! You need to calm down." Said man was ripping apart dozens of spar dummies apart in the training arena for hours, the young man wasn't angry. He was enraged. Drago crippled Toothless, he'll never be able to fly again. Hiccup breathed heavily as turned to see Astrid with her hands outstretched; showing Hiccup she's here to help and to soothe him.

"How can I calm down Astrid?! Huh?! Drago crippled Toothless!! He's never going to fly again because of me!" Hiccup let out a final roar and hacked a sparring dummy's head clean off, then slashed vertically at its torso; dropping the dummy. Hiccup dropped Inferno and fell to his knees and began sobbing. Astrid rushed to his side, knelt beside him and hugged him while whispering loving words in his ear.

"Toothless is still alive babe, why not build him a prosthetic tail?" Hiccup looked at Astrid through tear stained eyes and smiled slightly and spoke hoarsely. "Sure, I-I can do that." Astrid smiled and kissed Hiccup gently, the young man sighed and kissed her back, caressing Astrid's warm skin. When they broke apart, he whispered. "Thank you for helping me Astrid. You, Mala, Mom and everyone else. You all know just how to give me encouragement." Astrid caressed her husbands stubbled cheek and pecked his lips while smiling at him. "You're welcome my love, whenever you need me." The embraced before standing up and heading out of the arena.

A Black Guard approached the couple as they entered the town square. "Dragon Master, a group of former Dragon Trappers wish to speak with you." Hiccup blinked in surprise, former Trappers? His interest was piqued. The young man made his way to docks to find a group of men who appeared to be both Sami and Inuit culture and race; they wore light winter gear and many of them had tattoos on their chins. Hiccup inspected their ship, unlike a typical Viking longship, their ship looked more like a yacht. It has two blue sails with white patterns on them. Its wooden deck has several dragon cages below it. This boat is the length of two dragons, so it is quite small, but big enough to carry several men and dragons. It is equipped with giant cross-bows that shoot out nets to capture dragons.

"You must be the infamous Dragon Master."

Hiccup turned to see one the Trappers step up, he stood at 6'4, a broad-framed man with beefy arms marred with scars, presumed to be from his battles against dragons. He boasts a light blue tattoo on his chin and neat dark brown hair, with two bangs draped in front of his ears. He wears a beige-white and white tunic under a thick, sleeveless fur vest with a metal owl brooch pinned on it. Two sheaths hang from his thick waistband, one behind his waist, and the other at his side. He also wears two grey fur wristbands.

"I am." Hiccup says with caution, though these men are no longer Trappers as they claim, one can't be too careful. "I am one of the leaders over everyone who lives here. My name is Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, a silly name I know, but I hail from Berk, long story short: Vikings." Eret nodded in understanding, the former trapper looked over this man, though he wasn't bulky, he had toned and lean muscle, a scar running down his eye and a small one on his chin, and his auburn hair was tied in a man bun; with a long strand of hair over the right side of his face.

"A pleasure, and honor to meet you Hiccup Haddock. I am Eret, Son of Eret." Hiccup nodded in acknowledgement and looked at Eret's crew, then back at the man himself. "Are you and your men hungry?" Eret nodded and smiled lightly. "Uh yes we could eat, we did have a long journey in trying to find your island." Hiccup smiled and led the way to their Hall.

As food, music and laughter filled the Hall that evening, Eret and his crew sat at Hiccups table; large enough to have Eret's crew, Hiccup's family and advisors gathered together. As they ate, Hiccup wiped his mouth with his napkin and asked Eret. "Were all of you in Drago's employ?" The former trappers looked at each other and nodded, one of them called No-Name spoke out. "He gave us impossible deadlines, if we didn't meet that deadline? He'd brand us or cut one of us down on the spot; Drago, doesn't tolerate excuses." The table fell silent at that information, Hiccup's advisors shook their heads in disbelief, disgust and rage.

"I'm sorry you had to live in fear, that's horrible." Mala spoke with sincerity, the former Trappers nodded in thanks, Eret took a swig of mead and pulled out a map and extended it to Hiccup. The young man gave a confused look before taking it and opened the map, Hiccup gasped at what he laid eyes on. It was a detailed description and blueprints to Drago's fortress. It was everything they needed to launch a counter attack. Hiccup looked at Eret and laughed in disbelief.

"You must be a miracle sent by the gods themselves Eret, this right here? Will give us the advantage in stripping away Drago's power." Eret chuckled slightly and shrugged. "I'm tired of seeing that man reek havoc on innocent people and dragons. Me and my crew want to help you take him down." Hiccup turned to his left to look at his riders— Astrid, Asbjorn, Heather, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut; along with many more of his best, they all nodded and smiled. Hiccup turned to his right to look at his family— Valka, Astrid, Mala and Eira they were encouraging him to make a plan.

(Hours later)

Hiccup gathered all of his allies from the Bogs, Meatheads, and even Outcasts. Hiccup promised he's shortened Alvin's sentence, if he and his army proved themselves against Drago, he'd grant them their freedom, it only took the Outcast Chieftain three seconds to agree.

Once everyone gathered to listen to their leader and alliance commander speak. "We all know about loss don't we? We've lost loved ones and friends. Time and again Drago has beat us down with superior numbers of both man and dragons. But, not a single one of you has given up. You've stuck it out through your losses, you've come together to fight, build, to create and I appreciate every single one of you. Eret has given me a map and a fully detailed layout of Drago's fortress, we can finally take the fight to him, but only if we work together. The Barbaric Archipelago won't have to live in fear of becoming enslaved by Drago Bludvist; the mad tyrant! Together we will remove Drago's power and end his tyranny forever!" Everyone roared in agreement and gave battle grunts.

Once everyone was dismissed for the night, Eret came up to Hiccup and nodded, impressed by his speech and ability to rally so many different people under one flag. "That was some speech you gave back there Dragon Mastering." Hiccup chuckled lightly and wave off his title. "Please, call me Hiccup, no need to be so formal." Eret nodded and the two walked together back toward the docks. "There is no last thing I forgot to mention Hiccup." Eret said before crossing his arms and continued. "I heard a coup erupted in Drago's ranks and they lost an alpha." Hiccups eyes widened at this news, Drago's own men are revolting?

"Do you know who broke off and what alpha went missing?" Hiccup asked, Eret nodded and answered. "The soldiers said the Berserkers and Grimborn Hunters broke off and the Red Death was taken by them." Hiccup inhaled sharply, now they had to handle the coup members as well, none the less Hiccup nodded and exhaled. "Dagur doesn't liked being ordered and Cutthroat is unpredictable, I should've known they'd brake off eventually, thank you for this information Eret." The man nodded and playfully slapped Hiccups arm and bid him goodnight.

During the walk back to his home though, Hiccup heard lightning claps in the sky, a storm no doubt.

Unfortunately though, Dagur, Cutthroat and the Grimborn brothers were doing recon, their armies were anchored miles away from the island.

"He has the Dragon Eye. Let's just kill him and get it!" Ryker hissed, but Viggo shot him an evil look; telling him to quite down. "We know not where it is brother, besides if we go in, there's a good chance we'll die in the attempt and our armies will be left leaderless and Drago will finish off the stragglers." Cutthroat grunted in agreement, he looked at the harbor to see...


Dagur turned around to see the former man and his men going into their ship to retire for the night. "He broke off too? Guess Drago is becoming more unbearable by the day." Dagur joked, Viggo rolled his eyes, he gestured his brother and the cousins to follow him back to their dinghy. "We will reclaim our Dragon Eye, gather every Night Fury on this island and you two can deal with Hiccup and his family." Both cousins shared an evil grin and replied back.

"We look forward to it."

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