Chapter 23: Drago's vendetta

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In the belfry of Drago's chambers, the man gazed upon his army; man and dragons, their numbers in the tens of thousands. The warlord looked out toward the horizon, his thoughts turned toward his enemy— the Dragon Master. With the advantage of eternal life given to him and his army thanks to the Foreverwing, Drago knows that now, his enemies will unite to defeat him.

The fools.

He heard roars of pain, the warlord looked to see Valka's Bewilderbeast— it had massive cuffs around its paws, tusks and a collar around its neck. That alpha still resisted him, despite inflicting unimaginable pain upon it. Still it resisted.

Drago couldn't kill the rebellious alpha, he needed it. Though if it did not cooperate than he would kill it.

Drago had fortified his fortress, he'd have his Screaming Death command handfuls of Whispering Deaths along with Catastrophic Quakens to dig up limestone to fortify his fortress to make it dragon proof. He'd work each of these dragons almost to death, once they'd drop, Drago ordered his soldiers to lock them up back in their cages underground. Each of the dragons cages were dragon proof and had reinforced metal implanted on the ground; to prevent them from escaping.

Drago and his army had been raiding villages all across the Archipelago, they decimated the Hysterics, though they're known for their insanity and relative barbarism, thanks to the Foreverwings gift of eternal life, the Viking tribe stood no chance against Drago's forces. They took weapons to further reinforce the army, women to become slaves, whores or entertainment, food to continue feeding both man and dragon, and finally furs, due to Drago's fortress being inside a massive ice cave.

Drago extended a hand to the Lava Louts, due to them being the Hairy Hooligans worst enemies, they live on an island with a volcano. They accepted Drago's offer and they even shared their secrets to how to make fire proof suits, armor and capes made from dragon skin.

Drago's army had won a major victory by destroying Dragons Edge. The outpost was manned by Black Guards who were securing it for when Hiccup would return, but Hiccup wrote Terror Mail to his Guards; telling them to withdraw from Dragons Edge immediately, because they'd be building outpost near Berk. The Guards at the Edge were quickly overrun by Drago's army and the Dragons Edge was obliterated by Drago's muddy Bewilderbeast.

A knock interrupted Drago's train of thought as he looked toward the door and narrowed his eyes. "Enter." He boomed, the door opened to reveal Krogan and Enyo entering the room and approaching their master. They bowed down before his and he grunted in acknowledgement, once they rose, they gave their report.

"Everyone who despises the Dragon Master and his allies have allies with us. They're eager to spill blood once more."

"Our spies reported that the Isle of Night is nothing but a scorched graveyard."

Drago turned toward Enyo and raised his eyebrow. "What happened?" Drago asked, if his enemy was dead, then he could move on from the Barbaric Archipelago.

"There are ruins of Berserker and Grimborn Hunter ships, the colossal bones of the Red Death remain as well." Enyo finished, the warlord nodded and chuckled lightly and turned toward his trusted soldiers. "With the traitors defeated, the Dragon Master and his forces are forced to find another home." Krogan nodded and spoke. "Berk." Drago grunted and looked out toward the horizon.

"They know they're outnumbered by both man and dragon power. We hold the advantage for the time being, but we must ensure that we hold that advantage." Drago said firmly as he turned toward Krogan and Enyo. "I want you two to go to Berk and see if our enemies are prepared to fight or if they are still recovering. Deliver me a message via Terror Mail, either way? I will crush the Dragon Master once and for all." Both Flyers bowed down once more and exited their masters chambers.

Drago overlooked his forces and smiled widely. Once the Dragon Master is dead, he would enslave every last one of his dragons, force his people to either fight for him or die, burn the entire Barbaric Archipelago and then rule this world with an iron fist. The end is drawing near. And he will fulfill his destiny. No matter the cost.

A/N: Shorty, I know. But I'm going to wait for Rtte season 6 tomorrow to see if I can get new ideas for the coming chapters. Hope you enjoy.

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