Chapter 25: Snoggletog

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Winter once again arrived in the Barbaric Archipelago, the winter this year was a few degrees colder than usual, though the snowfall was light, the cold alone could give you hypothermia in minutes if you weren't dressed properly for such weather.

Though despite the bloody war that has erupted throughout the Archipelago, Berk and its people were celebrating Snoggletog; the Vikings winter holiday, and to be honest? Everyone on Berk most definitely needed this, the people woke up around early dawn and got to work by cutting down the largest tree they could find, set it up in the town square and began to decorate it.

The children were running around with toy dragons and wooden swords playing with each other and helping their parents decorate the lower half of the tree, while some of the dragon riders decorated the highest point of the tree; with help from their dragons of course. They then put shields, helmets, weapons and  lanterns on the tree, the glass was custom made from Deathsong amber and the flames illuminated, people cheered and began clapping at the sight of such an amazing and decorated tree.

Hiccup, who woke up went to his window and smiled at the sight of his people working together and celebrating this holiday, he still thought the name Snoggletog was very stupid. But then he realized, this would be his first Snoggletog without his dad. As much as it hurt, this would also be a time to rest and be grateful for his family. He put his jet black armor on over his violet tunic and walked downstairs where Valkaand Astrid were already awake making breakfast.

"Morning son." Valka said without taking her eyes off the pan. "Happy Snoggletog." Both Valka and Astrid smirked and blew kisses at Hiccup while they still cooked, Hiccup merely rolled his eyes while smiling.

"And to you as well Milady and Mom." Hiccup said smiling. "What's cooking?"

"Omelets, smoked salmon, mashed potatoes, potato slices and honey nut cake." Valka replied.

"Wow." Hiccup said. "Man, that all smells incredible ladies." He said, impressed by their commitment to treat their family right this day.

"Why thank you, we'd hate to leave you and Eira unsatisfied." Valka replied, Eira peered over the couch and she smiled.

Once the Haddocks finished their breakfast, they joined the rest of their people outside to join them in the festivities. Hiccup laughed out loud as he saw Eret being 'attacked' by dozens of little kids, the former Trappers crew laughed too, leaving their friend to fend for himself. "Alright alright little ones, cease your attack on this man, you don't want him freezing to death now do you?" Hiccup asked, the children all giggled and got off Eret.

"Sorry Chief Hiccup." They all said in perfect unison, Hiccup smiled widely and urged Eira to stand next to him, the young Haddock girl stood next her father; waiting for his instructions. "Eira, I want you and grandma Valka to take these kids to the Hall to get yourselves warm and grab some hot chocolate and apple cider." Eira squealed excitedly and nodded. "Okay Daddy!" Eira urged the kids to follow her, most of them were Eira's age and were great friends to the young girl.

Hiccup helped Eret up, the bulky man brushed snow off himself and clutched his thick heavy jacket tighter. "I'm no stranger to the cold Hiccup, but Odins breath you lot have nasty winters." He gasped while shivering Hiccup chuckled and nodded. "That we do." Astrid approached and clung onto Hiccup and invited Eret and his men to join them and rest of the village to the Hall, seeing everyone else go there already.

Once the group entered, the Hall was pleasantly warm and everyone inside were socializing, drinking beverages, singing Snoggletog songs or carols; added with music and dragons lied everywhere, enjoying the warmth as well as their human companions. The village turned their direction toward their leader, the Strike people bud their greetings to Hiccup, thought Hooligans were a little more cautious.

"Morning Chief." A Hooligan said walking by Hiccup, he nodded back. "Happy Snoggletog Chief!" Another said. Everyone was being a little too nice him, he figured it was because Stoick was not here. He stopped and mourned for a second at the thought of his father, before he went completely blind, something was covering his eyes. Eret, Astrid and Mala stopped, seeing tears swimming in Hiccups eyes. "Hey. You alright mate?" Eret asked, Hiccup sniffled and nodded, he then made his way toward the throne and grabbed everyone's attention.

"Everyone. First off I wanted to wish you all a very happy Snoggletog!" The people roared in acknowledgement and lifted their drinks, the dragons roared and they all settled down once Hiccup raised his hands; telling him he had more to say. "Hairy Hooligans. I understand this will be my first Snoggletog without my father, though we had a tough relationship years prior, what's done is done. I appreciate you all trying to make me feel better, but I have my family to aid me." The Hooligans all nodded in understanding, and Hiccup concluded.

"Let this day continue to be a day of celebration! Though we are still at war with Drago and his army, we have much to celebrate. We have our families, friends, lovers, homes, dragons and hope. And you've all placed your trust and faith in me, rest assured I will do everything in my power to lead you all to victory!" Hiccup said loud and clear, causing everyone to roar out once more, Hiccup raised his cup and urged the musicians to continue playing music, they did and soon everyone returned to the party.

As Hiccup walked off the throne and soon joined his people. "Hey laddie." Gobber put his hand on Hiccup's shoulder. "He's still here, you just can't see him. He'll always be with you, and everyone else on Berk." Hiccup smiled, Gobber was one of the very few people on Berk who treated Hiccup as if he were his own son in the past, the blacksmiths words comforted Hiccup.

"Thanks Gobber, I guess I just, don't know how to deal with it." Hiccup looked down.

"Why don't you go see how your mother's holding up, I'm sure she can help."

"Yeah, I'll do that. Bye Gobber." Hiccup said as he made his way toward Valka and his friends.

"Don't mention it, Happy Snoggletog to ya!" He waved after Hiccup. Hiccup walked toward his mother who was helping Eira and her group of friends pass out hot chocolate and cider to the people. "Hey Mom." Valka smiled at her son and hugged him, he returned her embrace, when they broke apart, Valka caressed her sons face. "Hello son, and I miss your father too, with all my heart. I know the feeling of mourning, but you have me, your beautiful wife, daughter and amazing friends. Spend time with us and find comfort and joy in our presence." She encouraged, Hiccup smiled and nodded at his mother's words.

(Hours later)

As the day progressed, the party was nearly in full swing by the time Hiccup arrived with the dragons and their new hatchlings. The Snoggletog bonfire had been lit and he could see Astrid standing near it. She was close enough to feel the heat but not get burned by stray embers. She was beaming at him as the village rushed to greet their fire breathing friends and the new babies. But Astrid only spared a moment to nuzzle Shade and welcome her two new hatchlings before coming over to greet Hiccup.

Hiccup was supposed to be removing the harness from Mr. Ack's Gronkle but his mind couldn't seem to focus on anything but the sway of Astrid's hips and the secret smile she had only for him. He knew his own face held a goofy grin as she gave him a quick kiss in welcome.

"You ready?" She asked as she helped free the Gronkle. It ambled away to one of the many over flowing feeding stations making happy grunts.

The couple moved on to a Hobblegrunt as he replied, "Are you?" He knew he was being ridiculous but on the flight back Hiccup had been half afraid that between this morning and now she'd changed her mind.

"Yes." Astrid said simply and a breath he didn't know he was holding escaped in a rush of air.

"Yeah, me too." He replied trying to sound casual and unconcerned. She gave a small laugh that told him he'd failed.

Grabbing his hand when they'd finished she said. "Come on. We're all heading to the Hall to continue the celebration." And led him in the direction of the Great Hall. All the dragons had been freed of their harnesses that held the longboat he had specifically designed to bring the hatchlings home for Snoggletog.

Hiccup smiled as the Adolfsson's youngest daughter brought Toothless an Atlantic salmon. Hiccup's dragon gently took the large fish from her and had it down in two quick bites. Toothless then gently nuzzle the small girl and was rewarded with scratches behind his head fins and under his chin.

Knowing that his friend would be content for a while, Hiccup let Astrid lead him up the steps to the open doors of the Great Hall.

A roaring fire was going in the center of the cavernous room that was the Great Hall. Lanterns were hung from garlands and candles covered every spare bit of space on the food laden tables. Strike and Viking people all worked in tandem to dispel any shadow or cold breeze that dare to dampen the mood of the people packed within.

Even with the fire, lanterns, candles, and warm press of bodies of the entire village, human and dragon. Hiccup doubted he would be cold. The entire day including the long cold flight from Berk to the hatching grounds and back he'd had a warmth emanating from his chest that fought back against the frigid temperatures. Though the new fur lined gloves Astrid had given him that morning for Snoggletog, the ones that coincidentally matched the fur lined hood Hiccup had given her, certainly helped.

The couple moved through the crowd toward the head table. They gave those who greeted them a smile and a nod, but neither stopped or slowed their progression through the crowd toward the Chief's table. They sat down next to their family and friends, Mala raised her hands for silence.

"Attention!" Mala's voice boomed across the Great Hall. "Attention!" She called one more time and the hall fell silent.

"The year has gone by and what an eventful year it has been." The Queen of the Strike people said. "We completed another new Dragon Hanger, helped Mamoth build a passage way to his new nest on the far side of the island and improved our fire prevention system."

A cheer went up from the crowd and Mala waited for it to die down before beginning again. "If someone had told me 13 years ago that Berk would be transformed into a haven for Vikings and dragons alike I'd have had Hiccup check them for dragon nip for fear they'd completely lost it!" Small groups of laughter broke out, Hiccup shook his head in amusement at her joke, Mala spoke over them continuing.

"But since most of the changes and improvements are my husbands doing, I couldn't be more proud..." Again applause and cheering broke out, including Astrid and Calus to her right. But Mala finished her sentence before the cheer completely abated. "Except for now." At this an expectant hush fell over the Hall and Hiccup raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

All he'd ever wanted was his father and people of Berk to be proud of him and find the acceptance of his village. And here, in this Hall on this night he had everything he'd ever wanted. Suddenly he felt Astrid's hand clasp his under the table. Everything he'd ever wanted and everything he'd ever dreamed of, he silently amended.

"Now we all knew this day was coming, eventually." Mala continued, unaware of her friends predicament while the Hall erupted into ruckus laughter. Mala put her hands on Hiccup and Astrid's shoulders and continued. "The day has come. All of us, united as one, our survival, hopes, dreams and future rest not only on Hiccup, but all of us working together as one!" Everyone grunted in agreement.

"That is why Hiccup, Astrid and myself have renamed our combined people." Mala continued, she ordered a group of Black Guards to hold the new banners. They showed a Night Fury and the symbol that represents a new Chief for Berk. "I am happy and proud to announce the formal Isle of Berk to be renamed! From this day forward, the Isle of Berk will now be called— Greater Berk!"

If Hiccup thought the Hall had been loud before, it was nothing compared to the cheering the inhabitants of Berk and Strike people produced at the announcement. He took Astrid's hand and they stood as one and waved to the crowd.

"Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief! Long live the Chief!"

Suddenly Astrid was before him after being dragged off by her aunt after the news had been announced. She grabbed his arm and he wasn't sure how it happened, but they ended up on the dance floor. Hiccup wasn't one for dancing much, but he wanted to dance with his wife.

"I think I was going to suffocate if I got one more hug from well-wishers and parents," Astrid admitted as they found a spot amidst the other dancers. "And it looked like you could use some rescuing from similar well-meaning villagers."

"My Hero." Hiccup said pretending to swoon. "But seriously, thank you. I admit my arm just might feel worse now then after training." They shared a laugh as they found the rhythm of the dance.

The song had been half over when they'd started dancing. When it finished the musicians quickly segued to another with a quicker tempo.

As Astrid picked up the pace Hiccup stumbled at the sudden change. It was only then that he noticed they were the only ones on the dance floor.

She interrupted and placed herself in his line of sight, blocking out the rest of the Hall. Once he looked into her eyes the rest of the room fell away. Deep in her eyes Hiccup could see his future. One filled with love, trust, understanding, leadership and friendship.

At that moment he could care less if the whole village saw him trip and fall on his face. Just so long as Astrid never lost that look in her eyes.

Hiccup sped up his steps to match that of the music but Astrid wasn't matching him in a misguided effort to keep him from looking foolish.

"You're holding back." He teased, wanting her to know he appreciated her effort but it was no longer needed. "You're not going to let your one legged husband out dance you are you?"

She gave a full throated laugh and Hiccup was captivated. Her hair looked like golden rays of sun light blended with spun gold in the candle light. Her soft skin practically glowed and her eyes sparkled with mirth and love. For him. Whether it was because he was a victim of the night or helpless to the beat and faded light, but he had to tell her, show her what he was feeling.

Hiccup stopped them and Astrid gave him a confused look before he kissed her. It was a long, slow, sensual kiss in front of their family, friends, and village. A kiss that claimed her as his. She kissed him back with equal passion, also telling the world that she claimed him as hers.

They broke apart to a chorus of cheers, whistles, and cat calls. Out of Hiccup's peripheral vision he saw Mala giving him a teasing look and she mouthed. "Have fun." Hiccup smirked and winked at Mala, he then turned back to Astrid and caressed her cheek.

"I love you Astrid." He whispered.

"I love you too, Hiccup." She promised in return. "Happy Snoggletog."

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