Chapter 7: Know thy enemy part I

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(Normal pov)

Viggo decided to divide and conquer, he and Ryker would seek out Trader Johann and question him about this... Hiccup fellow and leave Enyo to lead a pack of hunters in search for the Screaming Death.

With the Grimborn brothers absent, Enyo led the hunters in search of the dragon they've come for. They started at islands that Whispering Deaths prefer to live, which could be countless islands throughout the Archipelago. Enyo took out notes taken on the Screaming Death for any information that may have been missed.

"Born every one hundred or so years, the Screaming Death has all the strengths of its subordinate cousin, the Whispering Death, with none of its weaknesses. Unlike the Whispering Death, this dragon has no aversion to sunlight. In fact, young Screaming Deaths are drawn to bright light. Attraction to light wears off as the dragon gets older. It shoots large spines from its tail and can breathe massive amounts of fire in a single blast, but the Screaming Death's real strength is its insatiable appetite. Like the Whispering Death, the Screaming Death likes to tunnel, consuming sea stacks and decimating entire islands."

Enyo pinches the bridge of her nose in frustration, this dragon doesn't want to be found, but failure was absolutely unacceptable. Especially orders directly from Drago himself. The mans thirst for conquest was almost unquenchable, he wanted the rarest and deadliest dragons in his arsenal and rule the world as its Dragon-God.

The young woman exhaled as they approached the final island that housed Whispering Deaths, she prayed to the gods that they'd find their prize. She did not want to waste anymore resources and these hunters time.

Upon landing on shore, four dozen squads of hunters searched the island with Enyo. She sat on top of her Triple Stryke as the rest of the hunters picked apart the island for anything.


"Ma'am! Over here!" A group of hunters hollered out, Enyo and her dragon made their way toward the hunters and they held up a massive scale that was albino white. Enyo smirked, their prize must be close, she ordered hunters move ahead quietly while she'd get in the air and do air recon.

Suddenly a roar was heard and scattered the birds, sending them flying away spooked, the hunters nocked their arrows and crossbows and took cover, they knew full well that a pissed off dragon can be very dangerous to subdue. And Drago's orders are not to kill the dragon.

The Screaming Death burst from the tree line and roared again; showing off its long snake-like body, large chomping mouth, rows of teeth, spiny frills along underbelly, blood red spikes on its head and the expandable spiny frill layers on neck. It then fired its gatling concentric rings of fireballs, scattering the hunters who couldn't find cover in time.

The hunters deployed grapple cannons and fired, the dragon proof chains wrapped around the giant dragon. It roared in displeasure and began thrashing around violently while shooting some of its spines, impaling several hunters through the face, dropping them instantly.

Enyo nocked and arrow, took aim and fired an extremely high concentrated dragon root arrow at her prey, once the arrow pierced the dragon, it roared in pain and let loose a disoriented scream, causing the young woman and her dragon to crash. The rest of the hunters took Enyo's example and began to pump the Screaming Death full of high concentrated dragon root arrows.

Within minutes, the dragon dropped and roared weakly. Completely surrounded and knowing it could die, the Screaming Death accepted its fate for the time being and stopped fighting.

"Load it up! And send a message to Viggo that we've captured it." The hunter captain barked, the other hunters loaded up their prey on their ship and began writing a Terror Mail to Viggo. The captain walked over to Enyo and helped her up and chuckled. "An excellent hunt! You've proven yourself before me and my men, Drago will be most pleased that our labors have finally bore fruit." The young woman smiled and nodded in agreement, finally, now all they had to do was deliver the dragon to Drago.

(Trading post tavern)

"And so there I was, surrounded by a band of bloodthirsty thieves, half of my guard was cut down and—"

"You really expect us to believe that Johann?" He was suddenly interrupted.

"Well you lot could judge for yourselves if I was allowed to continue." He harrumphed. "I must say, weren't you all taught to listen and then speak?"

"Bah, it's not worth listening since we all know half of ye' stories are all fake. Come on boys." The crowd left the table he was at, Johann sighed, taking a swig of his ale.

"Ruffians, the lot." He muttered. "No one's got the sense of adventure these days."

"I beg to differ."

Johann recognized the voice that sat across him. He carefully raised his eyes and paled when he saw Viggo Grimborn, sitting across from him, mug in hand and a smirk that sent chills down any man's spine.

"Oh, eh, w-well would you like that. T-time for me to be of—" He felt a large hand and a firm grip his shoulder, keeping him down. He glanced behind him and saw Ryker, his expression telling him he'd want to listen to his brother. "But I can make time for a man of your stature."

"I'm sure that was an interesting story you had going on, Johann, but I'd like to know your more famous stories."

"Such as?" He gulped.

"Berk and its dragons."

Johann couldn't feel anything. It was almost as if every one of his physical senses ceased to work. He didn't hear the laughter or the merriment or the chatter of the tavern nor did he feel the wood of the table his hands were resting on. He couldn't feel or hear his own heartbeat. He couldn't be mute for long though. Viggo was not one for any sort of delay. "Eh, beg your pardon sir? I'm afraid my hearing isn't what it used to be."

"That's a first." Viggo said, Ryker smirked beside him. "Come now little brother, don't make our old friend feel more uncomfortable as it is." Ryker said in a teasing tone, Viggo shot Ryker an amused smile, before turning his attention back to Johann. "You heard me right, Johann. Don't make me repeat myself."

"Well i-it's just that t-there are so many d-dr-dragon riding villages popping u—"

"Really? I thought Berk was the only village that incorporated dragons into their life? Are you telling me there are more villages, like Berk, popping up?"

Johann raised a finger, about to speak before the realization of what he said just hit him. He immediately shut his mouth and lowered his hand, paying new attention to his mug. "Don't stop now Johann, please continue."

"Eh, did I say more villages? W-What I meant was the one and only Berk! I've no idea where I came up with another village—" The presence of Ryker's log of an arm across his shoulders silenced him.

"You've done a rare feat, Johann. Something that few people have done— grasped my curiosity. Now, enough beating around the bush. My brother over here isn't a big fan of stories, but I am. So I suggest you tell us everything you know about Berk and this other village."

Johann let out a defeated sigh. There was no use in withholding information from Viggo Grimborn. "What exactly do you wish to know, Master Viggo?"

"How did Berk incorporate dragons into its society?"

"It was done by its heir, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. At a mere age he shot down the infamous Night Fury—"

"That's impossible. No one's ever seen a Night Fury and lived to tell the tale about it."

"Hush brother, this is getting interesting." Viggo turned his attention back to Johann.

"Master Hiccup is an amazing blacksmith. He always had this knack for improving weapons or building ones that only his imagination can come up with. It was that brilliant mind of his that came up with the contraption that he used to shoot down the Night Fury. Although, the rest of the village and his peers were quick to dismiss that claim—"

"I can't imagine why." Ryker muttered, Viggo glanced to his brother once again with furrowed brows, effectively silencing him.

"Even I find it hard to believe that he did in fact shoot down a Night Fury. I can understand his villages' point of view. Continue, Johann."

"But he wasn't deterred. The next day he scoured the forests near Berk, planning to cut out its heart and bring it to his father to prove himself a true Viking."

"Was he not loved by his own people?"

Johann's face turned solemn. "At the time, sadly not. You see, Master Hiccup was different from his peers the moment he was born. A wee little thing that no one thought would survive his first winter. Even as he got older, he was a toothpick by Viking standards. And it was that brilliant mind of his that kept getting him into trouble, especially with his father— Stoick the Vast. Vikings were just not used to accept his way of doing things. But, let me continue with the story. Where was I?"

"Him trying to prove himself a true Viking."

"Ah yes, well when Master Hiccup located the dragon, he couldn't bringing himself to kill the poor beast. He looked absolutely terrified and waited for his death as Hiccup raised the dagger, preparing to carve open the dragon's chest. Instead, he cut the ropes and let it escape. Curious as to why the dragon let him live after he freed it, he visited the dragon in Berk's cove, studying its behaviour, eating habits and growing closer to it by the minute. In the end, he managed to befriend the dragon and bond with it. Over the coming weeks, he learned to fly the dragon, and everything seemed to going so smoothly. That all changed when his father returned from a hunt to find the Dragon's Nest. Someone tipped him off that Hiccup had befriended a dragon. Stoick didn't want to believe it, but found out for himself. He then had his own son banished for committing treason against three hundred years of Viking tradition."

"That's a lot to take in."

"Without a doubt. Most people brand me a moron when I tell them the story, only in a bit more detail, and an eternity longer." He chuckled, more so for himself.

"I can imagine why. Tell me, what is the name of this other village?"

"The Strike Clan. It's an ally of Berk, and Master Hiccup's kingdom."

"I see. And do you know who are the leaders of this clan?"

"Queen Mala and Hiccup Haddock himself."

"Never heard of this... Mala woman." Ryker spoke up.

"I'm not surprised. They like to keep to themselves most of the time. They left Berk to take centre stage when it comes to dragons. In fact, not many dragons call the Isle of Night home. Considering the entire island is inhabited by Night Furies."

"I see why they don't have a need for many other dragons. An entire island full of those dragons can do well enough protecting the entire village. And how close is this Mala woman to Hiccup Haddock?"

"Incredibly close. Mala is like the sister Hiccup never had."

The Grimborn brothers nodded, then urged Johann to continue.

"Master Hiccup took Queen Mala and her people to the Isle of Night after their former home Caldera Cay was destroyed. He was there for her and the two formed a special bon—"

"We don't have time to hear how Hiccup and Mala formed such a bond Johann, please, continue on the important points." Viggo said sternly, causing Johann to steady his increasing heart rate.

"Going back to my point about Hiccup being branded a toothpick at a young age— useless, a screw-up and much more. His cousin seemed to embody the definition of a Viking back then. However, when Mala came into the picture, she and Hiccup were like stink on a yak. She was the woman who helped him become the man he is today."

"I'm presuming that's how they ended up on the Isle of Night. After Mala and her people had escaped their former home."

"Correct Master Viggo. Lived in Caldera Cay since she was a girl before Hiccup found her and rescued her people."

"And do you know where Hiccup is now?"

"Ehm, not so sure. Last time I saw him, he was on the Isle of Night. Don't really keep in touch with the chap."

"Come now, Johann. There's nothing that goes on in the Archipelago without you hearing about it. Coupled with the fact that you trade with Berk regularly, and judging by what Hiccup told you, are good friends with him."

"Eh, I'm afraid I don't quite understand.."

"The emotions you were able to convey, Johann, could only be done if he told you them himself, and assuming he wouldn't do that with every person he comes across, he obviously considers you a trustworthy friend."

He heard the gulp Johann made. "Now, I'm going to ask this one more time, where is Hiccup Haddock?"

"I-In a p-place called Dragon's Edge. But I've never been there! Only the dragon riders and a few Vikings on Berk know its location! I swear!"

He wasn't comforted by Viggo's chuckle. "That's all I wanted to know, Johann." Viggo saw a hunter enter the tavern and hand him a message.

The message put a grim smile on Viggo's face and causing Johann to tremble, he nodded towards the door, and Johann watched Ryker get up, but not before patting his shoulder and chuckling darkly, causing Johann to shrink away from Ryker. "It's been a pleasure chatting Johann. Thank you for the telling us the story of Hiccup. It'll help me evaluate the kind of person he is. Take care." Viggo said, both brothers shared a grim smile and headed toward the taverns exit. And with that, the Grimborn brothers exited the tavern, leaving Johann to contemplate the biggest mistake of his life he's ever made.

"By the Gods..."

A/N: I hope you guys had an awesome Christmas. Sorry it took a while to update, I've been sick and been dealing with family drama. But none the less, I hope you enjoy.

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