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We're here in present and the Lee and the Universe families in the Rocky Mountains, Joshua actually has a cabin there.

As they got there, Joshua's parents were there waiting for them and an old friend of the family.

Joshua: Mom, dad, I'm so glad you came

Martha: What kind of parents would we be if we didn't came to see our dragon boy

Thomas: Merry Christmas son

Steven and Connie got to meet another friend of Joshua's family friend Chenoa, granddaughter of the chief of a tribe of shapeshifting warriors.

Joshua knew her grandfather when he was a kid, Thomas and Martha both knew that it was important for Joshua to know other mythical creatures and embrace his Chinese heritage and mythical heritage.

Back then Joshua didn't mind at the time, he liked being a christian and being around his human friends and family but what kind of parents would they be if Joshua forgot who he really was.

Then they met the shapeshifting tribe warriors, they saw that they had a dragon for a son, so they decided to teach him their way and learned the path of the warrior.

The chief of the tribe saw Joshua as the grandson he never had but unfortunately after seventy years of being the chief, he passed away from cancer, in his will he gave Joshua his Gurkha kukris.

Chenoa and Joshua were good friends when they were kids, they used to date but it wasn't meant to last but they're still in good terms.

Chenoa also is getting to know Joshua and Priyanka's triplet children, Peter, Penelope and Persephone. Also Chenoa found out what Lincoln and Leni's former family did to them and they beat the crap out of everyone of them (excluding Lily, Lisa and Lucy).

Chenoa even broke the limbs of Lori, Lynn and Luan because they tried to attack Tsarina Donna and other Russian aristocrats because they wanted the Russian throne and Lori wanted Bobby back.

Donna helped Chenoa with breaking Lori, Lynn and Luan's limbs

Joshua and Priyanka thanked the universe for uniting their lives together, they both saw a mistletoe on top of them and they kissed very passionately.

Merry Christmas Everybody

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