forty one ~

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• (Lucy's POV) •

I got ready for bed in my room. Sting and I don't sleep on the same room now, which I'm glad of. I don't really know what happened that night: Was it a dream? Was it real?

It's driving me insane.

Sting ignored me all of yesterday, but I guess that I didn't exactly make an effort in talking to him. I've felt so lonely with no one to talk to; everyone's busy with their lives and I'm stuck in a mansion conversing with the maids.

I walked into the bathroom to wash my face, but when I came out, I noticed a cold draft come from the window.

It's open.

I'm sure that it was closed when I went in the bathroom. I dismissed the thought and climbed into bed, blowing out the candle at the side.

The room was silent. Deadly silent. But suddenly.....

I heard breathing.

Am I imagining it? No one is possibly going to be- Wait. Is that why the window was open? I then heard the floorboard creak.

Someone is in here.

I got out of bed and began to walk towards the sound. It was pitch black, and I couldn't see a thing, but despite all that I still went on.

All of a sudden a hand covered my mouth, another went round my waist. It was a male, I could feel his muscles against my back. His breathing was heavy.

"Sshhhhh~" He whispered. "Luce, it's me~"



I've missed you so much.

"I can't stay long." He whispered in my ear. "I've heard Sting is out tomorrow, so I'll visit you then."

He then turned me around and kissed my lips passionately. This kiss. I've missed it so much. I've missed him so much.

"I have to leave now." Natsu whispered, his hands on my shoulders. I felt his lips brush against my forehead, then he left.

Out the window. Gone. Just like that.

I'm so happy. He hasn't left me for good. I know that he is alive. I know that he is safe. He isn't mad at me.

Suddenly Sting, followed by two guards, ran into my room.
"Lucy!" He yelled. "There's an intruder in the mansion. Are you okay!?"

Intruder? Oh, he means Natsu.

"I'm fine." I told him.
"Why are you out of bed?" He questioned.
"The window was open, so I went to close it."
"Why was the window open?"

Jeez this guy is persistent.

"I had opened it before for some fresh air, and I forgot to close it again when I went to bed." I lied. I can't let him know Natsu came.

"I'll close the window, you go to sleep." He sighed, walking over to the window and slamming it shut. I got into bed, and let out a sigh of relief when he left.

I can't wait for tomorrow to come.

Word Count- 484

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