thirty seven ~

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• (Lucy's POV) •

"Lucy dear!?" My mother called.
It was a Friday, and I'd just finished school. About a week away from the marriage.

I walked into the living room, followed by Natsu, and I sat down on the sofa.
"Yes mother?" I asked.

"Sting's spending the night here."

I gulped, knowing Natsu wouldn't like this. I don't like this, but to go against my mother.....

It's unthinkable.

"Alright mother," I smiled. "Is that all?"
"Yes." She replied. "I just thought I'd let you know." I began to walk away.

"But there will be no funny business!" Her voice went stern. "And being engaged is no excuse."
"Y-yes mother." I replied.

I'd almost forgotten about the engagement. The biggest mistake of my life.

I went up to my room, and me and Natsu sat on my bed in silence. Yes, we'd apologised, but it wasn't the same anymore.

"I know it's not your fault," Natsu began. "Don't get too down about i-" I interrupted him.

"What do you mean by that!?" I yelled, standing up to face him. "You expect me to 'not get too down' over something that's clearly my fault!?"

I broke down, crying into my hands, but then Natsu walked over and gave me a warm, comforting hug.
"You think what you will," He whispered in my ear. "What I mean is that there's no point being upset in the little time we have left."

I looked up at him, and he wiped away my tears with his thumbs.
"Y-you're right.." I smiled. "I shouldn't be crying ove-" I was interrupted.

By his lips.

As he held my face in his hands he'd pressed his lips against mine. His hands then trailed down my sides as his tongue explored every inch of my mouth.

I had to admit, I'd miss this. I'd miss him. A lot. It felt amazing when I was with him: kissing his lips, tugging his hair. It was wonderful.

His mouth left mine and he began to kiss down my neck, leaving a small trail of saliva as he went. We'd wandered over to the bed, and he was on top of me, slowly slipping the strap of my dress off my shoulder.

I'd noticed he'd left hickeys on my collarbone, but not my neck, so it'd be easier to hide. He leant his body closer, placing his knee in between my legs, then slowly lifted my dress up from my ankles.

The dress had only gotten to my knees, when there was a small cough. We stopped immediately and saw Loke standing at the door.

"Ahem, sorry to interrupt," He began. I felt my cheeks heat up. "But Sting is here."
"R-right, thank you." I mumbled. Natsu slowly got off the bed, keeping his eyes downcast.

Natsu had gone to his room, and I went downstairs to go meet Sting.
"Wait!" Loke stopped me. He straightened out my dress, covered the hickeys and fixed my hair slightly.

"I won't tell anyone." He smiled. "But I don't think an engaged woman should be kissing another man."
"I-I see." I muttered.

"Right, you look presentable." He smirked. "You'll figure something out, I know you will Lucy."
"Thank you Loke," I replied. "I hope I do."

And I went to greet Sting.

• (Sting's POV) •

God, where's Lucy!?

She should be here!

I stood at he door of the Heartfilia mansion, waiting to be greeted by Lucy, but she wasn't here.

Then I saw her walk down the stairs. I smiled up at her, and she smiled back.

"Good afternoon." She smiled.
"You looked like an angel coming down from heaven." I complimented her.
"Thank you," She replied. "I wasn't expecting you until later."
"I couldn't stand being away from you for so long." I replied.

My eyes glanced to the top of the stairs, and I saw Natsu emitting a very dark aura. Maybe I can wind him up even more.

"Lucy, will you come with me a second?" I asked. She nodded, and I lead her outside.

"The weather is so nice today," I looked over at her. "It'd be a shame to stay indoors."
"You're right." She replied, smiling at me.

I checked the door. Natsu's there.

I walked over to Lucy and leant her against the wall of the mansion. Her face began to blush, and I leant in close.

"It's been a while, right?" I smirked. "I haven't kissed you for a long time."
"Hehe, yeah...." She laughed awkwardly.

Then I closed the gap and kissed her.

This felt wonderful. Lucy is so beautiful; like an angel.

But there was something better....

Natsu's expression. He was pissed!

I decided to kiss down Lucy's neck, and I began to slip off the strap of her dress, when she stopped me.
"What's the matter?" I asked. "We're technically married, you know, so it doesn't matter."
"M-my mother told me n-not to." She stuttered.

She's hiding something.

"It doesn't matter." I replied, pushing her hand away. "I'll take the blame."
"No, Sting." She held her strap tightly.

Then I saw something.

Is that....?

I pinned her to the wall and slipped the strap off her shoulder. Dragon bites.

"Y-you..." I stuttered in disbelief. She didn't look at me, just at the floor.

"I've had enough of this shit!" I yelled out. "Natsu! Do you not realise what this marriage means!?"

"So what!?" He replied. "You get rights. Don't you think I know that!?"
"Do you know what else it means!?" I retorted. He shook his head.

So I clicked my fingers, teleporting the three of us off.

To see Igneel.

• (Lucy's POV) •

Sting clicked his fingers, and everything went white. When it dimmed, I noticed that we were at Igneel's castle. What are we doing here?

The three of us walked inside, and there was Igneel himself sat in his flaming throne.

"Natsu!" Igneel yelled. "How are ya little man!? It's been a while!"
"Yeah!" Natsu replied. "Nice to see ya old man!"

"Hello Sting," Igneel looked at him. "Haven't seen you since yuu ran away, how're ya doin' these days?"

"I'm fine." Sting huffed. "I came here for you to recap the rules of the Dragon's Contract."
"Ah yes, that old thing. Let me see..."

He took out the contract and began to read:

"Once a contract is signed, the dragon mus-" Sting interrupted him.
"We know that!" He yelled. "It's the marriage part we wanna know about."

"Tch. Fine then." Igneel huffed.

"If the person the dragon is protecting gets married...

The contract is annulled."

Word Count- 1102

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