thirty two ~

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• (Lucy's POV) •

I gracefully walked down the stairs, trying not to trip on my dress. At the bottom of the stairs Virgo was stood holding open the door, and at the entrance stood my mother, alongside Sting.

He was wearing a white tuxedo with the top two buttons undone. He'd also put a red rose in his pocket, with a folded handkerchief.

He looked very smart.

"Lucy dearie, you have to go now." My mother smiled, clasping her hands together. "I can't believe my little girl is going to her first ball!"
"Alright mother, I'll see you later." I smiled, walking up to Sting. He gently held my hand, kissed it, then looked up at me.

"You look beautiful." He sighed in awe.
"Thank you," I smiled. "You look nice too."

Something felt wrong; Like I shouldn't be doing this.

Like something bad was going to happen.

Sting and me got into the carriage and we left for the ball. It was a little awkward not having Natsu around, because he's always around.

Natsu's not here. My protector.

But it's okay, he's in the carriage with my mother. He'll be with me soon. My Natsu.

Natsu... Natsu...

Wait! Why am I just thinking about Natsu!? I slapped myself on my cheeks with my hands, and got a funny look off Sting.
"You alright?" He asked.
"Yeah," I sighed. "It's just... my first ball.. and it's a little daunting, you know?"
"Yeah," He replied. "My gut's filled with butterflies."

• (Sting's POV) •

We arrived at the entrance and Lucy was gawking out the window.
"The ballroom's huge!!" She cried.
"Wow," I sighed, leaning over to her window to get a look.

But at that moment the door swung open.

And I had to be leaning on the door, didn't I?

I fell onto Lucy's lap, my face enveloped in her beautiful dress.


"S-Sting?" Lucy asked. "Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah, I'm good." I sighed, blushing. "I-I'm s-sorry."
"D-don't worry about it." She said, looking away.

Something's bothering her.

We got out and walked inside, arm in arm. When we got in, we were greeted by Gray and Juvia.
"Hello Lucy-san." Juvia smiled.
"Hey Sting." Gray grinned.
"Hi" Lucy replied.
"Yo." <-- Sting got swag ;)

Juvia was wearing an ocean blue dress that curved round her figure. There was a slit in the dress that went up her right thigh, and she wore matching heels.

Gray wore a black tux with a white shirt, and a red rose in his pocket. He had about three or four top buttons undone, exposing his collarbone.

"Has anyone seen Gajeel and Levy?" Gray asked.
"No, I haven't." I sighed, looking  round.
"They're up there, Gray-sama!" Juvia pointed up the entrance steps to reveal an arguing Gajeel and Levy.

"Why did you stand on my dress!?"
"You're so small I didn't see you!"
"Maybe you should open your eyes! Baka!"
"Maybe you should grow a couple inches, Shrimp!"
"Don't call me a shrimp!"
"Don't call me an idiot!"

"Levy-chan! Gajeel!" Lucy yelled.
"What!?" They both turned their heads and glared down at us intimidatingly, and boy was it scary.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, can all the dance partners take their places on the dance floor, the first dance is about to begin."

"Lucy, may I have this dance?" I asked her. She smiled up at me.
"Of course." And we walked over to a space.

And let the plan commence.

• (Lucy's POV) •

I danced with Sting for a long time, then the music stopped and everyone walked off.
"Wait here Lucy, I'll get you a drink." Sting smiled.
"Okay." I replied, and then he walked into the throng of people.

As I was waiting, I noticed that there were a lot of people I didn't recognise. In fact, the only people I knew here were Sting, Levy, Juvia, Gray, Gajeel and....

Natsu. Where's Natsu?

I looked round the room, panicked. I wasn't used to being without him, everything felt wrong.

But then I saw it. The pink hair.

"Natsu!" I yelled, running towards it. I got closer and closer, pushing past the many strangers to get to him.
"Natsu!" I cried again, he turned around and I saw his face, smeared with mud, along with his clothes.

"Natsu, what happened?" I asked him, walking closer. The closer I got to him, the more uneasy I felt. I'd never felt this way before, and it made me feel hot and nervous.

Is this what love is?

"Oh...uhh...I....We ran into some trouble, but I sorted 'em out!" He smirked.
"Okay, I'm glad to know you're safe." I smiled. "How's my mother?"
"She's fine." He replied. "Not a scratch on her."

"Lucy!" I turned round and saw Sting, carrying two glasses of wine in his hands. "I thought you said you'd wait."
"I'm sorry," I sighed. "Some stranger kept asking me questions and refused to leave me alone, so I walked off into the crowd."

"Where is he?" Natsu growled. "Is he still following you?"
"No, I lost him." I sighed.

Of course, all this was a lie, but Natsu was too dense to get it. Baka.

"Anyway," Sting moved on. "Natsu, why are you in such a state?"
"Ran into some trouble." He huffed, looking away.

Natsu's so gorgeous.

"Lucy? Luucccyyyy?" Sting waved his hand in front of my face. Oops, I was staring at Natsu for too long.
"Oh, uhh... Sorry." I smiled awkwardly.
"The next dance is about to start, shall we go?" Sting asked.
"Yes." I replied, taking Sting's outstretched hand.

"Oh and Natsu," Sting huffed. "You may wanna get changed, you look like you were rolling in pigshit."
Woah, jeez.

• (Natsu's POV) •

Damn, I hate this fucking ball! Luce looks so freakin' gorgeous and I can't even lay a finger on her!

I was in the bathroom, trying to rub off he mud from my suit. I was lucky that Luce believed my lie before.

I didn't really run into trouble, I just didn't want her to find out.

But I guess she will do soon.

I have to stop it from happening!

• (Sting's POV) •

Me and Lucy were dancing together, but she kept on looking round, probably for Natsu.

"You know, you're safe without your protector." I sighed.
"I-I know." She replied. "B-but I j-just-"
"Lucy, what's wrong?" I asked her. "You haven't been acting right the whole time we've been here. Are you ill?" A hint of concern in my voice.
"I must be." She sighed.

She then whispered: "Lovesick."

I don't think I was supposed to hear that.

I knew she loved Natsu, but it's game over for him now, and he knows it.

The dance ended, and Lucy went off to the bathroom.
"Hey Sting." Gray walked over to me. "How are things with Lucy?"
"She doesn't feel well." I sighed. The smirk on Gray's face turned to a frown.
"Damn, I hope she gets better." He replied. "Where's her dragon, by the way?"


And Lucy.

In the bathroom.

"I have to go!" I yelled, running towards the bathroom.

• (Natsu's POV) •

I was just walking out the bathroom when I saw Luce.
"Hey Luce, you alright?" I asked.
"Yeah." She replied. "Natsu, I need to ask you something."

I arched an eyebrow. "What?"
"I-it's ab-bout...l-love.." She stuttered.

This is my chance.

I pinned her against the wall, my arms were a cage trapping her in.
"What's this question?" I asked, a smirk playing on my face.
"Y-you know when you love someone, d-do you feel all funny every time you so much as think of them?"

"Yep." I sighed. "Welcome to life. Well, who is it?"
"Well, I-I.... I l-lo-love y-you, Natsu." She was as red as that girl Erza's hair, clearly embarrassed.

"Good, because I love you too." I smiled, kissing her gently on the lips.

I have to make this count.

• (Lucy's POV) •

There was a loud bang and I broke the kiss. Over at the door was an angered Sting, marching towards me.

"Lucy, we're leaving." He huffed.
"Leaving where?" I asked.
"Away from him." He spat, grabbing my arm and walking off.

He dragged me off to the balcony, which was heavily guarded and restricted for certain personnel only. Of course, that meant me and Sting, but not Natsu.

We both took a deep breath of fresh air and relaxed a little.
"I'm sorry Sting," I sighed.
"There's not much we can do about it now." He replied, looking down over the balcony.

The balcony door opened and my mother walked through.
"Oh, hello dearies," She smiled, lighting a cigarette. "Are you having fun?"
"Yes mother." I replied.

"Lucy, I need to ask you something really important." Sting stood up, with one hand in his pocket.
"What is it?" I asked.
He pulled his hand out his pocket, revealing a small box.
"Lucy Heartfilia," He began, opening the dainty box.

"Will you marry me?"

Word Count- 1513

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