Chapter 95 - Kick Butts in A Gown

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"Then we would have to wait until you are dead."

As Sakina said that Seraphina's body got on high alert and Reginald came before her as if he became a shield of her. Both of them were expecting the three dragon assassins to make a move but they didn't. Instead Sakina asked Reginald, "Why are you protecting a wizard?"

Reginald didn't say a word as his hawk eyes drifted among his enemies in front of him. He was cautious and he concentrated on his senses. He knew Princess Seraphina couldn't see clearly in the dark but he could.

"You knew before anyone that Seraphina was a wizard. You can sense her powers, don't you?" Sakina asked again.

"I only follow my master's orders. Her being a wizard or not doesn't concern me." He simply answered as Sakina nodded.

"Then Master Valentine knew everything from the beginning?" As Sakina said this both Seraphina and Reginald became rigid because now they might think Master Valentine had some ulterior motives behind this as he never said anyone even if he knew about Seraphina being a wizard.

Reginald thought if they became a threat to Master Valentine then he would have to kill them here. He gripped his daggers tightly as his sharp senses told him his enemies weren't prepared to defend if he attacked them now. It might be a good opportunity.

"Calm yourself, Dragon boy." Sakina said, "We aren't here to kill Princess Seraphina."

"If you are here to kill Prince Demian, it might not be what my master wants, so either way you are my enemy." Reginald said as he vanished in the darkness and launched his attack before the three girls could react however, Seraphina came between their fight as Reginald stopped immediately.

All this time, Seraphina was hearing they wanted to kill Demian or Reginald wanted to kill the princesses but no one was caring enough to see that even if everyone ended up killing each other, the dark guild would win.

"Stop this in this instant!" Seraphina growled.

All of them could feel the wrath of her as if a boiler was there in the middle of them. She stood there stopping everyone and said with gritted teeth, "I don't care why all of you are here. All I care about is Demian. He is there captured by some dangerous guild and he is in pain."

All her frustration, anxiousness and fatigue streamed down from her eyes as she said, "Demian had been in pain ever since I came here. I am a wizard yet I feel hurt to see him like that. He has been suffering all alone, suppressing his inner dragon so he won't end up hurting others and you..." She spat at them angrily, "You don't care about him."

She looked at each one of them including Reginald who now stood like he was trying to get what she wanted to tell but failing to understand and the three girls hung their heads as Seraphina said, "All you care of the bunch of shitty orders from your masters. Have you ever tried to see beyond your masters' orders? Demian had been protecting everyone even if he was in pain or people trying to spread bad rumors of him. But he never complained. He did what was to be done. He did what he felt was right. His methods are harsh but he always protected everyone in his country regardless of race."

Seraphina looked at the dragon princesses, "He is alone and in pain and you are here to kill him in his weakened state. Shame on you and your sages. A person like him could never be a berserk dragon. And if he turns out to be one I will be the one who will kill him and will get killed by him."

Seraphina's determined eyes made the three princesses kneel before her as they spoke in unison, "As your command, your Highness..."

Seraphina was surprised as they kneeled because from their eyes, she was a wizard and Dragons don't kneel before wizards. But why...

Sakina said as her head still hung low, "We were asked by Prince Billard to help you but our Lord was afraid as the old sage mentioned about the ragnarok. Our Lord never said to kill the Young Prince, he said, if he becomes a threat then we have no other choice but to kill him. We are apologizing for giving you a mis conception of our movements. We would never harm our Prince nor his wife."

Seraphina huffed in relief and asked, "It won't harm your pride to call a wizard a princess?"

"Of course not." Sakina said and looked up at her and her smile said they believed in Seraphina. "You were never a threat to us, even to our Prince. And I am assuming, if you were a bad person, Prince Demian would have taken care of you a long time ago."

Seraphina nodded in agreement as she knew Demian wasn't an immature child. He would have taken a move but the question was, why he hadn't? In Billard's study chamber, everyone was surprised to find her a wizard except for Master Valentine and Demian. He even said that he knew it all along. But why hadn't he done anything?

"Alright. Enough with this," Seraphina said, "We have wasted enough time here already. We need to make a move now." Seraphina called out, "Reginald, lead the way."

Reginald stood there for a moment as Seraphina crooked her brow, "What is it?"

"Why don't we change our plan a little?" Reginald said as he looked at the princesses.


"So... This was your plan?" Sakina asked as she grinded her teeth and her hands were clenched in fists which rested on both sides of her gown. She had worn a princess gown in the town of Foyed, the next town, where they had assumed their enemies might be.

The group had came to the town after exchanging words and it was decided, Hena would accompany the other guards who left for the ruins. She would disguise as Seraphina and go with them. She left after their plan was formed while Sakina and Xia would disguise as Princess Seraphina in Foyed.

Both Reginald and Seraphina disguised as guards while Sakina and Xie wore princess clothes on their attires while a large deep coloured rob hiding Sakina's claws.

"Yes, that would be best as even if they capture you, there wouldn't be any harm to Princess Seraphina." Reginald said, which made Sakina's brow twitch.

"But that would mean we will be killed in her stead!"

"It doesn't concern me." Reginald said with a stoic face which made Sakina growl in anger. Seraphina tried to calm her down but she didn't know what to do so she laughed nervously.

"You will be coming with me," Reginald pointed at Xia who still struggled with the hem of the dress and he pointed at Sakina, "You'll be going with Princess Seraphina but make sure she doesn't get a scratch otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Sakina growled in a challenging way as Reginald dragged Xia away and vanished in the small crowd near them.

"That son of a..." Sakina said as she tried to walk in the gown but it was a struggle because it had been too long since she had worn a gown.

"Err... Shall we go, Princess?" Seraphina teased and Sakina gave her an angry look which made Seraphina laugh.

"Let's go and kick some of their butts. I'm already pissed at them." Sakina struggled to walk as they went out in the street.

Seraphina noticed the tense in Sakina's posture and she asked, "Are you worried about Hena?"

"No. I'm not." Sakina answered but sighed before changing her statement, "I am. She is an excellent fighter and we have been together for long but I am still worried."

Seraphina patted Sakina's shoulder and said, "Don't underestimate the Dragon guards, especially the men who went with Hena. Because they saved both me and Demian from many wizards so you can trust them. They have experience too."

"Well, I know and I trust them but we can't be certain when the table turns toward you," Sakina looked at Seraphina and gave a weak smile, "It has been too long I had worn a gown and I knew I won't be wearing one but the situation made me wear it. It feels strange to be into this shitty cloth."

Seraphina didn't know what to say so she stayed silent. She felt bad for her as she was a princess yet that position was snatched from her. She didn't want Sakina to wear the gown because that would only make her remember her past but Reginald was a good strategist and she knew from experience that he had some excellent senses.

Seraphina said as she took a large breath, "It doesn't make any difference whether you wear a gown or not." Sakina looked at her with a displeased face but as Seraphina said, "You are Sakina, the gutsy princess I know. You will be Sakina even if you wear your fighting attire and no one can snatched that from you."

Sakina laughed as all the tension that had accumulated in her vanished and she held her head high and said, "You know, now I know why the Young Prince and Master Valentine are so fond of you."

Seraphina looked at her with a questioning gaze as Sakina finished, "I wish I could someday think like you."

Seraphina nudged her shoulder and said, "Just be you."

Sakina smiled and nodded as she cracked her clawed knuckles, "Then let's kick some butts in a gown."

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