✔Chapter XXVI - The Dwarven Feast

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Tables were set as the small folks came with bowls and plates while singing in unison. Foods floated in on each platter as they threw those to the next person standing near them playfully until every single container filled the tables. The vivid colours of the food spoke of its freshness and the bold flavours yet to be discovered. Demian could not fathom how they were made but strangely it reminded him of their lunch in Rockmond. In normal circumstances, he would refuse to take it but he knew he would only miss the greatness of it. A faint smile tugged on his lips.

His eyes fell on Seraphin and he found her gulping down another mug of ale. Even the elder dwarf had joined her. All the dwarves who joined them had almost finished three barrels or more of ale and Demian watched his wife with utter amusement as she had no clue when to stop.

After every mug they were laughing hysterically and their conversation went on. He felt it unusual as how Seraphina could mingle with them and the dwarves had no problem with it. If she had acted like this in the castle then-

He felt a knot forming in his stomach and he could not stop thinking about how a princess would find no problem with any of this.

Another boisterous laughter from the group snapped him out of his reverie.

The village folks were too noisy for Demian's liking but they were very friendly and as he watched Seraphina closely, he found she was enjoying here rather than in his castle.

Demian felt an unknown relief watching her smile however, the burn on his back made it worse to even move. He fisted his palms; a mere attempt to hide his pain.

"Your highness?" A guard of his approached and whispered.


"May we order them to make haste so his highness and Princess Seraphina could rest early?"

He looked at Seraphina and said, "No," and added absentmindedly, "Let her enjoy a little while she can." Because when she would go back to the castle she might not be able to come out again. Demian almost felt downhearted as if the castle would confine her as a cage and her wildness would disappear. He liked how careless and playful she was now as if he was witnessing a different side of her.

His head ached painfully and Demian wanted not more than a good rest but seeing her so happy, he thought it would be better to wait a little.

Sera came beside him and announced, "I will fill my stomach to the fullest!"

"Go ahead." He said as he felt his eyelids become heavy and his whole body fired up. He wished the curse wouldn't get active now or else, it would be hard to contain the secret anymore.

Seraphina took almost everything in her plate and pointed at a bowl where wispy luminous things floated and she asked the elder, "What's this?"

"Oh that's mushrooms and we've picked them up freshly from the mountain."

She nodded as she took a bowl of it and tasted it. "This is amazing! I never had mushrooms before."

The cook who had gone through all the hard work of making of all sorts of different dishes for their guests felt his chest sweilling with pride and ticked with shyness as a broad grin spread across his face.

Demian certainly never had mushrooms but given in his situation, he felt he would pass out any moment. His chest heaved with deep breaths and his eyes and nose stung. He wanted to lay down but he stayed there while clenching his teeth.

Suddenly, Seraphina asked worriedly, "You are sweating a lot. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." His reply came in an instant. He could feel her eyes scrutinizing him but he met her gaze and raised a brow.

"Okay. Aren't you going to eat?"

"No. I'm not feeling hungry. Go ahead, fill yourself, we have a long journey tomorrow." He said with a straight face as she nodded but she furrowed her eyebrows as if his answer didn't satisfy her.

"If you don't mind me asking, his highness and her highness, but why don't you stay tomorrow?" The elder asked, taking Seraphina's attention toward him.

"We would be happy to however, I'm afraid we can't because my brother would be worried and I have some business in the West borders," Demian said as calmly as possible but he was afraid the curse would grow worse and it would be better to stay behind closed doors. They needed to reach the castle soon.


The dwarves' foods were very appetizing and the rich aroma made Seraphina hungrier, however, seeing Demian hadn't touched his food made her a bit guilty for eating alone. She felt something was off about him as he was extremely silent and calm. Even the way he was talking felt off.

"I want to have all the meat. All the dishes here are very tasty." She said to Demian, "have a taste otherwise you will regret it."

"No. I have no appetite. Eat your fill." He said stiffly and now Seraphina was almost certain there was something wrong with him. Demian would always make some comments on her like she was an ogre or such.

Seraphina stopped taking her supper as she tried to remember if she had done something wrong. Was he suspicious after seeing her gulping barrels after barrels of ale or she must have spilled out something about her guild? She tried to run her head so hard that her head started to throb. She wasn't that drunk to say anything but what if unconsciously she had said something. Sweat beads formed on her forehead but a call broke her thoughts.

"Yes?" She asked the dwarf who stood beside her with a bowl in his hands and a smile on his face.

"Would you like me to fill your bowl with the mushroom soup? It seems you have loved it, your highness?" He asked.

A nervous smile left from her mouth and she refused, "No... I'm already full. Thank you."

"You're already done?" Demian asked.

Seraphina nodded, "Yes. Why? Is there something you wanted to talk about?"

Demian looked at her for a moment and it seemed to Seraphina as if his blue eyes were digging holes into her. She gulped.

"No," he answered and stood up, "let's go to our room. I'm tired."

Seraphina followed him from behind and his dark robe flapped against his legs as he went ahead.

Two guards were walking beside him and the other two were walking behind her and she wondered if they had eaten anything at all. They must be pretty tired as well since they had been guarding them and had fought with the enemy.

"You all..." She said looking at the guards beside her, they stiffened up for a moment at her call.

"Did you have you meals? And got your injuries checked by the doctor?" She asked.

One of the guard beside her bowed slightly as he answered, "Yes, Your Highness."

"There isn't anything serious, is it?" She asked with genuine concern, they were fighting against the wizards after all.

"No, Your Highness. These are just scratches, we have seen worse." He answered and Seraphina smiled.

"You knights are pretty strong." She complimented as she turned back and continued walking.

The knights behind her stared at her figure with slight surprise, nobody from the Royal family ever showed any concern about them, except from Master Valentine but even he maintained certain boundaries. Now, a princess who was from a human race was shoeing them concern and even looked genuine enough. This was something new that they were experiencing.

The building that Demian and Seraphina were going to rest in was slightly bigger than the rest of the town's houses.

Seraphina flopped on the bed and found it was hard as back landed on it harshly. She groaned. She had developed a bad habit while sleeping on the soft mattress of her bed. She looked at Demian who took the other side of the bed and laid down on his face without removing his cloak.

Both of her eyebrows drew together. From the time she had spent with him, she knew Demian would have made a dry comment on her when she found the bed wasn't in her liking and Demian never slept with his cloak on. Was he hiding something?

She again ran her mind and remembered the fireballs had hit him when he had saved her from the enemy. How could she forget?


"What?" He mumbled through his pillow.

"Why are you still wearing your cloak?"

"Because it's cold." His answer was pretty straightforward. It was cold today but she recalled the fire was large enough to leave a burn.

Seraphina felt the vein in her forehead popping. The nerve of this nymph! He was good at lying!

She slowly approached him and held an end of the cloak and pulled it away.

Demian sat up immediately, scowling as he asked, "What are you doing?" His eyes were red with anger and sweat had covered his face.

"Your back is burnt and you haven't even said anything about it," Seraphina said angrily.

"I am fine," Demian growled, "I just need rest."

"You are not fine! Your wound needs to be treated!" She said fuming and it made Demian more angry as his nostrils flared.

"It's just a small burn."

"Okay. I'm going to get the physician and let's see what he says," Seraphina was about to hop out of the bed when Demian grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward him.

She lost her balance and stumbled on him as his back came in touch with the bed. He groaned as he closed his eyes in pain and Seraphina stood up immediately. She felt sorry and rushed to him.

"Demian! I-I am so sorry..."

"I am fine." He muttered weakly as he sat up and Seraphina took his hand to apologize again; however, she found his skin was burning.

"You have a fever!" She panicked thinking if the curse had chosen today out of all the days and dashed out of the door to find the physician who treated her.


Seraphina had rushed to the village's elder and told him everything. She had no idea where he lived and thought it would be better to take his assistance because most of the dwarves were either passed out or sleeping.

As the elder was leaving for the physician, one of the guards came rushing.

"Princess... His highness has passed out. Please stay by him I'll accompany Elder Reginus." He suggested and she looked at the elder with pleading eyes.

"What he says is right Princess. We will be coming back as quickly as possible." Both of the men left as she returned to Demian who was sweating profusely.

"Demian!" She cried and scolded herself. How much of an idiot she was for not thinking that he could have been wounded. She should have kept watching for him.

"Sera..." He mumbled in his sleep as she held his hand in hers. Her lips trembled to see him in pain. She had sworn to herself that she would never let harm come in his way yet, she failed.

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