✔LXXI - Like Grandfather like grandson

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As Demian had taken enough rest, he got up and found Seraphina beside him, still in her slumber. She seemed peaceful and he didn't want to wake her up.

But he needed to go to his brother's chamber and discuss everything accordingly. He took his vast coat and left the room as he headed toward his destination.

As he took a turn, he found Master Valentine was heading there as well and two servants had food behind him.

As if Master Valentine felt his footsteps and turned around, "Ah! Your Highness." He bowed as well as the servants.

Demian looked at the servants and asked the old advisor, "Why do you have servants following you with food?"

Master Valentine huffed and with a defeated face he said, "Apparently, it's not for me. It's for Prince Billard."

"Had he not had lunch?"

"Oh, no!" Master Valentine shook his head and said, "He was too excited to meet you and after you arrived, he decided to have dinner together, so he said he would finish some work before that."

"Then I shall discuss the matters after his lunch or tomorrow."

"Oh no! The matters should not be taken lightly and please wait in the study chamber, Prince Demian."

He nodded as both of the men entered and saw Billard was still buried under piles of papers and scrolls. As the servants entered, Billard looked up.

"Demian! What- why are you here? Please take your rest properly." Billard said and Demian could see excitement in his golden eyes however he had gotten large eye bags. He must be very tired. Should he mention everything to him? Because Demian knew his elder brother. Although he seemed strong from the outside, he worried too much.

"And why should I listen to a person who skips his meals?" Demian said coldly. Since childhood Billard was accustomed to his cold demeanor and it failed to amaze him that he stayed the same. He sometimes wondered whose personality he had. Their mother was exactly like Seraphina and Billard got similarities from his father although he looked like their mother. On the other hand, Demian looked like their father but his personality never matched with anyone.

Billard smiled nervously as the servants placed his food on a table at the corner as he stood up and went there. "Don't worry, I'm eating my fill."

Demian took a chair before his brother's study table while Master Valentine stood beside Billard. The servants served him his food and then they were dismissed as Billard chewed on his food leisurely.

Demian waited as his brother ate his main course and started, "I have found some very odd things when suing the Lords of Rockdelia."

The Crown Prince nodded and then snapped his head at him with wide eyes, "What! Sue them? What do you mean by that?

Demian leaned against his chair and said, "I meant what I said."

Billard's eyes drifted between his little brother and Master Valentine who seemed to be well aware of it since he didn't flinch at the sudden news.

"What did you do?" Billard asked.

"Nothing much. Just took away their lands and gold."

"Wh-what!" He narrowed his golden gazes at Master Valentine and asked, "And why haven't I been informed?"

"It wasn't Master Valentine's decision but mine. And let's not talk about trivia matters, brother. I am here in urgency because of some other matters which need both of your help."

Both Master Valentine and Billard went silent as Demian would never ask for anyone's help, he would do things according to his will. But the change somehow made them feel overjoyed and also made them scared. Since Demian was capable enough to handle any situation no matter how dire it was. But if he was asking for their help that meant it was not only dire but also disastrous.

"Yes?" Billard left his dessert and concentrated on him.

Demian began from everything as he said about Irwin and Lord Heartstone's deeds and later said Irwin's confession. The more they heard, Billard's face was carved with shock and Master Valentine's face became grim. Both of them were proud and shocked to see Demian's way of thinking and handling everything but when it ended at the unknown person, Felis, they became more serious.

"So, that's how it is. Lord Heartstone had been using his own people." Billard said his face carved with dismay, "Such a shame that we had a Lord like him in our system. I'm glad I had sent you with this task."

Billard smiled at his little brother and thought how he became so grown up in just a few years. Although the battle with the wizards were very dangerous, he didn't like the fact that Demian had gone there instead of sending his men.

"Still, you should have never gone to fight with the pirates." Billard said with a grim face.

"I had to. But that's not the important matter here," Demian changed the subject as he began, "I need to discuss about this one guy, Felis. I could not get my hand on him. And it seems whoever knows about him and his whereabouts all becomes insane, mysteriously, if I may add."

Billard looked at him with a worried glance as Master Valentine narrowed down his eyes to the slit as if he was thinking.

"Then why Seraphina seems to be so down?" Billard asked.

"It's because of Lord Heartstone's wife. The lady was the only one who was good from her heart but as if she had went insane because she knew about him too." Demian answered.

"Hmm..." Master Valentine said, "I don't know what kind of sorcery is this, but in my knowledge, I have never heard of-"

Suddenly Master Valentine paused as both of the Princes looked at him intensively, hoping he might know something.

"I-" he said, "I may have heard about a tale from your grandfather when he had recruited me but I had never thought of it until today."

"What is it?"

"It was about a man," Master Valentine tried to remember his name but it seemed it was a long time ago. "My memories are quite rusty as I don't know his name but he had a power like this."

"Was he a wizard?" Billard asked.

Valentine nodded, "He was. But his magic needed blood." He looked at a distance and said, "Your grandfather had fought many wizards and used to tell me about those wizards he had fought or made friends with so I would know how to tackle them."

He began, "Apparently, he had befriended a man of ground wizards and their leader had all of his underlings with a special contract. Blood contract."

"What is it?" Demian asked, now he seemed genuinely interested.

"Blood contracts are like pledging yourself to your master but it had a strong power than a man's words." Master Valentine said, "When a man is bound by it, whatever the master had him pledged with, he can never go back on his words. If he did, he would go insane or will kill himself."

Billard nodded and shuddered at the same time as how wicked these magic users were. Although it was good to protect their secrets or plans, it was dangerous too.

"Their tribe used binding contracts and thus each and every wizards were very powerful and your grandfather had won their hearts once as he saved them from a doom." He closed his eyes to regain his memories and said, "The former king was a very kind man and he didn't like to kill innocents no matter who they were. So, this man pledged his words in a binding contract under your grandfather. He said, he and his next generation would always help the Salamanders if needed."

"So, if we go ask for help they are bound to obey us?" Billard asked.

Master Valentine nodded, "Yes but after a decade later, we heard that the tribe had been killed. No one is left."

Demian had been listening with concentration and his mind was still thinking of Felis. He was certain his powers didn't work like this. Lord Heartstone and Irwin might give their blood but not Lady Cathride.

Demian asked, "What was the tribe's name?"


Demian had never heard of it and he certainly had no interest in their binding agreements with blood. He needed to know about Felis. He asked, "Master Valentine, can you look out for this Felis person?" He mumbled, "Since I don't get his motives, I'm afraid he would bring us bad news."

Both Billard and Valentine looked at him with serious faces. Master Valentine bowed and said, "I will look into this matter, your Highness."

Demian nodded, "Report it to me even if it is very little information."

Master Valentine bowed again. "Yes, Your Highness."

"Report it to me as well, Master Valentine." Billard said tapping his feet under the table while giving the old advisor a look, "I would not like to stay away from this grim situation and certainly I do not want my brother to have all the worries to himself."

"I'm not that worried. You don't have to put your head into this as I will handle it." Demian said as he stood up and he had hidden the fact that he brought a dangerous stone. He knew Billard would likely discard it immediately and Master Valentine would hide it from both of them. They were overprotective in a way that annoyed Demian.

Demian spun on his heels and left the chamber as Billard sighed.

"Don't you think Demian is becoming more and more like grandfather?" Billard asked as he recalled his grandfather. Although they could not spend much time together, he still recalled how enthusiastic he was about bizarre things and especially, when it came to entanglement with wizards.

"He sure is." Master Valentine nodded.

"That's what makes me worry about him. He always gets reckless and does everything impulsively." Billard said as his voice coated with worry.

Master Valentine said, "But he always thinks before he acts. A good trait from your grandfather, I suppose."

Billard chuckled and nodded. Their grandfather could not see Demian as he died long before he was born. But if he had seen him, he would have been proud of Demian and maybe Demian wouldn't be like this, cold and distant. It pained Billard to see his brother getting cold treatment from everyone in his family. The people who had known about his curse had always distanced themselves and maybe that was why Demian had closed himself from everyone.

But he had seen him act restlessly and getting riled up when surrounded by the company of Princess Seraphina. Maybe that would change him someday. She would change him someday.

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