✔XLV - It's like They are Magnets

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Demian's feet picked speed as he went to his room but his mind was in disarray with what Casian said. He could no longer keep his anger at bay. How dare Casian see Seraphina in an amusing way! And not in that kind of amusing way as his voice made it clear what kind of way. Demian flared his nose. Had that bastard forgotten whose wife she was? It seemed like Casian had forgotten who Demian was. In these few months he had gotten soft and that must be the reason why they dared to cross paths with him.

People have always been like this. They start to hop on your head if they weren't shown exactly where their place was.

He opened the door and saw one man was wrapping a small cloth on Seraphina's wound. As he stepped forward, the man looked at him and immediately bowed and Seraphina displayed a big smile. He knew why he had gone so soft nowadays. But not today!

"Treat her wound!" He ordered as the man resumed his work with twice speed than before. Even the poor man could feel the evil aura surrounding the Prince behind him.

"Y-your Highness, is it hurting?" He managed to ask.

"No! It's just a scratch."

Demian took the chair and sat while watching her. He tried to find any signs of pain that she might be hiding but all he got was a warm feeling from her. His heart found peace watching her shining like a sun.

As his gaze moved on her abdomen, Demian found a little scratch mark just beside the left side of her belly. It wasn't visible and almost disappeared.

The man went away immediately after his work but Demian still sat there watching her.

"What?" Seraphina asked.

He didn't say anything. He was trying to decipher what the fuzzy feeling he had been feeling all this time but couldn't figure it out. His mind was a mess and he got irritated as the reason was the woman before him.

He let the thoughts go and glared at her as her smile evaporated. "Next time, don't get into unnecessary fights."

Seraphina grinned, "But I won..."

"Because Casian went easy on you. He hadn't used his full power."

Seraphina seemed to notice it as well and mumbled, "Okay."

"What was the other mark on your belly?" He asked his interest to reach a peak.

"Uh... Well," Seraphina diverted her gaze and he noticed her cheeks getting red, "this was when I fell from a cart."

Demian gave her a look and she mumbled, "I fell on my own sword."

The corners of his lips twitched as he said, "That's so like you."

"What do you mean by that?" Seraphina looked at him furiously, "I was distracted because the bandi-"

Seraphina halted but it didn't leave Demian; she didn't finish the sentence. "You were distracted with...?"

Seraphina looked at him with wide eyes and drifted her gaze immediately as Demian stared at her. A thick silence dominated them as a knock came on the door.

"Come in." Demian said and let the conversation slide and saw Alonzo peeked from the door with a bunch of papers and scrolls in his hands.

"Your Highness, the documents you have asked for."

"Leave them here."


Zenith heard some commotion outside but she knew it would probably be the guards who were training. She looked outside of her window and found the sun was setting and her smile grew. Wasn't it a magnificent view!

Today was the happiest day of her life after the cursed prince's marriage. She was worried about how to handle the princess and eliminate the young Prince. But her brother came and gave her a gift! A portrait...

She tried to sit straight but Billard's hands wrapped her body and pulled her against him. Her heart thumped and she felt her smile growing.

"You seem happy," Billard said in a husky voice as he woke up, his bare body wrapping his wife in more ways.

"That's because I am." Zenith felt shy as Billard's golden gaze fell on her and a sly grin played on his lips.

"May I know the reason, my Queen?" His voice had a hint of humour but it made butterflies flutter in her belly.

"That's because you are here with me," she said and felt the ground should devour her now. Well, there was another reason for her happiness today which was related to her husband. Billard barely came to her after he gained his crown prince position and lately he had been so busy, she could barely see his face. But today, Billard had finished his work early and came straight to her. He needed a good rest and she was glad he decided to stay at her quarter.

"Hmm..." Billard hummed in a teasing way and said, "I'm sorry Zenith for not always being available here."

"It's alright. I'll always wait for you." Zenith said as Billard kissed her and she leaned further to him.

"Well, today I got the day off because Master Valentine said I should see you while he will manage the rest and Demian went to settle down the problems at Lord Heartstone's place." Billard smiled, "so, I'm free."

Zenith had heard about the conference and heard how that wizard barged into it. In her case, she would never dare to lay a foot where she wasn't allowed. Billard wouldn't like it and besides if her father knew he would be angry as well as Casian. Her father had said clearly to always obey her husband and she had seen her mother do that as well. But how come Seraphina got no punishment for not obeying the rules?

Her stomach churned as Billard was present at the conference even the other Lords however, no one told her where her place was, instead they listened to her views. She had asked if she was needed in the conference but Billard refused her and she had no courage to ask him twice. Not that she had anything to do about it.

Zenith felt uneasy at how everyone approved her even when she was an imposter while she was from a dragon lineage.

"What's the matter?" Billard asked as she was very quiet.

"Nothing, just thinking how everyone agreed on Princess Seraphina's terms."

"Well, I was impressed myself as she presented her views. She is very intelligent and I'm glad we got her in our family. She can take care of Demian," Billard smiled as she looked at her husband with a gap in her mouth.

She didn't like the fact that her husband was praising another woman who wasn't even from royalty or even had wealth. At one point, she wanted to show him the portrait but she refrained herself as Casian had asked her to wait for the moment.

Why can't Billard praise her?

She bit her tongue at the thought. What was she thinking? It must be the wizard's tricks that no one ever questioned her. If Zenith had done it or anything to defy him, it would take just a few orders to make her go back to her home and her father would disown her immediately because she knew very well both her brother and father loved their power and position before anything and anyone.

"Is that so? Then it must be good for them." Zenith said.

"Indeed. Demian seems to be acknowledging her as he let her speak in the conference," Billard chuckled, "I was astounded because he never likes anyone meddling with his business." Billard released a sigh, "It seems I was right after all to bring Princess Seraphina here for him."

Zenith found it unbelievable. That meant Seraphina had defied her husband's orders yet, she was free. Why?

"It seems Prince Demian hadn't disciplined her well." She said.

Billard chuckled, "I think it's more amusing to see how her undisciplined nature made him riled up."

Zenith was dumbfounded and she saw her husband with disbelief. He wasn't against her barbaric ways but was enjoying it. Then why Zenith was the only one who would always follow everything...

She remembered her father's rage-filled face and decided it was best not to be influenced by the wizard.

"I shall go see her tomorrow if she is feeling lonely now that Prince Demian isn't here," she said to divert her thoughts, putting aside her unnecessary feelings. She didn't know why her thoughts were taking different roads. Up until now she never had any thoughts on this as she knew from her childhood, she was expected to serve not to be served.

"You can't."

"Why, your Highness?"

"Because she had already snuck out of the castle and joined Demian." Billard chuckled.

What? Seraphina wasn't in the castle? And she even snuck out-

Was that even possible?

She flabbergasted at Billard's laughing face. He wasn't offended?

"You don't seem to be displeased with her, Your Highness."

"Because I sort of wanted her to go with Demian as many attacks have been aiming at him and Princess Seraphina can at least save him, along with Casian and five guards."

"You knew she was going to escape?"

"Yes and no."

Zenith gave him a questioning gaze as Billard began, "I never told her to go but knowing her nature, I knew she wasn't going to leave Demian alone. And when Master Valentine said that she ran away, I couldn't be more happy."

"It's like they are magnets," Billard added with amusement written on his face.

Zenith clenched her palms but strangely enough it wasn't for her plans that failed as she was going to have a chat with her. But she didn't have a clue why.

"Well, enough talking about them," Billard hovered over her as his golden eyes glinted and Zenith found her ears heating. He whispered as he neared, "Now, let's make this day even more amusing."


"Why are you still working?" Seraphina complained as Demian read a document not giving her any attention. Seraphina felt bored sitting on the bed all day after Demian engaged himself with the important documents. And after that she had done nothing but glaring at Demian's back-which he didn't pay any heed to. Alonzo came and gave her some sweet snacks but they were finished long ago. She wasn't even guilty of not giving her dear husband the snacks as she liked them so much and ended up having them alone.

"Oi, can you hear me?" She asked and as he didn't answer she came up with a brilliant plan-that was to annoy him.

"Prince Demian? Cold-eyed reptile? Hot-headed brat? Little boy with-"

"Will you stop it already?" He growled.

"I thought you might be having a problem with your hearing so I was checking if it was working."

Demian glared and said, "I'm working!"

"But you've been working for six hours... Why don't you take a small break and resume again?" She suggested.

"No! I have to finish rechecking before tomorrow morning." He looked at the reports and mumbled as his voice fainted, "I'm searching for something..."

"Searching for what exactly?"

"Nothing specifically that requires your nose into it."

Seraphina became furious, "Fine! I'm going for a walk then..." She went to the door and before exiting said, "if you're done, come find me on the deck."

Seraphina walked to the deck with angry steps. That brat! He always made her angry!

She came and stood by the railings as she felt bored and watched the moonlight dancing on the waves. Who needed him when she had the fresh air, salty waves and in it some sharks maybe...

She loved the cool air whispering on her skin but her gaze unconsciously moved to the empty space beside her. She huffed. Apparently, it was still lonely without that cold-eyed reptile.

"Feeling lonely, your Highness?" A voice asked from behind her as she was startled by it.

She turned around and found a pair of silver eyes glinting in the moonlight.

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