✔XXXVII - The Conference Part 1

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Prince Demian sat in his chamber, he was already dressed for the meeting but he was worried that Seraphina might somehow end up getting involved in the matter. He knew she was a trouble magnet and she loved to create problems for him, he felt the vein in his forehead pulsing with only the thought of Seraphina interrupting the important meeting. There would be the successors and important people from different noble families who would be discussing about the solution for the Northwest matter. He wasn't too enthusiastic to meet the nobles as he didn't want to face Casian and even the Heartstone, these nobles weren't the people who had compassion for the weaker sections of the society. All they ever wanted was to fill their greed with money and land, they might even go till the point of sucking the blood from the poor. Given a chance Demian would rather let these people be shredded to pieces by the commoners.

He sighed as he tried to calm his racing heart, lately he had been feeling the severe convulsions in his body at nights which was why he had decided to appoint Alonzo to keep Seraphina busy. He didn't want her to know about his worsening condition, her worrying over his curse was the last thing he wanted. Moreover, he was still thinking as how he would be able to control himself on his birthday, if he turned berserk then he would end up killing everyone including his family and even Seraphina.

The thought itself made him shudder and he felt his heart clenching in his chest. Just why did Billard decide to marry him? If she wouldn't have been called here then her life wouldn't be in danger, and under what whim did he said yes for this farce? He cursed himself for dragging Seraphina into everything she was going through now.

He pressed his fingers against his temples closing his eyes, the bright face surrounded by fiery red curls came before his eyes and her beautiful eyes made him just want to look at them. Letting out a sigh he opened his eyes and groaned as he felt himself having deeper feelings for the harebrained woman who was his wife. What would happen when the monster would be unleashed though? Would he be able to protect her? Or would he end up having her blood on his hands?

Demian clenched his fists and was about to throw everything in his room when the knock resounded and he turned to see Master Valentine at the doors.

"Is everything alright, Your Highness?" He asked anxiously, "You seem disturbed."

"I'm alright. Where is Seraphina?" Demian said straightening up.

"Her Highness is in her room with Alonzo on guard." Master Valentine said and Demian nodded feeling slightly relieved.

"The conference is about to start Your Highness, shall we move?" Master Valentine asked and Demian put on a stoic face as he walked out of his room.

The conference hall was a beauty in itself as the pillars growing from the marbled floors rose up to hold the large dome. The large windows which were at a distance from the ground illuminated the Hall with the sunlight and let the fresh air pass through. The hall was already filled with the nobles who stood up as Prince Billard and Prince Demian walked in. All the nobles stood up in their presence and took a seat once they sat down.

Once settled across the round table Demian eyed all the gathered nobles, the Accoridins from Northeast, Casian Vermence from South, and finally, the Heartstones from Northwest. Billard greeted and welcomed the gathering and the conference began.

"I don't think I'll have to brief you over the reason as of why I have called for this urgent conference." Billard said eyeing Lord Heartstone who had a blithe expression on his face which told this conference was more of a representing their reports to the future King.

"I believe it is about the growing tension between Lord Heartstone and the commoners of his territory." Casian spoke up and Billard nodded.

"Yes, and I have called you to aid Lord Heartstone. If you have any solution which could end this unrest then you are welcome to present your views." Billard said and Demian simply sat quietly as the nobles discussed among themselves giving out some ridiculous ideas and some offending views and at some point, he resisted rolling back his eyes.

"You must know who is fueling the commoners, Lord Heartstone. I mean there might be some leaders behind this which is why everyone are getting united." Lord Elver Accoridin spoke up, scratching his chin.

"Yes, Lord Accoridin. I have found out from some of my men that there are some leaders who are filling up the minds of the workers and farmers," said Lord Heartstone.

"That's it then, you should just cut the root of all problems. These leaders, round them up and kill them before the folks and they shall know your power," Lord Accoridin said fuelling Heartstone as both of them nodded, their chests filled with pride.

Demian found this idea absurd and cruel but it seemed like Lord Heartstone had some other view.

"Excellent! I shall do so." He declared.

"I fear it may create some opposite reaction, Lord Heartstone." Billard quickly intercepted and Demian felt as if he was under the watch of a viper. He yikted his head slightly and noticed Casian looking at him with utmost interest. There was something in his gaze which irked Demian, it was as if he had something dangerous going on in his mind which he feared would be probably for Seraphina. Casian gave him a small smile with mischief playing in his eyes, Demian felt a chill run down his spine and he turned away to look at Lord Heartstone and his brother.

"But, Your Highness. Those men are poisoning the minds of my people. They must be punished for this." Lord Heartstone insisted and Billard seemed firm on the decision of being against killing people.

"I can understand, Lord Heartstone but it could get risky." Billard said.

"But, Your-"

"I have a better suggestion, Lord Heartstone. If you allow me?" Casian suddenly spoke up and all heads turned in his direction.

Being under all the attention Casian flashed a polite smile as he looked at Lord Heartstone, "Lord Heartstone, there had been news from your territory that you had been exploiting the farmers and other classes way far. There had been drought in your territory for two consecutive years and your mines have turned out to be completely hopeless, the traders don't approach you because if the heavy tax you have levied on everything and all of this is why this situation has arisen."

Lord Heartstone was about to rebuke but Casian continued, "But, if you let go of the taxes for at least four months then the condition of your territory might not completely get better but it might improve till the point that the farmers and the merchants would be able to gather some money and it will instantly put down the fire in the people."

"But if we don't impose taxes then how-"

"I pray please let me finish, Lord Heartstone." The glint in Casian's eyes was devilish and Demain was wary of his next words.

"Once there is improvement in the finances you can reimpose the taxes..." Demain was about to release the breath, "eight times the earlier one."

Before Demian or anyone could say a word the doors of the conference Hall were thrown open with a loud voice breaking through everyone's ears.

"That will immediately start a war!"

Demian's face went rigid while Billard eyed the newcomer with his eyes gone wide, all the other nobles had their jaws on the ground excluding Casian Vermence who simply eyed her with the look a viper would give to his prey.

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