Chapter 15

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In which curiosity kills

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The night was starless and lit only by the gleaming moon. As I marched through the hallways of the giant castle, I began to worry more and more. I had so many questions, but somehow, the only one that seemed to really be biting at me was about the figure running into the forest.

Yes, I cared deeply about my dragon, but I knew Naji could defend himself. No one else seemed to see the figure, so that made this up to me. This was my mission now.

I would pass by occasional guards, but I'd just have to say I'm taking a walk. They just told me to be safe, then walked off, as if they didn't know my door was locked. As if me walking through the halls was normal.

I should have told them, but somehow, a part of me told me they couldn't know what I saw.

I glanced out the window again. There was a trail in the woods where the figure had went, almost as if I was being led to them. Being drawn to the figure.

And then a hand grasped my wrist.

“Hey.” A familiar voice said. “Reveal yourself.”

My breath caught in my throat as I turned to face the Captain of the Guard.

“Ayla.” Calden said, his voice shifting to amusement. “Last time I saw you, you were passing out. Now you're snooping through the castle.”

I ripped my hand out of his. “I'm taking a walk.” Then I paused, a grin forming on my lips. “And I expect to be called Your Majesty.”

Calden narrowed his eyes at me. “Ok, Your Majesty.” He said at last. “As the Captain of the Guard, it is my duty to protect thy Princess.”

“I can protect myself.” I said with a scoff.

“Must I remind you of the First Trial, Princess?”

Thoughts of the First Trail flooded my mind, and I felt myself turn red with embarrassment.

“You wouldn't last a minute out there.”

I clenched my fists. “You know nothing about me.” I hissed, then shouldered my way past him.

But still, Calden marched after me.

“You're still not allowed to walk around here. Not until you're authorized.” He said, standing his ground.

“Authorized?” I laughed. “Calden, I am the princess. I can do what I want.”

“You're still below Queen Calysta.” Calden said. “And Calysta ordered everyone to stay in their rooms.”

Well, that explained who locked the doors…. But why?

I fell silent, unsure of how to reply. I was below Calysta…

“I’’ll escort you back to your room.” Calden said. “Come on.”

I glanced back out the window.

“Where is my dragon?” I said, standing my ground. Once I knew where Naji was, I’d be able to fly right after that figure.

I just had this terrible aching feeling that I needed to follow that figure.

“I’m not supposed to tell you that.” Calden said. “Now, come on.”

“Calden,” I spoke slowly and calmly. I looked him dead in the eyes. His deep, dark eyes. . “Where is my dragon?”

Calden was growing nervous. Perhaps I was intimidating. I had to force away my smile and giddy laughter. I never really stared anyone down like this before. It was all so new….

“I-” Calden began.

“Now.” I took a step forward, gritting my teeth. “I assure you, I am dangerous.”

But my voice wavered. Was I dangerous? Could I really take a life? Would I hurt Calden because of something as petty as this? Of course I would! He’s been nothing but terrible to me since my arrival here! Someone could really show him his place!

But still, my voice wavered.

Calden cleared his throat, then regained his authority.

“I will not be threatened by the likes of you.” He said. And it angered me how quickly I lost my advantage.

“Now,” Calden continued. “I’ll walk you to your room.”

And then I ran. My feet seemed to have a mind of their own, darting down the halls.

“Hey!” Calden yelled, dashing after me.

I turned the corner, then glanced out a window. Light. There was light.

In the forest where the figure had ran, there was now a trail of… light. A trail of soft glowing light, like a white fire.

I stopped, staring out the window. My eyes widened in awe at the light. It was beautiful! But in the forest was the figure. Just looking up at me, almost as if it were waiting.

And then it happened. Calden ran right into me, and the both of us crashed to the floor.

Quickly, I shoved Calden off of me.

“Just leave me alone!” I yelled, then ran as quickly as I could. I needed to find a way out.

I heard footsteps behind me. So Calden still wasn't going to give up… What a fool!

And then I found a familiar spiral staircase. It was the one I took up to my room the forest time. If I remembered correctly, this should lead to my escape!

But how would I explain myself when all this was over?

I shook off the thought. That was a problem for later.

Quickly, I ran down the staircase. But as I ran, my foot slipped, bringing me down to the ground.

Before I could get back up again, Calden was there.

“Explain yourself!” He commanded, exhausted from the chase.

I looked around, desperate for an escape. But there was none….

“Did you see it?” I asked him quietly.

Calden was taken aback by my question.

“See what?” He raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

“The light. And the figure in the woods.”  

The Captain of the Guard was silent for a moment.

“There shouldn't be a figure in the woods.” He said at last. “Where did this figure come from?”

“The castle…” I explained.

And then something seemed to strike Calden. His eyes grew wide with worry and fear.

“Oh, God.” He muttered, then grabbed my arm and pulled me up. “Ayla, you said you saw a light? Was it like a path?”

“Yes...?” I spoke slowly. I just needed Calden to drop his guard. Then I'd run.

“Okay.” He began to pace. “Just… Follow me. Follow the path.

I guess I didn't have to run...

“What?” I was shocked. Why did he want to go now?

“Come on!” He yelled, making me jump. I nodded, then ran out of the castle. I looked around, then spotted the glowing light.

“You really don't see that?” I asked Calden, pointing right at the light. He shook his head. I sighed, then ran to the path.

The figure appeared to be gone, but the light was not.

I stepped forward into the light, Calden right next to me.

“Keep up your guard.” Calden warned me, taking out his sword. I glanced at him… he was so young. How was he already the Captain of the Guard--?

Before I could finish my thought, a cloaked figure leaped down on Calden, grabbed his sword and held it to his throat.

It took me a moment to figure out what was happening.

We were ambushed.

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