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**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

He was not on Dellanae's platform.

Lillian scanned the vicinity, peering into the nearby pines, and finally located Aëghan. He was on a platform opposite to her, separated by a narrow and precarious rope bridge, speaking amiably with one of the human men who resided amongst the other fae.

She hesitated at the start of the bridge, her nerves starting so suddenly after being rattled by what Dellanae had told her, yet now the prospect of traversing the span of the rickety contraption that separated her from the Dravolese almost terrified her.

As if sensing her, Aëghan turned and the smile that had been gracing his wide lips diminished only slightly, his brows pulling tight.

Immediately, he abandoned his conversation with the young man and made for her, his steady gait making the bridge sway from side to side as he crossed it.

"If you believe for one moment that I shall endeavour to cross this contraption of death," Lillian told him upon his approach, "you will be sorely disappointed."

He paused, a look of amusement pausing over his face. But then he took another meaningful step forwards, bringing him to the edge of the bridge where she stood, and he held out his hand. "Do you not trust me to keep you safe?"

She threw him a droll look and folded her arms pointedly.

"Admittedly not the best thing to ask," Aëghan mused, almost sheepishly, and then he grinned at her in such a boyish manner she felt her resolve begin to disintegrate then and there. "Even if this 'death contraption' wasn't reinforced by multitudes of safety enchantments, even if you did somehow end up falling, I would most certainly catch you."

"You changing into a terrifying dragon is hardly consoling."

The male had the audacity to look offended at that. "I rather think he is quite handsome, thank you."

"If one finds giant lizards attractive, I suppose."

"Madam, you wound me."

The trajectory of their conversation had taken a turn towards the ridiculous and she felt her lips twitch at his hurtful pout. Sensing her softening, Aëghan beckoned her with his fingers, and said cajolingly, "I have something to show you, and it's this way. You have my word that I will keep you safe."

It was the quiet sincerity of his mesmerizing eyes that finally compelled her to extend her fingers, absently noting the mild tremble that stirred through them, and entwine with his. An imperceptible moment where she merely stared at the odd sight of her hand engulfed by his passed, the warmth of his flesh seeping into her, how his callouses grated against the softness of her skin. There was a scar on her knuckle where she had nicked herself with one of her daggers years ago, yet his swarthy skin was unmarred- the strong lines of his veins lying prominently under his skin.


She started, jerking her gaze back to his, the husky tenor of his voice sending a bolt of something licentious racing through her.

Even a dragon has a heart.

Oh, dear God, what was she thinking? She couldn't really-

With a firm mental shake, she nodded her head jerkily and took a tentative step towards him and onto the bridge, loathing the way the wooden planks sank and lurched with that small movement. "Alright," she said tightly, "I am... fine. Let's go." He turned then, making to release her fingers but she held firm, jerking him back. "Just don't let me go!" she almost yelped.

His fingers tightened and he inclined his chin. "Never." With that, he pivoted and began the slow walk back over her death contraption.

They could not have been more than twenty feet off the ground, yet Lillian's world spun unsteadily. Her vision blurred and she hurried her step, eager to have this ordeal over with, and bumped into his broad back as she did so. Instead of retreating, she used her free hand to grip onto his side, holding him closer as they proceeded to cross the rope bridge that swung from side to side with each movement.

Just when she had deemed herself thoroughly over that activity, they reached the other end and Aëghan guided her to safety by placing her a considerable distance away from the edge. When her racing heart had slowed, did she then become aware of the other presence sharing the space with them.

Her gaze landed on a young man with a shock of brown hair and an amiable countenance. He was garbed in clothes that were more familiar to the fae- a soft leather vest and loose fitting trousers- and there was a covered bundle cradled in his arms.

"My lady," he said quickly upon noting her stare, and ducking into a sheepish bow. "It is an honour! We have all been anticipating meeting with you since there has been word of your arrival."

"This is Martin Humphries," Aëghan explained. "He and his family have been part of our little community for many years."

The man positively beamed under Aëghan's notice, and then he extended the bundle that was wrapped in a clean muslin cloth to the other male. "My wife made a fresh batch of plum cakes," he said eagerly, "to express our gratitude. Without your assistance fixing the awnings of our cottage, we would never have been able to endure the recent storms."

The concept of Aëghan Dranora with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows and participating in hard manual labour to assist his tenants was so ludicrous to Lillian that she turned wide, incredulous eyes upon him. "Truly?" she blurted.

For his part, Aëghan looked uncomfortable by her scrutiny as he accepted the parcel from Mr Humphries. "Tell your wife of my thanks," he remarked to the other man, ignoring her. "Her confections are always welcome in my hold."

"Hillary will be well pleased. You know she is always enquiring when you will visit us for dinner again- and, of course, Lady Adams is more than welcome in our home, too." While he was speaking, Martin Humphries was rummaging excitedly through his coat pockets until he finally procured a battered-looking flask that engulfed his hand. "Oh, and lest I forget, Byron Williams behooves me to give you this." With a wink at Lillian, Mr Humphries pressed the flask into Aëghan's hand. "Safe for human consumption."

"Pray tell," Lillian pressed, her curiosity getting the better of her, "what magnanimous feat did Aëghan accomplish for Mr Williams to earn such a token?"

"Nothing, it matter-"

Happily, Martin interjected, "Why, nothing short of implementing a successful irrigation system that has helped our crops flourish, and installing a new paddock for the horses-"

"Humphries, you'll have to excuse us," Aëghan clipped succinctly, pocketing the flask of liquor and grasping Lillian by her elbow meaningfully, "I have planned to show Lady Adams the nest."

Mr Humphries looked nothing short of delighted at that, and his next words were directed boldly to her. "Aye, he's playing to woo you with a visit to the nest. Good thing you've got some prime spirits and sweets."

"That'll do, Martin." Abruptly, Aëghan began to pull Lillian away from the other man, who waved them off cheerfully, while the precarious platform jiggled from their abrupt movements.

His surliness was so out of character that she felt her lips curl into an amused grin, helpless to be tugged along in his wake as she considered his stiff, unrelenting shoulders. For whatever reason, Aëghan did not feel comfortable having her aware of the generous nature of his character, and she felt yet more of her resolve begin to crumble and dissolve at what she had learnt about him.

Aëghan Dranora, it seemed, was concerned with the wellbeing and upkeep of those under his care- the ledgers in his chambers were testament to that capability, as well as Martin Humphries's eager testimony to his character.

The platform was larger than Dellanae's and stretched between two looming pines. It was to the opposite end that he led her and stopped before the imposing trunk. With a quick and sudden rap of his knuckles against the rough bark, great, vividly green leaves uncurled from within the wood and stretched out in a fluid spiral that originated from the base of the platform and disappeared into the canopy above.

When he made to step upon it, Lillian's smile died and her heels dug in, refusing to budge. "You surely can't mean to climb up that?" she protested.

When he turned to her, his tension from before had dissipated and a crooked smile emerged to dimple on of his cheeks. "I intend to- with you, and it will be worth it." He took her hand again, his eyes warming, and even though he seemed within his normal cavalier good mood, Lillian could not detect any of his standard insouciance. He squeezed his fingers about hers and stepped onto the first protruding leaf.

Surprisingly, it did not buckle under his weight and rather seemed to cushion him, a gentle phosphorescent glow emitting in a web-like pattern from the soles of his boots. The leaves stretched out from the trunk about three feet, and other than the tree itself there was no barrier to protect her from plummeting through the air.

"Trust me, Lillian," Aëghan urged, tugging her forward gently until her feet landed on the leaf.

Her hands latched onto his forearms, almost stepping into his body, and she jolted to a halt as plumes of light stretched out beneath them to touch the edges of the leaf. When she tilted her head back to meet his gaze, his chin brushed against the fine strands of her hair.

"While I live and breathe in this realm, I'll protect you from anything that may cause you harm or distress," he told her, his voice a consoling hush that sent a shiver under her skin. "You are safe with me."

The starlight in his eyes seemed to glimmer and sharpen, and she dropped her gaze and found his lips so very close to her person. Even as a tremulous breath escaped her as she clung to him, Lillian couldn't compel herself to look away from his mouth as she recalled then and there just what it felt like to be kissed by him, to have every hard contour of his body pressed against her, and Lord help her she wanted to feel it again. Her body practically wept and begged for her to take the initiative, to raise up and into him, a tiny pulse of heat pulsating about the band that marked the skin of her arm-

"Stop looking at me like that, or we will not make it the rest of the way up this tree," Aëghan murmured, and almost regretfully stepped to the side while keeping his hold on her hand to steady her, the parcel of sweet plum cakes tucked neatly under the other.

Abruptly, her cheeks were scoured with heat and she bit her lip to quell the surge of embarrassment. It was hardly her fault he was able to detect every surge of strong emotion that ripped through her, and it appeared that she was battling an ever constant war to control them.

Subsequently, Aëghan appeared remarkably in control of his, and Lillian wondered briefly if she should be offended that he seemed to exhibit an admirable quality of restraint when it was well known he harboured very little.

Especially when it came to members of the opposite sex.

And then, because her pride was pricked and she was mired in her own musings as he wound them carefully into the tallest boughs of the tree, she had almost forgotten of her predicament entirely, and she was compelled to say, merely to save face, "I was not looking at you like that."


Lillian cast her eyes to their feet, mindful of every step she took, and kept close to him. The ascent was gradual and perplexing- she had never come across such growth, even in the fae realm, though she had not been inclined to take to the trees there either. "Certainly not."

"I was mistaken then," he informed her smoothly. "I'll not make the mistake of feeling inclined to forego any notions of romance in favour of a brisk ravishing against a tree again."

Grateful that his back was to her so he could not witness the telltale fiery blush that enflamed her cheeks and neck, she almost tripped at his words. Notions of romance? she thought. She hadn't really taken Mr Humphries at his word about Aëghan's intent to woo her, but the words had slipped from his lips so casually that she started at it.

She had never been wooed before.

Indeed, she had never entertained notions of courtship or flirtations in the slightest- her inheritance and role to Ravensfield dominating every aspect of her life until her disappearance...

And even though she was so far off the ground that her death would be imminent at one misstep, Lillian felt herself smile. Yet she uttered the words dryly, "Please do not."

His chuckle was soft, but before she could appreciate the sound of it he had paused and was looking above them. When she followed his gaze, there appeared to be a wide bower of interlocking vines and thick branches. He pulled one to the side slightly and gestured her closer. "You'll need to climb up through here. I'll hoist you through."

"I beg your pardon-"

"Lillian," Aëghan huffed, catching her about the waist and promptly hefting her through the small opening above their heads, "we could spend all day arguing about your sense of propriety and the indignation you'd feel compelled to mention at being manhandled by an arrogant ass of a male such as myself, but I'll spare each of us some time, shall I?"

She would have protested, truly she would have, but she caught the upper half of her body and hauled herself onto the edge of the opening, pulling the rest of her limbs through until she was sprawled on her stomach.

Immediately, she was swarmed by small balls of fur.

Alarm shot through her, but when she turned and found them to be none other than harmless halcoon pups, she relaxed and managed to turn into a seated position.

Halcoons were remarkably ill-equipped creatures to sustain a living in the uppermost branches of tall trees, but they appeared intent to persevere to this desire much to their own detriment as often one of them could be witnessed rolling off a tree limb or plummeting to the ground. With short legs and a rotund, fluffy body, they lacked a certain dexterity.

However, they were innocently adorable with large yellow eyes and pointed snouts, vivid white twin stripes arcing over their short spines to convalesce in a short, luminescent and whiplike little tail.

Presently, the pups were all too excited at her arrival, high-pitched trills expressing their enthusiasm as they rallied about her and prodded her hands for petting.

And, because she was a person that was just as susceptible to cute things as anybody else, Lillian laughed at their attentions.

She was as shocked at the sound as Aëghan was when he hoisted himself through the narrow opening, unable to recall the last time she had genuinely laughed. Possibly over four years prior over one of Millie's innocuous shenanigans, and even then it would have been brief, inhibited and controlled.

So surprised was she by her reaction to the pups leaping over her lap that the sound instantaneously died on her lips, her eyes wide on the Dravolese whose entire being was riveted on her with an intensity that made her breath catch and her stomach clench.

Perhaps seconds passed before he was on her, the pups scattering with shrill squeals.

There had been no warning of his intention, even if it had been laying thickly between them all this time, and his lips found hers with an eloquent, needful demand that pressed her onto her back.

His hands engulfed the sides of her face, tilting her to meet him, and every last fibre of her resolve exploded with one final, shattering want.

Him. She wanted him, of any man, of any fae, she wanted this one, and it was that thought that made her moan against his mouth, fused against him until she was suffused with the heat from his body.

And his kiss made her insensible, his lips moving with practised ease as he endeavoured to discover every nuance of hers. They were soft, and compelling, and so utterly transfixing she didn't know how she had ever lived without knowing exactly how they felt against hers before, and when he deepened, opening against her, she sucked in a sharp breath.

Her arms rose unconsciously, her fingers latching into his shoulders as if to pull him more into her, and the slight awkwardness of the position compelled him to drop his hands from her face, bracing his weight slightly on his elbows that he positioned to either side of her. Never once did he abandon her mouth, even when his tongue traced the curve of her inner bottom lip, and then he plunged into her deeply, intimately, possessively.

Before Aëghan had kissed her, Lillian could not understand how her sister tolerated such open displays of adoration with her husband- but she understood now. Even if she hadn't been willing to admit it to herself, there was nothing she desired more than to be adored and ravished by one of this male's kisses, by the demanding slide of his tongue as it met hers and how titillating it was to feel his entire, strong frame tremble with repressed desire for her.

A raw, gravelly sound left him when she returned the kiss, took control, and pressed back against him to nip at his plump lower lip, and then he shifted, lifting slightly to move her legs apart with his knee and he settled back down against her. Despite being clothed, it was possibly the most intimate embrace she could imagine and Aëghan groaned as if pained against her lips when she wriggled slightly, testing the newness of the position.

She gasped, feeling him hard and pressed into the apex of her thighs, hot shards of need raking through her core at the illicit contact, moreso when he rolled into her once, twice, but then he froze.

Aëghan tore his lips from hers with a feral sound of anguish, dropped his head into the crook of her shoulder and neck, while his fingers clenched into hard fists to either side of her face.

The mere thought of him stopping now had her churning against him, and she whimpered, her fingers curling into the fabric of his coat in protest. "Please," she breathed, turning her cheek and brushing her lips against the ridges of his ear. She felt the shudder undulate through him. "Please, don't stop."

A small sound that was muffled against her scarf left him, but then he was nuzzling her, pushing the material aside with his lips and chin until she felt him nip gently against the side of her neck.

Against her scars.

"I have to," he groaned, kissing a trail up her neck, up one particular scar that strayed to the edge of her jaw beneath her ear.

She could have wept at his words if he wasn't intent to destroy her with the caress of his lips. And the ardent proof of his arousal lay heavily between them, pressed between her thighs. "No, you don't."

He reared back to study her, his eyes impenetrably dark and glistening. "For some reason, I cannot tolerate the idea that you would ever hold me in ill-standing for being a dishonorable male," he told her softly, a crooked smile playing against his lips. "Irksome, I know."

Perplexed, annoyed, and aroused to the point of incoherency, Lillian glared up at him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

His expression sobered instantly and then he pushed off her to sit back on his heels. He coaxed her upright as well, saying, "I cannot very well continue, even if every part of me wants nothing more than to shred those clothes from your limbs and have my way with you, when there is something that you should know." He uncurled from her, rising to his feet, and she thought she witnessed something akin to regret cross his face, but her attention was diverted entirely when he began to disrobe. "Something I have been withholding from you."

His coat was tossed to the side, attacked by several halcoon pups who launched at it eagerly. Lillian then became aware of the cocoon they were in- a large, enclosed space high above the trees with one side left open and covered by a sheer, unknown vine that glistened like broken shards of glass as it caught the weak sunlight.

She noted it distantly, too enamoured with his words and the sight of Aëghan unbuttoning his lavishly brocaded waistcoat. "What do you mean?" she asked warily, bracing herself on her hand and standing before him.

The waistcoat followed the coat, then he was pulling the tails of his shirt from the waistband of his dark trousers, and her throat went dry.

There was nothing that could have prepared her for the image of him bare-chested before her, and her eyes drank in the ripples of muscles across his abdomen, the strong lines of his chest and shoulders. If he meant to tell her something of import, then he was going the wrong way about it, for she could scarcely recall what he had said in the first place to initiate such an act. Her entire being was reacting wantonly to the virile sight of him before her, the unrelenting planes of muscles that banded across his chest and shoulders, and just how two tapering lines of flesh that descended from his hips to disappear into the waist of his trousers could be so damn arousing was beyond her but they were-

"Lillian," he said softly, and she snapped her gaze away from ogling a particularly curious little freckle just above his taut navel, "I apologise. I went about this wrongly. I... was- am- a fool."

She narrowed her eyes, compelling lucidity to enter her thoughts and chase away the fog of lust. And then her attention snagged on something dark.

Something circular and foreboding that marked his upper arm, wrapped about his thick bicep like a beacon of dread. 


I'm sure I missed a birthday! I'm so sorry :( 

I did try... but life and things! 

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