🔥 ⚡ E I G H T E E N⚡ 🔥

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Laxus kept checking the date. He had a little more energy than normal. Soon it would be July 7th. Natsu's birthday.

It had taken Laxus ages to figure out his birthday. Nobody in the guild knew and Natsu said all he rembered about it, that it was in July.
Natsu hadn't celebrated his birthday since before he was with Igneel, which was ages ago.

Laxus had to go shuffle through records, to fail.

He had went to the council to request paperwork, but they didn't have anything.

Laxus had finally got the balls  to ask Igneel when Natsu's birthday was to get the awnser of July 7th.

How he knew that, Laxus knew not.
Laxus was filled with determination, to make this memorable. His birthday wouln't come to pass for another 6 days, excluding today.

I seriously need to stop being so obsessed with undertale smh

Today was July 1st. The kalendales of july, and a fun fact it was sacred to the Roman goddess Juno/Greek goddess Hera.

Laxus used to love reading Greek myths thats why he knew that.

And that left 2 days left of the dragonslayer games, then 1 hour on foot followed by 6 hours on a train, then within the day or the next they should be back.

That would leave him with 3 to 4 days before Natsu's birthday.

One day to prepare,
Another to shop,
Then put it all together and bam.

Thats if, everything goes to plan.
Laxus knew how much plans fail or have unanticipated results so he was slightly panicki.

"Natsu?" Laxus asked his tiny boyfriend/mate.

"Yeah?" Natsu grinned at him, Laxus loved his stupid grin.

"What do you think next will be?" Laxus glaned at natsu's neck where his scarf always lay.
Or almost always.

"Well, if its not a fight then stuff that has to do with the Language probably. So like written spells or by hand magic circle spells or jusy conversation."

The first two did not help Laxus' figitiness.

"Hey you ok?" Natsu's expression turned to one of worry.

"Yeah just a lil anxious." Laxus grabbed Natsu's waist and hugged him like a teddy bear.

*cue photos being taken by gajeel and Igneel.*

Heh um, THE END IS NEAR! im super lazy to update so sorry. A little bit sorry.
Theres mabey 2 to 4 chapters left. Mabey random fluffy updates when im bored.

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