chapter 2: training

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----masons p.o.v

i am prepared to train hard to become the best for my family so i decided to train with my friends Alex and Rex they have already been dragon slayers for about a year now and they know what they are doing so i thought if they trained me i would be one of the best damn dragon slayer there ever was.

------------before training

"Hey are you sure you can handle me not being here for an hour or so?" i questioned 

sierra smiled at me before pointing at the door signalling for me to go on

i laughed "ok,ok i am going you be safe sweetie"

i kissed her forehead then her cheek before heading out the door and to the training arena 

-----training arena 1:33 p.m.

"Hey guys i am here" i shouted running up to them

my friends stared at me as i hunched over breathless 

"took you long enough" Alex said

i noticed lizzy was there

"Um why is she here?" i asked

all of a sudden i was hit in the head with a stick

"hey" i shouted rubbing my head

she laughed "i came to help train did you forget i am also a s class dragon slayer as well"

when i didn't answer she put her hands angrily on her hips puffing out one cheek she does this every time she is angry

"um no i didn't forget thank you for coming to help me liz" i said waving my arms in defense 

"good, oh i almost forgot i bought you something, and before you start no i refuse to return it and i will kill you if you sell or return it yourself" she threatened

i gulped nodding

she pulled a piece of fabric that was hanging from her body and handed it to me

i unwrapped it,i was surprised it was a sword

"no way this was the one i was looking at when we were at the weapons shop" i gasped

(basic idea i don't own this picture credit to the one who created it.)

"yep and i am giving it to use as a gift of our many years of friendship that's how much you mean to me" she smiled

"wow oh my god thank you liz" i hugged her tight and she instantly hugged back

"your welcome mason, i don't really have the money to replace it..." she started before pulling back

she gave me a look that gave me shivers to my very core 

(if looks could kill, she would have already killed me)

"SO DON"T YOU BREAK IT" she yelled demonically 

i nodded sweating everywhere "yes m'am"

"Alright then lets get started" she said sweetly 

(i seriously think she is bipolar)

I sweat dropped "um yeah we should get started"

"Ok i will challenge you first" liz said walking to the other end of the arena

She pulled out her water sword

(Basic idea and props to who ever made this pic, i do not own this pic)

"Ok i am ready when ever you are" i said

Liz ran at me with incredible speed

she shot her sword forward with all her might which made me fall backwards

whats weird was she only used the butt of the sword to strike me and it had knocked the wind out of me

no wonder shes a s class dragon slayer

"that is my secret technique to confuse my enemies before my real strike" liz giggled "and you fell for it"

i laughed "i sure did"

"ok ready for me to really fight or do you wanna have a go at the others?"

"Bring it on liz" i said proudly standing back "i am eventually gonna be better than you so i have to battle you now so i know how to improve"

she smirked "ok but you are going to regret it"

i held my sword tight gritting my teeth

"for sierra i will win anything that comes my way" i shouted

"ok then prove that you really want to protect her" Liz shouted 

i ran at her at full speed drawing back my sword

she quickly dodged all my attacks 

"aqua whip" she shouted pulling her sword back and then forward water shooting out and hitting me like an actual whip

"ouch" i hissed holding my shoulder where she had hit

"alright i think that's enough for today, your wife might miss you being gone so long" Liz said holding her sword behind her back with one hand the other hand on her hip smirking triumphantly 

"yeah your right i am going now" i said disappointed i didn't really do much.

next chapter: chapter 3: surprise 

(there will probably be 25-45 chapters to this story i am not sure yet i hope you guys enjoy this book and i am always taking suggestions not only for this story but all of my stories and if you wont me to write a special story i will and i will even give you credit for the story idea.)

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