Chapter 2

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Garrus POV

I sighed as I was rode on a cart with these Dragon Kinghts who took me from my home. I groaned as rubbed my neck, had to move a lot of my things into a cart, which it being drawn by two Shire horses I helped raise. I glanced at the Dragon Knights, Zuko and Edward were by my sides, making sure I didn't do anything and Johnny in the rear, making sure nothing fell out

In front was Clive, Raya, Orekle and Sadia in front, going ahead and leading us to the Grand Draconic Academy. I hummed as I doubted this, Clive said he was gonna petition for me to be a blacksmith for the academy, yeah right, like they were gonna let me join. Cause that would be ironic now wouldn't it?

A Dragoniod working at an academy meant to train knights to KILL DRAGONS!

'...Yeah nothing can possibly go wrong here,' I thought as I sat on the cart

"So again, why did you have tor bring all the weapons you made," Zuko asked

"Cause I have a higher chance of selling them at the city and getting paid," I said as I glanced at him,"besides its not like I'm gonna sell them when I'm being taken away from my home."

"Okay okay we get it," Johnathan said with a sigh,"look, we're sorry about this Garrus, but we really need you!"

"Yeah, you're the best blacksmith we've seen," Edward said as he looked at me,"you gave us weapons that killed Drakes and Younglings with ease. We need you man!"

"Yeah, and I'm totally not gonna be beheaded when I step in," I said as I chewed on chocolate

"We haven't executed a Dragoniod in years Garrus," Clive said,"not since the Great Merge and those representatives from the Twisting Realms showed us how stupid it was and one of theirs beat the shit out of 3 of our squads."

I hummed as I remembered the Great Merge, I was 10 when it happened and boy the chaos that followed was hectic. The new realm we were in it was interesting, the new kingdoms and new, STUPID, people we meet were something. Those from Union, dear Gods those idiots were unbearable! They came in with 'peaceful and good intentions', which really was them trying to take our land

They tried to scam us out of our own land, resources and EVEN TRIED TO TAKE OUR PEOPLE! Like those SDC pricks were treating the Werefolk like fucking slaves, degrading them like fucking trash and they said they should be grateful they were 'helping us' by providing us primitives with technology. Yeah right, we showed those pricks by beating an invasion back

Actually, I remember some Dragons helping the armies of Ovius during that time. They handled those disgusting airships with ease, they used their elemental attacks on those things and busted them up. I think thats the first time the residents of Ovius and Dragons worked together to push those fuckers out of our home

...Though I doubt that bastard was there, he hardly cared as long as he stayed-

"HEY," a female voice yelled out

The hordes whined as suddenly a figure landed in front of the group, making the Knight pull out their weapons. But as the figure landed, they produced a massive shock wave, causing the ground to shake . I was sent back as I rolled into the back of the cart, groaning as I opened my eyes and saw the handle of my...secret project. I shook my head as I leaned up and there I see the new comer, hopefully they have something good to drink

And soon as my eyes landed on them...HOLY FUCK SHE'S BEAUTIFUL!!

Crescent Moon:

I stared at her, completely slacked jaw and blushed at her. Is she a goddess in human form? Please be yes, cause damn shes hot!

"Okay assholes, I thought we handled this," she said as she smirked,"no more executions on Dragoniods! Well guess I have to remind you by beating the shit out of you!"

"Wait we aren't taking-," Orekle said

But the Wolflady made a crystal sword out of thin air, a two handed broadsword, hmmm crystal manipulation magic? She smiled as she attacked Sadia, who panicked and tried to fire an arrow, but the Wolflady was to fast and bashed her off the horse onto the floor. Orekle growled as she grabbed her duel blades and attacked her, the two got in fight

"Who the hell is this," Zuko asked as he wobbled a bit, he fell for his horse

"Some Werewolf attacked us," Edward asked, groaned as he held his hip,

"Actually Wolfkin," I said as I watched the fight

"How can you tell," the two asked

"Her scent, its way different then the Werefolk in Ovius...way cuter too."

"Seriously are you admiring the attacker," Johnny asked me

"Better looking than you all."

"MUST YOU BE SASSY RIGHT NOW," Clive yelled as he bashed his sword against the Wolfkin

She smiled as she pushed him back, then turned the blade on the side and bashed him away. He yelled as his back slammed against the tree, making us wince in pain, and groaned in pain, then fell face first into the ground. Zuko and Edward went to help Orekle, who was actually holding her own against the Wolflady, as for me, I got out and ran to Clive

"Oh thanks Garrus," he said as he held a hand out

...I completely ignored him and grabbed his sword instead


Clive and Johnny both fell face first into the ground as I studied the sword. I was interested in it as I saw scratch marks on the blade, that's impossible, the metal I used was Dragon steel and nothing makes even a small mark. I looked at the Wolfkin lady and saw her sword, must be the crystals she used to make her weapon that dealt it.

Zuko charged in as the two bashed their weapons, his claymore took the brunt of the damage, he would have went flying if it wasn't for his Earth magic. He used Earth to hold him in place, so he gave him a chance to try another attack, but the Wolfkin dodged it by bending backwards and kicked his exposed stomach. He groaned as he went crashing onto his knees

Edward went next as he twirled his lance to make a water blade and launched it at the girl. She smiled as she blocked it and then resends it back at him, surprising him as he ducked from it, which made it slice a tree in half. Edward looked and chuckled a bit as he was glad he wasn't the one sliced, but he then got a knuckle sandwich by Wolfgirl

Next Johnathan went, grabbing his short sword and summoned some fire on it, as he slashed at the girl. But she easily blocked it and the two went into a dogfight, as I groaned and decided to do something. I ran to my cart and looked at my secret project, groaning as this might be the only thing that can stop this. I grabbed it and ran to the two

Johnathan got upper cut by the girl, which must be embarrassing as she was a short stack and he was an ogre twice her size, and fell down on his back. He groaned as he looked up to see the Wolfgirl coming down with her sword, but I came up and used my sword to block it.

3rd POV

Suddenly a massive shockwave was produced as the blades clashed together, sending the wolfkin girl go flying high into the air. The Wolfkin girl lands in a bush, groaning and yelping in pain, then she looked to see her sword shattered. She gasped as she never see anything break her sword before, making her a little pissed but looked at the guy who broke it

Garrus panted as he stood where the blades connected, which made a small crater, and he was panting as he held his blade in his hand. It was a claymore, almost as tall as him, colored onyx black with red glowing runes all down it and it hummed with power, making her ears wiggle. Garrus grunted as he stood up straight, groaning as his muscles screamed in protest

"Okay, are we all calm down now," he asked them

But all he got was stares from everyone, the girls blushing and even the Wolfkin was really red in the face, and the guys were shocked at him. He wondered why was everyone staring him, he grunted as he looked at Orekle, who was red as a tomato.

"Hey Orekle, why's everyone staring at me," he asked her

"...," she said nothing as she handed him a small mirror she keeps

He looked at it and flinched at his looks

Garrus true looks:

He went to grab his necklace, but sadly he saw that his necklace was gone. He looked around as he saw it on the floor, snapped in half and clearly broken, making him groan in annoyance

"FUCK, THAT WAS MY ONLY ILLUSION CRYSTAL," he yelled as he slumped

"Illusion crystal, those are extremely are," Raya said as she poked her head out of a bush

"Yeah and costed me 2,000 gorens! Fuck!"

The guys chuckled a bit, a little karma for the sass his been spewing. For the ladies though, they were gifted a show, he was FUCKING STACKED, he had a 12 pack, build up muscles that glowed in the sunlight. Which made the Wolfgirl pant as she smelt the sweat in the air, her hormones were going wild as she smelt him. Let's hope she can control that...for a while anyway~

"And I lost my shirt, fuck that was my favorite," he said as he walked to the cart

"HEY WE HAVE A ENEMY HERE, WHY AREN'T YOU GONNA SECURE HER," Saida yelled, completely perplexed by this

"Well she thought I was being transported to my death, it's a misunderstanding. So now thats shes chill, tell her whats really going on."

"Why can't you," Clive asked as he got up

"Hey you were the one who decided to take me from my home and offer me a job as a blacksmith, or if I didn't accept you still take me from cause I would be a danger."

"Your really annoying sometimes you know that?"

"Tell me something I don't know grandpa."

"Can someone explain what the hell is going on," the Wolfkin asked,

Clearly confused on what the fuck is going on. Clive looks at Garrus, hopping he would explain to the girl, but he was at the cart trying on another shirt. Clive groaned as he rubbed his head and looked at the girl and sighed as he had to deal with this shit.

"Okay ma'am, let us explain," he said


"So let me get this straight," Crescent Moonfang said as she rubbed her head,"you weren't being transported to be killed, but to work at the Academy as a blacksmith?"

"Yep," Garrus said

The two were sitting on the cart, side by side, making Crescent blush as she still smelled the sweat off of him. He chuckled as he can see her flustered face, rubbing her thighs and tired to not look at him. He chuckled as he enjoyed it, might as well since he had to be forced to leave home and had to work for the people that use to kill his people

"Cause a noble asshole purposely sabotaged these guys weapons cause he was disrespected by his lowers," she asked him

"Correct," he said

"And they picked you cause not only your a master smith, but because your a rare Dragoniod type and they thought bringing you to the place meant to train Dragon killers, was a good idea to protect you?"

"I know right, totally smart move huh?"

"Oh yeah totally."

"WE GET IT," the Dragon Knights yelled

"Anyway, be ready, we're here," Clive said

They all looked up and there they a huge and majestic city, where the biggest and strongest kingdom of Ovius stood. The Grand Draconic Empire, the greatest city to ever exist and next to it, was a massive fort like academy, where they see the black and red flags of the Empire.

Dragon Knight Academy:

"Not bad," Garrus said,"could use some color."

"Thats what I said," Sadia said,"but other than that, what do you think?"

"Hmm definitely what I suspected from what I heard by the other Dragon Knights, but definitely has the grim aura around it."

"Seems we're getting stares," Raya said

The two looked as they were getting stares, mostly Garrus cause he was a Dragoniod and Crescent cause not many Beastkin come here. Not surprising, not since the negotiations back then were tense, as they brought Dragonkin and the Dragon Knights tired to kill them. Lets say they got a good sense to not fuck with them, and it helped more then they knew

Some called for reforms, trying to better relations with the Twisting Realms and the Dragoniods of Ovius. So they decided to made new laws for the Dragoniods and soon it started to show improvements. Just some still feel skeptical cause of the long eons of hate and scars both sides gave them, but hey it was a start

This who didn't follow these new rules were labeled Renegades and if one was seen, they were arrested and put on trial.

The party soon arrived at the gate, with guards eyeing them, surprised to see a Dragoniod arriving here. They parked the cart at the stales, and Garrus made sure they knew to not touch or mess with his gear, then walked to the main hall. Clive cracked his neck as he leads the squad to the main hall, where the headmaster and the other officials were waiting

Garrus looked around as he hummed, enjoying the view as he never went to a big city like this before. He wanted to, but he knew he would be stalked and targeted cause of what he was. But now he saw that is wasn't the case, since the new reforms seem to be taking effect, and was actually enjoying the place. Air and smelt good, as he saw a bakery at work

"Never been in a big city," Crescent asked me

"Nope, though its not bad," I said,"I just like to stay to small towns, less people means less questions asked."

"Understandable. Anyway can I ask something?"

"Go ahead."

"Well you said you used an illusion crystal to hide your true form, so do other Dragoniods use them? And does that include Dragons?"

"Ah, well both can train to shift between Dragon and Human forms, but that takes years to master and such. I can't yet, I have to master it, but given my nature I had to find something to hide it."

"Ah, so ummm.."

"Dragons can turn human size and mate with humans, they don't do that shit like fucking them full size. They would die instantly, like seriously it's the size of a bus."

She blushed, and many others also blush. Garry chuckled at them, he loved doing this shit, it's hilarious.

"How did you-," Crescent asked

"Your literally the 100th person to ask me this," he said with a shrug

"I see...but still how the hell do you know?"

"I knew a dragon that was nice, he gave me details about certain things about Dragons and how they live and mate. He was the one teaching me how to transform into a human form, but sadly it's a pain in my ass."

"Who was the dragon," Zuko asked

"Now why would I do that?"

"Hey just curious."

Soon they reached the main hall, where they saw a massive room where the representatives of the academy and the headmaster. He was a man in his early 30's, with shaggy brown hair, a goatee and a pair of blue eyes, wearing red and black robes. He was reading as he saw the group walking in, smiling as he puts the scroll jump, smiling

"Ah Clive, nice to see you all returned well," he said

"Thank you Headmaster Cronos," Clive said as he bowed,"I came to report on our mission."

"Yes, I grew worried when you didn't return 2 days ago. Also I see we have guests, wait Miss Moonfang!?"

"Hello again Headmaster Cronos," Crescent said to him, smiling with a wave

'Dear Gods that smile,' Garrus said with a red tint

"Oh lord, please don't tell me my Knights did something terrible," Cronos asked, a little worried

"Um well," Crescent said, rubbing her head

This was bad, if they found out if a resident of the Twisting Realms attacked soldiers of another kingdom there would be drastic consequences to it. Garrus knew if Crescent told them she attacked without reason or being provoked, then here country would be in big trouble. Doesn't matter if they can weasel out or make an excuse, attacking soldiers of Ovius was serious

"It was a misunderstanding sir," Garrus said, walking up

"A DRAGONIOD," one rep yelled in surprise

"Black scales," another said,"hmm a Demonic Dragoniod? Thats ultra rare to see."

"Why is a dragoniod here? I don't mean to be rude, just curious."

"Well that takes time explaining as to why we are late sirs," Clive said, stepping up,"but please, allow me to introduce Garrus...umm whats your last name-"

"Don't have one," he said interrupting him

Crescent looked at Garrus, who seemed to digging his claws into his arms pretty hard, his body tense and muscles tightening. She hummed, as wondered what that was all about...also he smelled nice

'Stupid aphrodisiac sweat,' she thought,'...I wonder-NO!'

"So just Garrus then," Headmaster Cronos asked with a polite tone

"Yes sir," Garrus said,"I am a blacksmith from Willsdent village my lord."

"Oh a blacksmith? Oh now I see, let me guess, since we expelled that brat who sabotaged the weapons and are in desperate need of a replacement, you brought him in?"

"Yes my lord," Clive said,"at first we asked his help in repairing our broken weapons. We traveled to Willsdent since it was the closest to us, there we encountered the residents and they gave us Mister Garrus as the blacksmith."

"Howe long have you been there Mister Garrus," Cronos asked him,"I wish to know these young smithy."

"Since I was 4 my lord," Garrus said,"I umm, well all I can say is that my personal life before that in short was...shitty."

"As I see, well sorry for interrupting, please continue Clive."

"We were low on funds due to losing some in combat and acquiring food and drink," Clive continued,"so he offered a deal in exchange. We clean the mine that produced Green Riebhnite, which was the main income for the village. It was inhabited by Younglings, Hatchlings and Drakes, we handled them with ease thanks to his weapons."

"So how did you come to the conclusion that Mister Garrus was a Dragoniod," a representative asked

Clive then grabbed one of the duel blades Orekle used in the battle. There he loses the straps and there the Dragonic Runes Garrus embedded in the metal, making the representatives all gasp in shock and awe. These were perfect Dragonic Runes, like if it was made from an actual Dragon and not the failed attempts to forge their own.

Soon there was a squeal and soon Garrus was tackled behind, making him almost faceplant the ground, luckily it wasn't a powerful force and he had a great sense of balance. He yelped as he growled and looked at the person who hit him...

And he got a face full of huge mounds of tits, making him yell in surprise and caused him to fall onto his back. He groaned as he looked, still seeing the huge bedonkers in his face, but a girl with lime green hair and dazzling blue eyes. She wore a Caster robe, with a witch hat to add on, and she had a body that makes men quake and shiver

(Think of Lisa from Genshin Impact, cause damn she fine!)



"Hey you think you can teach me how to make them!? I've studying them for years and I haven't been able to make them work!"


"ISSAT GET OFF THE POOR BOY," Cronos yelled at her

Luckily Johnathan and Zuko managed to pull her off, giving the poor boy time to breathe properly. The girls, minus Crescent who was giggling a bit, helped him up and handed him water. Cronos sighed as he rubbed his head, but chuckled as he thought he's daughter would be able to handle herself, turns out she couldn't. He smiled as he was fascinated by the Runes as well

But he had some, moderate, patience and control of his impulses. He sighed as he had a small sweatshop on his head and a sheepish grin on his face, waving at them.

"Please forgive my daughter, shes very enthusiastic about Dragonic Runes and the study of them," Cronos said

"Hello, I am Issat Cronos, nice to meet ya," Issat said, waving at him

"Pleasure," Garrus said as he STAYED FAR AWAY from her


"Now Clive please continue," Cronos said

"Umm yes my lord," Clive said, coughing,"after handling the Dragons, we confronted the residents about Garrus true nature, at first they believed we do great harm on him."

"I see, it'll take before the new reforms take place, but I do not blame them for protecting the young lad. So I take it they assumed we were going to execute him?"

"Yes, but I reassured them we weren't and just wanted to hire him as a blacksmith. So we talked and he agreed to join, as long as we didn't try and retaliate against the village."

"Of course not," a rep said,"they defended one of their own, who clearly held no harmful intentions against them and actually helps them."

'...Wow, definitely different then I expected,' Garrus thought,'well this may be so bad after all.'

"Yes, so as we were coming back, Miss Moonfang didn't know our intentions and attacked. It took sometime, but Mister Garrus managed to stop any bloodshed and we explained everything. So here we are."

"Very well, seems we have a basic understanding of the events," Cronos said with a smile,"well I believe we've all had enough excitement in the last few days, so Dragon Knight Squad 68, you may retire to your dorms for the evening."

"Yes sir," they said and left

"Take care Garrus, see ya tomorrow," Sadia said and waved

"Clive, may you show our new resident to his new room? Also Garrus, I would like to speak to you tomorrow when you have the chance."

"Yes my lord/you got it sir," the two said

"And Miss Moonfang, will you be staying for awhile?"

"I will, I need to rest for a bit," she said,"plus I am interested in seeing what this guy can do."

"Very well, I'll have the staff get a room ready for you."

"Thank you."

"Mister Garrus," Cronos said, right before they left,"I do wish you a warm welcome to Dragon Knight Academy, and hope you can see how different things have become. So please, thank you helping us."

"I see, well thank you sir," he said,"I'll work my ass sir."

Garrus walked off with Clive, smiling a bit as this may not be bad

'Lets see what tomorrow brings,' he thought

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