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Ovuis, the Lands of Ayrissa

In the forest of Ayrisaa, a group of students from the Dragon Guard Academy was seen riding through on horse back. They were all from diff races, from human to Ogre, elf's(Both dark and light), Werefolk and so much more. They were following an 7th person, a human male, around his late 30's, white skin and short copper brown hair and blue eyes, he wore red and black armor of the Dragon Guard Academy

Name: Clive Brood
Race: Human
Class: Saber
Magic: Lighting
Weapon: Great Sword
Rank: A
Occupation: Dragon Guard Academy teacher, instructor of Dragon Squad 68, former Dragon Knight

"Ugh this sucks," a male half Orc said with a groan,"first mission in the forest and we already have broken weapons!"

He wore the Academies standard Cadet uniform. A red and black shirt with standard plate armor on his shoulders, elbows to complete with his greaves and a heavy duty chest plate on his chest. He was around 6'8, with light grey skin, a black undercut hair style with a ponytail at the end and knee pads with his boots.

Name: Zuko Jones
Race: Half human/half Orc
Class: Berserker
Magic: Earth
Weapon: Claymore

(OC is made by gundamfan1337)

"I blame the blacksmith," a dead tone said, belonging to a female Werecat,"my staff busted with my first spell, utterly ridiculous."

She wore normal attire, along with a leather chest piece, with a black and red cloak to cover her back and a hood to cover her head. On her waist was a light purple grimoire, with text that was the standard language spoken on Ovuis. On her back a red oak staff with a purple orb on the top, with some of the oak wood covered to protect it, sadly the orb was chipped due to the lack of care the blacksmith did

She had pale skin, purple hair and blue eyes, purple cat ear atop her head and a tail along with them

Name: Raya Kanos
Race: Werecat
Class: Caster
Magic: Darkness
Weapon: Staff

(OC is made by AziraTheHybrid)

"Yeah, my sword is already chipped to hell," an Ogre said as he sighed with a depressed whine

He was massive, around 8'0, with huge red and black robes and a light leather chest piece, greaves and knee guards. His skin was a metallic grey, with sharp and pointy teeth with a bald head and with assortment of throwing knives on his chest. He wore a fur pelt jacket under his robes to complete his Hunter like attire

Name: Johnathan Dupery
Race: Ogre
Class: Hunter
Magic: Wind and Fire
Weapon: Short sword and daggers

(OC owned by Drippy_Otaku)

"Tch this sucks," a Wereshark said as he looked at his lance

He was around maybe 6'0, with tanned skin, blue hair and and a shark tail, which was grey on top while white underneath it. He wore lose fit armor and clothing to allow him more flexibility to use his lance. Which was made from strong Mikiri wood, harvested from the woods of the Elven woods, with a harpoon style like blade with a couple straps to allow him to grip it easier

Name: Edward Trawler
Race: Wereshark
Class: Lancer
Magic: Water
Weapon: Lance

(OC made by DSanchez876)

"Yeah, my bowstring snapped in two after the first shot," a Light Elf said as she sniffed about her precious bow

She wore black tight pants, a lose shirt with a leather chest piece, a red and black coat with a quiver on her back. She was light skin with blonde hair and sea green eyes, making her the most beautiful women seen by some. Her bow was made from the same wood as Edwards staff, with string she was told was made from a Spider Queens silk...but it was regular string

Name: Saida Araran
Race: Light Elf
Class: Archer
Magic: Light
Weapon: Bow

"Hmm," the last member said, being a female Dark Elf

She wore a mixture of plate armor and regular cloth, which was red and black to match the Academies colors. Her skin was brown with light purple tattoos, which were tribal markings to show her tribe and status in it, and sliver white hair, lastly purple eyes. Her body was slender with a generous bust, making her a drop dead gorgeous women. On her sides were duel swords, both chipped and dull

Name: Orekle Khimur
Race: Dark Elf
Class: Duelist
Magic: Fire
Weapon: Duel swords

"This is a mess," Clive said as he rubbed his forehead,"what was suppose to be a simple expedition mission turns into a scrimmage between us and bandits, then a couple monsters."

"And all of our weapons breaking," Raya said with her dead tone

"Don't remind us," Zuko said as he rubbed his head,"I thought the blacksmiths of the Academy was suppose to be the best of the best."

"Yeah why is that Mr. Brood," Saida asked their instructor

"Well from I heard from our last communication from the Academy, the blacksmith who made the weapons was a snobbish noble," Clive said as he sighed,"turns out he was insulted by some students, so he sabotaged the weapons."

"And here I thought the Academy was clean from the noble and royal influence," Edward asked

"Yes, but there are there are a few bad apples. Anyway, we should head to the nearest village, heard it was a busting mining town from what I heard."

"Its said to harvest Green Riebhnite," Raya said,"the most powerful and resourceful mineral."

Soon they passed the tree line and soon see a small town ahead, with modern buildings and such. Though from the outside it seemed like a thriving town with business and good work, but inside is was the exact opposite. People were in rags, sitting by the road and begging for food or whatever, making the students surprised to see this, even Clive

They walked to a tying post, tying their horses up, then walked to what they presumed was a bar. They walked in and see it was barely filled with customers there, just some old men, miners and a few in corner, drinking small mugs and eating food. Clive hummed as he thinks something was up, so he walked to the bar and sees a women walked to him

"How can I help ya sweety," she asked him, she was around 20 with red hair and freckles,"I'm Doris, pleasure to meet ya."

"Pleasure, well for one, some food and water please," Clive said as he points to the students,"secondly, information."

"About what? Adnid, get the fire going, got some hungry folks!"

"AYE," a voice yelled from the back

"Well what seems to have happen to the town," Clive asked as he looked at her,"from what I heard, this place was a thrive down due to the Green Riebhnite mines."

"Well Willsden has had issues lately," Doris said, pouring him a drink,"first off we've had bandit issues lately and then the mines, theres still plenty of minerals in there, but we have Dragons spotted there."

"Dragons," Zuko asked her

"Aye, mostly Hatchlings and Younglings, a Drake or two here and there. They suddenly appeared from nowhere and attacked our miners, we've tried to fight back, but as you see we ain't warriors."

"Have you tried setting a mission at any of the Guilds or Dragon Knights," Orekle asked her, making Doris chuckle

"Tried to lass, sadly we lack any money to do so for payment. We've hit a rough patch, so now we just waiting for a miracle to happen."

"Sorry to hear that miss," Saida said as she clasped her hands,"we pray for your situation to be better!"

"Ahh she's adorable! But thank you for that lassy."

"Well anyway, we're also looking for a blacksmith to repair our weapons," Clive said as he took a sip

"Ha, then you'll want Garrus," a customer said

"Garrus," Raya asked them

"Aye, his our local blacksmith," Doris said as she cleaned the cups,"kid is basically a legend with weapons. He took over for our last one that passed away a few months ago, fixed our equipment and anything we needed fixed."

"Sounds like a nice man," Edward said as he ate his food

"Aye, he's at his shop open right now if you want to go see him?"

"We should," Clive said as he shipped his drink,"okay, who wants to stay or come with me?"

"I will, I'm done," Zuko said as he wiped his hands off

"I as well," Orekle said,"I want to make sure this Garrus makes my weapons better, given the last time."

"Trust me lassy, Garrus will make those blade newer then before," Doris said as she smiled,"his down the on the corner of the street."

They nodded as they walked out and moved to the end of the street, where they see the smithy's sign, an anvil, hammer and sword. They walked in as they see display boards of swords, hammers, staffs and shields on the walls, each made from woods and metals. They walked to the front and see no one there, so they looked at the bell and tapped it

It rings as they waited for someone, and soon someone did. It was a male, standing at 6'8, with tanned skin, a bald head, black eyes, with a lizard tail, black scales and he wore a white tunic and brown pants. He yawned as he walked to the counter, rubbing his eyes as he looked at them

"Sorry for being late," he said as he rubbed his eyes,"stayed up last night working on the miner's equipment."

"I understand, your a busy worker," Clive said,"well, I'm Clive Brood, Captain of the Dragon Knights and instructor of Dragon Knight Squad 68."

"Orekle Khimur," Orekle introduced herself

"Zuko Jones," Zuko said with a wave of his hand

"Garrus, just Garrus," Garrus said as he looked at Clive,"so how can I help the Dragon Knights?"

"Well we need repairs on our weapons," Clive said

He mentioned the two to place their weapons open the counter, hey nodded as they walked to the counter and placed their weapons there. Garrus looked at them and you can see the level of disgust on his face. He looks at them to see if this was serious, getting shrugs as they know what he was asking them. He sighed as he grabbed Orekle blades, looking them over

"Hmm" he said as he eyed it,"whoever made these needs to be drawn and quartered."

"That we agree with on," Zuko said,"dude was a dickhead noble."

"Ah makes sense."

"So how much we looking at," Clive asked

"Hmm, around 300 Goren for these two. If theres 5 more of these, then around 2,000."

"Shit," Clive said as he shook his moneybag,"we're short around a few hundred."

"Damn it," the two others said

Garrus looked at them as he can tell they were short handed on money. He looks at their weapons and sighed as he knew they needed these weapons, so he decided to use this opportunity. He wanted to help the city more, so he would use them to help.

"Okay, how about this," he said,"I'll lend you some weapons I have in my warehouse, and you take care of the Dragons in the mines."

"And why would we agree to that," Orekle asked him

"Cause you need weapons, you lack the Goren to pay and I care about the town. So this is a fair trade, you clear the mines while I repair your weapons, so we all leave happy."

"Hmm its a fair deal," Zuko said,"we do need our weapons repaired badly, we won't make it back to the Academy without them."

"True," Clive said as he tapped his foot,"can you fix them while were gone?"

"It'll be awhile," Garrus said as he shrugged,"but if the damages aren't as bad, it'll be a breeze."

"Hmm," Orekle said as she tapped her fingers on her waist

"Honestly I don't see another way," Zuko said,"we need weapons, and we get training in dragon slaying. It is mostly Hatchlings and Younglings, easy to handle, and with Mister Brood there, we can handle a Drake or two."

"I agree Mister Jones," Clive said, then looked at Garrus,"very well then Mister Garrus, we will accept your request and take care of the Dragons."

"Very well then, get your buddies and meet me in the back," Garrus said as he walked out

"Lets hope he doesn't fuck them up," Zuko said as he sighed

"He won't," Orekle said, getting looks from them,"he was honest, just a gut feeling, but he doesn't seem like the type to botch his work."

"True, plus botching and messing up his projects will tarnish his reputation as a blacksmith," Clive said as they walked out to the bar,"there was one I knew, the man screwed up more times and his reputation went down the drain."

"Blacksmith do have their pride and honor as crafters," Zuko said,"well, lets hope this guys stash is as good as he said it is."


".....HOLY FUCKING SHIT," Zuko and Edward yelled out loud

"By the Gods," Saida and Raya said together

"Damn," Johnathan said

"....Woah," Orekle said as she honestly surprised

Inside a warehouse behind the blacksmith, they were caught by surprise by the amount of weapons in it. It was two stories worth, outlined with so many weapons to can arm a small army, ranging from swords to Greatswords, warhammers, lances and so much more. The 7 people were jaw dropped as they stared at Garrus, who looked at them like it was normal

"What," he asked them

"HOW DO YOU HAVE THIS MANY," Saida yelled as she shook him hard

"Lots and lots of free time, plus some are from the former blacksmith that worked here."

"But-but-but," Raya asked as her brain couldn't wrap her mind around it

"There must be over 8 hundred weapons here," Orekle said as she studied them

"Like I said," Garrus said as he walked to a bench,"I have lots of time on my hands, plus I don't sleep much."

"Why," Edward asked

Garrus stopped as he looked out into space, seeming like he was replaying a memory in his mind. He sighed as he grabbed a sword and starts spinning the grinding stone, sharpening the sword to clean its impurities.

"Don't want to talk about it," he said as he worked

"We understand," Clive said, not wanting to intrude on his personal life,"okay students, select your weapons and stack on supplies, we leave in an hour."

"Yes sir," they said

Raya walked to the staff section, looking among the types he had and the quality of them. She was impressed, the wood was finally stained, the Mana orbs were spotless and in perfect condition. But she stopped as she came to a certain metal staff, which was made from the strongest metals from the Bulgira Federation territory and the Mana Orb was powerful beyond comparison

"By the Gods," she said

Zuko and Edward were close by as they looked for their respective weapons, soon they came upon two that caught their eyes

For Zuko, he found a dark colored blade that was almost as Johnathan, with a dark wooden handle and a straight guard above it. For Edward, he found a sliver lance, with wraps on the it to allow the user a good grip. They each grabbed their respective weapons and looked at them, swinging them around to get use to them, liking how they felt right

"Gotta admit, this is nice," Zuko said

"Definitely, guy has a talent for this," Edward said as he twirled his lance

With Saida and Johnathan, they managed to find their weapons easily, due to their type of weapons. Saida found a sliver and golden bow, with a bowstring that shined to her, she grabbed it and tested it how, hearing a satisfying stretching sound as she pulled it back and lets go. Johnathan found a balanced sword sword, with a golden cross guard and a wooden hilt, even throwing daggers that were scary balanced

"This is good," Johnathan said,"their so incredibly balanced."

"And this bowstring, whats it made from," Saida asked

"Smells like slime silk."

"Slime silk?"

"Yeah they're this rare slime types in the woods, if you kill them or just feed them, they produce this rare and strong silk that can lift up to maybe 100 pounds if weaved and treated right."


Orekle was looking around as she had trouble looking for good blades, as she didn't see anything catch her fancy. But she stopped as she saw a shut case, making her interested in what was in it, so she walked to it and opened it. There she saw twin blades in it, black as night, with shiny green accents in the blade and for the hilts, they were wrapped in fine leather straps

She grabbed on of the swords and suddenly she felt energized and twice as light. She looks at the blade as she thinks the shiny blue metal in it was...

"Green Riebhnite," she asked herself

"Good eye," a voice said

She spins around, aiming the blade to the intruder, who happened to be Garrus, leaning on the wall with his arms. She stopped as she sighed heavily, then lowered her blade as she glanced at him, who had a stone face as he looked at her. She couldn't help but feel like he was studying her, seeing what she looked like...or checking her out, as the young ones like to say

"You good," he asked her

"Yes sorry, just not use to people sneaking up on me," she said as she looked at the blades,"how did you manage to enbue Green Riebhnite into the blades."

"Trade secret, but all I'll say is it was a bitch to do so."

"Whats the steel made from?"

"Dragon steel."

She stopped and looked at him, which he didn't react to much as he checked the other blade. Dragon steel was the most rarest and difficult type of steel to acquire, hell some say it was impossible to find. Just one lump of Dragon steel could be worth up to 10,000 Goren, it was so durable not even a Dragon claw can destroy a blade made of it

"H-how did you even get some of this," she asked him

"Hmm, oh a couple months ago a Dragon was slain," he said as he walked to her side,"it was a Fire Dragon, it's flames managed to metal some iron ingots and after settling for a while, it became Dragon steel."

"Thats how its made?"

"Well mostly, Dragon steel can be made from a specific procedure used, don't know it sadly. If I did, I could've made more stuff from it for the town."

"You really care for this place huh," she asked as she tied the blades around her waist

"...I was left here as a baby, the town raised me and took care of me. So you can see why I would do anything to ensure this town is safe."

She looks at him again and can see the worry and determination on his face, she smiled a bit as she like that kind of drive. She was here for the same reason, to ensure that she is strong enough to protect her home and its inhabitants.

"You don't mind me taking these do ya," she asked

"Naw go ahead," he said,"I have plenty more in stock."

"Very well then."

"Orekle, are you ready," Clive asked as he walked to them

"Yes Instructor," she said then looked at Garrus,"I'll make sure to return them soon in one piece."

"I rather you to come back in one piece," he said with a smile,"weapons can be fixed, people...there more important then. So take care."

He walked off as Clive chuckled as he liked the kid, but more cause Orekle, who was known to be the more stoic one of the group was blushing madly she didn't expect that's response. She grabbed the ends of her hair and twirled it, mumbling something about him being an idiot or something. Clive smiled as they walked out and then got to their horses and rode off

With Garrus, he was in the front of his shop as Doris walked in, checking up on him, then offered some food

"Did you not sleep again," she asked him

"An hour," he said as he messed with a dagger

"That ain't healthy, but you'll just ignore that. Other then they know?"

"...No, for now they believe me to be a Werelizard, so as long as they don't wise, we're safe."

"Your safe, that what matter laddy, your like a son to all of us, and we will do anything yo ensure your safe and protected."

"...Thank you Miss Elma."

That earned him a smack on the head and a look

"Doris deary, remember that," she said with a smile

"Yes ma'am," he said with a chuckle

Well then...lets see what happens next!

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