Chapter 17: I Can't Breathe

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'S' 'S' 'S'....Josie couldn't figure out what the 'S' stood for on the ring. Who is the real question. Obviously, this Diana person was important to the Dread Doctors. One of them at least. And he has claimed she was the Diana he thinks she was. She slowly gets up off the couch, startling Scott.

"Sorry. I didn't mean..." She whispers.

"It's ok. What's up?" He clears his throat and rubs his tired eyes.

" Bathroom break. I'll be right back." She smiles at him and turns to go upstairs. She wasn't lying. Well, not all of it. She went to Melissa's room to see if she had anything jewelry cleaning supplies. She found a few cotton balls and some cleaning liquid. She heads to the bathroom and cleans the band and around the emerald gem. When she was done, it looked almost brand new. She could read the inscription perfectly. In the back of her mind, this ring seemed so familiar. But, where has she seen it?

'Put it on...'

A voice whispers in her head. Something inside her wanted to wear it. Her left hand was occupied with Scott's promise ring so, she raises her right hand and slowly brings the ring to her ring finger. Slowly, she slides on the ring. It felt so familiar, yet, something told her it belongs on her left hand. She stares at it, why did it feel right having it on? She looks up at the mirror and gasps...

In the mirror was someone she never seen before, yet she knew who it was. A woman with her face...but her eyes and hair. She carried bright blue clear as the ocean and red, blood red hair.

(The actress doesn't have a picture with red hair so I tried to color it myself. Not a great job, but hope you got the idea)

Josie yelps and jumps back in fright, falling into the hamper. Panting, she throws the socks and shirt that fell on her head and tries to get up, but she was stuck. The bathroom door opens and Theo comes in.

"Are you ok? I heard..." He says, but she cuts him off with an angry grunt and a wave of her hand.

"A little help?" She holds her hand out.

"Sure." He reaches and grabs her hand, helping her out of the hamper. She rushes back to the mirror. She gasps, it was just her. Not the woman.

"Are you ok?" Theo asks.

She points to the mirror then touches her face, "I saw...I...I swear I saw her."

"Who?" Theo asks.

"I..." Josie stutters.

"Josie, tell me. It's ok." Theo touches her shoulder, rubbing her back in comfort.

"I...I think I saw Diana." She says softly. 

Theo frowns and looks into the mirror with her then notices in her reflection that she was wearing the ring. 

"Maybe it's the book.  It could be working."  Theo suggests.

Josie sighs and shakes her head, "I don't know.  Maybe."  She reaches to take the ring off but...she grunts and yanks harder.  "Ow!" 

"What's wrong?"  Theo asks, turning towards her.

"I think the ring is stuck."  She pulls, nearly scratching herself with her own nails. 

"Let me see."  He takes her hand in his and exams the ring. Josie shivers a little from his touch. He notices and smirks, then pays attention to the ring.   It didn't look like it was stuck, he tries to pull but she groans in pain. 

"Stop, stop, stop! You're gonna dislocate my finger." She pulls away.

"That's impossible.  The ring doesn't even look like it's tight enough to get stuck."  Theo says.

Josie looks at the ring, "Maybe this is what they wanted along."  She suddenly realizes.

"What?  Who?"  Theo asks.

Josie looks up at him, "The dread doctors.  What if they gave me this ring when I blacked out at Eichen House?  They wanted me to have this...they wanted me to put it on." 

Theo frowns, catching on, but worried, "For what?" 

Josie shakes her head and looks at the ring again, confused as he was.


Hayden was working tonight at club Sinema tonight and Liam felt he should go and apologize, not to mention give her more money. 

Hayden leaves the bar, carrying glow sticks for the customers.  One runs up to her with a dead glow stick.

"My glow stick broke."  He says.

"No, it ran out of glow.  They don't last forever."  She says, taking the glow stick back. 

"Can I have my money back?"  he asks. 

Hayden sighs, frustrated and gives him a free stick.  He smiles and takes off to his buddies.  "God, I hate all-ages night."  She mutters and goes back to her job. 

Liam brushes past a few people and finally sees Hayden.  He rushes to her, holding up money to her.

"Forty-three dollars."  He says.

Hayden jerks in surprise and gives him a bitter look, "I said I don't want your money."

"You said I owe you 200."  He says.

She rolls her eyes at him, "Liam, just forget it..."  She's cut off as the lights go out...again and the music stops.  But, people still cheered.

"Perfect."  Hayden mutters and heads to the back room to fix the breakers.

"Hayden...Hayden."  Liam follows her, trying to get her attention.

"I gotta be honest, Liam.  If you're trying to be a good guy, I really don't care."  She says as she flips a few switches.

"I'm just trying to make up for the sixth grade."  He says.

"Nothing will make up for the sixth grade."  She gives him a cold glare and reaches up for the last switch but it was stuck.  "Come on."  She grunts.

Liam reaches up and places his hand on hers, she jumps at the sparks she felt when he touches her, that's not suppose to happen.  He helps her with the switch.  They finally get it and the music and lights come back on.  Hayden turns to look at him. 

"You want to keep hating me? Go for it.  You said I owe you 200.  So, here's 43 more."  Liam places the money in her hands and takes off. 

She sighs and watches him leave.  She almost feels bad now.  Almost.  But, how can she forget about what he did. 


Pretty soon, everyone fell asleep.  Except for Josie and Theo.  They sat together at the stairs, looking at everyone. 

"Guess it didn't work." She whispers. 

"Guess not, but, no one finished the book.  At least, I don't think.  I didn't..."He looks over to her, "Did you?"  He asks.

She shakes her head, "No.  But, the ring, maybe, that was one of the visions."

Theo eyes her, "You don't seem to believe it when you say it."

Josie sighs, "I guess I'm trying to convince myself.  I think the vision in the mirror was something else.  Something...personal.  Nothing to do with the book." She suddenly had a theory.  Licking her lips, she looks at him, "Theo, do you believe in reincarnation?" She asks.

He frowns in confusion, "You mean like past lives sort of thing?"  He scoffs.

She nods, "What if...just hear me out, what if this Diana the doctors were talking me?  Not just a doppelganger but like a reincarnation of her."

Theo thinks about could explain so much. Could she be...?  He couldn't tell her that he was with the Doctors, it would ruin his plans, so he shakes his head.

"Who knows?  But whatever it is," He takes her hand in his and holds in gently.  "I won't let anything happen to you.  I still care about you.  Even if you're with Scott, I still love you, Josie.  Always."  He looks deep into her eyes. 

She honestly missed those eyes, the feel of his touch.  His lips....what the hell?  Theo swoops in before she could stop him and kisses her softly.  She frowns in shock, confused.  She didn't kiss him back, but she couldn't move.  It actually hurt to kiss him.  Finally, she pushes him away, "Theo..." he cuts her off.

"I'm sorry.  I just...I missed you so much."  He shakes his head, frowning but smiling on the inside.  

She was about to declare her love for Scott till they both hear soft murmuring.

Theo frowns and looks around along with Josie, "Do you hear that?"  He asks.  Josie nods and the two of them get up to go up stairs.  Josie stops and looks back at Scott sleeping.  Guilt started to eat her inside.  How could she let Theo kiss her. Why didn't she stop him?  She needed to talk to Scott. 

As she turns to follow Theo, Scott opened his eyes and watches them go upstairs.  Anger seeped into Scott's soul as his hands form fists in lap, his claws digging into his palms as blood dripped down his knuckles. 

Theo and Josie walk slowly towards Scott's bedroom, the murmuring became louder as they reached the door.  Theo slowly opens the door and they both see Kira and Edward sleeping in Scott's bed, but Kira was murmuring in Japanese in her sleep. 

Josie frowns in confusion, "She doesn't know Japanese."  She whispers. 

Theo frowns and takes out his cell, he turns the recorder on and records her murmurs.


(Josie's Outfit for the day ^^^^)

The next morning Josie headed home to change, but she didn't miss the dirty look Scott was giving her all morning.  She shook it off and just blames it on sleep and the failed plan.  But as they arrived for school, Stiles gave her a lift and Scott already took off to school.  Kira and Edward rode in the back while Josie sat in the front, frowning in confusion. 


"Yeah?"  Stiles doesn't take his eyes off the road, but he seemed a little jittery. 

"Why is Scott ignoring me?" 

"Pffft, what do you mean?"  He scoffs. 

"Stiles, seriously, what's going on?"  Josie demands.

Stiles stutters, "Um, nothing.  Everything is ok.  He's just a little cranky today."

Not buying it one bit, she looks over her shoulder and sees Kira crossing her arms, almost a look of disappointment and Edward was looking everywhere but her. 

They finally arrive at the school, but Josie didn't run to snuggle with Scott like she always does, she stood at least three feet away from him, frowning at him.  Pissed off. 

"Still nothing?"  He asks everyone. 

They shook their heads, but Josie kept quiet. 

As they walked into the school, Scott immediately thinks of suggestions. 

"What if we need some kind of trigger? Wasn't Malia driving when she remembered the crash?"

"Yeah, but how are we supposed to trigger a memory that we don't remember?" Stiles asks, sarcastically.

"Maybe it's a delayed thing."  Edward suggests.

"Maybe you have to wait a couple of hours to see what happens." Scott agrees.

Josie was about to say something, but the lights begin to flicker, like at Eichen House when Kira lost control.  Stiles, Edward, and Scott look over to Kira, watching her.

She looks up then at them, frowning, "That wasn't me.  I swear."  She holds her hands up. 

"We keep an eye on each other today, okay?" Scott says, looking at them all, then to Josie.  He sighs deeply, still pissed off at her. 

"Yes, and keep an eye out for eight other potentially homicidal Chimeras."  Stiles says, sarcastically.

"And keep an eye out for the Dread Doctors."  Edward says, wrapping his arm around Kira and walks her to class. 

"Starting to see the appeal of a third eye."  Stiles scoffs and takes off, leaving just Scott and Josie. 

She folds her arms over her chest and stares him down, "Ok, what the hell is your problem?" She asks.

He rolls his eyes at her and stars to walk off, "Nothing."

"Oh, no, no, no! Not nothing.  What the hell, Scott.  Every since this morning, you've been giving me the cold shoulder.  What the hell did I do?"  She steps in front of him, not moving an inch.

Looking down at her, anger and betrayal in his eyes, "I think the better question is what the hell did you and Theo did last night."  He growls.

She scrunches her brows in confusion, "What?" 

"Looked pretty cozy from what I saw."  He bites out.

Josie sighs in guilt, "Scott, he kissed me.  I didn't want it."

"Well, you didn't exactly stop him either."  He bitterly points out.

She couldn't deny it, she didn't and she doesn't even know why, "Scott..."  She tries to explain but he scoffs and takes off.

"I don't want to talk to you for a while."  He paces away, leaving her in the hallway, with a broken heart. 


Scott sits down in biology, frowning down at the table he sat, he picks at his book and trying to think about everything, but he was so hurt by Josie.  How could she kiss Theo?  Does she still love him?  It's obviously Theo still loves her, but does she?  Maybe he needs to cool off and just let her explain?  He sighs and shakes his head in confusion.  He lifts his head as Josie's scent enters the classroom.  His heart broke when he sees her red puffy eyes and her small sniffles.  She looks up at him in sadness but turns away and goes to sit next to Sydney.  Sydney frowns in confusion, but sees her tears and looks over to Scott, seeing him frowning, hurt.  Both were hurt.  So, she didn't say anything. 

As class begins to start, Mrs. Finch sees the sudden seat change.  She sighs as she could tell there was trouble in paradise.  Instead of forcing them to sit where they're suppose to, she just continues class.

"...So while introducing the African Cane Toad, sounded like a good way to deal with Australia's infestation of the Grey-backed beetle,  unfortunately, the toad also decided to eat everything else in sight."

During class, Theo was trying to gain Lydia's attention.  She looks over her shoulder and sees him eyeing her then to Sydney who was scratching her scalp.  Lydia frowns in confusion, but what if...?  She sends Theo a discreet text.  'Chimera?'  Almost immediately, Theo responds, 'Look at her hair.'

Sydney kept scratching and scratching till her hair was falling out.  She gasps softly, panting in panic.

"And everything that tried to eat the toad, from crocodiles to household pets, quickly died from the poison they secreted.  A perfect example of an invasive species.  One-hundred and two toads introduced in 1935 became 1.5 billion by 2010.  Once an invasive species is introduced, everything changes."  Mrs. Finch says as she writes notes on the board.

Suddenly, Sydney gets up and puts a drop form in the basket on Mrs. Finch's desk.

"Wise decision, Sydney."  Mrs. Finch says.  She knew this class was too much for Sydney.

Lydia had to know if Sydney was a chimera or not.  So, she gets up and follows Sydney till Mrs. Finch stops her.  

"Lydia, you know it's for the best."  She says.  But, Lydia ignored her.

Scott frowns and looks over to Kira and Edward, then to Josie, but Josie wasn't paying attention.  She was in her own world. 

Pretty soon, Scott and Theo take off.  But, they come back and Scott explains what happened to Lydia.  About her remembering something about her grandmother at Eichen House.  Also, apparently, Sydney wasn't a chimera. When the bell rings, Josie takes off to do whatever for her free period, but stiffens when Theo stands near her.

"Josie?  Are you ok?"  He asks. 

Josie glares at him and slaps him across the face as hard she could.  The whole classroom was filled with gasps and 'oooh'. 

"Never ever talk to me again.  Stay the hell away from me!" She shouts at him and runs out of the classroom in tears.  Mrs. Finch tries to stop her, but Josie was long gone. 

Theo rubs his cheek, but smirks silently. 

Scott frowns as he watches the whole thing.  He sighs, he still needed time.  He wasn't rejecting her.  He couldn't, they needed each other and he still loves her.  But, this hurt wasn't going to go away any time soon.


Kira and Edward sits together in the library, Kira explained to Edward that she was having trouble reading the book.  To her surprise, he was too.  Neither could explain it. 

"By the way, how come you didn't lose control at Eichen House like I did?"  She asks. 

Edward shrugs, "I don't know.  Maybe it has to do with the issue you've been having with your powers.  Stiles told me that Eichen House was built on the convergence of Telluric current.  That was what messed with your powers.  But, maybe it was me and you, but you got hit more.  Our powers are connected through the mate bond."

Kira still couldn't get the look of pain on Edward's face when he carried her out of Eichen House.  Her powers nearly killed him, "I'm sorry."  She whispers.

He shakes his head and wraps and arm around her shoulders, kissing her forehead, "It's ok.  We'll figure it out."

She sighs and throws the copy of the book across the aisle in frustration.

"Not into sci-fi?"  Mason comes around the corner, startling them.  "That's the book, isn't it?"  He points at the copy.  "I thought you guys were supposed to finish reading it last night."

Kira bites her bottom lip in guilt, "Yeah, we kind of haven't yet."  She heitates, trying to explain it to him.  "I don't know what's wrong.  I mean, I can't...We can barely read it."  She frowns as Edward nods in agreement, shrugging. 

Mason sighs and sits in front of them, "Okay, uh This is gonna sound weird but...Do you speak Japanese?" He asks.

"No."  Kira answers, shaking her head.

"Yes...a little."  Edward answers.

"I'm also half-Korean and I don't speak Korean.  And I'm pushing a C-average in English."  Kira adds.

"Okay, well I've been doing some reading on Kitsunes."  Mason says.

"How come?" Kira asks.

"'Cause I met one."  Mason laughs.

"Oh, right."  Kira laughs.

"Well, two...Do you know why people in Japan answer the phone 'moshi moshi'?" Mason asks.

"Moshi means hello."  Kira says, nodding.

"Yeah, but there's a reason why you have to say it twice on the phone.  Because according to Japanese folklore, fox spirits have difficulty with language.  And the way that you prove that you're not a fox, when you answer the phone, you say "moshi" twice.  The important part is "Moshi moshi" confuses Kitsunes because it's a language trick.  So is the book.  You know, it's just one long language trick."  Mason explains. 

"That's why we can't read it?"  Edward asks.

"It's affecting the fox part of both of you.  Confusing it."

The light next to them begins to flicker.  Kira gasps and looks at both of them in shock, "I swear that wasn't me."


Scott heads back to Biology with the drop out form.  Josie didn't want him to drop out, he honestly doesn't either, but he just felt it was the right thing to do.  With the dread doctors, the chimeras...Josie...He could barely think. 

Mrs. Finch looks up and frowns when she sees Scott walking towards her desk with the drop out form.  He sighs and places it on top of the others and walks out to the door, but Mrs. Finch stops him.

"You forgot to sign it." 

Scott sighs and goes back, searching for a pen in his backpack.

"Are you going to tell me why you're dropping?" She asks him, still frowning.

"It's a schedule thing."  He stutters and clicks the pen open.

"Why did you take this class to begin with? Isn't it a prerequisite for the college you want?"

"It just doesn't matter.  It's too much...time, too much work."  He swallows hard.

"To become a veterinarian?"  Mrs. Finch asks, trying to prove a point. 

Scott hovers his pen over the signature line, but he couldn't sign was getting a little hard to breathe.

"Scott?  I don't think you should drop."  She shakes her head. 

Scott started to wheeze, he could barely get a breath out of his lungs.  Suddenly, the images of blood, a dog collar and leash, dogs snarling and fighting...that was all he saw in his mind.  His pen falls out of his hands before he could get a single letter on the signature line.  He folds over on the desk, startling Mrs. Finch. 

"Scott? What's happening?"

"I think"  He wheezes.  "I'm having an asthma attack."  He gasps.

Mrs. Finch gasps, "Someone!  Someone get the nurse!"  She calls out.

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