Chapter 19: Glow in the Dark

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Stiles and Lydia made it to the surgery room where Lydia had her operation done on her spleen.

"Can you turn the lights on?" Lydia asks as she stands near the surgical lounger.

Stiles flips the light switches as soon as he found them, but the lights still remained dark, "Uh...Not going on." He mutters then turns back to someone.

Lydia sighs, "Ask someone."

"Hey, I thought this was more of an auditory thing." He says.

Lydia rolls her eyes, "I still wanna see what I'm hearing."

"Makes sense." Stiles says and leaves her in the dark with only the lights from the machines around her.

Stiles later found Melissa and explained to her about the lights.

"Well, we've been having issues for the last hour, maintenance is coming to check it out. For now that floor is down to backup lighting. But you said this was more of a hearing thing." Melissa says as she goes by the exam rooms, collecting a few files.

"Auditory." Stiles corrects.

"Yeah." Melissa mutters and walks off.

"It's also a Lydia thing." Stiles says to himself and heads towards the elevators. He frowns when the elevator doors creak but he ignores it and goes in the empty elevator. As the door closes, Stiles notices that he wasn't alone. He sees a reflection of a patient in the elevator with him. He couldn't make out her identity, but she seemed so familiar. He slowly looks over his shoulder discreetly, her hair was in her face. Long brown hair. When the doors open, the hospital seemed different. The lights were dimmed and people he's never seen before were roaming the halls. The patient behind him slowly walks out, brushing past him. That smell. That perfume. He knew that smell. Stiles starts to follow her. He somehow knew this was a memory, he had to know.


Scott and Theo headed down to the school basement and followed the noises they heard. They turn a corner and sees sparks erupting from the main circuit breaker of the school.

From the ceiling of the basement, wires were pulled out from the drywall, ripped apart and....almost looked like they were chewed on.

"This definitely isn't Kira." Scott's eyes widen.

"It's a Chimera." Theo says.


Back at the hospital, Lydia awaits in the surgery room for Stiles to turn the lights on, but then, she starts to hear something. A faint beeping. Something told her to go to the machine. The beeps start to grow louder as she approaches it slowly. She leans in closer against the screen and begins to hear whispering.

Stiles continues to follow the mysterious patient through the hallways. As she turns a corner, Stiles got a look of her face and he couldn't believe it.

"Mom." He calls out as he follows her.


Malia was still at the school, Josie headed home and Malia made sure she was ok before she left. Still mad, but physically she was ok. Malia felt bad for her. She rarely felt that. Josie was her best friend and it pissed her off that Theo was messing around with her relationship with Scott. And, yet, Scott was taking Theo's side. That's what it seemed. As Malia walks down the stairs, she meets up with Scott and Theo, avoiding Theo's gaze, she focused on Scott.

"Where's Kira and Edward?" Scott asks.

"Still at the library. Stiles and Lydia are at the hospital." Malia says.

"Doing what?" Theo asks, Malia avoids eye contact with him.

"Lydia's trying to figure out what happened to her during the surgery." Malia answers.

"How long are they gonna be there?" Scott asks.

"They said they're just waiting for  the power to go back on?" Malia shrugs.

Scott's eyes widen at Theo, 'Lights.' He mouths to him and they both take off. Malia frowns in confusion and runs with them.

On top of the hospital, a male chimera sits on top of the transformers, chewing on the live wires that controlled the lights to the entire hospital. He chews through a few and screeches loudly.


At Club Sinema, a worker named Phil was interviewing a new bartender. 

"Well, the base pay is crap, but with tips, you can make up to a grand in one night.  Let's see what you got."  He says.

The interviewee takes off his shirt, exposing his six pack. 

"Maybe less."  Phil shrugs, uninterested.

At the same time, Liam was hounding Hayden with the money he owed her while she was cleaning up.

"It's $25."  He follows her everywhere she went as she cleaned, holding up the money.

"Liam, please stop."  Hayden frowns.

"I promised I'd pay you back."  Liam says.

"It doesn't matter now." Hayden grimaces over to Phil, "And Phil takes half of it anyway."

"I know it's for your medication so please just take the money." He follows her to a back room. 

"No, it wasn't your fault." Hayden protests.

"I punched you in the face."  He reminds her.

"I meant the shots."  She laughs, picking more glasses.

"Oh..."  He trails off.

She stops and sighs, facing him, "It's for mycophenolate.  It's for a kidney transplant I had a few years ago."

Liam frowns at this new information.  He doesn't remember her having a transplant, but he remembers Josie having one since she told him about the scar on her side.

"I work here so my sister doesn't have to pay for all of it." Hayden adds.

"I didn't know you need medication for transplants.  My friend, Josie, Scott's girlfriend, had one too.  A kidney transplant like you.  But, she never said she needed that." He says.

Hayden frowns, "Guess she's more stronger than I am." She laughs a little, then sighs, "Now, can you just forget about it? I'll make it back somehow."  She adds.

"So, Phil really takes half?" Liam asks.

Hayden scoffs and looks over to Phil, "And never stops bragging about it.  Just listen to him."  She says bitterly and continues to clean. 

Liam frowns and leans in closer to listen to Phil.

"It's not like they're gonna do anything.  They're all under the table and too young to be selling alcohol anyway."

Liam frowns and looks over to Hayden, did she?

"Hayden..."  Liam gets her attention and stands in front of her, "Can I ask you to do something else for me?"

"What?" She asks.

"Close your eyes." 

Hayden bursts into laughter, "Are you kidding?"  She scoffs.

"Please?"  He begs.


"Just two seconds.  I swear I'm not gonna do anything."

Hayden eyes him weirdly, "Why?"

"All you have to do is close your eyes for three seconds." 

"You said two."  She points out. 

"Okay, well, three."  He stutters, correcting himself.  "Three at the most."

Hayden sighs, but does as he says. 

Liam reaches for a glow-stick.

"This is stupid."  She mutters.

"Just one second."  He bends the stick and shakes it, then holds it up near Hayden's face. 

"Okay.  Open them." 

Hayden opens her eyes and to Liam's horror, her eyes glowed with the stick.  Like a werewolf.  Liam sighs in disappointment, he didn't want her to be this.  A chimera.


Lydia stood in the surgery room, clutching the wires that monitor brain waves and gasps as she turns to the sounds she's been hearing.  Whimpering from a male. 

"Please."  Her eyes widen as she watches the dread doctors perform some sort of surgery on the boy.  "Please, don't hurt me.  Please.  Please, don't hurt me."

The surgeon peels back his skin and under the flesh was black muscle glowing blue. 

All three doctors lean closer, examining the boy. 

"Your condition worsens."  The surgeon says. 

Lydia clutches the wires tighter, gasping in shock as she watches.  She couldn't take her eyes off the sight.

Meanwhile, Stiles follows his mom all the way to the roof, looks all around trying to find her.  She stands at the edge of the building, crying softly. 

"Mom? Mom, what are you doing?"  Stiles tries to talk to her, but she couldn't hear him. 

Suddenly, behind Stiles, Sheriff Stilinski shows up, pacing towards his wife. 

"Claudia."  He calls out, moving closer to her till he stood right behind her, trying to get her off the edge.  He slowly walks up the ladder as she turns around to face him.

"What are you doing up there?"  He asks.

She starts to whimper and moves away to climb down on the other side, "I couldn't stand to be in that room anymore.  Not with him looking at me like that."

Stiles watches them, tears start to form in his eyes.


"He's trying to hurt me.  I don't care if you don't believe me, but he is.  He's trying to kill me."  She whimpers, flinging her arms around. 

"No."  Sheriff reaches out and gently takes her hand.  "That's not true.  Come on down."  He coats her.  Gently helping her off the ledge.  "Come here."  He pulls her into his arms and holds her closer to him, "You have to remind yourself.  It's the disease.  Remember what the dementia does? It gives you delusions.  It makes you think that people are out to get you..." Sheriff gently reminds Claudia, but she continues to whimper, shaking her head frantically.

"You don't see the way he looks at me."  She whimpers.

"Claudia, he's 10 years old."  Sheriff says.

"He's trying to kill me."  She sobs out then turns to look at Stiles.  Like really look at him.  Stiles gasps and frowns, could she see him?  Stiles wipes his tears and rubs his nose, looking down.  He frowns when he sees a shadow of a young boy, but it was his shadow.

Suddenly, her face twists in anger directly at him, "Stop it.  Stop looking at me like that.  Stop it! Stop looking at me!"  She starts to attack Stiles, slapping her hands all over him, hitting him as hard as she could.

Stiles holds his arms up to protect himself, he falls to the ground, covering himself up, "Mom...What are you do... Mom!"

All of the sudden, his mom transforms into the chimera, sparks flying all around behind him as he growls and snarls down at Stiles.


Scott, Malia, and Theo arrive at the hospital, pacing through the front office.  Scott turns to the two of them,

"You guys try to find Stiles and Lydia.  I'm gonna find my mom." 

Scott takes off to the elevator while Malia and Theo take off towards the other way.

Scott gets off the elevator and paces through the hallway, but when he turns, he meets the Surgeon. 

Scott was caught in a surprise, he didn't even have time to defend himself.  Suddenly, the surgeon grabs him by his neck and shoves him against the wall. 

Grunting, Scott tries to break out of his grip, but the surgeon was too strong. 

Suddenly, the surgeon lifts his gloved hand, the fingertips sparking with electricity.  He brings his hand towards Scott's chest and shocks Scott.  Gasping in pain, he feels his asthma coming back.  He couldn't breathe!  He reaches into his pockets and grabs his inhaler, but the shocks were making it hard for him to hold on to it.  He drops it. 

On the roof, Stiles falls against a wall with a hard grunt of pain and turns to face the chimera as it swipes his large claws at him.  Before he could strike again, Theo pops up and grabs the chimera's arm, growling loudly at him and shoves him away.  Stiles moves away and protects himself from sparks flying everywhere from the wires the chimera destroyed.  Theo jumps and lands near the chimera and fights him.  He overpowers a few times, but the chimera was stronger.  He shoves Theo hard against the gated transformers and flips him onto the ground.  With a hard stomp, he breaks Theo's arm.

The surgeon slams his foot onto Scott's inhaler, Scott lies gasping for air on the floor, reaching out for his inhaler.  The surgeon roughly picks him up as he wheezes helplessly in the air.

The elevator dings, alerting both of them.  Malia and Melissa stands in the elevator as Malia snarls at the surgeon.  With a rough shove, he throws Scott behind him. 

Malia roars at the surgeon, her fangs erupting from her mouth as her eyes glowed brightly in anger.  She runs towards the surgeon and high kicks him in the chest with a karate move. 

Melissa makes a run for her son, helping him to his feet.

"Come on.  Come on, honey, let's go." She helps him head towards the elevator.

Malia was busy fighting the surgeon.  But, the surgeon didn't seem affect by her strikes.

Scott wheezes as he tries to breathe, he watches his mom take out some sort of medicine, "Wait.  What is that?"

"A bronchodilator.  It'll work."  She says as she stabs him in the leg. 

Scott gasps as air starts to come back into his lungs.

"Malia, come on! Run!" Melissa screams out. 

Malia tries to strike again, but the surgeon grabs her by her throat, choking her.  Before he could strike her, she breaks free from his grip and runs towards the elevator.

The surgeon was just one step behind her as she rushes towards the elevator.  As she makes it, Melissa forces the door to close before he could reach a hand inside.  A loud thud was made behind the doors.  It was so strong, it made the entire elevator rattle and shake. 

All were panting in relief.

Malia frowns and looks down at Scott.

He shakes his head, "We never should have read that book."  He says.

On the roof, Theo gained control of the fight with the chimera. Before it could strike, Theo catches his arm and breaks it.  Payback.  He finally has him by the neck.  Growling loudly, he digs his claws into the flesh and rips his neck open.

The chimera falls back, chocking for air till his last breath exhaled from his bloody lips. 

Blood dripped from Theo's hands as he pants in anger.  Stiles couldn't believe what he just saw.  He killed him.  He just killed him. 

Theo looks up at him in panic. 

"Stiles...You can't say anything.  Please, don't say anything."  He begs.

"Why not?" Stiles eyes him.

"Because I never said anything about Donovan." Theo says.

Stiles' eyes widen in shock...he was there???


(Josie's PJs ^^^)

Josie was in a foul mood all day, especially when she came home from school Fizgig could sense her distraught and tries to make her feel better, but she was far too hurt to even smile.  It almost hurt to smile.  Why did Theo have to come back and screw this up for her?  It's his entire fault.   Well, partly hers, too, but he's the one who made the move.  But, she could have stopped.  It almost felt was held against her will.  Like almost how it felt with the doctors.  Josie sighs and rubs her face.  She felt so frustrated.  She tried calling Scott a few times, but he would never take her calls.  She almost threw her phone against the wall.  She was tired of crying, she just wanted to talk to Scott.  Was this rejection?  It felt like it, but, she wasn't sure. 

After a hot shower, Josie sits in her bed, in her PJs and sees the copy of the book next to her.  She doesn't have anything better to do, so, why not finish the book?  Hours later, she finally finishes the book and passes out on her pillow and begins to dream. 

Josie snaps her eyes open and finds herself in the old house in Tennessee.  She could see her 16 year old self sitting in the living room with Fizgig.  She walks to stand in front of herself and waves her arms around.  Nothing.  She turns when she hears shouting and screaming coming from the kitchen.  And sees herself running towards the noise, stopping in her tracks in the dining room that was connected to the kitchen.  She gasps as she watches her father...again.  Reaching for the kitchen knife while yanking on her mom's hair.  16 year old Josie rushes for the gun that Chris left her and runs back towards the kitchen.  Everything seemed to have slowed down, except for Josie.  She watches herself in slow motion and looks away when the gun points to her father and flinches when she hears the gunshot. 

"Josie." She stiffens when she hears the familiar voice that she hasn't heard in years.  Trembling, she turns and sees the man she hated for years standing right in front of her.  But, it seemed different.  He wasn't drunk, he wasn't high. He looked...normal.  Happy.

"Josie...I'm so proud of you.  You've become a beautiful woman, almost as beautiful as your mother when I first met her."  He chuckles, then his eyes start to mist as he watches her body shake.  "My daughter, I am so sorry.  I didn't want you hurt, but I didn't want to leave you either.  I was hoping answer to prevent hurting you two would be in Tennessee, but...maybe you can find her.  A woman...named Myst.  She's a powerful witch.  You're going to need her help in the future.  Find her.  I don't want the same thing to happen to you.  Don't let them win, sweet pea.  Don't let them win."  John says. 

Josie lets out a pained grunt when she feels the familiar cold metal pierce her stomach.  She looks down and sees the familiar knife sticking out from her side, but the was a metal gloved hand.  She gasps and looks up at the one who carried the knife.  The surgeon!  She whimpers when the knife was jerked out and feels herself falling backwards...on to a surgical table.  She was covered with a hospital gown and the doctors were prepping her for surgery.  She felt herself going in and out of consciousness.  Whimpering, she couldn't move.  She felt drugged.  She could barely feel anything below.  The doctor, the original doctor who performed her surgery before, kept flashing back and forth to himself and the surgeon. 

Josie's eyes widen as she sees him holding something.  Blood dripping from his gloves.  It was a kidney.  A blacken kidney.  Dripping with blood and black ooze. 

"No."  She whispers. 

She actually watched them perform the kidney transplant.  They placed a kidney inside her.  She whimpers softly as the surgeon leans closer to her face, tears fall from the corner of her eyes. 

"Success.  He shall be pleased." His voice distorted in her ears.

She groans in pain as she feels her body changing.  Not into a chimera....but someone else.  Her face morphs, her eyes change colors as her hair lightens to the color of blood. 

She snaps her eyes open again and looks around, she was in the middle of the woods.  The snow stuck to the ground around her feet.  Her teeth begin to chatter and she rubs her arms to get warm.  She could practically feel the cold air swirl all around her.  Where was she?  She gasps and stiffens when she hears the faint sound of footsteps crunching in the snow behind her.  She begins to tremble, she couldn't move nor speak.  She gasps when she feels a warm hand caressing her cold cheek. 

"I've never forgotten."  A male, deep voice echoed against her ears as she could feel the warm lips brush against her skin.  His touch felt so familiar, it felt...good.  Before she could turn to look at him, everything started to go black....

Josie jerks up from her bed screaming nonstop...

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