Chapter 29: What did you do?

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Josie called Sheriff Stilinski about Beth. Wasn't long till he arrived with the coroner and more cops. They took pictures of Beth, the victim and policed the area.

"Give the M.E. five minutes, all right?" Sheriff told the coroner then looks up and sees the one person he's been dying to talk to. Theo.

He paces over to the crowd and points at Theo, gesturing him to come towards him, "Come here. Where's Scott?"

"He's looking for Liam. He thinks he's with Hayden." Theo says.

Sheriff sighs and looks around, "All right. I need a word with you. Just you." He takes him to the boys locker room and asks him to see his library key card. He flips it around his hand and looks over to him.

"Am I going to need a lawyer?" Theo asks.

Sheriff basically explains his theory and the evidence that points to him and Stiles and clues that led him to believe Donovan may have something to do with it.

"You tell me." Sheriff says.

Knowing what he wants to hear, Theo decided to tell him, in his own way, "Stiles wasn't there."

"But Donovan was. He was a Chimera." Sheriff says.

"A Wendigo." Theo corrects.

Sheriff's breath catches in his throat as Theo tells him the tale. Theo's eyes water and his voice cracks.

"He was looking for Stiles. He was going to kill him. Donovan said that he wanted to kill Stiles in front of you. When he saw me there instead, he tried to get me to tell him where Stiles was."

"What did you tell him?"

"Nothing. So he came at me. I tried to fight him off, but All I kept thinking was that I can't let him kill me. And I can't let him kill Stiles. I climbed up this scaffolding, but he started to drag me down. Then these support beams, they slid off the top. When I looked back, one of them had gone right through him. I didn't...I didn't know what to do. I dialed 9-1-1, but when the deputy got there, the body was gone. Even the blood. Everything was just It was gone, and I didn't I didn't know what to do. So I didn't do anything. I'm sorry. I didn't know what else to do. So, I didn't...I didn't do anything."

Sheriff nods and pulls him in for a hug. Comforting Theo. Theo sniffles and smirks against Sheriff's jacket. 'Damn, I'm good' went through his head.


Hayden and Liam headed to club Sinema for money. They had to get out of town somehow, just till everything blew over. They had to escape.

Hayden headed for the safe and started turning the knob.

"You know the combination?"


Liam frowns realizing the numbers were familiar, "But that's..."

Hayden giggles and turns to look at Liam over her shoulder, "Yeah, Phil's an idiot."

She opens the safe and starts searching through the paychecks. She finds hers and takes the money out. Surprise, surprise. $200. She shuts the safe and locks it.

She sighs and looks back to Liam sadly, "My sister's going to go out of her mind worrying about me."

"We'll come up with something to tell her." Liam says.

They get up to their feet and Hayden packs the money away, "How far are we gonna go?" She asks.

"Wherever's far enough, I guess." Liam shrugs.

"What if I turn out like Tracy? What if I hurt you?" She asks, worriedly.

He smirks at her, "I'll get over it."

Hayden smiles big and he leans in to kiss her softly. Suddenly, the lights go out, then the strobe likes and projectors go off.

"Oh, God. They're here." Hayden gasps.

Wasn't long till the surgeon makes his way into the building. Growling lowly, he makes his way to the bar. Hayden and Liam hid against the shelves, keeping themselves quiet. With a powerful swipe of his cane, the surgeon shatters the bottles that were on the bar. He walks slowly around and sees an empty bar. From the corner, Hayden and Liam take off running towards the exit, but the pathologist stands in their way.

Hayden gasps and Liam pushes her back behind him.

The swift punch, the pathologist sends Liam to the ground with a bloody lip. Hayden turns and sees the Surgeon standing before her.


Freaked out by knowing the truth now, Parrish paces back to his truck, determined to make it right.

"I need to call it in. No, I need to turn myself in."

Lydia catches up to him and paces next to him, "I don't think that's such a good idea."

"You just told me I'm the one taking the bodies. I've attacked other law enforcement officers. That's a criminal offense. I shouldn't even be near you." He says.

"I'm not afraid of you." She says.

"I'm afraid of me." He says.

"Whatever's happening seems to only happen when there's a body. Other than that you're still a pretty nice guy. And you're a pretty good deputy." She says, trying to calm him.

"I'm a very good deputy. And I'd like to stay that way. Flipping over Jeeps and attacking colleagues doesn't exactly fit with 'protect and serve'. I'm covering up the bodies of murdered teenagers." He exclaims.

"You're not covering them up..." Lydia stops in her tracks. "Actually, maybe you are." She realizes.

"What?" He stops and looks at her in confusion.

"It's the same thing we asked Stilinski to do with Tracy. You're not covering up bodies. You're covering up the supernatural." Her eyes widen at thought.

"What's the difference?" He scoffs.

"Maybe you're keeping the secret safe. Maybe that's part of what you do." She says.

"I'm a deputy." He says.

"You're not just a deputy. And you aren't one of the bad guys." She says.

He sighs, "Lydia, you just showed me that my dream was real. But you haven't heard the rest of it. Every time I carry a body to the Nemeton, I put it down and add to the ones that are already there.

"How many?" She asks, almost afraid of the answer.

"Hundreds, Lydia. Hundreds of them."


Liam takes off flying and crashing into the wall with a loud painful grunt. He groans in pain as he tries to get up. He needed to get up. To protect his mate.

Hayden gasps as the doctors turn to here.

"Run. Hayden, run!" Liam shouts.

Hayden was frozen in fear. She couldn't move. Till a loud, powerful roar was made by Scott who stood at the entrance. He takes off running towards the surgeon and takes a powerful swipe at him, knocking him out of the way. Scott gets in between him and Hayden, pushing Hayden gently out of the way. He growls lowly at the Surgeon and from behind him, Liam gets up, half turned and attacks the surgeon. Punching him over and over, but it didn't seem to have any affect on him. The surgeon grabs Liam by his collar and roughly throws him to the ground.

Together, Scott and Liam took on the doctors but they were so strong. None of their strikes were enough.

They were losing.

Liam groans in pain as he lies on the floor after being defeated. He gasps when someone grabs him by his jacket, he sees it's Theo.

"Get Hayden out of here. Go!" Theo shouts and runs to help Scott.

"Hayden?" Liam calls out.

Theo takes his turn fighting the dread doctors.

"Hayden! Hayden!" Liam calls out.

While Theo fights the Surgeon, Liam seeks out Hayden. But, to his horror, he finds her in the arms of the pathologist. She screams in pain as he shoves the syringe into her throat. Filling her up with mercury to the point, her eyes fills up with it. Turning them silver.

Liam screams in horror for her. She slowly falls to her knees. Her eyes still shinning silver. Fear for his mate filled his heart. Is this it? Is she going to die after he found her? The Pathologist leaves, leaving the two of them. Suddenly, her eyes go back to normal. She was ok. Was she?

Theo still fights the surgeon, roaring in anger as he's thrown back on to the floor. The surgeon picks him up and pins him to a pole, holding him down.

Panting, Theo leans in, "I need more time." He speaks softly.

The surgeon leans in closer, "The perigee-syzygy. Until then. Perigee-syzygy."

Scott groans as he regains consciousness, Theo is thrown to ground, coughing and groaning. The surgeon turns and leaves them be. Scott winches as the lights shine in his eyes, he slowly gets up and sees Theo groaning and getting up to his feet. Scott shoots up, looking around.

"Where's Hayden?"

Theo and Scott take off looking for Hayden and Liam. They transform back to human and finds them in the back. Hayden leans on the wall, while Liam comforts her.

"I'm okay. Really, I think I'm okay." She assures Liam, but Liam was still worried for her.

"I saw the needle go in, and her eyes just filled up with mercury. They turned completely silver." Liam turns to Scott and Theo.

Theo looks her over, "She looks okay. Maybe she'll heal."

"Or maybe she won't." Scott says. Liam and Theo frown at him. "What if something's happening to her on the inside?" He asks. He did have a good point. "Get them to the Animal Clinic. I'll meet you there." Scott says and takes off. He gets on his bike and Theo and Liam help Hayden into his truck. The rain begins to pour as they make their way to the Animal Clinic.

"Keep her awake. I don't think it's a good idea for her to fall asleep." Theo says.

Liam nods and tries to keep Hayden awake, "Hayden? Hayden, you gotta stay awake." He shakes her.

"I'm so tired." She says sleepily.

"Yeah, I know, but you can't go to sleep." Liam's fear begins rise. He looks over to Theo, "How do we help her?"

"I don't know. When it's wolfsbane poisoning, you burn it out. But I don't know anything about mercury. Especially a kind that's probably been altered by them." Theo says.

"Is she going to heal?" Liam asks.

"The problem is she's not really like us, Liam. None of them are. They're more like, like cheap knockoffs. She might not be as strong as we are."

"Or heal like we do." Liam finishes for him.

"She's not a real werewolf." Theo says.

"What if we turn her into one?" Liam suggests.

Theo scoffs, "Nice idea. Except you and I can't do that."

"But Scott can."

Liam looks down at Hayden, he tries his best to keep her awake, but he could see she was so tired. He intertwines their fingers together and holds her tight against him. He was not going to lose her. He was not!


Sheriff was shocked to find out that his own deputy put himself in jail. It was crazy! He made his way to the office and sees Lydia sitting outside near the receptionist office.

"Hey." He calls out for her attention and walks over to her. "What the hell does he think he's doing?" He asks.

"Protecting us." She says.

"From who?" He asks, frowning in confusion.

"Himself." She says.

His eyes slowly widen in shock. He turns and heads for the cells. He sees Parrish with his head down and begins to swipe his card to open the cell till Parrish shoots up to his feet and stops him.


Sheriff had his key nearly inches away, but pulls back, "I get why you sat me at a desk for six months now."

"Parrish, we can't keep you in here." Sheriff moves closer to the cell.

"There's another body, right?"

Hesitant with his answer, "Two, actually."

Parrish sighs in sympathy, he looks down, disappointed with the whole thing.  He looks back up to the Sheriff, taking care of what he tells him. 

"I'm the one taking them."  He says.

Sheriff takes his words into his mind, he couldn't believe it. 

"I, I don't know why, and I definitely don't remember doing it.  But if it really was me at the morgue, then I'm dangerous.  Okay? You can't let me out, Sheriff."  He turns around and goes back to his seat.  "You can't."  Parrish says determinedly.

Despite his beliefs, he knew Parrish was...something.  Something powerful.  If he says he's dangerous.  Then, he has to do what he says.  He flips his key-card around before placing it back into his pockets. 


The rain poured hard over Scott's head as he waits outside the Clinic for Stiles to arrive with Josie.  He was worried to death about her being in the car with Stiles.  If Stiles did what Theo says, he just hopes and prays that she's ok. 

His breath hitches in his throat as he sees familiar headlights heading towards the clinic.  The driver's side and the passenger's side doors open.  Josie comes running up to him and jumps into his arms.  Breathing in a sigh of relief, he hugs her tight.  He could feel how distraught she was.

"I can't take this anymore." She says softly.

"We'll stop them." He says softly.

"Hey, sorry, I had trouble starting the Jeep again."  Stiles shuts his door and heads towards Scott.  Scott stiffens and pushes Josie behind him.  She frowns in confusion. 

"That thing's barely hanging on.  I couldn't get in touch with Malia or Lydia."  He says as he walks up to him.  He sees Scott's distressed face.  "Scott?"

"Scott, what's wrong?" Josie asks.

Scott doesn't say anything, but reaches into his jacket and pulls out a wrench.  Not just any wrench.  A blood coated wrench.  The blood of Donovan. 

Josie's eyes widen, she was still confused though. 

"Where did you get that?"  Stiles' eyes widen a little when he realizes he's holding his wrench. 

"This is yours?"  Scott asks.

Stiles sighs and reaches out to grab it, he exams it, seeing the blood. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott asks.

"I was going to."  Stiles says, looking down. 

"No, but why didn't you tell me when it happened?" Scott asks, breathing heavily.

"I couldn't." Stiles says, looking up at Scott. 

"What the hell is going on?"  Josie looks at both of them for answers. 

"You killed him?"  Josie's head snaps to Scott, "You killed Donovan?"

"What?"  Josie looks at Stiles, confused. 

"Well, he was going to kill my dad.  Huh? Was I supposed to just let him?"

"You weren't supposed to do this.  None of us are."  Scott shakes his head.

Stiles scoffs, "You think I had a choice?"

"There's always a choice."  Scott says.

"Yeah, well, I can't do what you can, Scott.  I know you wouldn't have done it.  You probably would've just figured something out, right?"

"I'd try."  Scott says.

"Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the true Alpha! Guess what? All of us can't be true Alphas.  Some of us have to make mistakes.  Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes.  Some of us are human!"  Stiles shouts.

"So, you had to kill him?" Scott gasps.

"Scott, he was going to kill my dad."  Stiles explains.

"But the way that it happened There's a point when it's It's not  self-defense anymore!"  Scott shouts.

"What are you even talking about? I didn't have a  choice, Scott! You don't even believe me, do you?" Stiles begs.

"I want to."  Scott says, his bottom lip begins to tremble.  What was happening to his best friend?  His brother?  He was losing him.

"Okay, all right, so So, believe me then.  Scott, say you believe me.  Say it.  Say you believe me."  Stiles says.

"Stiles, we can't kill people that we're trying to save."  Scott shakes his head.

"Say you believe me."  Stiles takes a step forward, startling Scott when he lifts the wrench.  Scott takes a step back.  Pushing Josie with him. 

"Scott..." Josie was cut off by him.

"We can't kill people! Do you believe that?"  Scott shouts over the thunder.

"Well, what do I do about  this? What do you want me to do? Okay, just be...Scott, just tell me how  to fix this, all right? Please, just tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Scott didn't know anymore, he felt like he didn't know Stiles anymore.  What can he say?  "Don't worry about Malia or Lydia.  We'll find them.  Maybe...Maybe you should talk to your dad."  Scott turns and heads inside, slamming the door behind him. 

Josie flinches at the slam and turns back to Stiles he looked, broken. 

"Stiles...what happened?"  She asks.

Stiles sighs in frustration, "It doesn't matter anymore."  He turns and leaves. 

Josie sighs, and looks up into the sky.  She stomps her feet in frustration and heads inside to find Scott.  Shivering from the rain slicking her skin.

"Scott...Scott..." She calls out and fallows him into the office.  She stops when Scott stops and sees Hayden withering on the floor in Liam's arm. 

"She's getting worse.  I think she's dying."  Liam says, fear laced in his voice. 

"It's got to be some kind of mercury poisoning."  Theo says.

"Scott, remember what you promised me. You said you'd do everything you could to save her." Liam says, his heart was breaking for his mate.

"If she's a real werewolf, we can save her.  You gotta give her the bite."  He begs.

Scott looks at Hayden and Liam.  Broken, lost, hurt.  He wanted to give him what he wanted, but...all he could say was...


(I hate to say it, but the book is coming close to an end...don't worry, I got another coming soon...It will be season 5B....I got a few more chapters for this book and one hell of a surprise ending, Hope you guys are liking my stories so far.  Please leave comments and votes)   Lots of love ~Song~

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