Tea and Scones :)

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Scott's POV

      I watch as Jackson drags Stiles out of the library. Allison and Isaac already left. I have no clue what I'm supposed to do! I would break free like a did a few years ago, but I almost died doing so.

       I feel around my coat pockets. "What?" I mumble, seeing my cell phone appear in one of them. I take it out. "Strange..." I say. Next, I dial my Mom's number. Who else would I call, anyway? My whole pack is torn apart....

MOM: "Hello?"

SCOTT: "Mom! I really need your help here."

MOM: "Scott? What's going on?''

SCOTT: "There's no time to explain, Mom! I'm at the school library. Please come!"

MOM: "Okay, fine. I'm on my way.''


I put my cell phone back into my coat pocket. I pound on the barrier again. I always smash, or try to smash, things when I'm worried and scared.


      My mom runs into the library. "Scott!" She yells, not knowing where I am. "Over here!" I yell back. Mom runs over to me. She knows why I need her, and she just got here. My Mom swipes the line of mountain ash, freeing me. "Thanks mom." I say. "No problem. So, what the heck is going on here!?" She asks. I get saddened. " They took him.." I mumble. "Who took who, Scott?" Mom asks. "The Dread Doctors. They took Stiles."

Stiles' POV

            I wake up and notice that there is blood everywhere. "What did you do?!" I scream at them. They are in the other room, having tea and scones. Isaac probably made them. Classic Isaac.   "Just made some improvements." Jackson says, taking off his dread doctor helmet.  "Want a scone?" Isaac says, holding the scone. "Uh, no." I say, a little annoyed. "What's your problem?" Allison asks, with a mouth full of scone. ''WHAT'S MY PROBLEM?!! WHAT S YOUR PROBLEM!?!" I go all berserk on them. My mouth kind of hurts now.  Isaac walks over and slaps me. "Better?" Isaac asks.  That actually did kind of work. "Yeah. Thanks. Now, can I get out of here?!" I ask.  Allison walks over and unstraps me. I hop off the table. "Okay you're free to go.'' She says. "Just do something for us." Jackson says. "And what would that be?" I ask. "Kill Scott McCall." Allison says, sounding a little like a demon.

        And that's a wrap! I hope you love it! I am so excited to start writing the next part!

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