The Fight

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Scott's POV

I woke up lying on the couch, and look at the T.V. It was playing The Goonies over and over again.

I grab the remote and stop it, then look around. Stiles was sleeping on the floor. I guess Chris went upstairs to sleep. Where's Derek?

I get up and walk around the house.
I hear a noise coming from the kitchen and walk over there.

Derek was in the kitchen making coffee. "Of course." I say with a smile.

Derek smiles. "Hey, it's good." Derek says and takes a sip.

I shrug and sit down on one of the chairs.

"What's up?" Derek asks.

I sigh. "We need a plan of attack. It has to be a good plan too." I say.

Derek nods. "Who's good at making plans?" Derek asks.

I think. There's only one person I could think of. "Stiles." I say.

Stiles' POV

I wake up and sit up, hitting my head off the coffee table. "Ow" I mutter and stand up.

I hear Scott and Derek talking in the kitchen and decide to walk in.

"Stiles." Scott says to Derek.

Derek looks at me. "Well that was good timing." Derek says.

Scott looks over at me. "Hey dude. Can you do something for the pack?" Scott asks.

I shrug. "Kinda depends on what it is I'm doing." I say.

"We need you to make a plan of attack against the Dread Doctors." Derek says, getting right to the point.

"Oh, yeah. I can do that." I say and nod.

Scott smiles. I haven't seen him smile in a long time.

"Good" Derek says.

"Lets start." Scott says and jumps out of his seat.

"Okay" I say.


Scott's POV

"Gee Stiles, that's a good plan." I say.

Stiles nods. "Well, I'm known for my plans." He says with a smirk.

Derek sighs. "Okay, we gotta wake Chris up" he says

"I got it." I say.
I turn into my alpha form and roar really loud.

Immediately after, we hear a yell. "REALLY SCOTT?!" Chris yelled and stumbled out of bed.

Stiles chuckles and so does Derek.

I smile.

Chris walks down the stairs and sighs. "Okay, what's the plan?" He asks.

"How'd you know we had one?" Derek asks.

Chris smiles. "I'm just that good"

Stiles and I laugh.


Stiles' POV

All of us were in Chris' car.

Derek was in the front seat, Chris was driving, and Scott and I were in the back.

Chris drove to the school.

"Okay, Scott. Now." I say, beginning the plan.

Scott calls Allison.

Allison- What do you want loser?

Scott- Allison meet me at the school.

Allison- Why?

Scott- Because, Allison. I have a gift.

Allison- Fine.

Allison hung up on Scott.

"Okay, well the plan is started." Scott says.

"Okay, I guess I'll do the next part." Chris says.
Chris parks the car and gets out.

Scott jumps out.

Chris handcuffs Scotts hands behind his back.

"They're coming, drive!" Derek says.

Scott stays outside, and Chris jumps back in the car.

Chris drives away to the back of the school.

Scott's POV

Allison, Isaac, and Jackson walk through the parking lot.They looked at me the whole time.

They got right in front of me. "What is it?" Allison asks.

"Me." Scott says.

Jackson laughs.

"You're kidding." Isaac says with a smile.

"He's really not." A voice says.

It was Ethan, walking behind Scott.

"Who the hell is this?" Jackson asks.

"That's Ethan" Isaac says, looking at his old friend.

"Yep, it's me. Now, in order to get this gift, you gotta defeat us." Ethan says.

Out of nowhere, Danny appears. He looks at Ethan and smiles.

"All of us." Danny says.

Stiles walks over by Ethan.

"Even me." I say and break the handcuffs with my wolf strength.

"Think you can do it?" Derek asks, walking over by Stiles.

"Obviously we can. With a little help." Jackson says.

Theo walks over by Jackson. "Hey buddy." Jackson says and smiles at his old best friend from grade school.

"Wow, can't believe you forgot me." Liam says and walks over.

"Oh, sorry bud." Stiles says with a smile.

Stiles looks at me. "Scott if you're gonna get the band back together, you can't forget the drummer." Stiles says to me.

I haven't really been talking to Liam a whole lot since he tried to kill me and all.

Liam looks at me. "Hey Scott." He says.

I look at Liam. "Hey." I say.

"So, is that everyone? Because I really wanna get some killing done." Ethan says and turned to his wolf self.

"Me too." Danny says. He grows fangs.

I look at Danny. "Danny? What are you?" I ask, unsure.

"Vampire" Danny says and smiles.

"Okay, well I better get ready." Stiles says and grabs his baseball bat.

Third Person POV

Scott's Pack and the Dread Doctor Pack stand in the parking lot looking at eachother.

Liam turns into wolf form. "Okay, I'll start." Liam says and claws Isaac.

Isaac chuckles and takes off his Dread Doctor Clothes.

(Author's Note- all the Dread Doctors have clothes under their clothes because yeah)

"Cute." Isaac says and turns into wolf form, which he hasn't done in a long time.

Isaac grabs Liam's arm and throws him against the school wall.

Scott runs up to Isaac and throws him. "Not my beta you bitch." Scott says in his Alpha form.

Jackson and Allison took their Dread Doctor clothes off.

Allison grabbed her bow and arrow, and started shooting.

Jackson turned into his wolf form and growled. He attacks Ethan and Danny.

Ethan pushed Jackson away from Danny.

Theo attacked Derek and Stiles.

Derek growled and clawed Theo.

Stiles wacked Theo with the baseball bat.

Theo threw Stiles into the bushes.

Derek growls and snaps Theo's neck.

Theo falls to the ground, dead.

Scott looks at Allison.
"Allison" Scott says.

"Scott." She says, showing no emotion. Allison shoots him a couple times with her bow and arrow.

"Allison, please don't do this." Scott says.

"Sorry." She says and shoots one at his heart.

Liam grabbed the arrow before it hit Scott.
"Nice try princess." Liam says, appearing out of nowhere.

Scott looked at Liam.

Liam growled and snapped the bow and arrow.

Allison grabs another arrow and shoots Liam.

"Listen, boy. You don't know what you're doing." Allison says and shoots him again.

"Yeah, I do. Saving my alpha. That's what I'm doing" Liam says in a scary wolf voice.

Scott smiled a little, but then stopped. He pushed Allison away from Liam.

Chris jumps out of his car. "Let me handle this one." Chris says to Scott and Liam.

They both nod and run off.

Ethan and Danny punch and kick Jackson.

Jackson scratches them both.

Scott walks up behind Jackson and kicks him to the ground.

Jackson fell to the ground and looked at Scott

"I've always hated you." Jackson says.

"Yeah. I've hated you too." Scott says. He bends down and claws Jackson's neck, killing him.

Stiles, Derek and Liam were watching this.

"His first kill." Stiles whispers, in shock that Scott did that.

Scott looked at his claws. They were all bloody. He sighs and turns back to human form.

Isaac and Allison were taken care of. Chris took care of them. He put them far, far away.

Scott walks over to Liam, Stiles, Derek, Ethan, and Danny.
"I feel bad." Scott says.

Stiles looks at Scott.
"Scott, don't. He deserved it. Besides, nobody liked him anyway." Stiles says.

"I did." A voice says.

They all turn and see Lydia standing there.

"Lydia I'm so sorry" Scott says.

"Forget it." Lydia says.

Done! How was that?

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