The Text

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Scott's POV

I wake up in the morning. My phone vibrates. "Huh? Looks like I got a text message" scott says and picks up his phone. The text message reads:

-Hey Scott. I haven't seen you for a few days. For you, its been two years. I'm here, in Beacon Hills. So are two others. One of which, you'll be happy to see. Her, not so sure. We've been up to things, Scott.-

Scott reads it over and over, trying to figure out who this might be. He finally decided to text Stiles.

Stiles: Hello?
Scott: Hey Stiles, its me, Scott.
Stiles: Oh, hey...
Scott: Stiles, I really need to talk to you. I'm trying to put what happened in the parking lot at the animal clinic behind us.
Stiles: What do you want, Scott?
Scott: I just got a text.
Stiles: Yeah Scott, we are texting.
Scott: No, like from someone I don't know. The weird part is, that they saw me a few days ago. They said that I haven't seen them in two years.
Stiles: Okay, that's pretty strange.
Scott: Yeah. Do you know who it could be?
Stiles: Well, who haven't you seen in two years?

Scott thinks. He remembers all of his friends. Jackson, Boyd, Erica, Derek, Cora, Isaac. Isaac! Scott hasn't seen Isaac in two years!

Scott: Could it be Isaac? I haven't seen him in two years.
Stiles: Maybe. But, he went to Paris with Mr.Argent?
Scott: Yeah. But it could be a possibility!
Stiles: Yeah. It could be. Scott?
Scott: What?
Stiles: Dude, I have to talk to you in person.
Scott: Stiles, just come over.
Stiles: Okay, I'm coming.

Stiles' POV.

I run out to my dad's car, since my jeep is still broken, and drive to Scott's house. I walk up to the door and knock. It opens up. I look at Scott. "Hey, Scott." I say. He looks at me. I can tell he's still on edge about the other night. I couldnt just keep texting him, though. I had to speak in person. "Hey, Stiles." Scott says, quiet. Yeah, he's definitely still on edge about the other night. We stand there in silence for about one minute. "So, do you want to come in?" Scott asks. I nod and walk inside.


Scott's POV

Stiles walks inside and he shuts the door. "What if Isaac really is back?" Stiles asks, sitting on the couch. Scott hopes hes back. But, what did he mean by him doing experiments? And who else is here? "What I would like to know is who else is with him?" I ask. "Yeah, me too." Stiles says, thinking. "Should I text back?" I ask, holding my phone. Stiles nods yes. I text back.

-Who are you? Who's with you? Where can we meet?-

Scott sends the message. There is an immediate response.

-Wow, Scott. You don't remember. How sad. Listen, we can meet at the school library. 6:00pm-

Scott reads the text and shows it to Stiles. "Well? What do we do?" I ask. "Lets go!" Stiles says and runs to his dad's car.

Well, there you have it! The first chapter of 'The Dread Friends' !!

I'm so excited for the next chapter. Maybe I'll have it done October 12th - 13th.

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XOXO -Emily

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