Chapter Eleven

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Here's the next installment! Enjoy. :)

I stared at the peeling paint on the bathroom door, wishing I had X-ray vision. "You don't think he's going to do anything stupid, do you?"

She raised an eyebrow and let out a chuckle. "You've met Kellan. What do you think?"

I didn't have to think, my gut churned with the answer. I wiped my hands down my face and sucked in a gulp of air. "Why do things always have to be so complicated?"

"Who said life was going to be easy?" Sage's cornflower-blue eyes sparked, and she let loose a wide grin. "Besides this is way more entertaining."

"So happy I can oblige." I smacked her shoulder with the back of my hand and paced a circle trying to figure my way out of being strung up.

"Can you blame me? I've been healing the pox for over a week and without movies, technology or lattes to get me through. I'm going through withdrawal." She shrugged. "I may be from here, but I'm all for Earth's technological advancements. Especially when they are covered in whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles."

"You're bent."

She tilted her head and laughed. "Already established."

I halted my pacing and gestured toward the door. "One thing's for sure. We can't go out that way, so let's try this one." I grabbed her wrist and marched toward the back wall.

"Oh, no. Not this again."

I yanked the blanket of the astral plane tight around us and walked through the wall, dragging Sage behind me.

"It's fr-freezing!" Sage's teeth chattered together. "How did Kellan stay in this frozen wasteland so long?"

Good question. "He didn't even flinch from this world's icy cold."

"Maybe this is one of the talents he's drawing from you?"

We headed along the side of the building until we got to a group of bushes. Once hidden between two leafy shrubs, Sage glanced around, then pulled her arm from my grip. The tip of her nose was pink and her cheeks rosy red, like she'd been outside in the frigid weather too long. I dropped the veil and welcomed the warmth of the physical world back to my senses.

"Come to think of it, when Kellan was with me I never even noticed the cold."

Sage giggled and rubbed her arms. "What were you two doing to keep warm?"

I groaned. "Get your mind out of the gutter, will you? It wasn't like that." I peeked through a gap in the shrub to ensure we wouldn't be spotted coming out of hiding.

"Is that disappointment, or just plain yearning I sense in your voice?" she said drawing out her voice in a teasing kind of way.

"Would you focus?" I pushed open the front door of the pub. "I'm engaged to Jaxon. End of story."

"And Kellan," she whispered so that only I could hear her.

"There you two are." Robin wedged himself between us and draped an arm over each of our shoulders. "I thought you were still in the washroom."

"Wren needed some air, so we went outside."

Robin's body stiffened, then he squeezed my arm and let go. He walked out a few paces in front of us and turned around. Great, now Sage is lying for me. Could I be any worse of a friend? My stomach twisted with guilt.

"Wren!" Kellan's distinctive tones bellowed over the crowd.

I scanned the room until I spotted him. He held up a pint glass of teal liquid, with Jessica snuggled up next to him.

Good God. The two of them were plunked directly across from Jaxon. I opened up my internal channels linking me with Kellan and Jaxon. Seriously? You couldn't pick any other table in the room.

What, and turn down Jessica's friendly invitation to join everyone for a drink?

She smoothed a hand over Kellan's cheek, then kissed the side of his neck. He transferred his glass to other hand and leaned forward on the table with his elbows, breaking away from her affections.

Friendly like a black widow spider. I glared at Jessica and clenched my fists, wanting to rip her apart for even touching him.

"Wren?" Sage nudged me, drawing my attention back to her and Robin.

"Are you coming? You're missing all the fun." One side of Robin's lips curled up into a devious grin, showing he was well aware of how much I didn't want to claim a seat at the table.

Sage folded her arm through mine. "You okay?"

The table might have only been fifteen feet away, but it felt like I stood at the end of it with every evaluating stare in the room upon me. That is everyone except Jaxon. He hadn't budged since we entered the room. We took another step forward. He had to have heard me.

Jax? I called.

The closer we got to the table, the more Jaxon's spiral ring tingled with heat. We were only two feet away when Jaxon rose and lifted his amber-hued gaze to mine.

Sage backed up a step, and I wondered if I should do the same. He looked pissed but waved me forward.

"It's been nice knowing ya," Sage whispered.

"Jax?" I took a hesitant step, closing the distance between us I wished we could be alone for a moment so I could explain. "Why is Kellan at our table?"

"Protocol." He folded a shaky arm around the small of my back. "Feeling better?"

I nodded ever so slightly, wondering just how mad he was. The smell of homemade soup and baked bread evaporated into Jaxon's spicy scent pressing my senses. A moment later, the background music and chatter of the room faded into the sounds of a crackling wood fire, and I knew we were no longer in the pub.

I recognized the room at once. We were back at the Fire Circle, standing in the Keep's private lounge with its royal-plum velvet curtains and plush lounges. With my rapid heartbeat and sweaty palms, something told me we weren't here for long.

"If you wanted to be alone, all you needed to do was ask." He licked his lips and smiled. "And here I was worried Kellan was trying to steal you again. He's lucky I didn't light him on fire for showing up at the pub."

"Steal me?" A short laugh forced from my throat, and I adjusted the diamond ring on my finger. "I already told half of Acklemar I plan on partnering with you. I wasn't lying."

He brushed a lock of my hair from my face. "I know, but that doesn't mean you won't change your mind." His breath smelled of alcohol. Jax washed his hand over my leg and called his flames forth. "But I sure hope you don't."

Jax's fire roared through me, scorching my core and demanding his kiss to quench my growing desire for him. I panted, trying to catch my breath. "You don't play fair. I don't do that to you."

"No, you don't." He chuckled like something was funny. "You make me feel this way all day long. Unlike you, who can wind down, I have to use restraint and try not to push you." He tapped his finger to my nose and swallowed. "Do you have any idea how hard it is?"

My cheeks went hot. "How hard it is?" I repeated, not sure what it he was referring to.

He laughed a little at first and then uncontrollably. "That's not what I meant. It is, but..." He groaned and smacked his forehead.

"You're drunk."

"Yup. But it doesn't change how I feel." He swayed slightly and guided my chin up like he'd kiss me if I let him. His eyes, even though he wasn't angry, were still an intense gold. He blinked and his irises had changed to sky blue, and the color drained from his face.

Oh, that's not good.

Jax's knees buckled, and he crumpled over on top of my shoulder.


I adjusted my stance, trying to prevent him from face planting onto the floor. With my arms around him, I dragged him over to the chaise. No way he'd drunk enough to pass out this fast. He would've burned off the toxins first, especially, if he was supposed to get some alone time with me tonight. I may not know what caused him to pass out, but I knew who did—Kellan.

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