Chapter Six (part two)-A Prophecy

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Hi, All! Here's another update for ya. I've already started on the next chapter too. So with any luck, it will be along in a few more days. Hope you like this reveal!

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Sage said urging me to open it.

I stared at the box. My mother's sentence weighed heavy on me as my fingers brushed the carvings on the lid. "I don't know. I guess I feel guilty that she's locked up because of me. I'm not sure I want to know what she might have to say."

Vega placed a hand on my shoulder. "Your mother is the greatest seer our guild has ever known. Believe me. Celeste has never done anything by accident. She reads people like we breathe air."

Sage let out a snort. "Leave it to you to have a mother with sight." She sat on the bed, pulled her knees up and wrapped her arms around her legs. "Geez, it's amazing you've managed to get into this much trouble. You think she would have warned you or something."

"Easy for you to say." Vega rolled her eyes. "It's a fine line of when to say something and when not to. Some people are particularly hard to get a read on too." She gave me a playful shove. "It's kind of a refreshing break from being overwhelmed with everyone's auras all the time. You on the other hand..." Vega's hazel eyes flashed a brief warm honey color.

"What? Am I that easy to read?"

Vega took a breath, tilted her head and nodded.

"Really?" She ran her hand across the blanket and looked up. "Well, at least I have nothing to hide."

Vega chuckled. "That's not entirely true." She tapped her chest then pulled on her necklace.

Sage's eye went wide, and she covered her hand over her chest where the Dekarta stone that laid beneath her shirt. "I can see how it would be hard to keep anything from you."

"Don't worry your secret is safe with me," Vega replied in a warm tone. "That piece of information was buried a little deeper. Most of the seers here wouldn't be able to read it, but any of the guild's chamber members could."

"Great. Now all of Acklemar will know I've got this stone."

"Nah, there's only five chamber members. And you've already met three of us," she said looking at Sage.

"I suppose meeting three of the guild's chamber hasn't been by accident," I said interrupting.

She shrugged, and the corners of her mouth turned up. "It's a seers responsibility to report all prophesies and visions to the counsel. At no time is a seer permitted to influence a foreseen outcome," she said like she was reciting something from a lesson book.

"Sure—and you had nothing to do with us arriving here." I picked up the box and gave it a shake. "I suppose I imagined the whirling clouds and flying portal."

"The rules apply a little differently for one within the ranks of their guild. That, and sometimes you just need to know when to bend a few rules to your liking." She smiled suggesting this wasn't the first time she's done that.

"What? She's got Water and Fire Circle markings plastered all over her and your guild's claiming her too?"

I swatted Sage and gave her a look to stop spilling anything more of my secrets.

Vega didn't look shocked at hearing the news of the Water Circle ring, though. "A promise isn't complete until the final bind is made. Until then, Wren is still a member of our guild."

Sage looked confused. "That can't be right. Tradition has always been that a promised partner resides with their new guild or circle. Are you sure?"

"Don't you think we'd check that law before getting involved? The Fire Circle's First is livid. The last thing we need is the wrath of their Circle on us. If she's part of our guild, we don't have to release her to anyone other than her promised. So right now, this is the safest place for her."

"Not having to face the Fire Circle's First sounds fine to me." I held the box to my ear and gave it another shake. I could hear a few things bouncing and rattling inside. "Do you know what's in it?"

She shook her head. "I couldn't open it, even if I wanted to." She held out her hand, and I passed her the box. Vega traced her delicate finger over the design on the lid, then said, "This a puzzle box, one of your father's creations. It only opens when the correct path on the cover is rubbed. Some boxes are set for particular people to open too. Knowing your parents, the only person who could open this box is you." She handed the box back to me.

Three patterns covered the top. Etched deep in the wood a fiery flame twisted a path over and under an arching stream of water. The third design was a white inlaid piece of wood that bent its way between the other two. When I ran my fingers over the pattern, some of the pieces felt cold, and others seemed to warm and tingle under my touch.

Following the sensation, my fingers traced over looping sections of flames and water. When the path was complete my finger was back where I started, closing the loop, I heard the latch Click.

"You knew the combination?"

I shook my head. "No. It was like the box told me."

Sage lay down on her stomach and rested her head in her hands. "Well, what are you waiting for? What's in it already?"

I lifted the lid and pulled out a folded piece of parchment. A small package rested in the bottom of the box. It was wrapped paper and bound with twine. "I don't understand. When I shook it, it sounded like something was rattling. I don't see how a piece of paper and this parcel could make that sound."

"No idea. Maybe there's something in the note?" Vega asked.

I unfolded the paper with trembling hands. My mother's script scrolled across the page.

My dearest Wren,

You've made it home to Acklemar at last. How my heart has missed you. I thought this box fitting as you have always been such a puzzle to me.

I've kept a few items for your return, but I didn't want to flood you with the memory of them all at once. The box will present them to you as it sees fit.

Please know, if I had to choose all over again, I wouldn't have done anything differently. The decision to help you was mine—not yours.

With much love,


I looked up. "That's odd. She signed it Celeste, not mom or mother."

"No, it's not." Vega sat on the bed across from us. "You two have always called each other by your first names. It's a Traveler's Guild custom. Come to think of it, none of the other Guilds or Circles do that. Huh, I guess I've never thought about it before."

"Who cares what she called herself. What's in the package?" Sage waved it in front of me.

"Before you ask, here." I passed Sage the note and plucked the wrapped bundle from her hands. "Don't give me that look. I know you want to know what's in the note."

While Sage scanned the note, I pulled the string on the package and unwrapped the paper. It was a blue colored book. When I flipped it over to read the title, I gasped. The Traveler's Guiding Prophecies was embossed in gold letters across the cover.

"Sage..." I held up the book.

She lowered the note and looked up. "It that—?" She sat up and grabbed it from my hand. "Holy cow. If it were anyone else, I'd ask how. But—"

"I told you she's the best seer the guild has ever had. What's the big deal about that book?" she said, coming to her feet.

"You know it then?" I put the lid back on the box.

Vega dusted her skirt off with her hands. "Of course. We teach it in our junior vision class. Being part of the chamber, I'm required to assist with the class on occasion."

"Sage seems to think there's a prophecy about a girl with two rings markings on her."

"I don't think. I know." She held up the book fanning the pages. "It's definitely in here."

Vega reached over and pulled the book from her grasp. She flipped to a page in the middle of the book. "I think this is the prophecy you're referring to—the one about you." She smirked and handed it back to me.

"What do you mean the one about me?"

"Sorry." She cringed and put her hands in the pockets. "Old habits die hard. I used to tease you endlessly about it. You were the only female Weaver I'd ever heard of, so it was easy to think it was about you."

I glanced at the page and read it aloud.

Prophecy: One Hundred and Twenty-Three

Dated: 3rd Year of Citrine, 248th Moon

A girl who bears no marks of her own,

Engaged with two opposing thrones.

Water and ice,

Fire and stone.

She carries their power

Beyond her own.

Weaver of worlds,

Or destroyer of one?

Her knotted past is not to be shunned,

Love will decide the fate that is won.

"Vega, I think it's me that owes you an apology." I tugged on the collar of my shirt and revealed the knotted-ring inked across me.

Her eyes went wide. "Kellan and Jaxon?"

I nodded, still thinking about the prophecy. "It's a long story."

"That's okay. I've got loads of time to listen to that tale." She fanned herself with her hand. "Those two are hot."

"Yeah, and a handful." I scanned the page again. "Is there more to the prophecy? Or is this entire thing?"

"Not sure. But it would be easy to find out if an additional piece. The archive would have to reference it. Finding out what it says might be a bit more of a challenge."

"Why's that?" Sage asked.

"Protocol requires two Chamber members to access the information. And right now, there's only Astra and me here at the guild."

"So, Wren's her niece."

Vega broke out in laughter. "Astra might do lots things to help Wren, but letting her see a prophecy about herself won't be one of them."

"Aren't you two are getting ahead of yourselves? We don't even know if there is anything in the archive."

"True. But I can find out," Vega paused, then smile kept over her lips, and she added, "if you tell me how you met Kellan and Jaxon on Earth."

Sage looked at Vega and narrowed her eyebrows. "Why are you so eager to help?"

"What? I've only been teasing about this prophecy since we were little. And here she is with both markings on her. Are you kidding me? I'm dying to know the rest of the story."

"You'd risk helping her for a story?" Sage said in a doubtful tone.

"That and a little adventure." Her eyes sparkled when she said the word. "Wren and I have a bit of a history for stirring up trouble together. Since she been gone, it's been all books and no fun."

Sage let out a chuckle. "Now, that I believe."

"Hey. I'm right here you know." Feeling the drain of the day, I yawned. "And I don't bring trouble everywhere I go. All this stuff happened over the past few days, not the last three years." I put the box on the end table and kicked off my shoes.

"Just keep telling yourself that. We know the truth." Vega stepped through the doorway to leave. "I'm on a mission. I'll see what I can find out before breakfast. See you in the morning." She waved and disappeared from sight.

"So, Weaver of Worlds..."

"Or destroyer." My heart sank as I thought about the prophecy and what it might mean.


How would you react if you just read a prophecy about yourself? Love to hear your thoughts on Vega if you have time to post them.

PLEASE consider voting, every little star helps Wren's tale stay in the Fantasy rankings. (It also makes one tired writer who stayed up half the night writing, crazy excited. LOL. Thanks all!)

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