Chapter Two (Part 2)-Shackled NOT Bound

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Hi, All! Another update for you. I was itching to get this one posted for everyone. Hope you like it!

Our hearts beat as one? My hands itched and my charms started to light up. "I'm almost afraid to ask." I washed my hands down my face, took a deep breath and sighed. "And with Robin's hasty retreat, I can only imagine what it might mean." I crossed my arms over my shirt.

"It means just what it sounds like Wren." His eyes went stormy blue-grey. "We are bound in life and death. Once the circle has granted a knot, there's nothing Jaxon or anyone else can do to change that." He wiped his hands on his jeans.

"So, what, if you die, I die? Is that what you're trying to say?"

"Yeah. I guess that sums it up." He pursed his lips.

A wave of anger swept over me. "Are you crazy? Why on earth would you agree to that?" I had the sudden urge to pummel his chest with my fists and scream.

"Last time I checked we aren't on Earth—this is Acklemar. We play by different rules here, so if you think that's crazy, then fine I'm crazy. But it you want to know why I did it? It was either remove my flourish and possibly never see you again or that knotted ring."

I lowered my gazed and watched the rise and fall of his chest. My words choked in my throat. Outside, the sky sounded like it opened up with the pitter-patter of rain pelting down on the branches above us. A loud crack of thunder broke the silence between us.

"But a knotted ring? A regular ring would have been just fine. You know, one without all the life and death stuff." I wiped my face. Rain dripped through the leaves wetting my hair and drizzled down my cheek.

He shook his head and lifted my chin. "It takes two to ask the circle for its blessing." He sighed. A single stone on his bracelet and my necklace were beating in sync with each other. "When it comes to a ring of the heart, the words aren't spoken in the exchange but thought. All other ring commitments are said aloud, something I'm pretty sure Jaxon would have interrupted."

"Oh..." No kidding. I'm sure Jax would have come up with something more nuclear than a fireball if he'd known that was what was going on. "If it can't be broken, does that mean we're partners?"

"Why? Can't wait to be all mine, can you?"

So cocky. "You wish."

"No wishes need." He held up his bracelet with the stone beating away. "But to answer your question. We're bound together, but the ring partner commitment isn't official until you finish your binding ring on me."

"Let me guess that can't happen until my birthday," I said, remembering Jaxon's words.

He nodded and leaned in so his lips lingered above mine. "You have to have your mark before you make your commitment to me." I could feel the warmth of his breath when he spoke. My pulse raced with the thought of him and I... Then he pressed his lips to mine, running his tongue along the inside of my mouth. His hands ran up my back and dragged through my hair making my arms and neck tingle. He pulled away and wet the side of my neck with tiny kisses, then claimed my lips once more. When he pulled away, I was gasping for air and left dizzily wanting more.

"You're sure of yourself, aren't you," I said catching my breath.

"Yeah, I am."

"Kellan!" Robin hollered from outside. "Knock off the waterworks, will ya? Hard to light a fire if you're going to insist on drenching everything we own."

"The rain, are you doing that?"

He groaned and shook out his hands. "No, I blame that on you," he replied. A moment later the rain slowed to a stop. With one palm turned upward, he circled his other hand around it. Water droplets pulled from the shelter's leaves and formed a watery globe that hovered above the centre of his hand.

"Hey, Robin. Duck!" Then with a pushing motion, the liquid mass flew out the door and made a splashing sound like it hit something. Kellan sat there with a big grin on his face.

"Nice. Real funny Kellan!" Robin yelled.

"Did you just hit him with that?"

"What? I told him to duck." He gave me an innocent look, then smirked. "Don't look at me like that. I only got his head wet. The rest of it I dumped on the tree across from him."

"How did you even know where he was?"

He shrugged, then reached over and mussed up my hair. "Easy. He was covered in rain water." He dusted his hands together. "I better go help him dry out the wood or that fire will never get lit."

Left with the lasting thought of his kiss, I couldn't help touch my lips and wish we had more alone time together.

"Wren?" Sage said in a weak voice. "Is that you?"

I gasped. "You're awake! Of course, I'm here." I said taking her hand.

"I had the most bizarre dream." She rolled over and rubbed her eyes. "I was back on Acklemar with you, Kellan and Robin," She mumbled. "Robin. Can you believe that? What would Jaxon say?"

"I'm sure you can ask Robin yourself. I can get him."

She yawned. "What do you mean get him?" She opened her eyes and looked around taking in our shrub cave. "Where the heck are we?"

"You really shouldn't move. Your ribs might—"

She sat up. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"If I were you, I'd probably be screaming my head off in pain. You were hit by one of Jaxon's molten fireballs. Robin tried—"

"Really?" She yanked up the edge of her shirt to get a look at the damage. "Let me guess. This was where I was hit?" She pointed to a bright pink scar where her skin had healed.

"How the hell? I thought you couldn't heal yourself?"

"I can't." She adjusted the neckline of her shirt to sit straight, then pulled out the Dekarta pendant. "I think my recovery is due to you." The stone swung from her fingertips. "I'm pretty sure I wasn't wearing this earlier."

"Well, I didn't want you to lose it. Not to mention I didn't think you wanted Robin and Kellan to know you had one of those."

"Got that right." She ran her fingers along the edge of the scar. I guess I can scratch bikini model as a career."

I blurted out laughing and pulled her into a hug. When I released her, I punched her arm. "You had me so worried you were going to die or something. Who would keep me entertained if you weren't around."

"Ow." She rubbed her arm. "I don't know. Kellan seems to be doing a good job." She stared at my watery etching and whistled. "Is that what I think it is?"

I bit my lip and nodded.

"Woo... Turn around. This I have to see." She spun her finger in a circle. I pivoted, and she lifted the back of my shirt. "It is twisted, holy crap—a knotted ring. This is so..."

"What?" When I spun to face her, she gave me a broad smile. "It's so what?"

"Is the, you know, fire ring still—?" she asked, ignoring my question.

"There?" I groaned. "Yeah, along with a blistering handprint, care of Jaxon."

"Just be happy it's not around your neck. If the Fire Prince knew about that knot I not sure what he'd do."

Probably, blow up the build I was standing in. "Tabloids could make millions writing an account of my stupidity. I only imagine the headlines. Girl Ditches Prince for a King. Or Royally Double Troubled Teen." I put my hands over my eyes and hung my head.

Sage laughed. "How about, Two for One Promised."

"Ugh, that's terrible." I let a chuckle escape. "Like awful. It sounds like I'm redeeming coupons."

"Well, I don't think you'll have to worry about tabloids in Acklemar. It's the seer's prophecies that you need to be wary of."

I flattened out my shirt with the palms of my hands. "Good to know. I'll try and stay clear of any seers I might meet."

"I can't see how that's going to matter much." She twisted her strawberry hair around her fingers, then looked up wrinkling her brow. "There's been a prophecy about you, for centuries."

Oh, God help me.

LOVE your comments on my work. (It's my FAVORITE part of writing on Wattpad.) If you liked the chapter, twinkle that little voting star. LOVE to hear what you think of Sage's headline. I laughed my headoff when the line made it to the page.

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