EXCERPT from The Dream Traveler (book II)

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Hi All,

The next book in the Weaver series is out!  Please check it out on my profile. Here's an excerpt from Chapter One, the rest of chapter one is in the new book The Dream Traveler.

Excerpt from Chapter One, The Dream Traveler.

The circle rippled with and flared with power lighting every charm on my necklace. If I had blinked, I would have missed it. But a surge that lit my core? No—I'm sure seers all over Acklemar would have felt that.

The doors to the library flew open, and I cringed when they crashed against the wall of my beloved sanctuary. "Astra!" she hollered. "I been looking everywhere for you."

"Josie." My eyes darted toward the door.

She turned and looked at it. "Sorry, I didn't mean to, it's just that—"

"I know. I felt it too."

Her hands were shaking. "I—I've never seen anything like it. I had to find you."

"Wait. Are you coming from Watcher duty?"

She put her hands on her hips. "Where do you think I'm coming from? You make the schedule."

I pulled out a chair for her to sit. "Well?"

"She's back . . ."

I sat down, leaned my arm on the chair and tapped my finger to my lips as I thought. There was only one person who had ever created a ripple in the circle before. But that was three years ago when she just disappeared and vanished from Acklemar without a trace.

"It's Wren . . . she's back."

I nodded and closed the book on the table. "Did you see where she was? I need all the details you can remember. We won't have much time."

"I know. Especially with that draw of power from the circle. The Fire throne will launch a search for sure." She sighed and ran her finger along the binding of the book. "Astra . . . She looked hurt. The girl with her had burns and—"

My heart raced. "She's hurt?"

"She had blood on her face when a gentleman caught her. It looked like she might have fainted or passed out."

"What? She had people with her?" I said in disbelief. "That's not possible."

"When it comes to Wren, I think the impossible has always been her specialty." She started to giggle. "I still remember the time she astral projected through your bowl of porridge in the great hall. Scared you so bad, you wouldn't touch your gruel for a month. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard." She chuckled. "Remember? You landed on your back, oatmeal in your hair and your dress flipped..."

"Ack-hem." I cleared my throat.

"Right." She looked down and smoothed out her skirt. "Your question. Yeah, there were three others."

"Three? You're sure?"

She sighed heavily. "Astra. I know how to do my job. Of course, I'm sure."

"Sorry. But three . . ." If that was true— There was no time to waste. I thumbed the stones on my necklace and found the white crystal one, then rotated it around the rope chain. I closed my eyes and held one name on the tip of my thoughts, then brought forward every image I could remember of her, letting them spin in my mind. "Where are you?" The images faded and blurred to form a single picture—the Vardain Cliffs. Somewhere along the grain fields, with several plains of terrain to cover. "We'll need Travelers with sight . . . We should probably take Vega and Rygar. When you wake them, tell them we'll be shifting light and to meet downstairs in the great hall in half a turn."

"Rygar?" She swallowed. "I still have bruises from the last time you asked me to wake him. How about Terren? He's good."

"We need our best. That's Rygar."

"Fine." She turned and started walking toward the door. "But I'm launching something at him to wake him up this time. I'm not getting punched again."

I smirked at the thought of her even trying to point blank wake him up. With his training, she was lucky all she ended up with was some bruises. "Good idea. I need you wake for this assignment," I hollered behind her.

"For the hundredth time, he didn't knock me out. I hit my head when I fell," she yelled back, her voice faded as she walked.

I turned and headed to the far side of the library and stopped in front of the stone scrying bowl. The basin's water sparkled in the morning light. I removed my charms from around my neck and dangled one end of them into the water. Moving the stones in a circular pattern, I pushed my mind past the expanse of Acklemar into the vast universe seeking my sister's voice.

"I take it this isn't just a social call to say you missed me." Nebula smirked, her image reflecting in still waters of the basin.

"You're as chipper as usual. I could say it was, but you'd know that was a lie."

She rubbed her temple. "True. Curious as to the company Wren keeps, aren't you?"

I could never guard my thoughts against Neb. She always knew what I was thinking, sometimes even before I did. "I don't suppose you have something to do with that?"

"What—interfere? Me?" She laughed. "Why do you think I took this post? I girl has to get in her fun somewhere."

"Are you going to keep avoiding the question?" I said rushing my words.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Always the impatient one."


"Astraaaa." She mimicked. "Well, if you must know. She's with a healer and the crown of the water circle."


She nodded. "But that's not all . . . You should probably know she was here with Jaxon too."

"I take it he knows she's back on Acklemar."

She nodded. "That's for sure. He was burning mad when he arrived here an hour ago demanding transport home immediately. He posted a payment notice of five million Acklemarian stones to the Traveler that was willing to get him home sooner than the scheduled portal opening."

"Five million!" That was more stones than anyone in the guild would ever see in their lifetime. "I take it someone took him up on that offer."

"What do you think? Travelers are a loyal group but with that price? He had at least three offers to take him, and that's only the ones I know of. He plans to leave within the hour."

"Still, the trip should take him six or seven days to get here."

She shook her head. "Dystan is taking him. You'll be lucky if it takes him as long as four."

I took a deep breath and rubbed my hand along the back of my neck. No pressure. "Got it. Who's the third person she's with?"

"Third?" She looked surprised. "He took the leap did he?" She smiled. "I've never been able to get a full read on Wren, only flashes. Hmmm. Losing his promised and best friend all at once? No wonder the fire prince was so angry when he got here."

"She's got Robin with her?"

"Can't be certain." She shrugged. "He has a thing for Wren's friend Sage, so if I had to guess."

I smiled. "We'll see you here when we get back."

"You caught that thought did you?

I cocked my head to the side and sighed. "Testing to see I've gone soft while you've been away?"

"I'm your sister. It's my job to test you, just wait till I'm back." She grinned.

"I've to go meet the others."

"I know. The fates haven't decided her destiny yet, so take our best people." She winced and held her temple. "I know you'll be traveling light but bring weapons. There are groups already searching for her and won't take losing."

Weapons? This was getting more dangerous by the second.

"Yes, it is. So be careful." She waved her hand through the scrying waters and dropped our connection.

****READ the rest of chapter one in THE DREAM TRAVELER. This is only an excerpt of this chapter.****

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