Twenty-Three (part 3)-Burnt Bridges

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Hi, Everyone!! Here's the last part of this chapter.  Can't wait to hear you thoughts on it. Hugs to all!


It was the first time in ages I felt like I could just chill. The flames from the drink were still searing inside me, taking the edge off things. Wren, mmm, damn that girl was hot, and she just agreed to be mine. Couldn't wait to make that official and finally get my father off my back. "Hey, do you know where the girls have gotten to?" I elbowed Robin.

"Uh, yeah, they were at the bar on the other side getting a drink," he answered, pointing across the room.

Sage was sitting on a stool cozied up to the bar, sipping on a cocktail. Of course, Wren was nowhere to be seen. I could feel my heart start to race as I scanned the lounge trying to spot her. "Ugh."

"What's up?"

"I don't see Wren, do you?"

His gaze traversed the crowded room, and he shook his head. "No. No, I don't. Maybe, she just went to the washroom?"

"Possibly. Still, I think I'll go check-in with Sage. She'll likely know where she disappeared off to."

"You're probably right, but just to be sure, I'll ask around. Who knows, maybe the Traveler has seen her."

"Thanks, man."

He pushed his drink across the counter, then got up and headed toward the entrance of the lounge where the Traveler was. I tossed some cash on the bar and shoved my way through the packed dance floor making my way up to the bar next to Sage. "So, you come here often?" I laughed, leaning against the bar.

She looked up like she was going to tell me off. "Ha-ha. It's a good thing I know you're not actually trying to pick me up. By the way, there's no way that line works on any girl worth being with."

"So, I notice you're sitting alone. You don't know where my girl has happened to wonder off to?"

"Oh, uh, we had a drink together, then she said she was going off to find you," she commented, looking uneasy.

There was something off in her response, a micro-expression that made me think and question her reaction. It was the same look my brother had given me hundreds of times whenever we played Calept. He would inevitably try and bluff his way into winning the game. His eyes would twitch, then he'd look away when he called out the titles in his collection. And I'd know—just like I did now. She was lying.

"Nope, haven't seen her since the two of you took off for some girl time," I answered tersely. "But you already knew that." I could feel my fingers start to tingle, and my temper flare up responding faster than it normally did.

"I haven't got a clue what you're talking about. Where could she possibly go? You've got the keys to the car. How could she possibly leave if the Traveler's haven't given us a pass yet?"

She was right, but I also knew she wasn't telling the truth. That's when I flamed up. Igniting my whole body in fire, burning off the effects from the Fire Bomb that was numbing my senses. I took a deep breath, then sucked the flames back in. Something in my gut told me Wren wasn't here. My mind started to race, and couldn't hold my anger back any longer. I was pissed. Without thinking, I reached out and grabbed her arm.

"Yeow!" she exclaimed, as my hot hand seared her skin. "Let go!" she screamed. Her eyes lit up, and the stones on her necklace began to glow.

"I'm only going to say this one last time..."

"Really? I'm going to break every freaking finger in your damn hand!" she spat, then started to make this low humming sound.

"Son of a..." I yelled when I felt the bones in my index finger crack. I chucked her arm back at her. "You broke my finger!"

"You're just lucky you let go when you did, or they'd all be broken."

I could feel the fiery call beneath my skin demanding retribution. It was taking everything in me to hold it in check. She wasn't just any healer. This girl clearly had rare upper-level abilities, which could leave me with more than and broken bone or two if I wasn't careful. "Where's Wren?" I asked, with as much politeness I could muster.

"Gone." I heard Robin say from behind me. When I turned around to face him, he was staring at Sage's blistered arm.

"What do you mean gone? How?"

"Funny, those are the same words I said to the Traveler. All he would say was that the rules that apply to us, are different for Weavers."

"Come on. We're leaving."

"Yeah, thought you'd say that," he said shoving his hands in his pockets. "Apparently, there's some rule about elemental drinks that no one thought to mention to us. Consume one, and the Travelers refuse to transport you until you're rid of the effects."

"That shouldn't be a problem. I just burnt the toxins in mine off."

"Yeah, I poisoned a plant to clear my head," he quietly confessed. "The problem is, your grounded according to your talent, not ability level," he paused. "Did you know those Fire Bomb's can affect people for up to a week?" He shook his head like he was still absorbing that information.

My thoughts started to spin out of control. A week? It took three years to find her. God knows where she would be if we were stuck here a week. And I only had eighteen days left. Argh, my father, was going to kill me. "Focus Robin, good news? Can you get to that, you know, if there is any?"

"The good news? They have a list of abilities that can rid themselves of elemental toxins. The bad? We're stuck here for at least another hour until they clear us." He was still staring at Sage's arm and hadn't even given glanced at me through our entire conversation.

"Speak for yourselves. I'm out of here." Sage got up, then walked over to Robin and said, "You just do whatever Batman here tells you to, don't you Robin?" She tipped her drink and dumped it down the front of his shirt and then crumpled the plastic cup against his chest. "Uh, thanks for coming to my rescue to defend me." She held up her arm showing off my burnt and blistered hand print. "No wait, I did that."

Then she stormed off in the direction of the Traveler, where I could see her tell him she wanted to leave. Robin looked as crushed as the cup lying on the floor. It took a moment, but when he snapped back to reality, he turned and chased after her. I watched him get within two feet of her just before she vanished.

He slowly made his way back to the bar. I had to admit she had spirit, even if I was mad as hell at her for letting Wren leave and breaking my finger. "Women," I muttered, as Robin took a seat on the stool next to me.

The next thing I knew I felt the hard impact of his fist against my arm. "Geez. What the? She already broke my finger," I barked, knowing full well I probably deserved it and more.

"Don't talk to me."

"Believe or not. I didn't do it on purpose. I forgot that after a toxin scorch, it takes longer for my skin to cool off. I didn't intentionally try and fry Sage's arm. After a normal temperature burn her arm would have been just fine," I explained. "Come on. It's not like she can't heal it."

"That's not the point, and you know it," he paused, making me feel the weight of his words. "Jax, I like Sage. I mean seriously like her. God, I'll be lucky if she ever talks to me again if she thinks I okay with what you just did. And I'm not, in case that thick head of yours has failed to register that. Besides, you didn't sound very remorseful when you had hold of her arm."

"Remorseful? The girl broke my finger! It wasn't like I had much of a chance to apologize."

He just stared at me, calling me out. He was like my brother, and in many ways knew me better than I think I knew myself.

I pulled some ice out of glass on the bar and held it against my finger. "You're right. I shouldn't have grabbed her. I think when it comes to Wren, my brain turns off, and I just react. I don't know why I just do. It doesn't help with my father demanding that I bring her home to finalize the commitment. Then there's Kellan constantly playing interference as well. Ugh, sorry. I promise I'll apologize to Sage next time I see her."

He nodded. "I know there's the commitment and your father insisting this match happens, but you love her, don't you?"

"Wren?" I sighed, "Yeah, I think I do."

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