☆Special Categories☆

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Once more with the rules, shall we?


These awards are all about the members of Dreamland. Both the person nominating a book and the author of the book being nominated, must be a member of Dreamland. Being a member means either being in one of the bookclubs or being a part of the Discord server. We will be checking. If you're not a member, don't despair, you're welcome to join.

The Special Categories will work a bit differently than the genre categories. First of all, there is no need to read for the judges to nominate in this particular section. Rather than the rubrics and judging and all of that joy, progression through these rounds will rely solely on the votes from you. In the first round you'll nominate works into the categories. We will then compile the list and in the next round you will be able to vote on them. The top five from each category will move onto the final round. One more set of votes later and we'll have our winners. In the event of a tie, there will be no tie breaker. Both works will win first place. Multiple ties however, will result in tie breakers and honorable mentions for all but the top two.

The nominated work must be in English.

The story must have 5 or more chapters.

You may enter more than one work per category.

You may notice there is no need to read for this section. This is not a mistake. This portion will not rely on judges going through with a rubric, but rather on the votes from you, yes you!

You may enter the same work into multiple categories.

You may enter your own work.

The Categories
And a huge thank you to MiyaHikari because, full disclosure, some of these categories came from her.

Please enter your nomination tag as an inline next to the category you are entering it for.
Also, nominations for the main categories closes on the 15th and reading must be done by the 20th for the nomination to count. So get those in now!

Best Title------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Best Cover------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Best First Line------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

Best Main Character --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Best Couple-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Best Antagonist---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Best Lore and Worldbuilding --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Best Descriptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------>

Best Plot Twist ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Best Action Sequence ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

Best Romance Scene -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->

The Form

Book Title:
Author Name(s):
Character Name (if applicable):
Chapter for Scenes (if applicable):
Are they a Dreamland Member?
Are You a Dreamland Member?
Cover Designer: You must have this filled in for best cover or it will not count. Your designer deserves recognition.

Have any questions? Ask them here please!

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