so the other night....

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  My mother once told me, a long time ago, to write about my dreams, because they were just so weird.  Too weird mostly.  But they have always been a part of me.  When they are gone, I feel lonely.  Like my creative mind has left the building.  So, I will share some of my less terrifying ones with you. 

   We, my mother and I and two other people we will call Joe and Jeremy, were on a road trip.  I cannot tell you from where or to where but that we were in the desert, and came upon a house, along side the road, right up against a very tall rock wall.  It had a creepy vibe to it, as most places in my dreams do, and I had a very strong sense that something horrible was about to happen. 
  I walked into this house, nothing of any notable size or appearance, just a house with a garage and driveway.  We were met by a family with an older father, mother, and two children.  Teenagers, one boy, one girl.  Now in this dream, I recognized this family, so there wasn't any sense of danger, just foreboding.
  My dreams aren't always good at staying with a timeline, so lets skip ahead to one of the weirder parts.  The father of this family offered me some gum.  I don't know why, its a dream.  I took said gum and chewed it for some time before it started to feel like my teeth were breaking into the stuff.  I remember feeling my teeth with my tongue, praying it wasn't real and understanding that my actual teeth weren't breaking, that it was just the dream.  First time in this dream I realize I'm dreaming.   I said something to the father, about there feeling like my teeth were in the gum and he responded with "Yeah, the gum is actually creating the teeth while you chew it."   I tried several times, over the course of time that felt like forever, to spit it out but I couldn't.  I could feel shards of teeth, crumbles of teeth, whole teeth, and on top of it, could feel my own teeth falling into the gum.  Even though I know because my conscious mind was like "hold up, we gotta check on this" and actually examined my teeth and found them to be whole and not falling out, the sensation was still there... And continued even after I woke.  I couldn't get the gum out of my mouth and eventually the dream moved past it.  The next part is hard to describe.  I was met with a woman, still in this house- which was now more like the inside walls of something out of silent hill verses an actual home- who was badly burned.  But her burns weren't normal.  Her skin had, kind of, scaled, and turned transparent red.  Each scale was trying to peel, leaving her to look like she had hundreds to red, translucent, almost cellophane looking, little patches just barely hanging onto her skin.  She didn't seem to be in any pain, but my mind was completly enthralled with the appearance, leaving my skin to crawl and the image forever burned into my brain.  It covered most of her upper shoulders and back and I am getting the heebys just talking about it. 
  Somewhere along the way, either it be because I saw a burned victim and my brain was like, well that looks like fun, or I missed a piece, I was burned in my upper stomach, just under my right breast.  I was in the washroom... See, I say washroom... I mean there was a strange contraption that looked more like a Tupperware box that a washer and a sink, and it was closed off... And took my shirt off to examine myself.  When I lifted my breast to get a better look, my skin cracked and the white button down shirt I was wearing was prayed with a lightly pink tinted fluid.  It didn't hurt.  I was more grossed out by it than anything and put my shirt in this washer and let it soak. 
  After some more time passed we are now outside and climbing up this rock wall.  I use the term climb loosely because I'm pretty sure there were carved in steps.  There was a cave in there filled with some of the worst thing imaginable.  Animatronic everything.  Out of everything my mind was trying to trip me out with in this dream, anyone who knows me, knows that's a deal breaker for me. Also, the second time in the dream I am aware I'm dreaming and take control.  I did cry, because when I have panic attacks I tend to cry, but I steered the dream away from this cave. Some things I just don't wanna see.  Being in a cave, no less, with things like that is more than I care to deal with.  Now give me toothy gum, weird scaley burned ladies, and weeping burns on my own body, I'm good.  My mind just knows its dreaming and deals.  But puppets and stuff of that nature, I'm a nope.  Lol
  I woke shortly after that.  I beleive I pulled myself out because of the panic attack, but that's all I remember. 💗

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