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Bicanca's pov.....

It is obvious that something memorable happens in your high school time..... And it happened with me ....

Let's begin...

So I wasn't the hottest girl in my school but my friends were......

Whenever we used to cross our corredor everyone was like 'hey it's time for the girls to come'....

Actually it makes you happy when someone is liking you so much....

But I dont thing it's me.... Because it was for my friends......

My friends we're Jacie and kacie who we're hott.....

But the most hottest girl was Maddison as she was a mean girl and had a right handed girl who would always be back of her and screaming "Madison Madison Madison Madison Madis....... "

So I used to call her medicine because I think thats better than her real name....

So she came up and she told us that Oh.. I mean not us but to "Jacie and Kacie" and that there is a party in her house and they we're invited

I was a silent for a moment and when I was going to speak, she just told that she didn't have any more invition card left so I am not invited but what are are friends for.... So Kacie just tore half of their card and gave me ......

Medicine went away.....

That was an awful day........




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