Chapter 03 - Mr. Santa

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As dusk settled in and the last rays of sunlight kissed the snowy-covered ground, a massive magical circle illuminated the surroundings with a radiant green glow. The Duke stood in the middle of the circle with dozens of snowflakes suspended in the air, adding an aura of grandness, heightening the moment he turned to face Elizabeth and even making her heart race momentarily.

"Is it time, Elizabeth?" the Duke asked.

"Time...oh, yes!" Elizabeth yelled, nervously toying with her hair.

"Come, stand beside me," the Duke invited, extending a hand.

Elizabeth walked up to him, her eyes drawn to the intricate spell he was constructing. Describing its complexity as merely complex would be an understatement—it held the promise of far-reaching effects, poised to simultaneously alter numerous features across the entire castle.

"How long have you been casting?" Elizabeth asked.

"Um...not that long...the spell isn't as complex as it seems—around 30 minutes or so...I believe..."

"Why are you..."

Elizabeth's face flushed red as she realized the reason behind the Duke's disjointed words. She fell silent, attempting to push away the memory of what he had witnessed as the Duke completed the final marks on the magic circle.

"Elizabeth...let's make this a night to remember," the Duke declared.

The Duke turned to her, touching his black mask, which slowly shifted to silver, while his usual dark attire transformed from black to a festive red to match hers. A flowing crimson cape billowed in the wind upon his completion of the transformation, and although concealed from each other behind their masks, they shared a smile.

"Let Christmas begin!" the Duke shouted as he lifted his hand.

The massive magical circle rose, and the suspended snowflakes expanded, some transforming into vibrant shades of red and green. They soared toward the castle, and despite the night's embrace, the air shimmered with light.

Elizabeth was captivated by the spectacle, watching as the once-dark castle blossomed with vibrant hues. Before she knew it, the Duke had taken her hand. No words were needed—they sprinted together, racing through the castle doors where a crowd of excited children eagerly awaited their arrival, erupting in cheers at the sight of them.

Her eyes darted around. The hallway now brimming with lush greenery, statues wore red and white hats, mirroring everyone's attire, and the air was aglow with red and green lights, accompanied by unbridled joy from the children.

"Alright, boys and girls, let's warmly welcome Mr. and Mrs. Santa!" Lilith announced, approaching the Duke in a green suit.

"Welcome to our home!" the children all yelled in unison.

"Celestia's wish?" the Duke whispered.

"Yep! So, act lovey-dovey, or I will hurt you..." Lilith whispered back.

The Duke took a deep breath, taking a step forward, and as he hadn't released her hand, and she hadn't let go of his, Elizabeth stepped alongside him, and they both began waving at the awestruck children.

"Hello, boys and girls," the Duke greeted, his voice tender and low. "My, my, it seems like there are more of you every year! I hope you've all been well-behaved. Cleaned your rooms? Kept your toys in good shape? Been kind to everyone? Didn't run in the hallways barefoot..."

Elizabeth knew the last line was aimed directly at Celestia, who attempted to hide behind a taller boy, causing Elizabeth to chuckle. Her laughter was quickly silenced when all the children turned their attention toward her.

"Stop panicking, woman!" Lilith whispered. "Your Mr. Santa's wife, jolly, happy, nice to all kids—"

"Honey," Elizabeth said, her voice higher pitched, "let's not frighten the children with the thought of not receiving presents. After all your effort to ensure they get the right ones. They must have all tried so hard to"

The Duke's gaze was on Elizabeth. She sensed the weight of his gaze behind his mask from the word she had used—and she knew it had frozen the Duke—Lilith sighed, pinching the Duke and snapping him back to life.

"Yes, absolutely, my dear! Now, where should I start? Who should be first this year?" the Duke asked.

Raising his hand, the Duke conjured a massive red bag in the sky. Each child approached Mr. Santa, and one by one, before they could say their wish, a gift gently descended from the bag, landing in their arms.

From toy swords and books to dresses and dolls, each child walked away even more thrilled than when they had approached. Elizabeth struggled to contain her tears, moved by the overwhelming joy of the children.

"And are you pleased with your gift, little one?" the Duke asked, addressing Celestia.

They both expected a nod and smile, but Celestia shook her head.

"My...but wasn't meeting Mrs. Santa your wish?"

"And see her kiss you!" Celestia yelled.

"A kiss!" the Duke's voice faltered momentarily but recovered into Mr. Santa's demeanor. "What a grown-up wish...may I ask why?"

"Because no one believes me that Mr. Santa has a wife, and a kiss will prove it. Right! That'll show I'm right! Kiss! Kiss!"

As if rehearsed, they all began chanting for them to kiss. The Duke subtly tapped Elizabeth's mask, narrowing it to cover only her eyes while resizing his own to cover his eyes.

"What are you doing?" Elizabeth whispered. "You're not really..."

"Illusion magic...won't work on Celestia," the Duke said, realizing his trick wouldn't fool her. "Well, any good idea?"


Elizabeth pulled the Duke closer, not giving the anticipated kiss on the lips the crowd seemed to expect. Instead, she left a striking red lipstick mark on his cheek. Elizabeth swiftly withdrew, and the Duke adjusted their masks back, concealing their blushing faces.

"I hope that will do..." Elizabeth asked, patting Celestia's head.

"For now..." Celestia said, pulling Elizabeth down to her level to whisper, "next time, you need to kiss him on the lips to win his heart before Papa wins yours, Elizabeth."

Celestia grinned, ran back to the other children, and began to brag that she was right, leaving Elizabeth shocked.  

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