Chapter 12

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Words in brackets are (thoughts)
Words in flower bracket is {information}

Nayab's room:-

Nayab{to herself} : I can't be hallucinating two times. I'll not sleep tonight and observe what's going on in this palace. But what if I feel sleepy? No worries when you have Netflix.

She login into her Netflix account likewise begin to watch "The Cursed" series. At exact 3am she hear a sound of something falling in the corridor hence she walk out of her room along with start to inspect around in the corridor.

Nayab : Hello? Is anyone there?

The lights in the corridor were dim, she spot something beside a table. As she was about to approach near it someone place a hand on her shoulder.

Nayab : Ahhhhhhh!!!

Zia : Shhh!!! Why are you shouting?

Nayab : You scared me.

Zia{annoyed} : I scared you? I scared you? You scared me.

Nayab : Good for you.

Zia : What are you doing here?

Nayab{sarcastic} : Enjoying the silence, I heard something so I came to check it.

Zia : You shouldn't walk alone it can be harmful.

Nayab{suspicious} : (Similar words from that chit, can he write those chits to me?) By the way what are you doing here that too at this time?

Zia : I needed some important documents from the study.

Nayab : You could have asked Amjad uncle to fetch it.

Zia : They are confidential documents. {Suddenly the lights turn off}

Nayab{afraid} : Ahh!!! What happened? Why did the lights off?

Zia : Stop shouting, you'll wake everyone. Don't worry they'll switch on the generator in a few moments. {They hear someone running behind them}

Nayab{spooked} : What was that?{she hold Zia's arm tightly}

Zia : If you squeeze my arm a bit more it can stop my blood circulation.

Nayab : Sorry, I did it because I'm frightened. But why is there blackout in a palace, isn't it impossible?

Zia : Haha, are you serious?

Nayab : Whatever, what was it which went behind us?

Zia : If you'll let go of my hand I'll have a look.

Nayab{holding him even more tighter} : No...don't leave me, I'm afraid.

Zia : I can see you're scared. Okay, I'll not leave you, let's see together.

Nayab : Promise?

Zia : Promise.

Both of them walk to the noise which was coming from behind the pillar. As soon as they reach the pillar the lights come back furthermore they find a small boy there.

Boy{laughing} : Hahahahah. {They bring that boy to Nayab's room}

Zia : What's your name?

Boy : Sheri.

Zia : Well, what's your surname?

Sheri{playing with his fingers} : I do not know.

Nayab{sweetly} : How did you get here?

Sheri : On foot.

Zia : If you ask such questions you'll get such answer.

Nayab : Is it? Then you try it.

Zia : Very well, Sheri do you have mom and dad?

Sheri : Children cannot exist without mom and dad.

Nayab : Hah! Awesome answer Sheri, I like you. {she ask Sheri to hi-five and he do it}He even know how to hi-five, aww how cute.

Zia : Sheri, what are you doing at this hour in the palace?

Sheri : I'm having fun.

Nayab : There is no playground here, besides it's too late for you to be on street.

Sheri : We're not on the street. {Out of the blue Sheri begin crying}

Zia : Calm down my boy, calm down.

Nayab : Maybe he is hungry.

Zia : Okay then let's make Pizza for our Sheri.

Sheri : Pizza yaayyyyy.

All three of them head towards the kitchen, Zia make Sheri sit on the kitchen counter together with begin to prepare pizza with the help of Nayab. A delicious cheese pizza is taken out of the oven by Zia as well as cut into pieces.

Zia : You eat with him, I'll enquire from the watchman if he has seen his parents.

Nayab : Alright. {Back in Nayab's room}

Watchman : I'm extremely sorry Sir, I had to bring him with me today as no one was at home to look after him.

Zia : No problem, we were just worried.

Nayab{curious} : Where is his mother?

Watchman{sadly} : She expired six months ago?

Zia : My condolences.

Watchman : Usually his grandmother guard him but as she was unwell I brought him with me.

Zia : Can I do anything to help?

Watchman : May Allah reward you with everything, Her Highness already helped me a lot.

Zia : What's his age?

Watchman : 4.5 years Sir.

Nayab : Does he know that...

Watchman : Maybe, he call out for his mother at night. It becomes hard to make him understand it.

Zia : I can understand that feeling.

Watchman : I'll take him with me, sorry he bothered you.

Nayab : No he didn't, can he stay with me for the night?

Watchman : Sure Ma'am.

Zia/Nayab play with Sheri, watch cartoons including to that they also ate Nayab's 3am snacks. Atlast they decide to watch tv, Zia put a discovery channel where a lion was hunting deers.

Nayab{irritated} : Very good choice,{to Sheri} baby don't look at it.

Sheri : Lions also need to eat, right?

Zia : Well done, my boy. Look stronger creatures always eat the underdogs.

Nayab : Give me the remote, give me.{angry} Listen yourself, what you're talking infront of a child. Imagine one day the teacher complains you that your son has bitten his friend, what will you answer her?

Zia : I'll ask my son why did he bite his friend?

Sheri : Why did he?

Zia : I'm sure his friend attacked him first.

Nayab : So according to you if someone hit you, you hit them back? Bravo{she claps}

Zia : What do you mean? My son should turn his other cheek forward to get hit?

Nayab : Nope, teach him to complain to the teacher.

Zia : Do you want your son to be a complain box, Nayab?

Nayab : I want my son to follow the rules Mr Zia.

Sheri : I think we should switch off the tv, looking at both of you is more fun.{Zia/Nayab giggle} However my teacher told me whenever we argue we have to kiss and resolve it. {Now both watch Sheri in horror}

Nayab{nervous} : Although that rule is for children.

Sheri : You are also someone's children.

Nayab :

Zia : Well...okay if you say so.

Nayab{whisper to Zia} : I'll kill you.{to Sheri} Sheri I think Mr Zia doesn't want to.

Zia{teasingly} : Maybe I want to.

Nayab{gritting her teeth} : Don't you dare.

Zia take steps in Nayab's direction, he enter into her personal space causing her to shut her eyes in addition to that his closeness increases her heartbeat. Zia smile inwardly staring at her, he forward her lips towards her and place a feathery kiss on her forehead. Nayab open her eyes as she was shocked, she glance at Zia who had a tiny smile on his face.

Sheri : I'm feeling sleepy.

Nayab : Ye..Yeah...Let's go to sleep.

With Sheri in the middle Nayab/Zia sleep at sides, they fall in deep slumber as soon as they lay on bed with their palms on Sheri together.


Next Morning:-

Nayab wake up in the morning moreover wonder where is Zia when she find the other side of the bed empty. She freshen up herself and while brushing her hair her eyes fall on a note placed on the side table. She without waking up Sheri pick it up and read.

Note - "I have a meeting so I had to leave, I ordered Soha not to wake you up as you slept late at night. It was nice to know about you wifey."

A small smile appear on Nayab's lips without her knowing.


How was a chapter without any mystery?

Is Nayab falling for Zia?

Is Zia trustworthy?

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